[flexcoders] Re: Google AdSense

2005-10-26 Thread dunwerkin

Subject: Re: Google AdSenseThanks Jester,Do you or anyone else have any recommendations on how
this can occur in a Text component; i.e.adSense.htmlText = something and then have the_javascript_ that's required for AdSense included in thepage.Or am I mis-understanding what's possible here?
Although there seems to be a small culture out therethat doesn't like Full Flash sites; my clients loveit.-r

As JesterXL said, the TextArea will only display HTML and not
_javascript_. I'm sure you could find a way to embed the _javascript_
in the surrounding HTML page and then find a way to link to it using
the _javascript_/Flash Integrating kit on OSFlash.org, or use an IFrame
as suggested.

However, I'll speculate that this is not worth your effort to try in
AdSense's current state. The ads are selected based on page
content, and if Google can't figure out the content, a PublicService
Announcement is dispalyed for which you get NO MONEY. While
Google can index SWF's (try searching with filetype:swf), I think it's
only indexing static content, and hopefully will index the MetaData
that you can put into Version 8 swfs. But if your site is in
Flex, I'm assuming it's fully dynamic content (or you've wasted an
expensive server licence!), and Google won't know the content.
Maybe someone can prove me wrong

If you're determined to get ads into your flex container, I think a
better approachh is to try to make contact directly with Google (maybe
through their forums) to get them to develop an API that doesn't rely
on _javascript_, and maybe where you can feed in keywords. Yahoo
has an ad revenue sharing program too, and they seem to be a Flash
friendly company, so you might try them as well. There's a blog
by a Yahoo person (Justin Church I think?) who posted a while back
about Yahoo opening up crossdomain files, etc specifically to help

If you make any progress on getting access to an API, please let the
list know. I'm sure there would be interest and help available in
developing a standard Flex component once the backend side is available.


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[flexcoders] Re: Using browsers to access mxml files

2005-05-10 Thread dunwerkin
I use Firefox almost exclusively and do not have problems with
accessing the stuff I do in Flex.

If Internet Explorer (on the same machine as yur Firefox install) can
access your Flex app and correctly display the SWF generated from the
MXML file, your *server* setup should be correct. Thus, your problem
is almost certain to be a configuration setting at the browser end. 
(There's a few intermediate possibilities like a firewall filtering on
User-Agent type, etc,  but the technical challenge to set these up is
probably beyond what you'd normally encounter, so ignore for now).

A common problem that I've seen with Firefox is that it's *too easy*
to install Extensions, with Flash-blockers and pop-up-blockers
being common.  These might result in the blank screen you emailed
about earlier.  It shouldn't be a problem if you downloaded firefox
from the official www.getfiorefox.com site, but I know of at least one
site which redistributes a modified version of Firefox with a Flash
blocker preinstalled.  In Firefox, go to Tools  Extensions and
Uninstall anything that might be the culprit. Alternatively, uninstall
Firefox and try again :)

If this doesn't fix your problem, you'll need to provide much more
detailed information to the list to get a reasonable response. 
Otherwise we're just guessing.

Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 23:15:57 EDT
 Subject: Using browsers to access mxml files
 Any reason why a browser would have problerms accessing an mxml file I use
 firefox and have had problems for some odd reason for the past few days. I can
 use Internet Explorer fine but I have heard bad things about Internet Explorer
 and have heard a lot of great things about Firefox as far as security.

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[flexcoders] Re: More Competition

2005-05-05 Thread dunwerkin

I haven't used the SnappMX product, but I imagine that you can use one
of the OpenSource implementations of the AMF gateway:   AMFPHP (php),
OpenAMF (Java), and I seem to recall seeing a .net version too once.
There's a python alpha, and the format is somewhat documented by these
OSS efforts, so you could rewrite in the language of your choice :) 
The quote you reference is probably just out of context.

My reason to not look at SnappMX (or Lazlo for that matter) is that
every XML based implementation for a UI seems to be creating its own
very different dialect. Not very good if you want to repurpose UI
later.  If someone wrote a SWF generator that used either XUL
(Mozilla's dialect) or MXML, I'd be much happier.  At least the
XAMALON effort is using the M$ dialect, which will have a high uptake.


