Re: [fonc] Flat text and 1D syntax considered harmful

2013-07-21 Thread Pavel Bažant
On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Gath-Gealaich

 On Sat, 20 Jul 2013 14:28:59 +0200
 Pavel Bažant wrote:

  On the other hand, imagine math notated the same way
  programming languages are. That would be awful! IMHO, it is awful for
  PL, too, but everyone got used to it.

 Actually, that would be anything but awful - it would be positively
 splendid! Mathematical notation is fuzzy and ambiguous in places, a
 luxury it can afford because it's ultimately processed by the human
 brains of mathematicians - beings that, despite specializing in a field
 renowned for exactitude in reasoning and results, are ultimately still
 only human beings. Computers can't afford ambiguous notation, which is
 why Sussman in his book on computational approach to classical
 mechanics (Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics) threw
 mathematical notation out of the window and went with a functional,
 machine-readable one.

Mathematical notation is intended to be compact and easily readable by
humans. It serves this purpose well. Some computer algebra systems use it,
so it definitely can be made non-ambiguous. If manipulating richly notated
expressions is perfectly possible in computer algebra systems, what's wrong
with having a rich syntax for say Standard ML and manipulating it the same
way? Even the good old DOS version of Derive edited formulas at the
structure level! Like 20 years ago. The point is, everyone else already
treats structured data as structured data, only the software development
community treats structured data as the corresponding unstructured stream
of bytes which happens to represent the data on the disk. It's almost like
editing SVG files in a text editor instead of using a drawing software.
It's almost as if the programmers subconsciously wanted source code to be
really a code in the sense of something secret, incomprehensible.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Flat text and 1D syntax considered harmful

2013-07-21 Thread Pavel Bažant
There are various ways to present the same structure.
 Trees, for example, can be represented top-down, bottom-up,
 left-to-right, dynamically (front to bottom), graphically, textually,
 etc.   Each representation can also lead to different ways of editing
 them.  So each application wants to represent them in a certain way.

So you can have a toolbox of tree representations and editing modes, but
 don't count on having a single one to serve all the applications.

Yes, I agree. But that's just what I had in mind with the pixmap editor
example -- the editor provides a specialized pixamap drawing interface, but
the idea was the general array editing capability provided by the OS shell
to be applicable *uniformly* to any array-like structure in any
application, i.e. to the pixmap, too. This way any generic array
manipulation tools I may have created for myself have much broader
usability. The whole environment (OS + applications) would be structure
centric, not bytestream centric.

 And this problem is compounded by the number of different data

A nD array and a tree cover 80 % of structures the user conceptually works
with. Add DAGs and a few other types of graphs and you are at 90 %.
Moreover, specialized views can often be ambiguous, whereas the generic
ones wouldn't be ambiguous.

  3) Get rid of established but unnatural ways of manipulating data.
  Most importantly, get rid of flat text and find neat graphical
  representations for the most common structures.


 I mean, graphical representations are nice.  To read them.  But when it
 comes to editing, ie. to transfering information from the human brain to
 the computer,  nothing beats in bandwidth the ten fingers and the
 ~100-key keyboard.

 I am sorry, my wording was not exact. I meant to say find neat generic
graphical *presentations* of structures and edit the structures directly,
not their on-disk linear representations. I didn't say anything about input
methods. There is no reason why one couldn't directly and very efficiently
edit structures using a keyboard. Such systems actually exist, but I think
they are underused in the programming community.

 Unless you want to develop high resolution brain waves reading systems.

This would be nice, I could then prepare my answers in advance.

 The point is that you can't think like that, in such general terms, for
 all applications and for everybody.

