Re: FLUXLIST: Calling All Fluxworkers: The Birdwatchers Corner

2004-09-22 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Excellent stuff, Allen!

Alan and Caterina were played on air last Thurday, this Thursday is on hiatus
but I will return next wednesday after that. I have some ideas. 

I would really encourage every fluxlister to think about getting some sound
together, it's very easy and a whole different kind of medium. The more the


allen bukoff wrote:


I can't download alan bowman's mp3 but I am sure this is just as good if not better:  a recording of me raking early fall leaves outside this afternoon and intermittently saying "Dick Higgins" (2 minutes and 50 seconds).  Get it hear:

I believe this is the only "sound thing" I have ever done.

Allen B

On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 02:50:34 -0400, Eryk Salvaggio wrote:
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

A Call For All Audio Artists or Artists Who Have Audio and Audio
That Has Artists

WSCA - FM of Portsmouth, NH presents:

"The Birdwatchers Corner"

hosted by Eryk Salvaggio
Thursday Nights: Midnight to Two AM

We are calling for any interested artists to submit soundscapes,
sound design, radio documentaries, dj mixes, found sound, spoken
word etc for on air broadcast

Tedium is Tolerated and Excess is Embraced

Help Us Fight Money Broadcasting Banality!

email: eryk at salsabomb dot com

feel free to point us toward mp3s
(but please don't email us with them!)




Re: FLUXLIST: Calling All Fluxworkers: The Birdwatchers Corner

2004-09-22 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Ahhh, you know me- stickler for list etiquette!


allen bukoff wrote:

  Eryk, we have new "rules" on Fluxlist since the last time you were here.  It is now considered very bad form to respond to or even acknowledge any of my posts.  A word to the wise is sufficient.  AB

Excellent stuff, Allen!

Alan and Caterina were played on air last Thurday, this Thursday is
on hiatus but I will return next wednesday after that. I have some

I would really encourage every fluxlister to think about getting
some sound together, it's very easy and a whole different kind of
medium. The more the merrier.


allen bukoff wrote: 



Re: FLUXLIST: more birds watching!

2004-09-17 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Wonderful Alan!

Your piece was played tonight on the title-and schedule-tweaked "Birdwatchers
Report", and I hope to give a listen to the new ones soon...

Thank you!

Anyone else, keep them coming!


Alan Bowman wrote:

  thank you zoe, eryk and paul!
  there's another similar piece up now 'deepfear',
 there's also a midi piece composed from peoples e-mails to me an from the
 contents of michael leigh's bag!
  cheers alan typing with one hand, burping
the baby  with the other!
Original Message - 
   zoe marsh

Thursday, September 16, 2004 3:19PM
RE: FLUXLIST: birdwatching

I like it alot! please do more!

  Here's an mp3 to download

   What type of MSN user are you? Take our quick quiz and
   find out! 

Re: FLUXLIST: The Birdwatchers Corner

2004-09-15 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Not yet, no. :(


allen bukoff wrote:

  Eryk, is this radio station/your show going to be available online?  AB

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

A Call For All Audio Artists or Artists Who Have Audio and Audio
That Has Artists

WSCA - FM of Portsmouth, NH presents:

"The Birdwatchers Corner"

hosted by Eryk Salvaggio
Thursday Nights: Midnight to Two AM

We are calling for any interested artists to submit soundscapes,
sound design, radio documentaries, dj mixes, found sound, spoken
word etc for on air broadcast

Tedium is Tolerated and Excess is Embraced

Help Us Fight Money Broadcasting Banality!

email: eryk at salsabomb dot com

feel free to point us toward mp3s
(but please don't email us with them!)




FLUXLIST: Calling All Fluxworkers: The Birdwatchers Corner

2004-09-11 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

A Call For All Audio Artists or Artists Who Have Audio
and Audio That Has Artists

WSCA - FM of Portsmouth, NH presents: 

"The Birdwatchers Corner"

hosted by Eryk Salvaggio
Thursday Nights: Midnight to Two AM

We are calling for any interested artists 
to submit soundscapes, sound design, radio documentaries,
dj mixes, found sound, spoken word etc for on air broadcast

Tedium is Tolerated and Excess is Embraced

Help Us Fight Money Broadcasting Banality!

email: eryk at salsabomb dot com

feel free to point us toward mp3s
(but please don't email us with them!)


Re: FLUXLIST: birdwatching

2004-09-11 Thread Eryk Salvaggio
This is great, Alan. Any more? (And anyone else?)
Alan Bowman wrote:
Eryk (and other Fluxlisters who may be interested)
Here's an mp3 to download
It's a 'remix' (ha ha) of a soundscape piece imaginatively called
'environment1', which is part of a series of so far 4 such pieces -
cunningly named environment, environment2, environment3 and environment4.
oh such imagination!
Anyway let me know if you manage to download it.  I'm thinking of putting up
a different piece every few days.  If anyone is interested let me know and
I'll mail you when a new piece goes up.
yep the domain is still out of service, credit card
address conflicts!! bodes well doesn't it?!?



2002-12-14 Thread Eryk Salvaggio
Okay, looks like I'm off this list, too.


-IID42 Kandinskij @27+ wrote:

Re: FLUXLIST: URL for fffo new york red wine incident!!!!!!!!!

2001-11-18 Thread eryk salvaggio

Can I post the Take a Cat piece to my haiku list?


alan bowman wrote:

dear all,

erm, pressed send by mistake

here is the information again
(with URL!)

dear all,
the freeformfreakoutorganisation is somewhat bemused to present

the freeformfreakout organisation new york red wine incident

this site contains a collection of scribbles and texts which go some way


showing the effect of 3 bottles of red wine and half a bottle of prosecco


the FFFO. They were produced in the last of George Maciunas' Fluxhouses,
which, obviously didn't do anything to improve things!

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST-digest V3 #3

2001-09-17 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

People used to pray to the people they loved when the planes
were coming down. Now, we have cell phones; there is something
tragic in this improvement, and I do not believe in god 
or cell phones. 

Roger Stevens wrote:
 so, countries who harbour terrorists will be attacked
 because so many innocent people died
 we'll make sure we kill a few more along the way...
 makes sense
 and it seems to me that there are plenty of
 terrorists in England, not to mention Ireland,
 that maybe the USA should bomb us while it's about it...
 Dragonfly Dream adds -
 -- While I am not a Christian or a believer in God, I do believe in the
 power of prayer. I don't really pray the way most folks do but I do send my
 voice to spirit. Due to our nations tragic loses on Tuesday I am sending a
 piece of a cyber prayer chain out in the hopes that others might add to the
 chain and send good wishes, healing, and peace out to the world.

FLUXLIST: fluxus as anti terrorism

2001-09-17 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

I proposed this to other mailing lists but I'd like to 
present it here as well. 

My idea is to make an event of eating at a middle eastern
owned restaurant in the next week, and possibly on a regular
basis afterward, with as many people as you can.

1. It brings money to these businesses which will 
suffer needlessly as xenophobia inevitably grows rampant,
in particular racism against middle easterners. 

2. It will make part of their culture, the food, into your

3. You will have dinner with your friends, and at this 
point this should be considered momentous.

4. It shows a solidarity in the face of witch hunts- that we 
are not afraid, that we believe in people regardless of race, 
and that we would rather be kind and wrong than vile and right. 


Re: FLUXLIST: New Happy Ears

2001-09-01 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Roger, here are some new Fluxus Scores for inclusion in your book.

New Fluxus Scores by Eryk Salvaggio

6 to 8. 

12 to 35.

0 to 1.

5 to 9.


23 to 19.

14 to 0.

Cancellation due to scheduling conflicts over use of the field.

10 to 1.

Re: FLUXLIST: all's quiet

2001-08-14 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

I always had gools. 


 In a message dated 8/12/01 8:42:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
  Game continues like tag
 i've often wondered
 how do you spell gools
 as in, my gools, 1 2 3 in 'hide and go seek'
 or in tag, the area you might be touching and be safe from potential taggers
 gools or gules or ghoules (ghosts and...)
 guuls gooolesss
 perhaps this word was indigenous to my area?
 perhaps all these years i have misheard another word?

Re: FLUXLIST: diastext

2001-08-14 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

This is fascinating Kathy. Let me know if you find out 
what it is. My guess is its a kind of code talking, notice
who it was sent to [white power newsgroups.] But are 
white supremacists smart enough to know how to use code?
Either that or its a hoaxjuts some guy with a random
text generator.


Kathy Car Trouble Forer wrote:
 Can someone please tell me what the following is about?
 I tripped over it a while ago looking for someone and have been
 waiting for a right time to ask.
 Our sixth millivoltmeter was to recall Bregman Hattie half his
 pyrometers.  According all a belch it was no armadillo from sanction,
 all synod though all journey; or considering me he opposite run
 an insidiously tasteless aggregation among their discouraging
 identification, a heartbreak who had voted minus my spice.  That
 yachtsman - seventy from a many - nor I have mine unease portray
 appeasement, and lest categorically escape her severity if badly
 before informally a balmy collage came your purporting astuteness.
 My clause modeled to him as we clomped me.  Have they heard you?
 Onto latter fetid zombies, it may be dead unknowing off her
 bestubbled change either satisfy unless it has properly confirmed me.
 Regarding nineteen relishes they were beyond the tune, demythologizing
 onto our adolescence.  Their pilgrim wanted opposite him lest we
 peeked me.  Strategically he flattered on a cooling.  Either have
 they not predict towards quite every scandal?
 He has not been every strange tug.  They viewed and expressed once
 I were aloud inclosed, nor the intereference towards them judged thus
 wus.  Have we vacated us?
 Behind eight masterpieces they were between every believer,
 favoring down our college.
 Zp, before you are a differentiation, chuck that alveolus,
 or be into no grumble rather thousand good.  Have you pioneered us?
 How do they resent from you soon?
 Our fourteenth prince was to excite Marshall Katya all your fixers.
 Spite individual satirical australites, it must be determinedly
 heroic beside my hebephrenic sportsmanship either decorate like it has
 outside merited us.
 Hell, unless I are a fella, keep another topography, minus be
 regarding the anticoagulation with forty directly.  He imagines unless
 he was fusiform opposite his amity to coalesce its notation within
 hamburger over how he, beneath their north recurrent assault, had
 crumpled it a sparkle.  It has not been a raucous inure.  Sharply
 it enabled on a harping.  This tapis - nineteen along the same - and
 we have mine wildlife dignify diagnosis, either though conveniently
 nudge my drainage lest exquisitely whether perhaps no sparse
 deployment knew her sneaking hotel.  Their black developed including
 me like you leapt him.  It has not been no thoroughgoing mask.
 Without store we summarize to pleasure amongst every structures rupees
 when we need restrict towards her determing lookout, and it is
 wordlessly finishes than we have not unselfishly had a culmination
 pending rumbling it securely if its noncommittal steelmaker.
 Hallelujah, as they are no sham, poke this must, neither be rather
 every oppression for two daintily.  Following priory they travel to
 recheck depending every youths restaurants when you shall rescind
 against their exaggerating polyethylene, minus he is downwind stirs so
 we have not agreeably had a prolusion of publicizing her impudently
 because her affable sorcery.
 Message 2 in threadFrom: NSWPP ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Subject: Electric Utilities Faulted on Y2K Readiness
 Newsgroups: alt.politics.white-power
 Date: 1999/09/09,

Re: FLUXLIST: position announcement 1

2001-07-21 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

That was the best thing I have seen on fluxlist in 

m'lore wrote:
 position announcement 1
 shifting from a sitting position
 [i] stand up

Re: FLUXLIST: test x

2001-07-14 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Okay. This topic seems done. If anyone else has something 
disparaging to say about Eric/Tamas, it seems like it's 
already been said. 

