Re: [Flightgear-devel] Spiffy new panel gadget

2002-06-26 Thread Curtis L. Olson

Andy Ross writes:
 I should explain the problem a little better.  What's happening is
 that there is no place to put a normal vector in the .ac file.  The
 plib loader thus has to generate its own normals by averaging the
 normals of each polygon attached to a vertex.  For vertices that are
 inside an object/texture, this works fine.  But ones on the edge
 can't average in the normal of the polgon(s) that are on the other
 texture, as those are part of a different object in the .ac file.  So
 what happens is that a vertex on one texture has a normal vector that
 is *different* from the normal of the same point on a different
 texture.  This makes that polygon edge look sharp when lit.
 What's especially frustrating is that (1) I'm generating this file
 automatically, so I could export the normals explicitly if I wanted
 to, but the file format won't let me; and (2) it's a sphere!
 Generating normals is a ridiculously trivial operation -- they're just
 the coordinate of the vertex.

Somewhere in simgear there is code to generate a plib sphere.  It's
adapted from the glu sphere code, but this code builds a sphere in a
plib scene graph.  We use it to build the moon and the sun I believe.

That doesn't help you directly, but maybe if we extended the
instrument xml so you can specify a primative and a texture and a
placement and the animation variable hooks ... might not be too hard (?)


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Spiffy new panel gadget

2002-06-21 Thread Erik Hofman

Andy Ross wrote:

 + At 192 triangles and 6 128x128 textures, this is an expensive
   instrument.  There were no significant effect on frame rate on my
   machine, but we can't be sprinkling gadgets like this around the
   panel without hurting someone.

Well, it spoiled the fun for me. FPS from 10-15 down to 1 fps :-(


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Spiffy new panel gadget

2002-06-21 Thread Norman Vine

Andy Ross writes:

+ This one really annoys me: the AC3D file format apparently doesn't
  allow you to specify normals explicitly, it wants to calculate them
  itself.  This works fine for the vertices inside the texture, but
  texture boundaries show up as sharp edges because the polygons in
  separate objects don't share their coincident vertices.  Combined
  with the specular highlight issue, this can look very strange.  Is
  there a better file format?  I know SSG has a native one.  This
  sounds great, but I couldn't find an ounce of documentation on it,
  even in the code that parses it.

Sadly the SSG ASCII File Format only about 80-90% complete
as it was intended as a 'partial debug dump' of the Binary SSG Format 
only.  ie it gives the Vertices and Normals of the Leafs but doesn't
do the other nodes.   This could probably be added with a 'bit' of work.

Note that with PPE you can 'Inspect' all of the graph so most of the
code has been written just not 'colated'



Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Spiffy new panel gadget

2002-06-21 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

  + It's so close to the near clip plane that the precision errors cause
nasty jittering; this happens to the rest of the cockpit geometry
too.  Honestly, I think this is probably unavoidable.  We should
really look at solutions for drawing the cockpit into a separate
depth range from the terrain.

We already do -- when you are inside the cockpit, the aircraft is in
its own scene graph with its own clip plane; it's only when you're
outside the the aircraft model has the same clip plane.

  + At 192 triangles and 6 128x128 textures, this is an expensive
instrument.  There were no significant effect on frame rate on my
machine, but we can't be sprinkling gadgets like this around the
panel without hurting someone.

The first thing to do is clamp on a brutal LOD (i.e. 1-2m), so that
you're not paying the penalty in external view.

  + This one really annoys me: the AC3D file format apparently doesn't
allow you to specify normals explicitly, it wants to calculate them
itself.  This works fine for the vertices inside the texture, but
texture boundaries show up as sharp edges because the polygons in
separate objects don't share their coincident vertices.

The format does, I think, but plib doesn't use that information.

The good news is that the AC3D format allows every surface in an
object to have its own, separate UV mapping, so you don't have to
split an object to use more than one projection from the same texture
file; the bad news is that AC3D itself doesn't have a good UV editor.
The mixed news is that you can use Blender with the AC3D export script
to do complex texture mapping.

  Combined with the specular highlight issue, this can look very
  strange.  Is there a better file format?  I know SSG has a native
  one.  This sounds great, but I couldn't find an ounce of
  documentation on it, even in the code that parses it.

I think that we'll have to stick with AC3D for now.  I did some
experimentation a while ago, and AC3D is the only format that worked
acceptably for me in plib with textured models.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Spiffy new panel gadget

2002-06-21 Thread Jim Wilson

Erik Hofman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Well, it spoiled the fun for me. FPS from 10-15 down to 1 fps :-(
Hmmm...that seems a bit extreme.  The model as a whole is a lot more complex.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Spiffy new panel gadget

2002-06-21 Thread Andy Ross

I lied again:
 The perl scripts that generated the ball are attached.  The
 script spits out the .ac file, while generates the texture
 Postscript in a very similar manner to the gauge stuff I posted
 earlier.  Pass it an argument of north/south/east/west/top/bottom to
 tell it which texture to generate.



Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one.
 - Sting (misquoted)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

# Output gadget
sub ac { print join(\n, @_), \n; }

# Axis contstants.
my ($X, $Y, $Z) = (1, 2, 3);

# How big?
my $RADIUS = 0.075; # grapefruit

# How many squares across is a face?
my $N = 4;

# Base coordinates.  These should really be done differently.  A
# better mechanism would be to arrive at each point as the center of
# two parents rather than assuming linearity over the square.
my @XCOORDS = ();
my @YCOORDS = ();
for(my $i=0; $i=$N; $i++) {
$XCOORDS[$i] = 2 * $i/$N - 1;
$YCOORDS[$i] = 2 * $i/$N - 1;

# Initialize the P array of points for a cube face in a single
# coordinate system.  We'll get the others by swapping and inverting axes.
my @P = ();
for(my $i=0; $i=$N; $i++) {
for(my $j=0; $j=$N; $j++) {
my $x = $XCOORDS[$j];
my $y = $YCOORDS[$i];
my $z = 1;

my $norm = $RADIUS/sqrt($x*$x + $y*$y + $z*$z);
$x *= $norm;
$y *= $norm;
$z *= $norm;

$P[$i]-[$j] = [$x, $y, $z];

ac AC3Db;
ac 'MATERIAL BallSurface rgb 1 1 1  amb 0.2 0.2 0.2  emis 0 0 0  spec 0.5 0.5 0.5  
shi 10  trans 0';
ac OBJECT world;

# The directions specified are the directions displayed *on* the
# faces, not the directions of the faces from the center of the cube
# (that is, the south-facing cube face says north.
ac kids 6;
doface(north,  $Y,  $Z,  $X);
doface(south, -$Y,  $Z, -$X);
doface(east,   $X,  $Z, -$Y);
doface(west,  -$X,  $Z,  $Y);
doface(top, $Y, -$X,  $Z);
doface(bottom,   $Y,  $X, -$Z);

sub sgn { shift()  0 ? -1 : 1 }

sub doface {
my $name = shift;
my $xidx = shift;
my $yidx = shift;
my $zidx = shift;

# Extract the signs and correct the indices
my $xsgn = sgn($xidx); $xidx = abs($xidx);
my $ysgn = sgn($yidx); $yidx = abs($yidx);
my $zsgn = sgn($zidx); $zidx = abs($zidx);

my @idxtmp = ();
$idxtmp[$xidx] = $xsgn * 1;
$idxtmp[$yidx] = $ysgn * 2;
$idxtmp[$zidx] = $zsgn * 3;
$xidx = $idxtmp[1];
$yidx = $idxtmp[2];
$zidx = $idxtmp[3];
$xsgn = sgn($xidx); $xidx = abs($xidx) - 1;
$ysgn = sgn($yidx); $yidx = abs($yidx) - 1;
$zsgn = sgn($zidx); $zidx = abs($zidx) - 1;

# Object header
ac OBJECT poly;
ac name \$name\;
ac texture \$name.rgb\;

# Print out the vertex list
my $numvert = ($N+1)*($N+1);
ac numvert $numvert;
for(my $i=0; $i=$N; $i++) {
for(my $j=0; $j=$N; $j++) {
my $p = $P[$i]-[$j];
my $x = $xsgn * $p-[$xidx];
my $y = $ysgn * $p-[$yidx];
my $z = $zsgn * $p-[$zidx];

# Final complication: plib's AC3D loader munges the axes.
ac sprintf(%.4f %.4f %.4f, $x, $z, -$y);

# And now a triangle list.  This is identical across faces.
# The vertex indices go left to right, then bottom to top:
# 12 13 14 15
#  8  9 10 11
#  4  5  6  7
#  0  1  2  3
my $numsurf = 2*$N*$N;
ac numsurf $numsurf;
for(my $i=0; $i$N; $i++) {
for(my $j=0; $j$N; $j++) {
# Vertex indices (bottom/top, left/right)
my $bl = ($N+1)*$i + $j;
my $br = ($N+1)*$i + ($j+1);
my $tl = ($N+1)*($i+1) + $j;
my $tr = ($N+1)*($i+1) + ($j+1);

