RE: [Flightgear-devel] Cannot specify --aircraft in system.fgfsrc

2002-12-04 Thread The Tone'ster
--- David Megginson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The idea was that system.fgfsrc is system-wide, while .fgfsrc is
 per-user.  For Windows, perhaps we should look for fgfs.cfg in My
 Documents or wherever (is there any concept of separate user
 directories yet?).

$USERPROFILE on WinNT shold resolve to the root of the users home directory.

$SYSTEMROOT should resolve to the operating system root directory.

Many cross platform apps (X-Plane as an example) use the OS root directory
($SYSTEMROOT) to store stuff.

I don't know if this is good practice (I don't care for it personally), but

IMHO, it would be nice to see default config file names and locations be
names that would work across all platforms and to see that they land in places
on a given OS that have analogies to each other.

Better, IMHO, would be to keep default configuration info encapsulated under
the application root somewhere, with command line options for specifying
alternate locations and/or names.

I guess this flies in the face of what applications typically do on a UNIX



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] terrasync

2002-12-04 Thread The Tone'ster

Not that my input means diddly ... but YES.

I had the exact same thought.

Wouldn't it be great it the terrasync util could be pointed at an http server
that could stream data back.

Simple, well known type of service.

Opens the door to random individuals hosting scenery even ?


--- Christian Mayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Norman Vine wrote:
  Andy Ross writes:
   I think you have to give serious thought to enabling this by default,
  Great idea,  got a URL for a native WIN32 version of rsync ??
 IMHO we should switch to HTTP.
 This avoids firewall problems and clients are also easy to get.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

somewhat OT (was Re: [Flightgear-devel] heads up ...)

2002-11-26 Thread The Tone'ster

you know,

i've been thinking about the nature of bandwidth, storage and mirrors as it
relates to open source for a while as I've seen bandwidth and mirroring
discussions before.

i wanted to throw some thoughts out there to this group ... just for fun.

feel free to care or not ...

it occurs to me that there might be some sort of lesson in P2P, and mirroring
as it relates to scaling and bandwidth/disk space sharing.

for instance, I am sending e-mail right now from my own domain.

I pay a small fee for this service, for which I _mostly_ use it for e-mail. For
my fee, I end up with a fair bit of bandwidth and disk space that I don't use.

Like most ISP's, my provider allows me to develop PHP until my heart is

Now imagine ... if FlightGear had a PHP application that I could install at my
domain ... and with a registration/setup process I could selectively or
otherwise choose to host stuff from

A potential consumer of these goods would never come to my domain, they would
always go to, choose the content they were looking for, and
under the covers, complementary software to that which I am running at my
domain, would pick my site or some other site based on the content type, or
metrics information about the capable sites, and would redirect the users
browser to the content in question for download.

Kind of a distributed content management system.

The installed software on both ends would probably make it easy for me to
sync the goo that I am hosting to whatever the latest is on the mirrored

The software running on the primary site would make it easy for me, the
donater to pick content that I would want to host, potentially based on a)
stuff I personally care about b) the size of a given mirrorable chunk c)
statistics that the primary site keeps about how popular particular chunks of
content are (meaning it might push my bandwidth limits on my end as the

The system would be flexible enough that I as the donater could throttle or
shutdown the content I was hosting if I was getting past my bandwidth
threshold ... and this would be transparent as the refferrer would simply
pick another site out of its list so the user would be none the wiser.

It sounds kind of lofty perhaps ... but personally ... defining a basic
request/response contract between the primary and donater systems over HTTP
and some basic UI designs would make it fairly trivial.

Then, implementation could be in anything, CGI, PHP, servlets, JSP, carrier

random thoughts ...


--- Martin Spott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I haven't given any thought to soliciting bandwidth donations
  recently.  However, that is a very good idea.  My sense is that FTP is
  what kills me here.  It would be great if we could move the official
  ftp site to somewhere with higher bandwidth which could handle a lot
  more concurrent connections.
 Which bandwidth, how many concurrent user connections do you consider as
 'useful' ?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] XMLSchema or DTD ?

2002-11-26 Thread The Tone'ster

... for preferences.xml ?

anyone ?

Bueller ?

Particulary sim/sim and environment/environment.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] trying to confirm

2002-11-26 Thread The Tone'ster


i am trying to confirm my brief investigation.

it appears to me, by looking at fgfs --help --verbose output that there is no
mechanism for providing the main binary with an argument pointing at some other
rendition of preferences.xml ?

Is this correct ? (I hope so ...)

This would simplify the configuration permutations I have to worry about up
front for a project I am working on.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] trying to confirm

2002-11-26 Thread The Tone'ster

mmm ...