 Message: 1
Date: Wed, 4 May 2005 16:39:00 -0500
From: Andy Goodfellow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: More Competition
 I went to download the trial and saw this at the bottom: Snapp MX
 uses a Flash Remoting Gateway to communicate with web services.  If
 you do not have this product, a trial version can be obtained from
 So much for this quote from the press release, For the first time,
 developers can learn and use one tool to create web-based business
 systems for all common environments. With Snapp MX, they are no longer
 tethered or restricted to a specific language and/or platform. 
 On 5/4/05, sreejithunni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Rich Internet Application Development Propelled Into High Gear ...
   ... After extensive testing over two months on Macromedia's Flex(TM),
   Laszlo Systems' OpenLaszlo(TM) and Snapp MX, it ultimately selected
   Snapp MX. ...

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Re: [flexcoders] Digest Number 679

2005-03-31 Thread dunwerkin

 Subject: Re: Flex 1.5 price
 Matt Horn wrote:
  An old dutch saying : Prices can only go down...  Laszo/BackBase
  Was this before or after the tulip craze? :)
 You can make a joke off this but i think that raising the price for your
 licenses more than 100% is not the smartest thing to do!  It can be
 actually cheaper for the 4 CPU License with Gold Support but i am
 loosing a customer here ;-((

I certainly recognize that Flex is mainly targetted at the
enterprise.  However, Flex-style UI creation would have the
potential for a much larger following if a reasonably priced option
was available for one-off type work by independant developers or small
businesses.  There's a huge gap between a NCL and someone that has a
4-way server!  Think of the same needs being met by someone buying the
Standard cversion of CF, not everyone needs the feature set of

I'd still like to see a *standalone compiler version* as opposed to
the server version.  Call it Flex-lite if you will, and price it
competitively with other standalone compiler technologies.


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Re: Integrating with Python

2005-03-03 Thread dunwerkin
Thanks Manish. Running it as an HTTPService or as a CGI would seem to
be the easiest, and I'll give it a try. I had been thinking in terms
of RemoteObject and hence my uncertainty on how to proceed, but
HTTPService sure looks easier to implement from what I'm starting

 From: Manish Jethani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Integrating with Python
 dunwerkin wrote:
  Can anyone point me towards an example integrating Flex with Python? I
  have existing Python classes, etc that I hope to reuse so that I can
  feed in a data structure coming from a Flex front end and get back a
  new data structure to send to Flex for visualization. I'm not sure if
  I need to dive into learning how Jython works, or if there is a
  simpler way I'm missing. If the Jython route is recommended, any
  links would be great.
 You could set up your Python modules as services:
 1. Web service on Tomcat?
 2. Simple CGI script that returns data in XML format. This can be
 accessed from Flex using HTTPService.
 You could also try wrapping your Python module into Java using Jython,
 and then access it using RemoteObject from Flex. I'd go for the service
 way (HTTPService to keep it simple).
 Flex can also send data to your Python module via the CGI script in XML
 format (using HTTP POST?) or as URL parameters (HTTP GET).

Integrating with Python

2005-03-02 Thread dunwerkin
Can anyone point me towards an example integrating Flex with Python? I
have existing Python classes, etc that I hope to reuse so that I can
feed in a data structure coming from a Flex front end and get back a
new data structure to send to Flex for visualization. I'm not sure if
I need to dive into learning how Jython works, or if there is a
simpler way I'm missing. If the Jython route is recommended, any
links would be great.

If it matters, my development version of Flex is currently running on
JRun integrated, but I'm considering switching it to Tomcat. The
server runs Apache 2, with PHP 4.3, and Python2.4 works fine for CGI

DW Builder

2005-02-12 Thread dunwerkin
I was a actually a little disappointed to see that there wasn't at
least an *option* to better separate the usage of the two products. I
use DW for most things, and dabble in FB when I have time to play with
Flex. Since they seem to maintain a common set of site definition
files, and were intially fighting over file associations, it was
rather frustrating. Particularly since FB seems slow relative to DW.

My ideal setup would be: Blend the FB features into DW as simply
another server model.

Second choice: Give me the option to define sites in FB that are for
my Flex directory only, and not show me other unrelated sites defined
in DW (and vice-versa), but allow for transfer of the site
configuration back and forth for cases where there is a mix of MXML
with something else.

But before both of these changes, I'd rather see *true* integration
with source control systems like CVS and SVN, and not the current
check-in/out method. All MACR products :)


 From: John C. Bland II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: DW  Builder
 You guys who use DW (Dreamweaver) for development and now Builder (Flex
 Builder) for Flex:
 Can you use both of them at the same time? I can't seem to get it
 Have you dumped DW to use only Builder or do you use DW for Flex dev
 Just curious...