# Texture coordinates
my $texb = sprintf %.3f, $i / $N;
my $text = sprintf %.3f, ($i+1) / $N;
my $texl = sprintf %.3f, $j / $N;
my $texr = sprintf %.3f, ($j+1) / $N;

if($i+$j  0x01) {
# Bottom right triangle
ac SURF 0x10;
ac mat 0;
ac refs 3;
ac $bl $texl $texb;
ac $br $texr $texb;
ac $tr $texr $text;

# Top left triangle
ac SURF 0x10;
ac mat 0;
ac refs 3;
ac $tr $texr $text;
ac $tl $texl $text;
ac $bl $texl $texb;
} else {
# Bottom left triangle
ac SURF 0x10;
ac mat 0;
ac refs 3;
ac $tl $texl $text;

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Spiffy new panel gadget

2002-06-21 Thread Andy Ross

Jim Wilson wrote:
 Andy Ross wrote:
  What might be easier, though, is allowing for a optional 6-element
  vertex line that included the normal.

 We should be able to load into ac3d.  But if we embedded commands
 into the name tags we'd be ok.

Ah, I see what you're saying.  You're right, your idea is better.  I
thought that doing it as a namespace issue would require big surgery
to the loader, but it looks like the code is already there.

Looking at the plib source, this should be happening already.  The
flatten code in ssgOptimizer is already designed to collapse object
hierarchies into a single vertex array, and it is also where the
normal averaging happens.  So it should be doing this for us
automatically...  I can't quite see how it avoids flattening named
sub-objects.  It doesn't flatten ssgTransform objects with user data,
but I can't see where the user data is coming from.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one.
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Spiffy new panel gadget

2002-06-21 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

  You know, that's not a bad idea.  What might be easier, though, is
  allowing for a optional 6-element vertex line that included the
  normal.  For this application, this is simpler since we already know
  the normal.  Code changes to plib would be limited to detecting the
  new format, storing the normal during parsing, and skipping the normal
  generation step.
  It's probably a crap shoot as to whether they'll accept the change or
  not, though.  It's a hack to a proprietary format that we don't
  control.  Even if we make it backwards-compatible, it's still not
  AC3D format anymore.

For now, Andy, why not just generate a single object containing all of
the surfaces, rather than 6 separate objects?  Then plib will have
less trouble with the normals.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Spiffy new panel gadget

2002-06-21 Thread Jim Wilson

David Megginson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Andy Ross writes:
   You know, that's not a bad idea.  What might be easier, though, is
   allowing for a optional 6-element vertex line that included the
   normal.  For this application, this is simpler since we already know
   the normal.  Code changes to plib would be limited to detecting the
   new format, storing the normal during parsing, and skipping the normal
   generation step.
   It's probably a crap shoot as to whether they'll accept the change or
   not, though.  It's a hack to a proprietary format that we don't
   control.  Even if we make it backwards-compatible, it's still not
   AC3D format anymore.
 For now, Andy, why not just generate a single object containing all of
 the surfaces, rather than 6 separate objects?  Then plib will have
 less trouble with the normals.

Only one texture per object.  Is that a problem?



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Spiffy new panel gadget

2002-06-21 Thread John Check

On Friday 21 June 2002 8:41 am, Jim Wilson wrote:
 Erik Hofman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
  Well, it spoiled the fun for me. FPS from 10-15 down to 1 fps :-(

 Hmmm...that seems a bit extreme.  The model as a whole is a lot more



 Flightgear-devel mailing list

FWIW I'm getting 55-120 fps depending on the terrain complexity in the forward 
view. Geforce2, Celeron 700

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Spiffy new panel gadget

2002-06-21 Thread Norman Vine

Andy Ross writes:

Jim Wilson wrote:
 Andy Ross wrote:
  What might be easier, though, is allowing for a optional 6-element
  vertex line that included the normal.

 We should be able to load into ac3d.  But if we embedded commands
 into the name tags we'd be ok.

Ah, I see what you're saying.  You're right, your idea is better.  I
thought that doing it as a namespace issue would require big surgery
to the loader, but it looks like the code is already there.

Looking at the plib source, this should be happening already.  The
flatten code in ssgOptimizer is already designed to collapse object
hierarchies into a single vertex array, and it is also where the
normal averaging happens.  So it should be doing this for us
automatically...  I can't quite see how it avoids flattening named
sub-objects.  It doesn't flatten ssgTransform objects with user data,
but I can't see where the user data is coming from.

The best example I know of for ssgLoaderOptions()  'user_data' feature
is Steve's TuxKart game.  

see tuxkart_main in tuxcart.cxx to set this feature up
and loader.cxx for several examples

You can also ask questions over on the PLib list :-)


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