Lets talk about other things. Has anyone heard anything 
about the game show exhibit at the Mass Moca? I went there
a few weeks ago. It was the first time I had seen any of 
the fluxus work in person. It also had contributions from
a few net.artists and whatnot. 

At one point, there was the Yoko Ono Nail piece, with the 
hammers and a bucket of nails, which confused a seven year 
old girl to no end. She couldn't understand why the nails 
and hammers were out in the open if people weren't allowed
to put nails into the canvas, on account of all of the 
enormous Do Not Touch The Art signs. It was pretty great, 
and probably the best critique of Yoko Ono's work I'd heard. 


John Blower wrote:
 At 11:32 AM 7/14/01, you wrote:
 Piss off, will you.
 The High/Hugh is not remotely amusing, and is, in fact, tedious in the
 Slide back to your burrow like a good rodent, will you?
 Now, about planting...
 On Sat, 14 Jul 2001, Carol Starr wrote:
 It's about Parity, Sisterhood, Leave.
 John Blower/FeNiKs Business Communications
 795 Mammoth Rd, #23, Manchester, NH 03104
 V: 603 668 5601 F: 707 220 7490
 Trainer at Large/Ace Copywriter  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: FLUXLIST: More marching fo(u)rth

2001-07-04 Thread Eryk Salvaggio


Make a cake. Detonate with explosives.
Using only the remnants of the detonated cake,
bake a new one. Apply frosting in pattern of
American flag.

-eryk salvaggio

allen bukoff wrote:
 Last December five corrupt rightwing justices on the US Supreme Court
 planted the seeds of what increasingly looks and acts like a fascist
 Today we ate cake.

Re: FLUXLIST: i need snail and e

2001-07-03 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

- set up a page asking for the information.
- make a list of keywords, search the web for sites relevant to those 
keywords, and add the contact info to the list. [If it truly
is relevant, few people will mind.]
- Check email lists for artists interested in the stuff you'll be 
promoting. Search for your keywords. If you
can, try to find mailing lists run by universities and 
school art groups.

Just some ideas. 


alan bowman wrote:
  Is this a snail mail list or email list?
 Both, I need an International list of artists, curator, galleries, critics,
 newspapers, journals and collectors,   (Gasp!)
 for both snail and e mail purposes
 There is an existing list but it needs updating and expanding, and as i have
 a bit of free time before i start work proper, i thought i'd begin trying to
 find out how this is done for myself.  (show a bit of initiative, you know!)
 1st stop - Fluxlist
 Thanks for the responses and thanks in anticipation for any future advice

Re: FLUXLIST: mailing lists-help wanted

2001-07-02 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Is this a snail mail list or email list? 

alan bowman wrote:
 dear all,
 i have to compile a (predominantly Fluxus related) mailing list for a
 the trouble is, i've never done this before and i'm not really sure where to
 does anyone have any helpful suggestions?
 I would be most grateful!

FLUXLIST: 1000 Ridiculous Tragedies

2001-06-24 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

We have the desire to alert the Fluxus [and Fluxlist]
community of a new service created by the people who 
brought you Tanks and Bubblegum, the 
website, and the five7five mailing list.

This service involves the mailing of several envelopes
per year to your home. It is, in its traditions, a 
variation on the fluxbox, only cheaper, and different.

We will have issues which are organized by various 
artists- so, if you are interested, please contact us 

We encourage you to browse our website, which is very 
different now than you may remember to be.
It would be very good if you went and sent this to 
others who may be interested.

Re: FLUXLIST: fluxus engineering

2001-06-24 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

And finally, a solid definition of fluxus:

Fluxus concentrates on the development, sale, and support of 
procedures and software tools for engineering and life sciences. 
These tools and procedures are developed either by Fluxus itself 
or by cooperation partners or associated institutes and companies. 

The motivation is to make people's lives easier and safer, and to 
help fundamental medical research. Fluxus is not high-profit oriented. 
Instead, activities are strategically focussed onto applied innovative 
research which are either of intrinsic value (eg engineering safety, 
medical) or of long term commercial value (eg engineering efficiency). 

alan bowman wrote:

Re: FLUXLIST: the pictures!!!!!!!!

2001-06-18 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

This might be late, but I've found that designing for netscape 
usually leads to decent results on IE, excepting certain javascripts.


Sol Nte wrote:
 can someone s'plain me why my site worked with IE and not Netscape?
 then I can try and fix it.
 thanks to all for your kind comments and patience!
 Hi Alan,
 People have already identified the fact that your slashes were the wrong way
 round. However the best way to avoid stuff not working under Netscape is to
 install Netscape on your machine as well as IE so you can test in both
 browsers before you upload. Even then you may still get the occasional error
 but by and large it makes life a lot easier having both major browsers
 installed. I know there're a few other browsers out there too like Opera but
 I think if something works okay in IE and Netscape then it's okay. Of course
 Lynx is a whole other matter ;-)
 BTW - Pictures were much enjoyed by me in IE, nice bit of hobnobbing with
 the flux and famous :-


2001-05-28 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Part of Website Unseen #11 by MTAA, produced by Eryk Salvaggio.

Re: Fwd: Re: FLUXLIST: Lumpy Air, or Fluxus e-mail poems

2000-10-25 Thread Eryk Salvaggio


I came to this thread late I think
and have no clue what the hell is going on :)

bryne bitte
bee ear

brian bit ye?

said it--


brine bit jee 
sed tit 
be ear 

keen put z
se t it
pe e ar

and french stuff...

Maybe I don't want to know whats going on?


Narcissus In Paradys wrote:
 Shouldn't Eryk have a say in this little ditty?
 C'mon baker... let's hear it! *Grins*
 "When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
 "Man is the dream of the dolphin."
 Get premier, free, fast, 6Mb web-based email at ---

Re: FLUXLIST: Zen and Fluxus

2000-10-18 Thread Eryk Salvaggio


I've sent a text to the list that didn;t seem to make it 
through but might show up later on or something. 

Anyway, I have a list you may be interested in which 
is dedicated to a fluxus-esque variation on the haiku forms. 

There is an archive here:

And instructions for signing up are on

We are limited exclusively to exchange of haiku
and haiku variations with no discussion, which excites
some people and ostracized others. If you're of the former
group, do feel free to sign up. 

Thanks for giving me a chance to plug. :)


Aaron Kimberly wrote:
 Cecil touchon wrote:
  Hi Aaron Kimberly,
  So tell us what you found regarding the connection between Zen and Fluxus.
  would love to hear about that.
  Cecil Touchon
 Hi Cecil,
 What I learned in a brief survey of texts I had to condense into a 20 page
 paper. As with all things Fluxus, it wasn't an easy thing to pin down. But
 there are so many fleeting references to Zen in regards to Fluxus, that it
 was an issue in need of expansion. Not all Fluxus members were into Zen, and
 not all artists/performers who were into Zen were Fluxus. It was important
 to me to not centralize the movement too much in the US since the
 contributions from Europe and Asia were important. I had to look, on one
 hand, to the phenomenon of Buddhists monks leaving Asia to teach in North
 America and Europe - and the challenges that posed to modernism. Then I also
 had to look at the introduction of the "avant garde" in Asia where Buddhism
 was already readily available.
 I began the paper with John Cage:
 - his studies with D.T. Suzuki
 - his use of chance and the I Ching
 - indiscriminate use of sounds (which included audience participation)
 - how this related to other art like Abstract Expressionism
 Then I talked about the George Maciunas paradigm:
 - cohesively organized, documented and charted
 - his public/social interests and Leninist influences
 - I discussed, with the use of a few Maciunas quotations how he used the
 lingo of Zen, but really didn't embody it. e.g.. his miss-use of  words like
 "Ego" where Buddhism is concerned.
 However, he also coined phrases like "Neo-Haiku Theatre" which were most
 useful for my topic. The portable, humorous, elegant, repeatable,
 iconoclastic, anti-sublime, implicative qualities of Fluxus is where I dive
 in to Zen.
 I compare the Fluxus aesthetic of eloquent humour with Zen teaching
 practices where humour is both an arrow penetrating the ego, and a signifier
 of understanding.
 Then, I discuss at length Haiku - especially in conjunction with Yoko Ono
 and her Instructions. Ono's conceptual use of language is paradoxically used
 to rest the mind. The viewer must respond intuitively. The empty state, she
 suggests, is beyond duality. Likewise, the Zen koan is language meant to
 penetrate beyond the semiotics of language.
 That's it in a nutshell...a "boy this got long" nutshell.

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: RHIZOME_RAW: sonic flux_sonic circuits VIII (announcements)]

2000-10-13 Thread Eryk Salvaggio



Walker Art Center launches two interactive sound projects as part of
Sonic Flux series.

This series explores the ideas of a selection of seminal composers and
Fluxus artists. This basis for the series was originally inspired by
the Sonic Youth album SYR4 Goodbye 20th Century
( ).

Known for his iconoclastic use of chance-determination in his
compositional works, John Cage also worked to create the system from
within which the chance operated. As a self-generating system which
brings together elements from a variety of Cage's work, the online
piece creates a Cagean environment of unforeseen relationships and
fortuitous happenstance.

Based on his score Six Marimbas, the online piece demonstrates the
composer Steve Reich's use of the phase-shifting principle he is known
for. By breaking down the musical structure of the piece into a set of
visual elements, some of which are then rotated, the piece allows for
creating a shift in time, or phase-shift, between several canons of

Produced by Trudy Lane with Jeff Feddersen, Justin Bakse, and Justin
Braem, these projects will be demoed as part of the Sonic Circuits
VIII Festival, Nov. 2-3, information below. A Yoko Ono project will be
launched in March 2001, in conjunction with an exhibition at the
Walker Art Center.


Thursday, Novembe 2, 8 pm

The Walker hosts an evening with London-based digital media artist
Scanner, who presents a newly scored, live sound-track interpretation
for Jean-Luc Godard's classic 1965 film Alphaville. Scanner,
internationally known for his digital media manipulation and
found-sound scavenging, is also a musician, writer, curator, media
critic, and minimalist antihero whose eclectic mix of activities
places him at the crossroads of academic and digital pop culture. This
live music-film performance kicks off the eighth annual Sonic Circuits
festival of electronic art created by explorers on the frontiers of
technology. The festival, which runs from November 2-4, features
performances, family events, and exhibitions that bring home the
surprising degree to which electronic art has influenced people and
cultures worldwide. For more information on Scanner and other Beggars
Banquet artists, try their Web site. Copresented with the American
Composers Forum, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Futureperfect, and the U
of M School of Music.


Friday, November 3, 8-11 PM
Future Perfect 10: Sonic Circuits VII
at the Landmark Center St. Paul

Ambient room :Hosted by Lilith
Satoshi Shinozaki, Mike Croswell (Metaphor), Chuck Zwicky, John Vance

DJ room: Hosted by DJ Drone (dave Jaros), with DJ Chris Mindflux, DJ
Andrew, DJ Code Blue and FP mainstay TS

Mainstage: Paul Higham , John Jindra , Paul Aiken from Appliancide /
Unconditional Loathing, Big Daddy Jr. and the Spook (former Shape
Shifter/Ousia/Passage), Susan Rawcliffe, Pop groop Pleasant Stitch,
Fred Teasley (Ousia) and a few more yet to be mentioned.

All night installations from Zaftig and The Radar Threat.

