RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm Development Cycle

2005-08-25 Thread Dimitrios Gianninas

Yes, thanks for the 
I pretty much do the same thing 
you do for POC purpose. I guess your UI guy is not typically responsible for 
wiring up the UI to communicate with the server-side, where in our case he/she 
is. After your definition, I do consider myself somewhat of a glue-guy, but as 
quite as you suggest... something to think about. Thanks for 
Love the app as well 
Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas
RIA Developer
Optimal Payments Inc.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott 
BarnesSent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 8:14 PMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [flexcoders] Cairngorm 
Development Cycle
Glue is a term i've picked up from an old job, basically its a title 
that does "bitsa" bit-o-serverside, bit-o-clientside, bit-o-db side 
(rare).This could be a long reply, so get comfortable.I've found 
in FLEX, a lot of the mundane tasks are visuals, meaning "hmm does this color 
work, yes, cool" or "I need to come up with a structure here that is more fluid 
then traditional datagrid insert/update/delete aspects".Take for example 
my "Sneak peak", I basically have a screen comprising of:1x FilterPod (it 
can be interchangeable, in that if there is 1 tier, its a simple list, but if 
its many its a tree).1x Calendar Pod1x Inbox View1x Custom 
AppWindow/AppPanel (more on that later)1x Custom Initialize Window1x 
Popup Wizard style window etc..Now In this example It was a solo 
thing, but if i were to hand this concept again to fellow team members, i would 
of given the UI guy/gal enough work to be able to carry on independent of the 
server-side person.Meaning:Task 1: build a splash screen, that 
takes an array of text that shows whats being loaded. I also want it to feed of 
a shared property (ie ModelLocator) to keep track of state, in that if state 
changes, put in some in line logic that updates visuals.Task 2: build a 
Calendar Pod, that mimics Windows O/S "Calendar" within taskbar (ie dbl click on 
your windows time - for those who have windows). So when a user updates the year 
or month, the calendar control updates and same goes for calendar itself). On 
top of that, I want you to make sure the Calendar pod dispatches an event saying 
"Somethings changed" (ie dispatchEvent onDateChange() ) I also want you to 
provide a way to set selectedDate:Date for this pod, which also updates 
accordingly.The list could go on..Then for the serverside, i'd 
inform them that i need coldfusion to be work as if the UI is either HTML or 
FLASH or SOAP, in that don't give two hoots about how it comes together 
visually, just stipulate what you need in terms of arguments to a various 
services within and i'll make sure the uis adhere to that.Now the "glue" 
guy/gal is the person that knows how to slot everything together, meaning "I 
want to fire xyz commands in sequence to show the initialization screen, in that 
i want to :- test to see if the gateway is still there- initialize 
security (ie ask cfmx singelton style request, is security model instantiated, 
if not do so )- perform security handshake and wait for a result (ie log me 
in via my ActiveDirectory and see if have access to this flex app)- grab my 
InboxFilter dataprovider (ie ask serverside for my inbox filters saved 
remotely)- once i have my inbox filters, select my default and get all 
invoices pertaining to that filter, selectedDate and my profile- now show 
the actual application if all passes ok.Which I then switch from 
splashscreen child to mainchild, Now in mainchild i basically layout all 
the UI ingredients I asked my UI guy/gal to create in an orderly way. I then 
setup various addlisteners, bindings etc to the api calls (ie if calenderpod 
updates date, update my Inboxfilter to reflect that date change 
etc)Basically there are 4 "tiers" you can approach this with:- 
Gluer / Architect- UI- Serverside- DBAOn small apps this 
is a no brainer, but on much larger apps the segregation can be helpful but also 
can be a bottle neck if not carefully orchestrated. So that's why specification 
and planning is a crucial component of the "gluer" concept, meaning if the 
"glue" cannot perform his/her duties (ie got hit by bus? ) then someone else can 
easily step into that role and fullfill it. So that's why i have things like my 
"Software-O-Matic" style task listings, whereby I after specifications been 
written and signed off on, I then begin to itemize various tasks of what needs 
to be done. Each time someone performs the task, the update the list (ie 
its basically a 100% complete against version x.x.x of that 
component).If you're in a POC stage that relies more on visuals then 
server side, you can utilise the first two (Architect / UI) and do away wit

Re: [flexcoders] Cairngorm Development Cycle

2005-08-25 Thread Scott Barnes
nd build cfmx (writing
mach-ii unit testers and what not for it). Then once the CFMX side of
things is running smoothly, i look at building a flexGateway.cfc or
flexFacade.cfc (whatever holds your semantic-happy-zone-in-check).
Which interfaces between my server-side model and my flex application
making sure arguments back and forth are inline with the DTO/VO vision.

The "Gluer" can be a bludge/time wastage job at times but other times
it can be very crucial as its the brains trust for the UI application.

Make sense?

