[flexcoders] Re: remove border in a list ---make the border of the list invisible

2010-07-12 Thread sminrana

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Nini7016 Nini7016 nahloulaha...@... wrote:

 I wouldn't like to display the border of a list
 mx:List id=listFileUpload  rowCount=1 height=45 x=10 y=72 
 width=289 visible=false editable=false/
 What attribut can i add it to do this (remove the border )
 Thank you 

[flexcoders] Re: remove border in a list ---make the border of the list invisible

2010-07-12 Thread sminrana
borderAlpha = 0

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Nini7016 Nini7016 nahloulaha...@... wrote:

 I wouldn't like to display the border of a list
 mx:List id=listFileUpload  rowCount=1 height=45 x=10 y=72 
 width=289 visible=false editable=false/
 What attribut can i add it to do this (remove the border )
 Thank you 

[flexcoders] Re: Problems With my XML Created Array Collection

2010-04-20 Thread sminrana

return the xml as a string from PHP file and cast that return string 
in flex like this var xml:XML = XML(data.result);
then do whatever it needs like XMLList and XMLListCollection;

then is the resultEvent you can check like this

if (data.result != )
xml:XML = XML(data.result);

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, James garymoorcroft_...@... wrote:

 In my app I have an array collection which populates a tilelist. This array 
 collection is populated by a remote xml file via a http request. Problem is 
 if the xml only has 1 or no nodes I get a null object reference error. I know 
 this is a known problem but I've never been able to find a valid solution for 
 it which could be applied to my code. I've heard of looping through the xml 
 to create an array collection or using xmllist collection but I don't know 
 how these can be done whilst still allowing the data to be displayed in the 
 tilelist. Can anyone help me out please?
 The code for my httpservice, array collcection I'm trying to make and the 
 result of the http service and the tilelist it populates is shown below. As I 
 say this all works fine as long as the xml has more than 1 node but causes 
 the error if it doesn't:-
 mx:HTTPService id=LinksService result=linksResultHandler(event) 
 resultFormat=object method=POST 
   import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
   import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
   [Bindable] private var LinksFullAC:ArrayCollection;
   private function linksResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
 as ArrayCollection;
 mx:TileList id=linkChoice  dataProvider={LinksFullAC} height=365 
 Here's my xml structure:-
 Obviously I need the array collection to be populated by id, label and icon.
 Thanks for any suggestions.

[flexcoders] Re: What is the best Way - Multiple DataProvider's or one?

2010-04-20 Thread sminrana
Can you show your code?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt tr...@... wrote:

 As usual, it depends.  If your data is small enough and static enough, get
 it all at once and avoid the inherent latency of remote data retrieval
 But rarely is data retrieval or processing the performance bottleneck.  Most
 often it is screen rendering, and TileList can be a hog, depending on how
 you have implemented it. (How many and how complex are the tiles?)
 Use getTimer() to benchmark the various steps to verify where your
 bottleneck actually is.
 Regardless, consider disabling the TileList while it is rendering.  I am not
 sure what the best event to use to indicate rendering complete will be.
 Knowing when a screen is fully rendered is not a simple thin, but I do not
 think you have to get the very latest event, just late enough to prevent
 clicking on stale data.
 Tracy Spratt,
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On
 Behalf Of James
 Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 7:37 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] What is the best Way - Multiple DataProvider's or one?
 In my app I have a tilelist with an array collection as it's dp which is
 populated via remote xml from a mysql database. When a user clicks a certain
 category button in my app it sends a request to the server to tell it which
 category items the user wants to see which in turn changes the array
 collection that populates the tilelist so it shows items within that
 category. The thing is though this seems to be a bit unreliable as it means
 the user has to wait for a while for the dataprovider to change so sometimes
 they click to the next category and the items from the previous category are
 still shown in the tilelist.
 Is it better practice to have multiple dataproviders initialsed at startup
 which the user can switch between as they click each category rather than
 modifying the same dataprovider? Basically I'm just wondering what way would
 you guys do it? I thought using just one dataprovider would slim down the
 code and make the app faster and more reliable but now I'm not sure.