New Media room (curated by Leonardo's Craig Harris) featuring
Telemusic #1 by Steve Bradley and Randall Packer. ALSO ON THE WALKER

Future Perfect: Sonic Circuts VIII will be webcast and broadcast live
on TV
(cable channel 35 in Saint Paul)

Steve Dietz
Director, New Media Initiatives
Walker Art Center
subscribe Webwalker:

Steve Dietz
Director, New Media Initiatives
Walker Art Center
subscribe Webwalker:

+ /creative juices flowing...?
- questions: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- unsubscribe:
- give:
Subscribers to Rhizome Raw are subject to the terms set out in the
Subscriber Agreement available online at

FLUXLIST: Re: opening today october 12 : [GNou Tongs PLan] #4 - TeaSing Fred Party

2000-10-12 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

The pavu guys are so great, you never even need to 
have a clue about what the hell is going on to enjoy it.


"" wrote:
 Dear friends and colleagues welcomes you today october 12th in the 'Tea sing Fred' Sofa Desks
 at 6 pm GMT+2 on IRC. There you'll find the possibility to invite your
 favourite dance partner amongst some of the most renowned femme
 fighters for the NEXT TSF Party scheduled for october 19th 2000!
 Turn to the left! Turn to the right! Step forward and invite your favourite
 partner on the Dance Floor !

FLUXLIST: new announcement list.

2000-10-04 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

New announcement list.


Re: FLUXLIST: Tired of Fluxus?

2000-09-28 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Do you do anything on this list besides trash Ken Friedman?
Sincerely. I'm curious. Or art for that matter? Are you still
making art? Seems you have a lot of time on your hands, to
be so dedicated to trashing Ken Friedman.

I'm more fluxus than you or ken. My name is eryk salvaggio.
I am sick of people who do nothing but bitch and moan all day. 


Eric Andersen wrote:
 One of the problems with the Fluxlist is that it is so much based on
 mythology and ignorance.
 E.g Bertrand wrote:  "The ridiculous way that Eric Andersen still say that
 Ken Friedman came to late to be a truly Fluxus artist."
 I never said that. What I did was to inform the list that none of the
 artists initially associated with Fluxus ever saw Ken Friedman as an
 artist. To us he seemed to be an agent and promoter. And that most of us
 would have preferred that he promoted something else. Also with some satire
 I pointed to the fact that he claims to have made Fluxus work i 1956, being
 6 years old and 6 years before the first festivals in 1962.
 Be kind enough to quote me correctly.
 Eric Andersen

Re: FLUXLIST: Tired?

2000-09-28 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

No, cuz I know what I am. 

haha. The zen version:

I know you, but are you also me?


John Lorenzini wrote:
 good for Eryk Salvaggio
 right on!
 oh, and I was wondering if you have ever found yourself in an argument that goes
 a little something like this
 I know you are, but what am I?
 I know you are, but what am I?
 I know you are, but what am I?...

FLUXLIST: Succesful Performance Artist

2000-09-26 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Hello fluxlisters:

I think we'd all get a kick out of this one. 


Re: FLUXLIST: performance score

2000-09-23 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Yes, me too. We all need a publishing house that publishes only 
crap! How else would I make a living?


Narcissus In Paradys wrote:
 Meryl, I am a young man trying to make a living as a writer. Please send me the 
mailing address of your publishing house. If all you publish is really crap, I might 
stand a chance.
 ~David Streever
 --- "meryl" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I work for a large publishing house (as a production editor).  We publish
 crap.  My, oh my, could I send you passages and pages from raw manuscript or
 1st pass pages that would bring tears to your eyes.  And possibly other body
 parts as well.
 We publish a series of mystery novels in which the protagonist is a cat.
 Mangled cliches are our stock in trade.
   i dream of books made of nothing but misquotes, maplapropsism,
  mangled cliches, errata,the most seemingly b alnd juxtaposd with the
  horrific--in short, a kind of National Enquirer piece of "illiterature"!
 "When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
 "Man is the dream of the dolphin."
 Get premier, free, fast, 6Mb web-based email at ---

Re: FLUXLIST: performance score

2000-09-21 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Reminds me a bit of the REM video for "Stand."

1. Stand in the place where you live.
2. Now face North: Think about direction.
3. Wonder why you haven't before.
4. Stand in the place where you work.
5. Now face West.
6. Think about the place where you live.
7. Wonder why you haven't before.

Not too direct a connection to the song but kinda. :)

Don Boyd wrote:
 1. Step outside at noon today, September 21, 2000, if you can.
 2. Look North, up to the sky, take a deep breath and say, "It was a
 wonderful summer!"
 3. Then turn and look East at the horizon, take a deep breath and say,
 "Welcome Fall!"
 4. Turn and look South at the ground, take a deep breath and say, "This is a
 great day!"
 5. Turn and face West, take a deep breath, look anywhere you want and say
 what you want. Tkae your time, performance is over.

Re: FLUXLIST: performance score

2000-09-21 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Ah, well- the REM version was catchier- 
and you could dance to it!



Narcissus In Paradys wrote:
 Actually, sounds like the invocation to the Four Quarters, or the Calling of the 
 1. Face the North. Call the Spirits of the North.
 2. Face the West. Call the Spirits of the West.
 3. Face the South. Call the Spirits of the South.
 4. Face the East. Call the Spirits of the East.
 This form of ritual is ingrained in the subconcious of anyone from any culture- part 
of the cultural/genetic memory. It has many parallels in many cultures, and the above 
is only a simplified version.
 --- Eryk Salvaggio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reminds me a bit of the REM video for "Stand."
 1. Stand in the place where you live.
 2. Now face North: Think about direction.
 3. Wonder why you haven't before.
 4. Stand in the place where you work.
 5. Now face West.
 6. Think about the place where you live.
 7. Wonder why you haven't before.
 Not too direct a connection to the song but kinda. :)
 Don Boyd wrote:
  1. Step outside at noon today, September 21, 2000, if you can.
  2. Look North, up to the sky, take a deep breath and say, "It was a
  wonderful summer!"
  3. Then turn and look East at the horizon, take a deep breath and say,
  "Welcome Fall!"
  4. Turn and look South at the ground, take a deep breath and say, "This is a
  great day!"
  5. Turn and face West, take a deep breath, look anywhere you want and say
  what you want. Tkae your time, performance is over.

Re: FLUXLIST: What is the Millennial Workbook?

2000-09-19 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Actually, I'd prefer emailed contributions for the millennial
edition. However, my address is:

Eryk Salvaggio
8 Diana Drive
Salem, NH

David Baptiste Chirot wrote:
 Dear friend Eryk:
 thanks so much for the elucidation
 i will go straight to the Bible and have my life irrevocably
 changed and be baptised anew in the waters of oblivion
 seriously though--i have many many old scores o send yr way (as
 opposed t "old scores to settle"!--gawd forbid we start getting out old
 hatchets that shd have long ago been buried let alone shot guns and the
 like, a real feud of the old fashioned variety!)
 so will get them in the mail s i like so much yr idea of the above
 all simplicity and clarity
 away with all the high falatun' ultratechnological special effects
 blowhardedness of so much of what passes as "spectacle" any more!
 esp when the true pyrotechnics are provided for us free of
 charge--though  laden with the charge of electricty--in thunderstorm,
 volcanos, earthquakes, tornados--you name it--avalanches, flash floods--
 as wellas outbreaks of deiseases, riots, wars, reigious
 revivals--you name it
 we usre do live among a busy world of billions of
 creatures--humand and nn human--not to metniton spirits and etc--and the
 wonderful ways of old mther nature!
 never a dull moment!
 well i will get these scores off to you--
 though i do find verywhere nottations of the most marvelous
 sort--cracks in walls and sidewlaks, the patnas of dust and
 rust--arrangeents of rubbihs, the palimptsests of layerngs of posters on
 telephone poles, tire marks and animal tracks--the caligraphies of tree
 branche agsint the sky or shadowed on walls--the relfectins of windows
 moving with the shifts of light--
 notations everywhere, singing and signing and ignalling., calling
 out--urging us to dance or be in call and response!
 dave baptiste
 ps please make sure i have yr address crrect eryck--i believe is
 in nh?  (Live Free or Die)

Re: FLUXLIST: Meeting Fluxlist Members

2000-09-18 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Aha. I don't recall disliking either of you, just got terrible 
vibes from the Dennys you chose to meet. I still get
comments about that post. 

Melissa McCarthy wrote:
 In regards to a reasonably recent post about the meeting of the Ffunctions
 and ... oh, now I've forgotten, was it PK? And didn't Allen Bukoff and PK
 meet recently?
 I've met Eryk Salvaggio (though *he's* probably sorry about that! :-)). I've
 also met Jeremy Bushnell, if he's still on the list -- he and I are on our
 second round of postcard exchanges during the month of February...details if
 desired. In NYC this past February I met Joy Stick -- her on-line name, real
 name out of mind just now. Just recently met Reed Altemus, and performed
 Fine's "Clothespin piece" and Ken Friedman's "Lemon Score" (not sure of
 title) -- and had good beer and delicious Indian food in the bargain. Also
 met, through the list, though not sure if he lurks or not, Zac Denton in
 Atlanta last week.
 It's always great to put faces with names, and makes for an interesting
 event in itself, to arrange a meeting, often without phone contact, and no
 identifying features, and discover other artists.
 So, anyone in the Northeast: I'm not opposed to *some* travel, and would
 enjoy meeting others. Planning travel with a layover in Boston? Airport
 meetings are fun
 Lovely in New England this time of year
 Laconia (central) New Hampshire
   Melissa McCarthy
   Hours: whimsical or by appointment
   Adult, maybe; grown-up, never!
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
 Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Fluxus Workbook: Millenial Edition #1

2000-09-18 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

There are easier, safer downloads at

But the actual riot-causing recordings 
aren't there. :)


Patricia wrote:
 Yep, my download got the "dreaded blue screen" error.
 meryl wrote:
  Couldn't download your stuff due to (endless) technical difficulties.

FLUXLIST: What is the Millennial Workbook?

2000-09-18 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

The millenial workbook is simply a collection of new 
performance scripts. The old workbook can be seen,
and used, if you're at all like me, as a new

Of course, simplicity of the score is crucial
as they are to be performed as music; if you notice,
the sparse nature of the instructions is a key piece of
the beauty of these pieces. 

While people are welcome to write scripts for the book,
I was hoping merely to "collect" scripts that are already 
existing. But who amm I to stop the party? If you get inspired
by the old school workbook, send one in, wether to the
list or to me directly. 


Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxus, of course

2000-09-15 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

ddyment wrote:

 i lost all hope after someone claimed they were more
 fluxus than either ken or eric. perhaps it was a joke that i didn't get.

That was me.

It was true. 

You don't get the joke. 

Now I have lost all hope. 



FLUXLIST: Fluxus Workbook: Millenial Edition #1.

2000-09-15 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

I talked recently to Allen Bukoff about the start of a new 
Fluxus Workbook which would be a collection of scripts archived
and treated as a legitimate follow up to the Fluxus Workbook. 

It would simply be called "Fluxus Workbook: Millenial Edition 1."

Yeah, Pompous I know. 

Script collection begins



Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxus Workbook: Millenial Edition #1.

2000-09-15 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Apparently Patricia is disturbed by the call for new work to 
be archived for a new edition of the fluxus workbook. 

Contrary to popular belief; the ideology of the fluxus movement,
as stated by George Maciunas, was to liberate art from everyday 
life, to abolish legitimacy and aggrandizement of the artist. 
Fortunately for us, that means that the collection of scripts 
will not have rules or qualifications.

Entries are still being accepted. Patricia has made the first 


1. Split up the factions.
2. Let them know the rules. 
3. Qualify.
4. Call it the Neo-Dada-Fluxlist-In-Flux-Workbook.

It was Brad's Ascii art. 

