[Flightgear-devel] O/T: Home made yoke

2002-05-31 Thread mlaw

I've been looking at the comparitive high price of good quality analogue yokes and I 
wondered how difficult it would be to make my own and if anyone here has made one?

I figured that there might be a place that I could buy an old yoke and shaft from a 
Cessna, Piper or similar and with a little engineering and some military grade rotary 
potentiometers an analogue yoke wouldn't be too difficult to make would it?

Could a set of rudder pedals be made in the same way? with toe brakes too?

I also thought of doing this with USB but maybe that would
be too difficult?

Sorry for the O/T post and barrage of questions. I would be interested to hear of 
anyone who has experience in this type of set up any advice.

Many thanks,


talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at http://www.talk21.com

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[Flightgear-devel] RE: Using gmax models in FG

2002-04-25 Thread mlaw

So what is the consensus on the best route to take getting a 3DS model into FGFS?

IIRC, gMax will open .3DS files and I could save and export them to MDL with 
MakeMDL.exe. I'm not sure if 3DS Max 3 will save to native MDL format...

Time permitting, I'll play around with a model this weekend and try out a few ideas. 
In the meantime, thanks for your help guys.

Every plib loader I've tried except AC3D and MDL (a) screws up the geometry, (b) 
screws up the texture UV mappings [or omits the texture], or (c) both of the above.  
In some cases, it might be Blender's fault rather than plib's, but AC3D was the path 
of least resistance.

talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at http://www.talk21.com

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] RE: Using gmax models in FG

2002-04-25 Thread mlaw

I've been meeting with increasing frustration trying to complete my C-208 model for 
*both* FGFS and FS2002.
I decided to have a go at it in 3DS Max 3 since I have a few friends to help me with 
it (and Blender just scares me 8-{).  Although I must point out that I'm a total 
beginner at modelling so that may have implications!!!

I tried to export a simple model to VRML but that seemed to lose some of the model and 
I was beck to square one.
Does anyone know what would be the best format to export the Max model to use it in 
FlightGear since I can't go directly to AC3D?

Does it have to go into PPE to name the objects or will it use the 3DS assigned object 

Thanks in advance,


PS: Is anyone interested in modelling a heli for FlightGear too? Maybe a Schweizer 300 
or R22? 
I don't know how much work this would be in terms of the FDM/Sim side of things... 80)

talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at http://www.talk21.com

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Aircraft modelling questions

2002-04-09 Thread mlaw

I'm going to have a go at modelling a Cessna Caravan from scratch.  I have gMax (which 
is probably no use at all!), blender and PPE available to help me and I have a good 
idea about what to do thanks to David's Modelling document.

I'm wondering how to produce a 3D cockpit.  Does this need to be a seperate model to 
be placed in the aircraft's directory or should it be one large model? (I'm assuming 
it should be seperate...).

In an ideal world I'd like to make one model that would , with a minimum of kludging, 
work in FGFS and FS2002 since I regularly use both.  I appreciate that this might 
upset the purists!

Take care,


talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at http://www.talk21.com

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Aircraft modelling questions

2002-04-09 Thread mlaw

I'm going to have a go at modelling a Cessna Caravan from scratch.  I have gMax (which 
is probably no use at all!), blender and PPE available to help me and I have a good 
idea about what to do thanks to David's Modelling document.

I'm wondering how to produce a 3D cockpit.  Does this need to be a seperate model to 
be placed in the aircraft's directory or should it be one large model? (I'm assuming 
it should be seperate...).

In an ideal world I'd like to make one model that would , with a minimum of kludging, 
work in FGFS and FS2002 since I regularly use both.  I appreciate that this might 
upset the purists!

Take care,


talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at http://www.talk21.com

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] RE: My First Flight

2002-04-08 Thread mlaw

I recently sat beside the pilot in our Cessna Caravan to see exactly what was involved 
in a typical flight despatching skydivers.
I was immediately taken aback by the short takeoff run of the grand caravan 
considering the load of fuel and 20 persons onboard.  Angela, the pilot, talked me 
through what she was doing the whole way to 'the top' which was 12,500ft and took 
around 18 min.
The Grand Caravan seems to be quite stable in flight and with my limited experience of 
sitting at the 'business end' of any aircraft seemed to feel like a much bigger 
'plane. I never notice much of this stuff since I'm usually in the back and only 
travel half-way, when the light comes on the door is opened and I'm outta there!
When the load of jumpers exited - which required a fairly substantial re-trim since 
much of the weight was either rear of the CG or outside the 'plane there was 
surprisingly little affect to the aircraft.
Angie then re-trimmed for the descent and gave me the controls. We descended at an 
indicated 145 knots as she called out the headings to me so that I didn't fly into 
anything that would've got her into trouble (we're quite close to East Midlands 
airport, EGNX).
As we drew close to runway 25 she took over and started the approach. She then said 
'...and this is how we slow down in a hurry'.  Adjusting the prop RPM lever and 
throttle to get us from 145 knots to 80 in around 4 seconds. Very impressive!  Is this 
modelled in FGFS?
The ride ended for me as she put down smoothly in a 15 knot/70 degree crosswind and 
stopped the 'plane in what looked like less than 150 metres.  I hopped out of the 
plane (using the co-pilot door and steps for once!) with a grin from ear-to-ear.  Much 
to the dismay of my fellow skydivers who regard aircraft as a necessary evil.
One other thing I noticed during my flight was that she was constantly adjusting the 
throttle,RPM, etc. levers to reduce the ground noise as much as possible.  They did 
indeed have an affect on the volume of noise produced by the aircraft. Is the noise 
linked to the torque or just the RPM and angle of the prop?
Next time I will make an effort to record some audio and maybe make a few notes on the 
flight characteristics of the aircraft. Are there any specific requests for info (I 
can't get any detailed aerodynamic stats I'm afraid).  If it's any help the model in 
Flight Sim 2002 seems quite realistic but the real aircraft responds much slower to 
aileron input (or maybe I was stick shy?!!!).



talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at http://www.talk21.com

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