[flexcoders] Re: Draw three rectangles inside a canvas -----URGENT PLEASE

2010-04-20 Thread sminrana
If you dont have any options except Canvas and Panel (you can do it easily with 
Group spark component) then you can 
override createChildren() method in Canvas or Panel and as many rect you need 
with adding a new sprite in createChildren and update graphics it in 


private var rect:Sprite;
override public function createChildren():void
 rect = new Sprite();

then you need to update the display list

override public function updateDisplayList():void
rect.graphics.drawRect(your values);



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Chet Haase cha...@... wrote:

 I can't tell what you're trying to do, but this code works:
 s:Panel width=400 height=300
 s:Rect width=100 height=100
 s:SolidColor color=red/
 s:Rect x=200 width=100 height=100
 s:SolidColor color=blue/
 I can't tell if you are trying to use a Canvas or a Panel, since you mention 
 both. Note that Canvas does not spark equivalent, and you can't add Rect 
 objects directly to a halo container. But toss a Group in there and you can 
 add anything to the group.
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On 
 Behalf Of Nini7016 Nini7016
 Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 4:19 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Draw three rectangles inside a canvas -URGENT PLEASE
 I have a canvas and I would like to add  within this canvas three rectangles 
 superimposed and just between two rectangles there will be space.
 I used the panel and I put in rectangles but this was not the case.
 you have any ideas please
 Any help
 do you think i must use any other component flex apart Panel ??
 Thank you very much
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[flexcoders] Re: TitleWindow.title won't update from a setter

2010-04-20 Thread sminrana

If i understood when you close the popup it destroy all it's properties, that's 
why its not happening as you wanted.

i dont think in this case you can't do with setter.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Nick Middleweek n...@... wrote:

 I've got a small MXML Component based on TitleWindow which I'm opening with
 PopupManager that has a setter and getter called iFormID.
 In the setter I have this code...
 public function set iFormID ( value : String ) : void
 if ( _iFormID == value )
 _iFormID = value;
 if(iFormID.length  0)
 this.title = Create Vendor;
 this.title = Create Vendor by iForm;
 I am find that the title remains blank, but then if I close the PopUp and
 open it again, the last value the .title should have been is now visible...
 Is there some a refresh issue with TitleWindow.title?
 If I set the .title outside of the component, after I've used PopupManager,
 then it's set as expected but I want to control the .title from the setter
 Does anyone have an idea what I should be doing?
 I've also tried setting a dirty_flag, calling invalidateProperties() and
 setting the .title from within commitProperties() but no joy there either...
 Thanks for any help...

[flexcoders] Re: Swap Data Provider with a combo

2009-05-24 Thread sminrana

here tileListDataProvider is a tilelist which gets data from MySql and
categoryCombo is combobox which also gets data from MySql look filter image 
function where it is return new xmlList ..and item.(category == 
categoryCombo.selectedLabel) put your login in the bracket i used mine 
when combo box selected label match the tilelist one item name category

private function filterImage(item:XML):Boolean
var xList:XMLList = new XMLList();
xList = item.(category == categoryCombo.selectedLabel);
if(xList.length()  0)
return true;
return false;

private function filterTileListData(e:ListEvent):void
if (categoryCombo.selectedLabel !== All  
categoryCombo.selectedLabel !== ) 
tileListDataProvider.filterFunction = filterImage;
tileListDataProvider.filterFunction = null;



[flexcoders] Re: Swap Data Provider with a combo

2009-05-24 Thread sminrana

here tileListDataProvider is a tilelist which gets data from MySql and
categoryCombo is combobox which also gets data from MySql look filter image 
function where it is return new xmlList ..and item.(category == 
categoryCombo.selectedLabel) put your login in the bracket i used mine 
when combo box selected label match the tilelist one item name category

private function filterImage(item:XML):Boolean
var xList:XMLList = new XMLList();
xList = item.(category == categoryCombo.selectedLabel);
if(xList.length()  0)
return true;
return false;

private function filterTileListData(e:ListEvent):void
if (categoryCombo.selectedLabel !== All  
categoryCombo.selectedLabel !== ) 
tileListDataProvider.filterFunction = filterImage;
tileListDataProvider.filterFunction = null;



[flexcoders] ItemRenderer Help

2009-05-18 Thread sminrana
How can i get TileList itemRenderer properties i use image 
Now i want to increase/decrease image width/height for zooming capability on 
selectedItem  ..