Yes, I use very general arguments, so there is greater risk of missing
important details. At the same time, there is higher chance of finding new
ways to simplify all this stuff. Software development is a disaster today
and the various tools constantly emerging are actually just masking the
real problems, making really effective solutions even less likely.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Flat text and 1D syntax considered harmful

2013-07-21 Thread Pavel Bažant
 Well, I'm not a mathematician, but when I have to do equations,  the
 problem I have in doing math on a screen doesn't come from the text
 matrix, but rather from the lack of automatic tools to manipulate the

 On the paper, hand written math notation is optimized enough so you can
 just rewrite and rewrite transformed equations. (But for big ones it can
 still become boring fast, and it's always very error prone).  What you'd
 want on a computer, is not to reproduce the paper/hand notation, but to
 add algebraic tools to manipulate the equations at a higher level.

 Now this is about what is done in semi-automatic theorem proving
 systems, where the user gives hints, and the program performs the
 equation rewritting itself until it reaches the final proof.  It's not
 done in a graphical and animated way, but is it necessary?


 click and drag cx on the other side and get an animation that ends into:

⇔ (a-c)x+b=d

 click and drag b on the other side and get an animation that ends into:

⇔ (a-c)x=(d-b)

 click and drag (a-c) on the other side and get an animation that ends into:

⇔ ⦚ a≠c ∧ x=(d-b)/(a-c)
 ⦚ a=c ∧ b=d

 It works as well in text than in graphics.

 Now instead of slow and painful click-and-drag, you could just type
 editing commands like C-s cx RET

I am not against keyboard input. What you suggest is not text editing --
this is structure editing and this is exactly my point. The fact that the
structure is presented as flat test is irrelevant. The editing works on a
representation that is not flat but structured. Moreover, I find it
intuitive that the same approach (structured editing) would be useful in
programming, too. Unfortunately, even advanced IDEs are based on text
editing instead of structured editing. IDEs support *some* structured
manipulations, but in a totally ad-hoc way, bolted-on what is basically a
typewriter. The DOS version of Derive was much better in this respect 20
years ago.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Flat text and 1D syntax considered harmful

2013-07-21 Thread Pavel Bažant

 There have been so many attempts - by people who were by no means
 stupid - to replace text as the primary representation of code!
 And ALL of them have failed, miserably!
 The best anyone has ever achieved was to enthuse a few managers,
 much to the detriment of the engineers who eventually had to use
 the shit on a daily basis!

Nope, there are some that succeeded.  Latex documents are a kind of a
source code. Lyx ( very successfully replaces Latex source editing
with structured document editing. It still has a Latex fallback (snippets
of Latex embedded in the Lyx document), but 95-100 % of the document is
pure Lyx. I see no principal reason why the same thing could not be done
with a say C++ source or Javascript source. It would be actually pretty
Maybe many past projects tried to invent a new language together with the
graphical (re)presentation. But one can just keep the semantics of the
language. A source code represents a tree. When you lay out the tree left
to right, top to bottom, you get something pretty similar to what a
tediously formatted source code looks like, just nicer and more regular.
Parentheses are replaced by indentation and frames or something like that.
It looks almost the same except, as a bonus, you can embed pixmaps or
tensor formulas in Penrose notation into the code. Selection does not
operate on pieces of text, but on subtrees, so the editing operations are a
little bit different. For example, you cannot produce unbalanced
parentheses, because there are either no parentheses, or they are just part
of the presentation, but not of the representation.

 1D representations are established exactly BECAUSE they are NATURAL!

 The logical part of your mind (the neocortex, some people used to call
 it the left half of the brain, but this has firmly been established
 to be a somewhat shitty simplification) works serially in time:

   state(t+1) = f( state(t) , input(t) )

 It works in 1D! An it likes representations in... 1D!

 Cheers, Frank

I do not think this is a valid argument. A programmer's attention may very
well jump all over the code in a nonlinear fashion, even though his
thinking may be a sequential process. The brain does not work with the
source code character by character. It uses the highly parallel visual
cortex to identify the structure. That's why formatting the source is so
important -- you are basically creating a 2D syntax in an ad-hoc way, so
you can leverage the capabilities of the visual cortex. The editor attempts
to make this process easier in an ad-hoc way through functionality like
format paragraph etc.

 fonc mailing list

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Re: [fonc] Flat text and 1D syntax considered harmful

2013-07-21 Thread Pavel Bažant
Thank you for the pointers to potentially relevant work.