Confused by objections to progress;

Patricia wrote:
 Oh, please.  Actually, I started this with Oh, shit, and probably
 should have stayed with the scatological reference.
 Let's call it the Neo-Dada-Fluxlist-In-Flux-Workbook for Those Who
 And do let us know the rules.
 The qualifications.
 And the subject matter.
 And how we split up the factions.
 And will the performances be in the form of argumentation?
 I think I'm joining the Bay Area Dadaists, they smile a lot.
 Oh, and Heiko, thanks for the ascii - it was great.

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Fluxus Workbook: Millenial Edition #1

2000-09-15 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Hi Josh. It was a typo. Settle down, child. 
No need to break out the precious quotation books. 

Maybe the anti-fluxus project should dedicate itself
to separating art and life for a while. Some irony 
might be good for you guys. You obviously need
to lighten up. 




1. Create No Art without down payments.
2. Construct elaborate explanations. 
3. Correct typos with manifestos of ideology.


Josh Ronsen wrote:
 Eryk Salvaggio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Contrary to popular belief; the ideology of the fluxus movement,
 as stated by George Maciunas, was to liberate art from everyday
 life, to abolish legitimacy and aggrandizement of the artist.
 Do you mean "liberate" or "integrate"? I was under the impression that "art" was 
seperated from "life" and Fluxus activities tried to bring them together, or abolish 
the distinction, or at least make art "without being raised on a pedestal; it is 
simple, concrete, and everyone is able to produce it" (Gunter Berghaus).
 -Josh Ronsen

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Fluxus Workbook: Millenial Edition #1

2000-09-15 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

yee haw!

I ended a show once with a riot...audience storming stage and 
throwing our equipment offstage...some of the live performances 
are taped and you can hear them at

"Oh Baby" in particular was the tour de farce.

meryl wrote:
 Well, I feel better for having read that (below from Eryk).  I was beginning
 to think it was all in my head (and it may still be), but for a list
 supposedly interested in what is surely the funniest "art movement" of the
 20th century, ya'll sure are EARNEST.
 I think performing until the entire audience departs and the janitor finally
 asks you to leave would be a tremendous amount of fun (and a lot more work
 than you may realize).
 Argle Bargle
 From: Eryk Salvaggio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Fluxus Workbook: Millenial Edition #1
 Date: Fri, Sep 15, 2000, 7:09 PM
  Hi Josh. It was a typo. Settle down, child.
  No need to break out the precious quotation books.
  Maybe the anti-fluxus project should dedicate itself
  to separating art and life for a while. Some irony
  might be good for you guys. You obviously need
  to lighten up.
  1. Create No Art without down payments.
  2. Construct elaborate explanations.
  3. Correct typos with manifestos of ideology.

Re: FLUXLIST: earthquaketimequestion

2000-09-05 Thread Eryk Salvaggio


What I was doing at:


Patricia wrote:
 At approximately 1:38 a.m. on Saturday, September 2, 2000, the
 earth quaked at the epicenter of Napa County, California, USA,
 which was approximately 100 miles North of P.K. Harris' overnight
 Changing tenses, wait a minute.)
 I experienced approximately 200 frames (of art) swinging on 4
 walls for 8 seconds.  Nothing down, nothing broken, just
 approximately 200 frames swinging on 4 walls.  Imagine the sight
 and sound.  And the emotions the event evoked.
 What were you doing at 1:38 a.m. U.S., Pacific Coast Time, on
 September 2, 2000?

Re: FLUXLIST: poptones record label

2000-09-03 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

This has been addressed before.


Cut and Paste Collage Sanpling, unlikely fusions,
a preoccupation with cultural implosion;

not to mention Beck says its connected, and by
my means of thought, that means it is.

Heiko Recktenwald wrote:

 A simple question:

 On Sun, 3 Sep 2000, Eryk Salvaggio wrote:
  Has some interesting ideas and artists;
  some fluxlist people into the fluxy side
  of music and Beck's record collection

 What is it that makes Beck so fluxish exept Al Hanson ?

  may dig it; if you need more incentive,
  there's Elvez

FLUXLIST: poptones record label

2000-09-02 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Has some interesting ideas and artists;
some fluxlist people into the fluxy side
of music and Beck's record collection
may dig it; if you need more incentive,
there's Elvez


Re: FLUXLIST: Calling PK Harris/NotAllenBukoff

2000-08-28 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

The answer for all of them is of course #2!

Carol Star wrote:

 hi, i don't know anyone in the pix and neither does kikusan or michael so the
 prize goes to someone who knows them all. glad you had a good time at kinkos.
 how zany.
 bye, carol :)

 Patricia wrote:
  Is Painting Dead?
  Oh, and What About Art?
  - the Quest Continues -
  So elated over the wonderful conversation Allen Bukoff and I had about the future
  of Art, repurcussions of Art School and Eryk Salvaggio's future, , yet so
  depressed over my identity crisis (still confused  I might actually be Allen
  Bukoff, despite the sign I carried to the contrary), I traveled to San Francisco
  in search of painters.  Couldn't really find the aforenamed pigment person, but,
  in stead, talked with many mail artists, Fluxus collectors, photographers,
  conceptual artists and zine publishers about this subject and others
  Can you match the name (number) to the photograph (letter) of  the mail artists,
  fluxus collectors, photographers, conceptual artists and zine publishers in THIS
  If you are the first lucky matcher upper girl/guy, you will win an historical
  graphic work of Post Flux Kinko epehemera, and maybe other stuff, too.
  Best of Luck!!!
  Not Allen Bukoff

Re: FLUXLIST: Calling PK Harris

2000-08-28 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

I have, in fact, painted three canvasses in
my life; two of which were taken by friends
and are hopefully treasured possesions. One
hangs in my bedroom.

One, my favorite, is a photo pasted to a spray
painted canvas which was then covered with
silver paint marker.

I've also painted the occasional warehouse
loading dock and supermarket; not sure if that

Essentially though I stopped painting as soon
as I discovered digital media; though I do
have computer assisted drawings which show
what happens when one tries to paint with a

I was 13 and I'm not sure how seriously I
took it. :) Essentially, though, a painting will
never compare to digital art until it becomes
interactive. And yes, thats a challenge.

In the works for one38: A flash or java
controlled representation of a canvas which
would be the worlds first (I believe) completely
collaborative painting. I'll let you know.

allen bukoff wrote:

 hi particia, allen,
 great pixs. what else did you two clever people do at kinkos. please tell all
 as it is of great interest

 We went to a nearby restaurant and spent all of our time talking about Eryk
 Salvaggio and how we both believe that he will be a great painter someday
 after he realizes that painting is the ultimate forum for artistic
 expression and competition.  You'll find a glimpse of this future at

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: havanna

2000-08-28 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Where does one find the facets catalog?

"Porges, Timothy" wrote:

 Take a look at the Czech movies made in the mid-sixties: Loves of a Blonde,
 Closely Watched Trains, Fireman's Ball. etc. Dusan Makevejev's early work
 was done in good old Yugoslavia-that-was. Dziga Vertov might be too
 pre-everything for you, but he was great and there are tapes available. If
 you like silents, Aleta, Queen of Mars is amazing. Damn, I might have her
 name wrong, though. Look at the Facets catalogue: it's organized by country,
 and you'll find lots of cold-war period work from central and eastern

  -Original Message-
  From: Eryk Salvaggio [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 8:00 PM
  Subject:  Re: FLUXLIST: Re: havanna
  Trying to steer the Cuban discussion into art topica
  [as revolutionary art is always a fave discussion topic
  of mine:]
  Oddly enough, the sundance channel just played
  "A History Of Underdevelopment," a documentary made
  in Cuba about the disappearance of hope in Cuba
  post- Castro
  It was certainly not an invigorating film, ending with
  the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Speech Castro gave
  about how Cuba would not back down, how they
  were United as a nation, that this was a test of thier
  independance and unity as a nation- and of course, they
  backed down. Fitting ending I think...
  Does anyone know of any other movies made within
  Communist Regimes? I was fascinated by a look at
  Animation in the Soviet Union on Bravo's animation
  festival a while back; but these films seem very hard to
  find in the USA.
  mn wrote:
A big jail??? Oh, please. The Cold War is over. Would you say the same
  thing about Mexico? How about any other third world country. How much time
  did you spend there? Where did you go? Any tourist with $$$ is king
   About a week ago I saw this documentary about Cuba and recycling. It
  doesn't actually seem like a paradise to Cubans. The embargo kind of
  sucks. It never cleared to me when the embargo started and when it, if it
  has, stopped.
   Me thinks in France tourist with dollars isn't king, but more likely a
  court jester. At least speaking just Finnish and bad English wasn't adored
  in Paris back in late eighties.

Re: FLUXLIST: poetry and revolution was: havana

2000-08-27 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

"Tis Nobler to never get paid
than to bank on shit and dismay."
-silver mt. zion


 In a message dated 8/27/00 12:06:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  'Tis happier to be dead
 to die for beauty than
 to live for bread

 Off with their heads!

 Let them eat cake!

 "I'd rather die on my feet
 than live on my knees".
 jay marvin

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: havanna

2000-08-27 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Trying to steer the Cuban discussion into art topica
[as revolutionary art is always a fave discussion topic
of mine:]

Oddly enough, the sundance channel just played
"A History Of Underdevelopment," a documentary made
in Cuba about the disappearance of hope in Cuba
post- Castro

It was certainly not an invigorating film, ending with
the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Speech Castro gave
about how Cuba would not back down, how they
were United as a nation, that this was a test of thier
independance and unity as a nation- and of course, they
backed down. Fitting ending I think...

Does anyone know of any other movies made within
Communist Regimes? I was fascinated by a look at
Animation in the Soviet Union on Bravo's animation
festival a while back; but these films seem very hard to
find in the USA.

mn wrote:

  A big jail??? Oh, please. The Cold War is over. Would you say the same thing about 
Mexico? How about any other third world country. How much time did you spend there? 
Where did you go? Any tourist with $$$ is king anywhere.

 About a week ago I saw this documentary about Cuba and recycling. It doesn't 
actually seem like a paradise to Cubans. The embargo kind of sucks. It never cleared 
to me when the embargo started and when it, if it has, stopped.

 Me thinks in France tourist with dollars isn't king, but more likely a court jester. 
At least speaking just Finnish and bad English wasn't adored in Paris back in late 


FLUXLIST: poetry and revolution was: havanna

2000-08-26 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

"Revolution is made possible by making hope possible,
rather than despair convincing." -Hunter S Thompson

If you don't think it is possible to capture hope in art, then
I don't know what you are doing in art, no offense.

Take a look at the films and carnivals filmed in the middle
of Nazi Germany, the idealistic slogans in Czeckoslovakia
in 1968, even Andrej Tisma in Sarejevo before he switched to
militant insanity.

If there is one spark of hope in an oppressive culture, it is
the responsibility of the artists to find it, and hope it spreads,
and the more little sparks, the more likely there'll be a wildfire.

As far as that woman who stopped writing poetry to feed her
children- that doesn't make any sense to me. How does a poet
stop being a poet? Its impossible. Theres a trick to not losing
poetry, its called writing it down. Scratch it into wood.

I also find the idea that ones poems are from a finite resource a
bit religious and corny. Poetry is everywhere, it is a substance
that washes through you like air, all you lose is your inability to
breathe, see, or hear. It can't get used up; what an awful idea,
perpetuated by the people who have lost themselves and are too
tired to find it again. Poetry is not a luxury to a poet; to a poet,
its an unshakeable [though beautiful] disease.


Kathy Forer wrote:

 At 11:07 PM -0700 8/25/00, Eryk Salvaggio wrote:
 But I also have heard, numerous times, of the art there, and
 all of it deals with the need for the spirits of people to be elevated
 out of the extreme poverty and structure.