Have any idea  

Smin Rana 

[flexcoders] Re: Question on Mx:HTTP Service

2009-05-18 Thread sminrana
also you can have those flashvars in your Flex application like 

var str : String = Application.application.parameters.flashvars(name);

src, playerProductInstall,
FlashVars, PUT YOUR VAR 
width, 100%,
height, 100%,
align, middle,
id, CFMTest,
quality, high,
bgcolor, #869ca7,
name, CFMTest,
type, application/x-shockwave-flash,
pluginspage, http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer;
} else if (hasRequestedVersion) {
// if we've detected an acceptable version
// embed the Flash Content SWF when all tests are passed
src, CFMTest,
width, 100%,
height, 100%,
align, middle,
id, CFMTest,
quality, high,
bgcolor, #869ca7,
name, CFMTest, FlashVars, PUT YOUR VAR HERE,
type, application/x-shockwave-flash,
pluginspage, http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer;

and in the html wrapper also you can assign PHP , Coldfusion var in those  ( )

so do whatever you want you can do with var str Now!!

[flexcoders] Re: How to find all Installed browsers information in Windows?

2009-05-18 Thread sminrana
Try with Flex External interface, call JavaScript function from inside 


[flexcoders] Re: Form validation before submitting...

2009-05-18 Thread sminrana
first you trying to use numChildren as a method but it is not it is a 
property which return int value and it is read-only so remove the () in the loop

second what is errorString ??? 

[flexcoders] Re: Flex to excel sheet report

2009-05-18 Thread sminrana
the current flash player version will not allow you write data into client 
application so if you want to write something in client application you must 
have server side script...

[flexcoders] Re: Question on Mx:HTTP Service

2009-05-17 Thread sminrana

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, myworld100us myworld10...@...

 I am using an app Server{Jboss] to host Flex files .
 I want to call

 mx:HTTPService id=reportProfile resultFormat=e4x useProxy=false

 how do i replace this part url=
http://machineName:8080/ContextPath/flex/showReports.do; with
/ContextPath/flex/showreports.do .

 Otherwise its link depending on the environment i have to keep
changing the machineName and port

[flexcoders] Clickable Rating image in Flex Builder 3

2009-05-15 Thread sminrana

few days ago i had to make a components , therefore user can rate a service on 
guitar learning application , i am attaching the source code hope you will get 
help with your purpose…it is a HBox Components used in main application i am 
not providing the main application source file  :( , but you can use by 
defining a namespace in Application tag and please replace assets folder…

Smin Rana




?xml version=1.0#8243; encoding=utf-8#8243;?

mx:HBox xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; creationComplete=init() 




 import mx.controls.Alert;

  import mx.controls.Image;


  private var ratingImage:Image;

  private var imageTrunk:Array;

  private var loopNumber:int;

  private var isReverse:Boolean = false;


 private function init():void


  imageTrunk = new Array();

  for(var i:int = 0; i  5; i++)


  ratingImage = new Image();

  ratingImage.source = assets/images/start_rating.png;

  ratingImage.alpha = 0.3;



  imageTrunk[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, selectRate);




 private function selectRate(e:MouseEvent):void


  var j:int = imageTrunk.indexOf(e.currentTarget);

  if(e.currentTarget.alpha != 1)


  for(var i:int = 0; i = j; i++)


   imageTrunk[i].alpha = 1;





  for(var l:int = 4; l = j; l–)


  imageTrunk[l].alpha = 0.3;