I got the sense that --config was for pointing at a file containing other
-- options ... not for pointing at a different XML config file.

I haven't tried to confirm this.

Too lazy I guess.

Not a huge deal ...

I'm just trying to figure out if I can hardwire certain assumptions in my code
for the time being to make some issues simpler.


--- Norman Vine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Curtis L. Olson writes:
  I haven't looked closely at the code that loads preferences.xml, but
  if David M. confirms this is hardwired, then definitely, I think the
  ability to specify an alternate config file would be a very good thing
  to add.
 From options.cxx
 } else if ( arg.find( --config= ) == 0 ) {
 string file = arg.substr(9);
  try {
readProperties(file, globals-get_props());
  } catch (const sg_exception e) {
string message = Error loading config file: ;
message += e.getFormattedMessage();


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] XML config file questions

2002-11-26 Thread The Tone'ster

David et al ...

(I re-wrote this e-mail three times as I am having a heck of a time expressing
my questions ...)

In looking at preferences.xml and c172-3d-set.xml ...

I see in prefrences ...


I see in c172-3d-set ...


Applied to these documents seperately, we would end up with a intersection of a
number of named elements.

Coincidentally or by design, attributes for the matching set of nodes are
different, by the exclusion of a type attribute in the aircraft config file.

This is one example.

Now ... if I am trying to ...

a) render a GUI exposing these values ...
b) allow a user to change these values and persist them

... then ...

a) do I merge these values into a final DOM, where the last entry wins and
where load order is important ?

b) where do I persist the change ?

to the aircraft ? to the preferences ?

preferences _seems_ like the place to store user configuration info, but seems
to fly in the face of what I would have suspected for precedence between
conflicting values in the two files ...

I have other edge questions ... but maybe some understanding of this one will
help me make some design decisions in my code.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Terrasync 3rd party util

2002-11-25 Thread The Tone'ster

--- Curtis L. Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ ... a bunch of cool TerraSync stuff ...]

Do I have to be building/using the CVS cut of FG to take advantage of TerraSync



Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] question about 3d models

2002-11-24 Thread The Tone'ster

It's not the I _really_ feel the need.

It is just that the few 3d tools I have taken a look at, Maya, Blender and one
other one (can't rememeber the name, it was a bit ago) are complex to use.

Harder, it seems to me anyway, than thinking in terms of edges and nodes in
some 0,0,0 centered 3d space, drawing it on a piece of paper, making a list of
nodes, and typing them in somewhere.

Having said that, it is probably my issue that I don't really _want_ to learn a
3d modeling tool.

For FG, I would love to be able to put together a really simple 3d model for
the airframe, and a really simple 3d model for the cockpit, where they only
(for me) need to be good enough to get the perspective out of the cockpit right
(view over the dash, view out the window while on base turning to final etc

Eye candy could be for those that _do_ care about 3d modeling.

It's not a big deal.

I'm just enjoying hacking around with FG right now, trying to understand the
parts, and trying to figure out where I might be able to contribute a little.

I am also doing a little research and trying to collect a little data here and
there in the hopes of maybe trying to put together an aircraft a'la a mooney
type of aircraft.

I starting looking at and found some data for the commander series of aircraft
as these are a'la mooney with a high performance single, running ~200kias or
more at cruise, seating 4 people with baggage at max useful load and having the
low wing design.

I am also playing with a GUI front end for dealing with configuring flight
gear, starting with simple stuff like being able to select aircraft, airport,
time of day, clouds, weather etc.

Since all of this info is laid out in XML files (I wonder who influenced that
design ? ...) I am finding this to be an intuitive project.

I do wish the was an XML Schema or DTD to help me understand what the
possible/expected permutations of the XML config files was and to help my
understand what the enumerated values were for some of the elements, such as
cloud types for instance.


--- David Megginson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Tone'ster writes:
   In this way, a person might not have to run off and download/pay
   for/learn some heavy duty 3d program to render some sort of basic
   aircraft frame, or building, or even cockpit.
 I've considered adding support for defining simple geometry directly
 in the XML, but it seems like a waste.  If you *really* feel the need
 to create 3D models in your text editor, use AC3D format, which is
 text based and well supported.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] question about 3d models

2002-11-23 Thread The Tone'ster

new to flight gear.

ignore me if this is an FAQ.

really like what I see with the sim.

since the sim architecure is so highly built around the use of XML files
exposing everything from config, to flight models to panels ...

... I was wondering if there has ever been talk of exposing 3d models through a
metalanguage in XML, or maybe to a spec such as SVG (though I guess SVG is 2d,
not 3d).

In this way, a person might not have to run off and download/pay for/learn some
heavy duty 3d program to render some sort of basic aircraft frame, or building,
or even cockpit.



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