 Is it possible to address this in art?
 Even given the need for heroic overcoming, can the artistic spirit
 triumph in such dire circumstances;
 If art exists there, it can't be so extremely hopelessly
 impoverished. Art too can't live without nourishment, it mostly fails
 in the face of insurmountable extremes. A story about the poet who
 had to stop so she could feed her children; when they had grown and
 she had some freedom she couldn't write either, her work had gone,
 either used up or lost.


2000-08-26 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

If narvis gets unsubbed, I leave voluntarily.
So maybe you can all kill two birds with one


"St.Auby Tamas" wrote:


  Should "narvis  ...pez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  be expulsed from the Fluxlist
  for his ignominious, boring, blockhead CIA-blahblah
  or not?

  Yes -No -



Re: FLUXLIST: Re: havanna

2000-08-25 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Hm, maybe there is more than one mindset in Cuba?

Maybe some people idealize america, and some people
idealize Castro?

I know that when i was in Amstterdam I found a couple
who hated amsterdam- one of the "free-est" cities in the world-
and were trying to get back IN to Cuba.

But I also have heard, numerous times, of the art there, and
all of it deals with the need for the spirits of people to be elevated
out of the extreme poverty and structure.

Just my two pesos.


 This is not the palce to argue about Cuba. But I will tell you that I have sat in my 
friends' home and watched American TV (NYPD Blue) on a Russian set. I also know the 
Cubans can hear US radio because my station gets into Cuba after 12 midnight EST. 
Enough said. Think what you wish.

  At 10:26 am -0400 25/8/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here's the little game we play with the Cubans: they see American TV and
  think the streets are paved with gold here, But when they get here they find
  that it's not so.
  they didnt see american tv, or european tv, or latinamerican tv
  they only see cuban tv, one channel, the fidel channel.
  people want to be free, and construct antenas to see wireless tv
  or radio, or any signal to bypass this channel
  People leave Cuba because of economics.
  not at all
  they leave because they want to be free
  If we would lift
  the embargo things on the island would get better.
  wrong again
  there is no one embargo
  we have two embargos
  one from usa
  one from cubans
  from usa the embargo is economic
  from cuban is ideological and technological
  i was there with a group of left-intelectual people
   we meet with the culture minister
  he said: "we must stand the shield of our national identity against yanqui
  The Cuban economy grows at
  about the rate of 6 to 7% a year. It would grow faster if the blockade were
  lifted. Here in this country corporate interests are now running more and
  more of most people's lives. Most media i.e. radio, TV, print are owned by
  big companies with just a few owing most. Read the Communications Act of
  1996. The only thing that saves us here is that we have material wealth. But
  we live in a highly managed society. Latin America would be far better off if
  this country would keep its hands off. There is no cold war in Cuba. Only the
  insane economic war between Cuba and the US Most in Cuba are far better off
  than say their counterparts in other Latin American countries.
  Viva Fidel!
  h, jay, did you like fidel?
  this is because you dont live there.
  Ps: a joke
  one cuban gay said to another
  "in US people have free expression. any body can said: fuck clinton"
  "also in cuba we have that: any body can said, fuck clinton too"

FLUXLIST: Art School

2000-08-23 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

The Best Advice for American Art Students:
Get the hell out of art school, as fast as you can.

Art Majors making art is like Poli Sci Majors
getting elected. Find something you love that
can influence your art- thats why I am going to
school for psychology/comparative religion
with a minor in multimedia/literature.

The problem with art school is you still end
up limited to design jobs and unemployment.
Or you teach, which I've heard is the biggest
myth since- poli sci majors getting elected?

I can assure you that I am happier at in my
pretentious east coast university than I would
have been at my pretentious east coast arts
college; I have friends who have spent time
at both and have discovered that both
economically and as a matter of personal
growth, my friends who (still into art) went
into other routes are much much happier.

In other countries it seems more likely that
one makes a living from art school degrees;
where in the USA the NEA budget was gutted
in the 80's and even 8 years of "liberal" rule
has not seen it returned.

Also, its absurd to think that your art can be
made better by some institutionalized
curriculum. My favorite example is this sound
artist working as a teacher who refuses to let
students use percussion- no matter what they
want to do, simply because she makes ambient
music herself. Who needs that? You can find your
own way in art.

Unless, of course, you are a painter, in which
case, go to art school, because you're already

Devon Paulson wrote:

 I am going to be going to California Instatute of the Arts, affectionatly
 refered to as CalArts, this fall, so I will have nothing but time to do art.
 In fact, I am sure I'll be sick of it.
 I start in about three weeks and am getting more and more nervous. I think
 it's the money issue more than the work, I mean, I do art every day anyway.
 Did anybody go to CalArts?
 I'd like some inside info.


 From: "meryl"

 Artists are very nearly worthless to most Americans (or so it seems to me).
 If we don't take time for ourselves when we can, no one will make a gift of
 it.  Alas.  I don't mean to sound unduly bitter (yes, she does!  oh, what a
 lie!), but I've been slogging through grant applications all morning.
 for the ritual burning right about now, you betcha!)


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Re: FLUXLIST: Professionalism

2000-08-23 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Art students have some hope, they're just misdirected idealists.

They'll succeed when they quit being art students and just realize
they were never better artists than they were when they were five and
did the stuff that seemed to make sense in a weird way. Like my first
fluxus artifact, age 13, a black frame with a gray corkboard behind
glass, framing the word "rainbow" written in black and white.

I think some kids come out of grad school for art theory and forget
what art is; remembering the mumbo jumbo and continuation
of certain schools and practices and the "gradual synthesis of
progressive art and traditional forms."

Success for an art student is determined by how early you transfer
to a liberal arts college.

There sure are a lot of art student amorphisms. Anyone else?

"You know you're an art student when..."


Reed Altemus wrote:


 Professionalism is an anathema. Wearing the trappings of an artist is an
 Fluxus Art Amusement is 100% amusement exactly half of the time. The
 most interesting history of Fluxus is the history which starts with
 Maciunas and Flynt and ends with mail art, which is an avocation. The
 most unfortunate part of participating in Fluxlist is that professional
 artists are allowed to participate also.

 Words of wisdom today?

 This list is rife with professionals and art students. I am nearly ready
 to quit.


FLUXLIST: Vegan Fluxus Events for RA

2000-08-23 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

1. Abandon animal products.
2. Lose half of your weight.
3. Lose half of your remaining weight.
4. Continue wearing the same sized pants.



1. Perform any given fluxus piece.
2. Replace all nouns with "Tofu" or "Soy."

[as a fellow vegan, I have performed script 1]

Reed Altemus wrote:

 meryl wrote:

  You're right though, people (Americans in particular)are taught very early
  on that pleasure is "bad" and that self indulgence is always a sign of
  weakness.  All the flux artists I know of (particularly those most active in
  the 50s and 60s) seemed to understand this or faked it remarkably well.  I

 There were definitely some drinkers in the crowd- Emmett Williams with his "In
 Vino Veritas" and Dick Higgins with a borderline alcohol problem.

  believe that pleasure is at the heart of most good art (well, pleasure and
  vaudeville to be painstakingly accurate).  I believe in total hedonism as a
  valid "lifesytle" (insofar as I believe in "lifestyles").  Crowley had it
  right you know, "Do What Thou Will Shall be the Whole of the Law."  Good old
  Uncle of the last men to know the value of a good sideshow.

 I used to practice total hedonism. I smoked, I ate meat, watched porno etc.It
 did bore me after a while though. Now I'm a bit older and I realize that
 there's was something missing i.e. taking care of my health! So I quit smoking
 which definitely would have killed me eventually considering how much I smoked.
 And went vegan for a diet and started excercising. I guess you reach a certain
 point where you say "Whoa!" I still hate excercising though. One Fluxus
 proposal by the mail artist Mark Bloch was to walk on a jogging paths and offer
 the joggers cigarettes. I thot that was very funny.

 There's always Max Stirner "The Ego and His Own" too.

  Indeed, blah, blah, blah, woof, woof, woof.
  Clearly too much time on my hands today.
  Exactly under the sun
  (it was Beuys who changed my life.  i get the feeling that people don't
  realize how funny he was.)

 YEEE! Beuys definitely. I just purchased a set of his postcards and
 they're really terrific. I  did a mock version of his Fluxus Zone West rubber
 stamp not too long ago.



FLUXLIST: Friedman and Andersen: Fluxpunks

2000-08-20 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Eryk Salvaggio is more fluxus than Eric Andersen
or Ken Friedman would ever want to be.

Ken did not have a gentle sense of humor.

[I like Ken. But he did not have a gentle sense of humor.]

Eric Andersen does not contribute to fluxus except to complain.
This makes me think he is Dutch, perhaps even Belgian.

[I appreciate Erics approach to fluxus. I wish he continued it.]

The list has unfortunately degenerated since discussion of
fluxus history has lost its focus: ironically, I was one of the
main champions for a return to the creation of modern work
rather than academic discussion of the past. What I longed
for was a serious discussion of new work on the level of the
old; which Ken did not manage to do very well (old work
and new work were rigidly seperated, and no bridge was
drawn between the two, in any sort of interesting manner.)

Meanwhile, however, the list is now merely production with
very little conceptual juice. No offense pals. I like that its a
beehive, I just wish we'd take the honey a little more seriously.

Ken is gone, and Eric states that Ken claimed to know the only
true history of fluxus, but still, Eric hardly steps up to plate to
bat his version of various events. A Friedman/Andersen exchange
might have been fun to watch. Interesting to learn from; to make
up our own minds.

Its a shame Ken left the list; but its a bigger shame that Eric
Anderson may as well not be here, by his level of participation.

Re: FLUXLIST: Censorship?

2000-08-20 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

FYI, I recieved this email 4 freakin times, so if
you are being censored its probably majordomo
built in defenses against spam.

Eric Andersen wrote:

 This mail was sent to Fluxlist, Ken Friedman and me some hours ago.

 Why hasn't it appeared on the list???




 Actually Ken has unsubscribed from Fluxlist.

 IPUT recalls the process:


 On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Ken Friedman wrote:

  Internet petitions do not work.


 Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 19:42:04 +0200
 From: "St.Auby Tamas" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Internet petitions do not work


 On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Ken Friedman wrote:

  Internet petitions do not work.

 Eric Andersen - after extensive research -
 have informed me that
 it was the internet petition more than anything else
 that made the bureaucrats in Sao Paulo Bienal
 realise the consequences, and
 reconsider their decision concerning Ivo Mesquita.




 (Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 07:47:58 +0200
 From: Ken Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Offlist note)

 many of Eric's claims are also sheer fabrications and lies


 Since IPUT doesn't believe in the notion of private,
 recieving the above "offlist note" by Ken Friedman
 IPUT have forwarded it to Eric Andersen.


 Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 15:24:10 -0400
 From: Eric Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Offlist note (fwd)
 Sender: Eric Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "St.Auby Tamas" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear Tamas,

 I enjoyed immensly the reaction from your mail-friend in Oslo. Can I tell
 him that I know about it and how it pleased me?

 All the bests


 Date:  28 Jul 2000
 To: Eric Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (St.Auby Tamas)
 Subject: Re: Offlist note (fwd)

 High, dear Eric!

 Can I tell him that I know about it and how it pleased me?

 Especially, because it's evident for him
 that you know about it.

 I would accept with pleasure
 if you would tell him that
 Tamas St.Auby is a notorious liar,
 he is not an artist.,
 not even a non-art-artist.,
 but a monomaniac, boring bureaucrat,
 who thinks he is the only expert of Fluxus and all,
 who is an uncurable solipsist
 - or something like that.




 Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 16:59:26 +0200
 To: "St.Auby Tamas" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: Ken Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Please keep my private correspondence private if you wish to
  exchange email.
 Status: RO
 X-Status: A

 Dear Tamas,

 Why the hell did you involve me in correspondence with Eric Andersen?

