[flexcoders] Re: Flex Config File DTDs or Schemas

2007-04-12 Thread neilac3333
Well, that's the thing.  I would love to provide an error message for
you.  And I had been getting quite a few error messages pertaining to
not having this config file or that one until I finally had 6 config
files in my build.  

Then, I got no errors at deployment.  I was relieved, but then when I
navigated to the SWF file, I got a servlet exception telling me that
the deployment failed because of previous errors.  Of course, as I
said, there were no "previous errors" to speak of.  Nothing in the
stack trace.  Nothing in the logs.  Nothing.

I can certainly dig some more and try to find something for us to go
on.  But in the meantime, where are these "docs" describing all the
elements of those config files?


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Dimitrios Gianninas"
> I dont think adove provides the DTD or schemas for those...however
the sample one have all the basics. Also every parameter is explained
in the docs, but before that, what is the config error you are getting?
> Dimitrios Gianninas
> Developer
> Optimal Payments Inc.
On Behalf Of neilac
> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 1:14 PM
> Subject: [flexcoders] Flex Config File DTDs or Schemas
> I am writing a basic application to test Flex integration with Java
> objects, and after solving a bunch of deployment errors, I am happy to
> say I am finding no errors on deployment anymore. The application,
> however, still doesn't work because of what must be some undescribed
> configuration error.
> I have been unable to find any DTDs or schemas that pertain to any of
> the following files:
> flex-config.xml
> data-management-config.xml
> flex-webtier-config.xml
> remoting-config.xml
> services-config.xml
> mxml-manifest.xml
> Putting aside my disappointment that I need all these files for a
> Flex-Java application that couldn't get any simpler, I would appreciate
> any insight into these files.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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[flexcoders] Flex Config File DTDs or Schemas

2007-04-10 Thread neilac3333
I am writing a basic application to test Flex integration with Java
objects, and after solving a bunch of deployment errors, I am happy to
say I am finding no errors on deployment anymore.  The application,
however, still doesn't work because of what must be some undescribed
configuration error.

I have been unable to find any DTDs or schemas that pertain to any of
the following files:


Putting aside my disappointment that I need all these files for a
Flex-Java application that couldn't get any simpler, I would appreciate
any insight into these files.


[flexcoders] Re: MXML Schema

2007-04-09 Thread neilac3333
Here is the error:

Only one attribute 'labelField' is allowed within the attribute
'mx:_A_mx.controls.List' group

This makes sense since the following declaration

...also contains a labelField element.

When I remove the extraneous labelField, I get this:

Only one attribute 'includeInLayout' is allowed within the attribute
'mx:_A_mx.containers.HBox' group

Please let me know if I can provide further information.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tom Chiverton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Tuesday 03 Apr 2007, neilac wrote:
> > However, according to XMLSpy, this schema is not well-formed and
> > therefore not valid. Can you please point me to where Adobe has posted
> > the correct schema?
> Hi, I maintain that schema :-)
> What does XMLSpy complain about ? I and others use the schema daily
> Eclipse's WebTools project without any issues at all, but if there is 
> something up with it that I can fix I'll look at it.
> -- 
> Tom Chiverton
> Helping to collaboratively generate sticky platforms
> on: http://thefalken.livejournal.com
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> For more information about Halliwells LLP visit www.halliwells.com.

[flexcoders] Flex on the Front but Spring or Seam on the Back?

2007-04-05 Thread neilac3333
There is some major momentum here at my client site about Adobe Flex
as a view technology. As I have gotten to know technologies like Seam
and Spring, it seems to me that if I were to jump on the Flex
bandwagon, I would like to do all the heavy lifting in one of those
and simply let the managed Java components communicate with
ActionScript through the "bridge."

Is integration with Seam even feasible, or is Spring my best bet here?
 What are your experiences with using both?  What are the
advantages/disadvantages of each in your experience?

Thanks very much.

[flexcoders] Re: MXML Schema

2007-04-03 Thread neilac3333
Thanks for letting me know, Gordon.  I can certainly understand how
complex such a schema would be, but then how does a tool, FlexBuilder
or anything else, know that an MXML file is valid at design time?  Or
must I wait until runtime to find errors?

Or simply write the UI in ActionScript?


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Gordon Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We no longer provide a schema for MXML. The language was designed to be
> easily written by a human and isn't well-suited to being described in a
> schema -- it's too loosy-goosy in terms of what can nest inside what,
> whether you write a property as an attribute or child tag, etc.The
> schema we offered for Flex 1.5 was so large it didn't perform well and
> it was pretty much unmaintainable and inextensible so with Flex 2.0 we
> stopped providing one.
> - Gordon
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of neilac
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 9:38 AM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [flexcoders] MXML Schema
> I am new to Flex and looking for the XML Schema document that defines
> the structure of an MXML document. I have found a schema at the
> following URL:
> http://falkensweb.com/mxml2.xsd <http://falkensweb.com/mxml2.xsd> 
> However, according to XMLSpy, this schema is not well-formed and
> therefore not valid. Can you please point me to where Adobe has posted
> the correct schema?
> Thanks very much.

[flexcoders] MXML Schema

2007-04-03 Thread neilac3333
I am new to Flex and looking for the XML Schema document that defines
the structure of an MXML document. I have found a schema at the
following URL:


However, according to XMLSpy, this schema is not well-formed and
therefore not valid. Can you please point me to where Adobe has posted
the correct schema?

Thanks very much.