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 12:43 AM, John Carlson wrote:

 I believe that X3D-Edit provides dual views.
 On Jul 20, 2013 5:26 PM, John Carlson wrote:

 Sorry if I mixed 2D and 3D ideas here.
 On Jul 20, 2013 5:12 PM, John Carlson wrote:

 Now that I think of it, this is the old argument of immediate mode
 versus retained mode graphics.  A hybrid system I believe is best.
 Postscript/pdf has 3 types of graphics.  Images, text, and curves.  Many
 systems these days only deal with images and text.   I'd like to remind
 people that curves are important too.  I realize that curves are decomposed
 into triangles and later textures, but if we manage them as curves, there's
 a chance for a better user experience.  However some like bumpy user
 experiences and some like smooth user experiences.  That's why we provide
 dual/hybrid modes.
 On Jul 20, 2013 4:20 PM, John Carlson wrote:

 Another program which has worked well in dual text/graphic mode has
 been dreamweaver.  Yes I understand it may not do all the behavior you
 want.  However it doesn't stop you from adding that behavior.
 On Jul 20, 2013 4:13 PM, John Carlson wrote:

 One such test automation system is Sikuli, which uses images and image
 recognition as key components.  To implement the image as 1D text seems
 rather foolhardy.
 On Jul 20, 2013 4:09 PM, John Carlson wrote:

 I think one thing that has succeeded is macro editors.  You can make
 macro languages which work on selectors or add conditionals/recursion to
 such a macro editor to achieve a fairly complete programming language.  
 could also treat exceptions similar to conditionals.  I believe the area
 this works best for is test automation.
 On Jul 20, 2013 11:22 AM, frank wrote:

 On 07/20/2013 04:21 PM, Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote:
  3) Get rid of established but unnatural ways of manipulating data.
  Most importantly, get rid of flat text and find neat graphical
  representations for the most common structures.


 There have been so many attempts - by people who were by no means
 stupid - to replace text as the primary representation of code!
 And ALL of them have failed, miserably!
 The best anyone has ever achieved was to enthuse a few managers,
 much to the detriment of the engineers who eventually had to use
 the shit on a daily basis!

 1D representations are established exactly BECAUSE they are NATURAL!

 The logical part of your mind (the neocortex, some people used to
 it the left half of the brain, but this has firmly been established
 to be a somewhat shitty simplification) works serially in time:

   state(t+1) = f( state(t) , input(t) )

 It works in 1D! An it likes representations in... 1D!

 Cheers, Frank

 fonc mailing list

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Re: [fonc] Flat text and 1D syntax considered harmful

2013-07-21 Thread Pavel Bažant
Yes, what you write is what I had in mind. But this would really be
abandoning 1d representation. I consider this to be a very important
conceptual shift, not a mere moderate change! The presentation would be
still 1d-like, but this is not important -- you may very well switch among
several presentations. Applying this universally in the whole system allows
one to use generic editing tools, without the impedance mismatch and
continuous parsing of flat text in gazillion of different formats. It is
then natural to apply this approach to the whole OS shell, not just the
IDE. I had the source control for free idea, too, and it is nice to hear
it from someone else, too.

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Gath-Gealaich

 On Sat, 20 Jul 2013 17:54:54 +0200
 frank wrote:

  There have been so many attempts - by people who were by no means
  stupid - to replace text as the primary representation of code!
  And ALL of them have failed, miserably!
  The best anyone has ever achieved was to enthuse a few managers,
  much to the detriment of the engineers who eventually had to use
  the shit on a daily basis!

 Hmm, perhaps extremes are a bad thing, but some moderate changes could
 yield improvements? I've recently thought of a programming system that
 would dispense with source files, but not in order to replace them with
 some sort of visual programming system or anything of the kind -
 simply to impose some potentially useful constraints onto the editing
 process, Paredit-style. For example, keeping the source in form of a
 data structure would obviate the parsing process - you'd eliminate
 syntactic errors. That's not to say that this would make the editing
 process visual, as in playing with pictures - you'd simply be unable
 to make edits that violate the code structure (say bye to unbalanced
 parentheses - yes, I'd like the system to be an enhanced derivative of
 Scheme, coincidentally).