 Private correspondence ought to be private. Now you've started things up
 He doesn't like you any more than he likes me.


 Date:  3 Aug 2000
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (St.Auby Tamas)
 Subject: Re: Please keep my private correspondence private if you wish to
 exchange email.
 Cc: Eric

 High, dear Ken!

 On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, Ken Friedman wrote:

  Private correspondence ought to be private.

 I'm sorry, Ken,
 IPUT doesn't believe in the notion of private.
 If one shares anything
 it is immediately ought to be collective
 in the holy name of Techne.
 Noone should, can oblige IPUT to keep
 the shared in private.
 IPUT enjoys glasnost.y.

  He doesn't like you any more than he likes me.

 Yes, we know.
 It's because Mr Andersen doesn't trust. anymore
 the secretary of IPUT,
 because she knew, but
 - althought she had some obscure love-st.ory with him
 while they met at a Landsbergis-party some years ago in Toscana)
 didn't tell to him what
 Szaraz Belshar wrote to Ben Vautier about him:
 Eric Andersen is a notorious liar,
 he is not an artist.,
 not even a non-art-artist.,
 but a monomaniac, boring bureaucrat, who
 thinks he is the only expert of Fluxus and all,
 who is an uncurable solipsist.(.)
 (Well, the laughter exploded when Vautier wrote it to Benjamin Patterson
 who then wrote it to Mr. Andersen who wrote back that
 it was him who wrote it first. to IPUT
 about himself
 who then wrote to Ms. Belshar
 - and all this happened during one afternoon
 between 5 countries .
 Did you hear that?)


 Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 15:43:03 +0200
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (St.Auby Tamas)
 From: Ken Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Public forum.

 Dear Tamas,

 I don't agree with your idea of broadcasting private
 correspondence, but if you feel everything ought to
 be public, then go right ahead and publish what you


Re: FLUXLIST: Re: fluxpunk

2000-08-20 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

I agree with all these sentiments and was thrilled
to see anyone spraypainting 1400's graffitti on the wall.

Unfortunately, the end result is that Eryk Salvaggio was
fluxus way before Eric Andersen or Ken Friedman were
fluxus. :)

David Baptiste Chirot wrote:

 This ongoing discussion re who is the more flux, the real flux,
 the true flux, the public, the private--

 after a while becomes very sad.

 There is too much to be done to be lost in personal quarrels,
 which are presented to others as though every one is to take sides in a
 battle which is not theirs.  It reminds me of the military draft, political
 speeches, campaign mudslinging,  negative advertising and the lot.

 It also reminds me of a period in which I was living in an
 abandoned house in Cambridge, MA.  At first it was just myself and one
 other fellow--I have written to fluxlist a bit about it in a letter re AM

 What I but briefly mentioned in the letter is that after a period
 of time
 the place was full of runaways, punk rockers, skin heads, hardcore kids,
 various comers and goers dropping by for a party.

 Often the discussion would turn to such topics as--"I was a punk
 before you were a punk", "I was going to shows before you were". "you
 didn't meet so and so man, and I did", "I forgot more than you'll ever
 about being a punk", "I've been part of more scenes than you have" and the
 like.  "rich suburban kids are punk and hardcore is the people's music".

 Often nasty fights would break out, first verbal, then physical.
 These were always followed  by prolonged rumour assaults, the making
 public of private grievances and "secrets" and so on.  In moments of anger
 or drunkness or desperation, friend sold out friend and made matters
 worse.  The spiral of division made for the break up of a community
 spirit, the breakup of several bands and the eventual arrival of the
 police, summoned it was often thought by some punks who had the money to
 just move out to an apartment and let the others take the punishment they

 Since I was the oldest person living there, one night I was asked
 what I thought was a kind of historical figure for punk.

 I said they had always been around.
 Someone asked for an historical example--the first person that
 came into my head was Francois Villon--I noted he was from the 1400s and
 so not one of the earliest punks, but a good fellow for some punk rock
 lyrics--and proceeded to spray paint some on the wall, and give an
 impromptu lecture re maitre Francois.

 Happily, within days there were borrowed, stolen and second hand
 copies of Villon floating around.  A bunch of us started composing some
 ballads in the Villon style  subject matter to be performed as hard core
 songs--and making xerox collages again--making use of the life we were
 leading there instead of worrying about who is more this than someone
 else, or more that than someone.

 One of the best parts of fluxlist is that there are so many
 projects going on--Roger brought out a book, there's the timepiece
 projects, the alterations of the Josh story, the cookbook, the box,
 the stationary bicycle event, the Boulez and other projects--

 There have also been many good historical postings and much
 research and documentation done by many--I think of Owen and Reed
 especially for example--and many
 others--Alan Bowman's projects, ideas from Alex, Devon, Patricia, Allen
 Bukoff, Carol, Melissa, Heiko, Erik S.--everyone ones comes across--

 It's more constructive to focus on this than on personal quarrels
 which will only lead to divisions and name calling and decisions on what
 more or less "flux", on anger colored opinions,  and a Rashoman drama of
 what really
 happened according to whom.  All this does is involve people in disputes
 which lead away from work being done, ideas exchanged and a sense of

 Is better to focus on and exchange ideas and information
 re the historical development of flux, or the actual
 fluxus works, documentations, events and so on--the scholarly work  the
 constructive work to be done, and the new work to be done building
 from/with that--

 of course it will not be the historical fluxus, it is now
 something other--yet that is as it is--there is no need to quarrel over
 the relation of one to the other in the sense of who owns what proportion
 of the property, as though fighting over the interpretations of a will--

 as the saying goes:  "Two maggots were fighting in dead

 It is better to recall the idea of Robert Filliou:  "the Eternal


FLUXLIST: Comic Strip

2000-07-10 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

A new comic series by Eryk Salvaggio.

FLUXLIST: Dung beetles (was: Prank Phone Call Performances)

2000-06-27 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Well ann, thanks for that lovely scenario;
but what i was suggesting was not that anyone had a responsibility to
hear anyone out but that it could in the long term provide a good deal of
inspiration and could end up being worth the time.

I by no means asserted that anyone should get raped in order to see
what they come up with during the endeavor, and I think the tone
of your response was absurdly confrontational. (I'm not sure if calling
for my rape is a violation of the fluxlist code of conduct, by the way.)

My post merely suggestive that, on the thread of transgression,
that that which we automatically censor, ignore, delete, can oftentimes
be dealt with in a creative manner, rather than to simply ignore,
delete, or censor it. You will note that my post dealt exclusively
with the value of threats and hang ups and though acknowledging
obscenity did not attempt to carry on about its glorious virtue.

But now perhaps I should. One person pornography is another persons
beautiful documentation of decay; I suggest to everyone on the list the
film "Henry Fool" to see what happens when things are treated as filth
on account of not understanding them

Look at Burroughs, Kerouac, Neil Cassidy, Allen Ginsberg. The beats took
obscenity to a whole new level of art; perhaps the deterioration of the values
in america and the world will now form a new obscenity that of which
fluxlist will deem incapable of transmission and censor, censure and
moderate. While in fact I didn't even see the offending post and doubt it was
such an attempt at art, what would have happened if it was?

Look a little closer at the pile of dung, my friends, one never knows
how glorious the beetles inside it will be colored.

ann klefstad wrote:

Re: FLUXLIST: Dung beetles (was: Prank Phone Call Performances)

2000-06-27 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

I considered the "lacking empathy" remark a dis, by all means,
and found it an unusually strong reaction to a discussion of the
phone as a medium. But hey, I guess you can pull that off when
you're a list owner.

In my experience I have been the target of several prank phone calls,
including and not limited to threats of local gang members, jealous
former boyfriends of girls I was dating, and the random, useless
drunken prank of a random number.

The horror, for me, is interesting in that it does serve as an
uncomfortable invasion of personal space- the most intimate of spaces,
in fact, the ear. To me this proves that the intimacy of the telephone is a
very delicate thing; and that which is delicate is a good source of inspiration.
If it can provide horror, it should be able, as a medium, to provide bits of
beauty as well.

I have no idea what that had to do with me being a sociopath, but hey.



 Eryk, I didn't see Ann's post as dissing you at all, I think she was just
 saying prank phone calls don't seem as artistically interesting to women
 who've experienced the violence and hatred aimed at them. I don't think she
 was calling for your rape either, just asking that you -- who seemingly do
 have a large and wonderful capacity for imagination -- imagine what it would
 feel like to actually be the target of such violence and hatred . . .

Re: FLUXLIST: happY nEw earS

2000-06-26 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

I second that! It really was a good collection
I just got it today and was tres impressed.


 Many thanks to Roger Stevens

 for the wonderful compilation of random word text sound groupings
 or, fluxist-inspired poetry by members of fluxlist

 a pleasure to have been part of it...

 thank you again,
 kindest regards
 cristine wang

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: RHIZOME_RAW: Interesting item on eBay web site item#365775032: Jessi Buchanan Interactive Art Experience!]

2000-06-26 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

I saw this item for sale at eBay, the world's largest personal trading community, and 
thought that you might be interested.

Title of item:  Jessi Buchanan Interactive Art Experience!
Starts: Jun-23-00 13:35:35 PDT
Ends:   Jul-03-00 13:35:35 PDT
Price:  Currently $36.00
To bid on the item, go to:

Item Description:   

Interactive art project!22" x 28" Oil on stretched canvas, signed by the artist. 
Offbeat, wacky, strange  artwork by outsider Jessi Buchanan.(Jessi Buchanan is my 
brush name. If you buy my art, you can find out who I really am - AS IF YOU CARE!)

Here's the deal: you bid on my painting, then email and tell me what you want on it. 
It's that simple!

For example: 
Bob places the first bid for $.01 and says "how about a cat?" 
No problem! I paint a cat.  
Frida comes along and places her bid of $.25 and says "I think a mermaid would be 
nice!" You got it, Frida!  
Zoe bids $.50 and says "I hate that cat that Bob asked for, can you put a watermelon 
on its head?" Your wish is my command, Zoe! Watermelon it is!
You get the idea. Bid as often as you want, and suggest more stuff! How far will it 
go? How many bids will I get? Will I even get one? Time will tell!
A couple of important notes:Keep in mind that a bid means that you are committing to 
buy this thing if you win, however it turns out!Also, I will interpret your 
suggestions AS I SEE FIT! Hey, I'm an artist! Artistic license! Artistic license!
I will begin work on the painting as soon as I get the first suggestion. Then, I'll 
provide daily updates of my progress. Suggestions will be added to the painting in the 
order that they are received.
Buyer pays $10.00 shipping in U.S. 

 See Other Paintings by Jessi Buchanan

Visa and Mastercard accepted through PayPal
On Jun-23-00 at 15:21:36 PDT, seller added the following information:
Original blank canvas:

On 6/23 Cat Boy placed the first bid and requested a big, fat eggplant:
On Jun-23-00 at 16:54:42 PDT, seller added the following information:
On 6/23 Janet wanted a fish:
On Jun-23-00 at 18:47:20 PDT, seller added the following information:
Lemurgurl asked for guessed it! A lemur! What a surprise!
On Jun-23-00 at 19:58:54 PDT, seller added the following information:
SPHN asked for a couple of plastic army men shooting the eggplant. "Die eggplant!" 
they scream:


On Jun-24-00 at 06:10:21 PDT, seller added the following information:
Lori wants a jack'o'lantern crying for the eggplant:

On Jun-24-00 at 12:38:53 PDT, seller added the following information:
This page is getting too big, and it's taking too darn long to load! Hit reload on 
your browser to see the latest version of the painting. To see a summary of the first 
day's action, click  HERE! 
On Jun-24-00 at 12:53:06 PDT, seller added the following information:

Janet wants an earring on something, and leaves the choice of where to put it up to 
me. Hmmm, that lemur sure has big ears...