On 8/25/05, Dimitrios Gianninas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't think your crazy eh. Being the glue guy, never actually tried 
that eh, sounds like something I will have to try. I usually allow people to 
implement an entire use-case on their own and then just tweak the UI for them 
eh. That way it appears to me anyways, that we are working in parallel and 
delivering the final overall solution quicker. I find that with Flex, you can 
build the UI so fast, that if you just do UI, you then wait for the serverside 
to do their part before you can complete the UI 
Curiosity, how much glueing do you actually do? Or 
maybe your definition of glueing?  I usually just review the code written 
every second day as the project goes along and give the boys feedback on things 
to tweak.
Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas
RIA Developer
Optimal Payments Inc.

[] On Behalf Of Scott 
BarnesSent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:25 PMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [flexcoders] Cairngorm 
Development Cycle
 w00t yooo tulkin aboot eh!  (no 
offense intended hehee)I've not had the luxury as yet of working with a 
large number of devsin one team on an flex application, but I've had suceess 
in givingportion-work to be done out. In that, I typically am the guy 
thatglues it all together.In that, I can get folks to work on 
server-side framework (ignore UI),simply give me a model to tap into that 
allows data / and objects tobe shared around as if they were currency (ie 
i';; give you aprofileVO, invoiceVO and you give me back 
aInvoiceCostcodesCollectionVO ). I'm a firm believer in trading 
withobjects (like most I guess).Then, on the UI side of things i'll 
ask someone to build a Panel,which allows insert/update/delete costcodes.. 
meaning just give me thevisuals and an api to call in terms of populating 
this 'view" withrelevant data (combination of component development / 
viewhelpermindset).Then, I'll be the guy or one of them, that will 
piece the itemstogether, making sure things fit nice and snug if not, 
request somerefactoring or enhancements (if they follow the 
specs/UML/SequenceDiagrams etc.. shouldn't be a problem).That being 
said, If i am a lone coder, I also play each role like theabove, that way 
can break up un intended coupling and make my workload more 
agile.Cairngorm is a team framework and so if you start top-down or 
down-up,its got enough hooks in place to give you a nice footing on 
eitherdirection? or am i full of crap ? (could be the later, its 
quitepossible hehe).On 8/25/05, Dimitrios Gianninas 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>  > 
I've discovered the same thing here, with Flex, we typical prototype the 
UI> and show it to stakeholders and thus get approval on the design and 
get> immediate feedback on what we might be missing based on what we've 
provided> at that time. >   > However, come 
development time, I do think that giving each developer his> own use-case 
to implement end-to-end (DB, serverside, UI) results in quicker> delivery 
of the product. It also reduces dead-time, meantime Ui developer> waiting 
for the serverside guy to complete his part before he can finish> wiring 
things up at the UI level and so on. >   > My 2 cents 
Canadian. >   > Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas > RIA 
Developer > Optimal Payments Inc. >  >  
>  >  From: [mailto:] On> Behalf 
Of Scott Barnes> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:03 AM> To:> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Cairngorm 
Development Cycle> >  > I've typically gone down the 
path of building the DB --> Serverside> --> UI, but..> 
> I've found with FLEX, it being a new medium and in many ways 
its> easier to simply build UI upfront, get the "stakeholders" chomping 
at> the bit in terms of what's written in spec form vs whats being 
built.> > It also helps to visualise how this is all going to pan 
out. I had a> 52+ page spec for an application I was working on, and It 
was pretty> darn thorough (even sequence diagrams heh).> > 
Yet, when the time came to put it to "digital" form, we discovered a&

RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm Development Cycle

2005-08-25 Thread Dimitrios Gianninas

I don't think your crazy eh. Being the glue guy, never actually tried 
that eh, sounds like something I will have to try. I usually allow people to 
implement an entire use-case on their own and then just tweak the UI for them 
eh. That way it appears to me anyways, that we are working in parallel and 
delivering the final overall solution quicker. I find that with Flex, you can 
build the UI so fast, that if you just do UI, you then wait for the serverside 
to do their part before you can complete the UI 
Curiosity, how much glueing do you actually do? Or 
maybe your definition of glueing?  I usually just review the code written 
every second day as the project goes along and give the boys feedback on things 
to tweak.
Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas
RIA Developer
Optimal Payments Inc.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott 
BarnesSent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:25 PMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [flexcoders] Cairngorm 
Development Cycle
 w00t yooo tulkin aboot eh!  (no 
offense intended hehee)I've not had the luxury as yet of working with a 
large number of devsin one team on an flex application, but I've had suceess 
in givingportion-work to be done out. In that, I typically am the guy 
thatglues it all together.In that, I can get folks to work on 
server-side framework (ignore UI),simply give me a model to tap into that 
allows data / and objects tobe shared around as if they were currency (ie 
i';; give you aprofileVO, invoiceVO and you give me back 
aInvoiceCostcodesCollectionVO ). I'm a firm believer in trading 
withobjects (like most I guess).Then, on the UI side of things i'll 
ask someone to build a Panel,which allows insert/update/delete costcodes.. 
meaning just give me thevisuals and an api to call in terms of populating 
this 'view" withrelevant data (combination of component development / 
viewhelpermindset).Then, I'll be the guy or one of them, that will 
piece the itemstogether, making sure things fit nice and snug if not, 
request somerefactoring or enhancements (if they follow the 
specs/UML/SequenceDiagrams etc.. shouldn't be a problem).That being 
said, If i am a lone coder, I also play each role like theabove, that way 
can break up un intended coupling and make my workload more 
agile.Cairngorm is a team framework and so if you start top-down or 
down-up,its got enough hooks in place to give you a nice footing on 
eitherdirection? or am i full of crap ? (could be the later, its 
quitepossible hehe).On 8/25/05, Dimitrios Gianninas 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>  > 
I've discovered the same thing here, with Flex, we typical prototype the 
UI> and show it to stakeholders and thus get approval on the design and 
get> immediate feedback on what we might be missing based on what we've 
provided> at that time. >   > However, come 
development time, I do think that giving each developer his> own use-case 
to implement end-to-end (DB, serverside, UI) results in quicker> delivery 
of the product. It also reduces dead-time, meantime Ui developer> waiting 
for the serverside guy to complete his part before he can finish> wiring 
things up at the UI level and so on. >   > My 2 cents 
Canadian. >   > Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas > RIA 
Developer > Optimal Payments Inc. >  >  
>  >  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On> Behalf 
Of Scott Barnes> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:03 AM> To:> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Cairngorm 
Development Cycle> >  > I've typically gone down the 
path of building the DB --> Serverside> --> UI, but..> 
> I've found with FLEX, it being a new medium and in many ways 
its> easier to simply build UI upfront, get the "stakeholders" chomping 
at> the bit in terms of what's written in spec form vs whats being 
built.> > It also helps to visualise how this is all going to pan 
out. I had a> 52+ page spec for an application I was working on, and It 
was pretty> darn thorough (even sequence diagrams heh).> > 
Yet, when the time came to put it to "digital" form, we discovered a> few 
specific items that were either overlooked or needed more> attention 
(mainly for how the business would cope vs technically).> > So, to 
summarise, I build outward-in, Cairngorms pretty good in that> regard as 
you can come back and plug in the appropriate code via the> Business 
Delegate(s)> > (ie i've built apps without even knowing how the 
server-side will> work, aswell as how the db will work). VO's were fun 
when doing that,> as it sometimes pays to have "knowledge" of both so you 
can mirror in> equal aspects via both technologies..&g

Re: [flexcoders] Cairngorm Development Cycle

2005-08-24 Thread Scott Barnes
I've typically gone down the path of building the DB --> Serverside
--> UI, but..

I've found with FLEX, it being a new medium and in many ways its
easier to simply build UI upfront, get the "stakeholders" chomping at
the bit in terms of what's written in spec form vs whats being built.

It also helps to visualise how this is all going to pan out. I had a
52+ page spec for an application I was working on, and It was pretty
darn thorough (even sequence diagrams heh).

Yet, when the time came to put it to "digital" form, we discovered a
few specific items that were either overlooked or needed more
attention (mainly for how the business would cope vs technically).

So, to summarise, I build outward-in, Cairngorms pretty good in that
regard as you can come back and plug in the appropriate code via the
Business Delegate(s)

(ie i've built apps without even knowing how the server-side will
work, aswell as how the db will work). VO's were fun when doing that,
as it sometimes pays to have "knowledge" of both so you can mirror in
equal aspects via both technologies..

On 8/24/05, Steven Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I posted something a month or so back with a subject "Cairngorm for Dummies"
> which indicated typical workflow.  Your call whether you build horizontally
> (ie in layers) - for me, I typically would build an application on a
> use-case by use-case basis, from the view to the database (usually from the
> bottom up).
> But your mileage may vary...
> Steven
> --
> Steven Webster
> Technical Director
> iteration::two
> Office:  +44 (0)131 338 6108
> Mobile: +44 (0)7977 216 223
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> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of spbarber101
> Sent: 24 August 2005 14:38
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Cairngorm Development Cycle
> I have just started to build an application in Flex and decided to go with
> the Cairngorm framework. I am going to be using Coldfusion via Flash
> Remoting as my backend business logic. Is there any particular order in
> which developers build there applications in Flex using Cairngorm?
> What i mean, is it good to start off with the Views for example?
> --
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RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm Development Cycle

2005-08-24 Thread Steven Webster
Hi there,

I posted something a month or so back with a subject "Cairngorm for Dummies"
which indicated typical workflow.  Your call whether you build horizontally
(ie in layers) - for me, I typically would build an application on a
use-case by use-case basis, from the view to the database (usually from the
bottom up).

But your mileage may vary...


Steven Webster
Technical Director
Office:  +44 (0)131 338 6108
Mobile: +44 (0)7977 216 223
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-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of spbarber101
Sent: 24 August 2005 14:38
Subject: [flexcoders] Cairngorm Development Cycle

I have just started to build an application in Flex and decided to go with
the Cairngorm framework. I am going to be using Coldfusion via Flash
Remoting as my backend business logic. Is there any particular order in
which developers build there applications in Flex using Cairngorm?

What i mean, is it good to start off with the Views for example?

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