 When I started thinking about the editing process this way, some
 interesting ideas clicked into place - for example the notion that if I
 made the program data structure (every module being a grove of trees)
 a persistent one, many useful and desirable features of a programming
 environment get simplified: for example, the notion of Git-like
 versioning on disk and undo-redo in memory simply become the same
 thing. The different versions of the code would share most of the
 structure, dispensing with most of the need for compression (which Git
 needs in order not to blow up your disk with redundant data) and
 simplifying code comparison and diffing (once you find that two
 (sub)trees of code you're comparing have an identical root node, you
 don't need to go any deeper; you already know that they're identical).

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Re: [fonc] Flat text and 1D syntax considered harmful

2013-07-21 Thread John Carlson
The structures you need when programming behavior are lists of operations,
something like lisp's cond with parameters, and the ability to refer to a
cond from anywhere in the program (recursion, procedure call).  Everything
else is icing on the cake.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Flat text and 1D syntax considered harmful

2013-07-21 Thread Sam Putman
On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 5:04 AM, Gath-Gealaich

 On Sat, 20 Jul 2013 17:54:54 +0200
 frank wrote:

 Hmm, perhaps extremes are a bad thing, but some moderate changes could
 yield improvements? I've recently thought of a programming system that
 would dispense with source files, but not in order to replace them with
 some sort of visual programming system or anything of the kind -
 simply to impose some potentially useful constraints onto the editing
 process, Paredit-style. For example, keeping the source in form of a
 data structure would obviate the parsing process - you'd eliminate
 syntactic errors. That's not to say that this would make the editing
 process visual, as in playing with pictures - you'd simply be unable
 to make edits that violate the code structure (say bye to unbalanced
 parentheses - yes, I'd like the system to be an enhanced derivative of
 Scheme, coincidentally).

I have been thinking along parallel dimensions; no implementation yet, but
this is a sketch of a minimal system:
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Macros, JSON

2013-07-21 Thread James McCartney
I thought about this briefly. One issue is how to distinguish literal
strings from identifiers.

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:28 AM, John Carlson wrote:

 Hmm.  I've been thinking about creating a macro language written in JSON
 that operates on JSON structures.  Has someone done similar work?  Should I
 just create a JavaScript AST in JSON? Or should I create an AST
 specifically for JSON manipulation?



 fonc mailing list

--- james mccartney
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Macros, JSON

2013-07-21 Thread Alan Moore
As an alternative to JSON you might consider EDN:


On Jul 21, 2013, at 11:46 AM, John Carlson wrote:

Hmm.  I've been thinking about creating a macro language written in JSON
that operates on JSON structures.  Has someone done similar work?  Should I
just create a JavaScript AST in JSON? Or should I create an AST
specifically for JSON manipulation?



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Re: [fonc] Macros, JSON

2013-07-21 Thread Alan Moore
JSON is all well and good as far as lowest common denominators go. However,
you might want to consider EDN:

On the other hand, if you are doing that then you might as well go *all*
the way and re-invent half of Common Lisp :-)

Alan Moore

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:28 AM, John Carlson wrote:

 Hmm.  I've been thinking about creating a macro language written in JSON
 that operates on JSON structures.  Has someone done similar work?  Should I
 just create a JavaScript AST in JSON? Or should I create an AST
 specifically for JSON manipulation?



 fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Flat text and 1D syntax considered harmful

2013-07-21 Thread Alan Moore
Looks interesting. Have you seen LightTable? If not, see:

Alan Moore

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Sam Putman wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 5:04 AM, Gath-Gealaich

 On Sat, 20 Jul 2013 17:54:54 +0200
 frank wrote:

 Hmm, perhaps extremes are a bad thing, but some moderate changes could
 yield improvements? I've recently thought of a programming system that
 would dispense with source files, but not in order to replace them with
 some sort of visual programming system or anything of the kind -
 simply to impose some potentially useful constraints onto the editing
 process, Paredit-style. For example, keeping the source in form of a
 data structure would obviate the parsing process - you'd eliminate
 syntactic errors. That's not to say that this would make the editing
 process visual, as in playing with pictures - you'd simply be unable
 to make edits that violate the code structure (say bye to unbalanced
 parentheses - yes, I'd like the system to be an enhanced derivative of
 Scheme, coincidentally).

 I have been thinking along parallel dimensions; no implementation yet, but
 this is a sketch of a minimal system:

 fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Macros, JSON

2013-07-21 Thread John Carlson
You would have to create a JSON object which would have key (identifier),
value pairs.
On Jul 21, 2013 3:22 PM, James McCartney wrote:

 I thought about this briefly. One issue is how to distinguish literal
 strings from identifiers.

 On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:28 AM, John Carlson wrote:

 Hmm.  I've been thinking about creating a macro language written in JSON
 that operates on JSON structures.  Has someone done similar work?  Should I
 just create a JavaScript AST in JSON? Or should I create an AST
 specifically for JSON manipulation?



 fonc mailing list

 --- james mccartney
 fonc mailing list

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Re: [fonc] Macros, JSON

2013-07-21 Thread John Carlson
I think what would be more difficult would be identifying what is
persistent and what is runtime values.  Also, JSON doesn't contain
pointers, so one would have to use strings for pointers.
On Jul 21, 2013 3:22 PM, James McCartney wrote:

 I thought about this briefly. One issue is how to distinguish literal
 strings from identifiers.

 On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:28 AM, John Carlson wrote:

 Hmm.  I've been thinking about creating a macro language written in JSON
 that operates on JSON structures.  Has someone done similar work?  Should I
 just create a JavaScript AST in JSON? Or should I create an AST
 specifically for JSON manipulation?



 fonc mailing list

 --- james mccartney
 fonc mailing list

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Re: [fonc] Macros, JSON

2013-07-21 Thread John Carlson
Or numbers for pointers...
On Jul 21, 2013 3:43 PM, John Carlson wrote:

 I think what would be more difficult would be identifying what is
 persistent and what is runtime values.  Also, JSON doesn't contain
 pointers, so one would have to use strings for pointers.
 On Jul 21, 2013 3:22 PM, James McCartney wrote:

 I thought about this briefly. One issue is how to distinguish literal
 strings from identifiers.

 On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:28 AM, John Carlson yottz...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hmm.  I've been thinking about creating a macro language written in JSON
 that operates on JSON structures.  Has someone done similar work?  Should I
 just create a JavaScript AST in JSON? Or should I create an AST
 specifically for JSON manipulation?



 fonc mailing list

 --- james mccartney
 fonc mailing list

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Re: [fonc] Macros, JSON

2013-07-21 Thread John Carlson
What makes this important is whether your running in stateless or stateful
mode.  If you only run the macro once no big deal.  If you try to run on a
server, you may find that you need to reset items like cursors to their
original values.
On Jul 21, 2013 3:43 PM, John Carlson wrote:

 I think what would be more difficult would be identifying what is
 persistent and what is runtime values.  Also, JSON doesn't contain
 pointers, so one would have to use strings for pointers.
 On Jul 21, 2013 3:22 PM, James McCartney wrote:

 I thought about this briefly. One issue is how to distinguish literal
 strings from identifiers.