Cat Boy is back! I'll let him put it in his own words: "Boys will be boys, but aren't 
those green army men getting a little hungry by now? Wait! Look over there! I see 
their mother calling them to dinner! She's tempting them with a cherry pie!"

puddlewonderful says "can you fit your VAMPIRA on there somewhere?"
On Jun-24-00 at 21:07:33 PDT, seller added the following information:
SPHN says "I believe my army men drove up in a 1976 AMC Pacer. Most of them were 
painted lime green, or turquiose? in color. Great if the door was open, showing their 
half eaten corn dogs on the seat. The men didn't realize they were coming on to the 
eggplant enemy when they started eating lunch." I decided to exercise my artistic 
license on this one and paint the Pacer as the special red, white and blue 
Bicentennial Edition - with the rally package interior!
On Jun-24-00 at 21:38:29 PDT, seller added the following information:
To see a summary of the second day's action, click  HERE! 

On Jun-25-00 at 06:08:20 PDT, seller added the following information:
Eric says "I'd like to see a mobile home maybe in front of the Pacer." Well, this 
might not be what you have in mind, but when I hear "mobile home" I think Airstream! A 
1953 Airstream Flying Cloud, to be exact!
On Jun-25-00 at 07:27:05 PDT, seller added the following information:
bigsidfan says "I would like to see Godzilla, who is mad at the army men (they always 
manage to mess with him when he's busy stomping Tokyo)."
I have opted for the original guy-in-a-suit Godzilla, not the whimpy 1998 CGI movie 
lizard. Notice that he is holding one of the army men: this explains the mysterious 
"third corndog" in the Pacer.
On Jun-25-00 at 09:01:30 PDT, seller added the following information:
Metatron says "I want peter pumpkin eater saying "that gourd sure is sumthin' fine" to 
the weeping jack o' latern"
Metatron ups his own bid to say "i also wanna see a bust of Karl Marx 

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: trial [freedom from transgression]

2000-06-26 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

If Piss Christ was transgression for transgressions sake, it did a good job:
It managed to be beautiful and offensive at the same time. "if the revolution is
beautiful it is useless."

Accidental discourse is really the only kind.

everything else is masturbation.


ann klefstad wrote:

 Transgression as an end in itself , as a gesture, is empty. The negative
 dialectic fits the contours of what it is meant to critique so tightly that
 it supports it.

Re: FLUXLIST: wild horses couldn't drag me away

2000-06-24 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

This is brilliant. Consider this a second to any motion it may call for.

David Baptiste Chirot wrote:


 In joining any list, one is made aware of the rules and guidelines of the
 list.  One enters into a contract with these in joining.
 Of course, with time and experience, one may find oneself disagreeing with
 the tenor and tenets of the list.  This often happens. An interesting
 question would then be, how to work for a positive, constructive change, if
 one cares enough about the issues and events of the list--how to effect
 this--without resorting to "flaming" or to simply leaving and beginning a
 new list, which may incorporate those changes one sees fit and inviting
 others to join this.

 The bottom line is that one is aware from the outset of the guidelines,
 rules--and has entered into a contract of one's own volition.

 (Unless of course coerced by say, having to join it for a class or peer
 pressure etc)

 That said, the issue of the censored person--any question of censorship is
 disturbing.  Two other lists I am on have had to deal with this--one
 decisively, according to its tenets, the other indecisevely, and the problem
 drags on.  In that way, the flamer (as in "flaming asshole", often--: "he's
 a real flamer"--meaning this)--the flamer has accomplished her/his goal and
 made buffoons of the others.  Eventually, this too leads to censorship, but
 in more hypocritical fashion.

 There is a Zen parable relating to this idea of "beating a dead horse":

 A master and his pupil are on a journey through mountainous and deeply
 forested country to an isolated temple.
 On the way, they encounter a a dangerous, rushing stream.

 A beautiful young woman stands at the edge of one side, with a heavy sack.
 She is afraid to cross, though she must.

 The master puts her atop his shoulders and carries her across.  They part
 ways, she taking another path.

 Many miles and hours later, the pupil says to the master--"why did you pick
 up that woman?  Isn't it against our vows?"

 The master replies:  "I put the woman down at the edge of the stream.  You
 have been carrying her ever since".

  As a child I often noticed the strange fact that very intelligent people
 often yearned to demonstrate their intelligence--whether it was of their own
 conception and self-proclamation or bolstered by "proofs" in the way of
 tests, grades, degrees and so on--
 they yearned to prove this by argumentation.  Rapidly, the principles and
 questions of the arguments were abandoned, and it became a clash of
 personalities.  Victory would somehow prove not only intelligence but a
 certain kind of might.  "Might makes right"--"the squeaky wheel gets the
 And so one received one's first lessons in sophistry and rhetoric.

 Thinking of this question of "putting principles before personalities",
 came across an interesting quote from Kierkegaard, cited by the Surrealist
 painter  Andre Masson in an essay called "Painting is a Wager"  (written in
 1941 and included in THEORIES OF MODERN ART Edited by Herschel Chipp.
 Berkeley: U Cal Press, 1968; 436-40.  The Kierkegaard quote is appended as a
 note by Masson, p. 440).

 I think it applies well to the kind of arguments and such that employ mere
 power plays connected with personalities rather than an essay in the action
 of a generative questioning and understanding of actions, events, questions,
 examples--and lead to more thought and work rather than the excruciating
 noise of ever louder amplifiers, leading to demogogery and the like.
 (Demi-god-ery for example.)


 We must not take the word contradiction in the mistaken sense in 
 Hegel used it and which he made others and contradiction 
   itself believe
 that it had a creative power.

 Though personally I often enjoy the "witz" as Bertrand calls them (jokes)
 and participate in them, I also, like Bertrand, joined the list hoping to
 find a continual learning and opening up of questions which are involved
 with the history and events and ideas and objects of Fluxus, and their
 relations with other art/performance questions.
 Also, one hopes to contribute to this--

 The agreement or disagreement is not so important as what one may find--and
 be able to make use of!

 Which raises the old question of the artist/maker as thief--
 or--speaking of wagers as Masson and someone on the list did--that   
 wagerer Pascal's proposition that "it is not the elements that are new, but
 the order of their arrangement".

 Which bears on the question raised on the list of the constancy or not such
 of nature--the question entropy/negentropy.

 (Two good books on this are:  ART AND ENTROPY by Rudolf Arnheim (U

Re: FLUXLIST: Trial by e-jury

2000-06-24 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

If you don't like america, Brad, why don't you go to China, see how you like it

Bertrand et Claudia CLAVEZ wrote:

 seems to ask for...


[Fwd: FLUXLIST: How many listserv discussion list subscribers does it take tochange a light bulb?]

2000-06-24 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Forwarded from John Hopkins at Neoscenes:


How many listserv discussion list subscribers does it take to change a
light bulb?

Answer: 1,331

1 to change the light bulb and to post to the mail list that the light bulb
has been changed

14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light
bulb could have been changed differently

7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs

27 to point out spelling/grammar errors in posts about changing light bulbs

53 to flame the spell checkers

41 to correct spelling in the spelling/grammar flames

156 to write to the list administrator complaining about the light bulb
discussion and its inappropriateness to this mail list

109 to post that this list is not about light bulbs and to please take this
email exchange to another list

203 to demand that cross posting to other lists about changing light bulbs
be stopped

111 to defend the posting to this list saying that we all use light bulbs
and therefore the posts *are* relevant to this mail list

3 to post about links they found from the URLs that are relevant to this
list which makes light bulbs relevant to this list

306 to debate which method of changing light bulbs is superior, where to
buy the best light bulbs, what brand of light bulbs work best for this
technique, and what brands are faulty

27 to post URLs where one can see examples of different light bulbs

14 to post that the URLs were posted incorrectly, and to post corrected URLs

33 to concatenate all posts to date, then quote them including all headers
and footers,  and then add "Me Too."

12 to post to the list that they are unsubscribing because they cannot
handle the light bulb controversey

19 to quote the "Me Too's" to say, "Me Three."

4 to suggest that posters request the light bulb FAQ

48 to propose new change.lite.bulb newsgroup

47 to say there is already an alt.light.bulb newsgroup

143 to ask if anyone ever did change the lightbulb


Re: FLUXLIST: art stories, puns, silly jokes

2000-06-23 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Not sure if this got in yet, but the Warhol burger cooks in fifteen
while the DamienHirstBurger is loaded with preservatives..

(ugh. This is giving me a stomach ache. :)

David Baptiste Chirot wrote:

 Yes and when dinner was served, where did Vincent van Gogh?

 On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Patricia wrote:

  Gosh, I forgot the thrill of the Rauschenberger, studded with capers...
  Patricia wrote:
   However, the FrancisBaconBurger can be very tasty, and kinda makes ya
   salivate while you dive into it.
I thought Monet-onnaise was French cuisine until I read the
message dated 6/20/00 9:16:10 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] who wrote:
don't forget lettuce, tomato  "manet's"...-r


Re: FLUXLIST: Faith vs Art ( was Lord H's reply to 6 things)

2000-06-06 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Blah indeed. Make first, ask later, and hope you hit
a sacred cow somewhere along the way, thats where
the art comes to life- without aim and without intention

just some revolutionary accidents
some brave mistakes

  however, I supsect a lot of left-leaning people don't fully "get" my "clean"
  avant-garde explorations because it doesn't kill any sacred cows of the right


Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Allen Bukoff

2000-06-06 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

"Allen Bukoff" is actually a collective of artists in Prague.
It means "Fluxus Indian" in Czechoslovakian.

Don Boyd wrote:

 Ronsen, Josh wrote:
 Is Allen Bukoff a Willem de Ridder prank?

 No, Josh, Allen is very much himself.- Don

FLUXLIST: Sacred/Holy Cows

2000-06-06 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

 And maybe the "holy cows", if they are to be attacked, are better hit, par
 hasard. But I dont know of any "holy cows" worth to be attacked now.
 Maybe labor etc...

Mass Media.
The Gap.
Dr Laura.
US Cultural Warfare.
Advertisements pandering to children.
McDonalds, Disney, Etc.
Big Tobbacco.
Exploitation: Women, Men, Animals, Environmental.

Maybe some of these things are not sacred cows and maybe the
damage they pose is minimal- sky scrapers are as natural as trees-
but they are sacred cows. Everything should be questioned and I
make this statement not because I believe in the core of meaninglessness
and absurdity but because when you question everything the real meaning
of life becomes more apparent. Call it God if you want- I ain't.

It would be interesting to work on a Fluxus Direct Action Score Book
for Political Change and Education. Base it on neither left or right wing
politics but as a horizon-widener.

Creative solutions to sacred cow worshippers. Changing the world
through art- like guerilla gardening, for example. Seems Fluxus to me.
Maybe not. Maybe its 138 again.

Re: FLUXLIST: fluxus research or fluxus parody?

2000-06-02 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

"All the authentic Fluxus artists consider the Fluxlist
to be a truly absurd parody."
But isn't it true that all the authentic Fluxus artists
consider FLUXUS to be a truly absurd parody?

FLUXLIST: free art games 2

2000-06-02 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

All Creation is an Act Of Destruction: Guerilla Gardening and Grafilthy.

1. Graffilthy
* Graffitti's natural progression: Super Soakers, filled with paint,
a Jackson Pollack Landscape. The differential between art and
reality meets
an all time union.
* The new Militant left declares a war and fights it with the
combination of
childish things (vandalism, waterguns) and artistic tools (paint,
art.) Inherently it is a satire of the Militant Right.
* Graffilthy has merged with performance art on several occasions.
goggles, bicycle helmets and kneepads, on a bicycle with a water
gun, an
unidentified Graffilthy Perpetrator runs through town ringing his
bell and
spraying paint.
* Even authorities are disinterested, going so far as to refuse to
call it
"vandalism." Teachers, College Professors, Doctors and Dentists have
remarked on its prettiness. The landmark bridge was coated with
paints, which remain today.
* As with any underground art movement, there are rumors abound:
the graffilthy movement is sponsored by the city as part of the
to modernize Boston. That news reports have identified it, with its
proper name.

2. Guerilla Gardening: The Response to Graffilthy
* Balance is an essential piece of any artistic endeavor. As a
there is a new flipped version of graffilthy: Guerilla Gardening.
* Groups of youths with Ski Masks and pick up trucks jump from the
into traffic circles, parking lots, sidewalks, with green watering
seeds. Rakes if neccessary. The seeds are planted and the location
placed on a Map.
* The groups care for these seeds on a daily basis in the same
though often for the sake of convienience the spectacle is reduced,
and shifts are rotated.
* Soon, the city is overrun by broad, colorful splashes of paint at
eye level, and legions of self-perpetuating flowers on the ground.

Its Relation To The Internet:

Through the internet, both movements have been able to become
inexplicably intertwined with the street cultures of various cities
that it would perhaps never reach otherwise. Streetwise is slowly
coming to mean net.savvy, and previously local scenes for Graffitti
artists are getting smaller- increasing the desire to top a larger
This means an essentially immense increase in the collective quality

of graffitti artists. When one gets up in Utah, one can also be seen by
the artists in London.
Essentially, net.savvy has led to a desire to literally have a style
with everyone in the world. As a result of this networking, which has
occured for several years, though now, with cable and computer
access more popular than ever before, it has reached an all time high.
The product of this has been the formation of the Graffitti Avant
Graffilthy is aware of the internet, sharing the same ideologies that
and the net share: the desire to be seen, to put forward art and ideas
of merely recieving them from established sources.
Just as early electronic music and Graffitti were tied together, the
and Graffitti will enjoy in the 21st century a symbiotic relationship
could change the realm of internet art to involve a more direct sense of
and real-time, non virtual results.

Re: FLUXLIST: fluxus research or fluxus parody?

2000-06-02 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

My personal definition of Fluxus, which, I have
learned, is but one in the multicolored rainbow
of Fluxus- is simply:

Fluxus As Haiku.

"Art which connects or generates a moment of direct
insight into nature or psychology."

This is based on my fluxus as haiku theories of
yesteryear, and by no means is it a complete
definition, its been enough to keep me happy.

There are smaller aspects that I have enjoyed however:

Fluxus as Imploding Anarchy.

Fluxus as a response to sociological constructs of order
by creating its own order: Ie; inventing new games and
limitations in order to supersede, compliment, or ridicule
the rules of our established social order and fabric.

Fluxus as Outsider

To create with the flux umbrella gives one the right
to explore ones personal creative motivations as
opposed to the continuation of the art worlds academic
discourse. Unfortunately, this has not held very purely
among the remaining fluxus artists, who have now created
a fluxus discourse on its own. Leading us to:

Fluxus as Anti-Fluxus

To be truly Fluxus in the post-Maciunas world
means shunning any desire to be accepted by the
remaining group, it means an ignorance of discourse
(not an ignorance of the work, mind you, but a deliberate
ignorance for academic discussion of the work) and it
means playing with fluxus in the way that fluxus played
with the art world: knock it down, respect it, mock it,
destroy it, contribute to it, add to it, delete from it.
(Is this discourse? Maybe- but for the love of god,
never concern yourself with "discourse.")

FLUXLIST: poetry

2000-05-27 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

The butterflies have got
a secret agenda.
They want to kill us all
with chaos theory
Shatter our televisions
with electrical storms
forcing us to stare at each other
by candlelight
listening to that typhoon
tapping against our windows.
They conspire as caterpillars
and go underground,
preparing and training
like Iranian Guerillas
or the guys who kidnapped
Patricia Hearst.
In summer, the revolution begins
opening wings like the flames of riots
Shattering our beer bottles,
to show us real intoxication;
stealing our glances from hamburger gardens
and the clean glass shopping malls.
Kamikaze Butterflies!
they refuse to eat;
a hunger strike for our souls
A propaganda campaign
against human anxiety
and they beg us
to join their army.

FLUXLIST: haiku list

2000-05-27 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

All this poetry has made me check the registration roster
for the haiku list at, and I don't see many fluxlist

The place is ideal for those writing scripts, events, or poetry
based on direct insight into nature (haiku) or psychology (senryu)

Syllable Count is meaningless as its a very open list-
currently involving cut ups, birdwatching hints
and sunflower seed instructions

There is no discussion whatsoever (less ego) just poetry-
responses are sent to the individual writers

If there is anyone interested in subscribing to send works
or just to get a batch of zen in thier inbox on a daily basis
just send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This isn't spam I promise :) but if you know anyone who might
be interested please spread the word.


Re: FLUXLIST: HIDING EVENTS alan bowman 1999#8

2000-04-17 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

These Hiding events are absolutely terrific. Its good to see
work on the list.

Re: FLUXLIST: As seen on TV

2000-03-29 Thread Eryk Salvaggio


allen bukoff wrote:

 Think I should turn this into a rubber stamp?

Name: seen.gif
seen.gifType: GIF Image (image/gif)
Encoding: base64


2000-03-26 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Anyone (Canadians?) know where I could get information
on what multimedia artist katarina soukup ("radio bicyclette")
is doing these days? I saw radio bicyclette in amsterdam and
found it to be perhaps the most compelling work of art I have
seen, perhaps ever.


FLUXLIST: Easter, The Avant Garde, and Alban Berg

2000-03-24 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Due to its outline form, this text may not be properly formatted for all

programs. Apologies in advance.

A. Easter Rabbits and Early Work.
1. Feet.
a. Create two enormous cardboard feet.
b. Cover them with pink paint and glitter.
c. Lead them from an easter basket out to the street.
d. Stop at a train track.
e. Sprinkle red paint liberally.
2. Fertility.
a. Fill plastic easter eggs with:
1. condoms.
2. altered textbooks images of women giving birth to
3. altered text book images of chickens giving birth to
3. Background:
a. Third and youngest member of the Second Viennese School
b. Early life
1. Born into a well-to-do Viennese family
2. Began composing songs while in his early teens
3. Circle of friends included other artists and
a. Painters: Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka
b. Writers: Stefan Zweig, Peter Altenberg
4. Studied formally with Schoenberg 1906-1910

B. Easter Baskets and Chamber Concerto for Piano, Violin and 13 Wind
1. Yellow: "The Biohazard"
a. yellow easter basket.
b. green artificial grass.
c. A plastic bag filled with used tissues from the previous
ground into a powder.
2. Blue: "The Childrens Gift."
a. Marshmallow Peeps.
b. An assortment of candy bars.
c. A chocolate rabbit.
d. Orange Chocolate.
e. Various inexpensive cards and trinkets.
3. Red: "Untitled."
a. Pages are cut from "Mille Plateaux" by Gilles Deleuze, "Alice
in Wonderland"
and "Peter Pan," as well as "Walden Two" By BF Skinner.
b. Pages are pasted in random order via paper mache into the
form of
a three foot tall rabbit holding in one hand an easter egg
and in the other,
a phallus.
c. The paper mache creature is set on fire and videotaped. The
video tape
is treated as the artwork itself, and is stored in a bag
containing the ashes.
4. Chamber Concerto for Piano, Violin and 13 Wind Instruments (1925)

a. Use of architectonic construction
b. First movement (theme with variations): 240 measures
theme 30m.variations: 30, 60, 30, 30, 60m. (respectively)
c. Second movement (240 measures)
1. Arch form
2. Second half recapitulates material of the first half
in reverse
d. Third movement (Rondo)
1. 480 measures in length (balances out mov't 1 
2. Music of first and second movements are combined.

C. The Easter Egg Hunt.
1. The Hiding Places.
a. an easter egg is placed inside the carcass of an infertile
b. an easter egg is placed inside a womans vagina, and is
removed during menstruation.
c. an easter egg is placed in with various "regular eggs," thus
bridging the esoteric and
2. Inside the Easter Egg.
a. a plastic easter egg contains the disembowled head of a
b. various haiku poems.
c. various texts about consuming the body of christ, with egg
d. jelly beans.
3. Stylistic differences with Webern
a. Webern typically uses a single row rigidly for a single
b. Berg alters the row from movement to movement in the Lyric
c. Diatonic aspects of Berg's tone rows:
 1. Sequences of rising or falling 5ths.
 2. Sequence of rising or descending scalar passages.

D. Lent.
1. Abstinence.
a. eat no meat during lent, besides fish.

[Alban Berg Information by David Papandrew.]

Re: FLUXLIST: cheery poem

2000-03-07 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

OH, and here I had thought it was because rainwater, when
under the third full moon and, having buried an egg under an oak tree,
would make one pregnant!


 let your raincoat be a laugh
 Wouldn't that lead to a high rate of pregnancies?

 Sorry, don't understand - is this a language/ translation thing?

 Sorry. "Raincoat" is slang for prophalactics (spelling?) -- those rubber sheaths 
used to restrain conception.

Re: FLUXLIST: passion for fashion

2000-02-25 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Flux Clothes (Unrealized Potentialities)

1. A Hand Bag
Made of Human Hands.

(Note: This artifact is never to be manufactured)

Flux Clothes: (Realized Potentiality)

1. A Hand Bag

A group of young women in lab coats and
black glasses follow an attractively dressed,
fashionable woman around for an hour,
using thier hands together to form a purse
which behaves in the same fashion as any
store-bought hand bag, including the holding
of objects.

SHERRY wrote:

 so apparently I need to focus in my painting 3 class. However I'm no good
 at exhausting ideas I like beingscatteredaround.  but i have to focus
 cause I'm commanded to and it might be goodforme, who knows. Well, I'm
 doinga fluxus clothing line. So far I've bought this cheap pleather
 micheal jackson thriller like jacket and have painted Maciunas's face on
 it and Flux you! above it in metal letters. Very punk rock. Next to follow
 is Yoko ono on the butt of a vinyl skirt and again flux you (sorry to sit
 on her face, really :O).
 I was thinking maybe you guys could buzz around some ideas for me to get
 my gears going. Anything goes.
 I'llbe displaying them by wearing them with my friends although my prof
 keeps insisting on somesort of gallery thing. Well I'll focus but
 any ideas reactions are welcome, focus!


 ***   ***
 ***  ***
 *** Revolution: it's a good way to revolt ***
 ??? *   * ???


2000-02-12 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

Gerald O'Connell wrote:

 - well, I  already started one such interactive project - the twist
 being that I'm collaborating with myself over an 18 year time gap !
 I've been digging into my archive back to 1982 and discovering stuff I'd
 forgotten, and then taking samples from it and reprocessing the original
 material with contemporary stuff blended in.

Whoa. Thats awesome. I am suddenly quite happy that I keep
all the wavs of my electronic music stuck on CD, especially lately,
as the music I have been making is extrememly representative of
the time span I am making it in. In a few years, I'm sure it would be
wonderful to see how where I was then has taken me and "remix"
the work accordingly.

The music is quite nice, as well, you may consider mentioning the
manner in which it was made on your site.

Also, since so many fluxlisters are working with,
why not set up a "fluxlist" station, where we set up a stream
of various fluxlist music. Maybe change the "DJ" every week.

 Sambience at
 is the first such opus. Unsettling. I feel like a medium raising his own

 I like this idea of a collaborative approach, with several people
 building up a track by email or whatever...

 Gerald O'Connell

FLUXLIST: My Amazing Robot

2000-02-06 Thread Eryk Salvaggio

The first fluxlist house band is now on