 On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:28 AM, John Carlson yottz...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hmm.  I've been thinking about creating a macro language written in JSON
 that operates on JSON structures.  Has someone done similar work?  Should I
 just create a JavaScript AST in JSON? Or should I create an AST
 specifically for JSON manipulation?



 fonc mailing list

 --- james mccartney
 fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Macros, JSON

2013-07-21 Thread John Carlson
Hmm.  Seems like someone has already done XMLisp.  I thought s-expressions
were the lowest common denominator.
JSON is all well and good as far as lowest common denominators go. However,
you might want to consider EDN:

On the other hand, if you are doing that then you might as well go *all*
the way and re-invent half of Common Lisp :-)

Alan Moore

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:28 AM, John Carlson wrote:

 Hmm.  I've been thinking about creating a macro language written in JSON
 that operates on JSON structures.  Has someone done similar work?  Should I
 just create a JavaScript AST in JSON? Or should I create an AST
 specifically for JSON manipulation?



 fonc mailing list

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Re: [fonc] Macros, JSON

2013-07-21 Thread Casey Ransberger
Lisp is such a joy to implement. FORTH is fun too.

I'm working on a scheme-alike on and off. The idea is to take the message 
passing and delegation from Self, expose it in Lisp, and then map all of that 
to JavaScript. 

One idea I had when I was messing around with OMetaJS was that it might have 
some kind of escape syntax like

(let ((x 1))
  #{x++; }#

Would basically mean

(let ((x 1))
  (+ x 1))

...which would make doing primitives feel pretty smooth, and also give you 
the nice JSON syntax.

The rule is simple too, '#{' followed by anything:a up until '}#' - eval(a)

Only problem is relating environment context between the two languages, which I 
haven't bothered to figure out yet. The JS eval() in this case is insufficient.

(Sorry about the pseudocode, on a phone and don't keep OMeta syntax in my 

On Jul 21, 2013, at 1:15 PM, Alan Moore wrote:

 JSON is all well and good as far as lowest common denominators go. However, 
 you might want to consider EDN:
 On the other hand, if you are doing that then you might as well go *all* the 
 way and re-invent half of Common Lisp :-)
 Alan Moore
 On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:28 AM, John Carlson wrote:
 Hmm.  I've been thinking about creating a macro language written in JSON that 
 operates on JSON structures.  Has someone done similar work?  Should I just 
 create a JavaScript AST in JSON? Or should I create an AST specifically for 
 JSON manipulation?
 fonc mailing list
 fonc mailing list
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Re: [fonc] Macros, JSON

2013-07-21 Thread Casey Ransberger
Probably a more usable language would be arrived upon via some extensions to 
JSON. May I recommend OMetaJS? :)

The lack of a unique atomic symbolic literal as distinct from a string is one 
of the things I'm grappling with right now. To get that I'd need to intern the 
atoms. Jury's out whether it's a good idea to try to used JS typed arrays to 
implement the symbol interning or to use an under the hood tag on the string 
at the intermediate level to distinguish them (hidden from the programmer who 
just sees a Lisp alike.)

On Jul 21, 2013, at 1:45 PM, John Carlson wrote:

 Or numbers for pointers...
 On Jul 21, 2013 3:43 PM, John Carlson wrote:
 I think what would be more difficult would be identifying what is persistent 
 and what is runtime values.  Also, JSON doesn't contain pointers, so one 
 would have to use strings for pointers.
 On Jul 21, 2013 3:22 PM, James McCartney wrote:
 I thought about this briefly. One issue is how to distinguish literal strings 
 from identifiers.
 On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:28 AM, John Carlson wrote:
 Hmm.  I've been thinking about creating a macro language written in JSON that 
 operates on JSON structures.  Has someone done similar work?  Should I just 
 create a JavaScript AST in JSON? Or should I create an AST specifically for 
 JSON manipulation?
 fonc mailing list
 --- james mccartney 
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 fonc mailing list
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Re: [fonc] Macros, JSON

2013-07-21 Thread Tristan Slominski
All this talk of macros and quotes reminds me that there is Kernel language
where they are extraneous (if I understand it correctly). Operative and
applicative combiners are used explicitly:

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 5:06 PM, Casey Ransberger

 Lisp is such a joy to implement. FORTH is fun too.

 I'm working on a scheme-alike on and off. The idea is to take the message
 passing and delegation from Self, expose it in Lisp, and then map all of
 that to JavaScript.

 One idea I had when I was messing around with OMetaJS was that it might
 have some kind of escape syntax like

 (let ((x 1))
   #{x++; }#

 Would basically mean

 (let ((x 1))
   (+ x 1))

 ...which would make doing primitives feel pretty smooth, and also give
 you the nice JSON syntax.

 The rule is simple too, '#{' followed by anything:a up until '}#' -

 Only problem is relating environment context between the two languages,
 which I haven't bothered to figure out yet. The JS eval() in this case is

 (Sorry about the pseudocode, on a phone and don't keep OMeta syntax in my

 On Jul 21, 2013, at 1:15 PM, Alan Moore

 JSON is all well and good as far as lowest common denominators go.
 However, you might want to consider EDN:

 On the other hand, if you are doing that then you might as well go *all*
 the way and re-invent half of Common Lisp :-)

 Alan Moore

 On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 10:28 AM, John Carlson wrote:

 Hmm.  I've been thinking about creating a macro language written in JSON
 that operates on JSON structures.  Has someone done similar work?  Should I
 just create a JavaScript AST in JSON? Or should I create an AST
 specifically for JSON manipulation?



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Re: [fonc] Flat text and 1D syntax considered harmful

2013-07-21 Thread Sam Putman
On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 1:32 PM, Alan Moore kahunamo...@closedsource.comwrote:

 Looks interesting. Have you seen LightTable? If not, see:

 Alan Moore

Indeed! Although I currently use Catnip:

Because the source is available now and the workflow is great.

The main reason there's not even a toy ent is because LightTable will be
open sourced 'one of these days'.


 On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Sam Putman wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 5:04 AM, Gath-Gealaich wrote:

 On Sat, 20 Jul 2013 17:54:54 +0200
 frank wrote:

 Hmm, perhaps extremes are a bad thing, but some moderate changes could
 yield improvements? I've recently thought of a programming system that
 would dispense with source files, but not in order to replace them with
 some sort of visual programming system or anything of the kind -
 simply to impose some potentially useful constraints onto the editing
 process, Paredit-style. For example, keeping the source in form of a
 data structure would obviate the parsing process - you'd eliminate
 syntactic errors. That's not to say that this would make the editing
 process visual, as in playing with pictures - you'd simply be unable
 to make edits that violate the code structure (say bye to unbalanced
 parentheses - yes, I'd like the system to be an enhanced derivative of
 Scheme, coincidentally).

 I have been thinking along parallel dimensions; no implementation yet,
 but this is a sketch of a minimal system:

 fonc mailing list

 fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Macros, JSON

2013-07-21 Thread BGB

On 7/21/2013 12:28 PM, John Carlson wrote:

Hmm.  I've been thinking about creating a macro language written in 
JSON that operates on JSON structures.  Has someone done similar 
work?  Should I just create a JavaScript AST in JSON? Or should I 
create an AST specifically for JSON manipulation?

my scripting language mostly uses S-Expressions for its AST format.

my C frontend mostly used an XML variant.
I had a few times considered a hybrid, essentially like XML with a more 
compact syntax (*1).

in the future, most likely I would just use S-Expressions.
while S-Exps are slightly more effort in some cases to extend, they are 
generally faster than manipulating XML, and are easier to work with.

JSON could work, but its syntax is slightly more than what is needed for 
something like this, and its data representation isn't necessarily ideal.

EDN looks ok.

node := '' tag (key'='value)* node* ''
tag key=value tag2 key2=val2 tag3

where value was a literal value with one of several types, IIRC:
integer type;
floating-point type;

note that there were no free-floating raw values.
a free-floating value would instead be wrapped in a node.

had also considered using square braces:
[array [int val=1234] [real val=3.14] [string val=string] [symbol 

the allowed forms would otherwise have been fairly constrained.
the constrained structure would be mostly for sake of performance and 

the XML variant used by my C frontend also ended up (quietly) adding 
support for raw numeric values, mostly because of the added overhead of 
converting between strings and numbers.



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