Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-09 Thread BGB

On 5/9/2012 12:13 AM, Jarek Rzeszótko wrote:

There is an excellent video by Feynman on a related note:

A damn good way to spend six minutes IMO...


I was left previously trying to figure out whether "thinking using text" 
was more linguistic/verbal or visual thinking, given it doesn't really 
match well with either:
verbal thinking is generally described as people thinking with words and 

visual thinking is generally described as pictures / colors / emotions / ...

so, one can wonder, where does text fit?...

granted, yes, there is some mode-changing as well, as not everything 
seems to happen the same way all the time, and I can often "push things 
around" if needed (natural language can alternate between auditory and 
textual forms, ...).

I have determined though that I can't really read and also "visualize" 
the story (apparently, many other people do this), as all I can really 
see at the time is the text. probably because my mind is more busy 
trying to buffer up the text, and the space is already used up and so 
can't be used for drawing pictures (unless I use up a lot of the space 
for drawing a picture, in which case there isn't much space for holding 
text, ...).

I can also write code while also listening to someone talk, such as in a 
technical YouTube video or similar, since the code and person talking 
are independent (and usually relevant visuals are sparse and can be 
looked at briefly). but, I can't compose an email and carry on a 
conversation with someone at the same time, because they interfere (but 
I can often read and carry on a conversation though, though it is more 
difficult to entirely avoid "topical bleed-over").

despite thinking with lots of text, I am also not very good at math, as 
I still tend to find both arithmetic and "symbolic manipulation" type 
tasks as fairly painful (but, these are used heavily in math classes).

when actually working with math, in a form that I understand, it is 
often more akin to wireframe graphics. for example, I can "see" the 
results of a dot-product or cross-product (I can see the orthogonal 
cross-bars of a cross-product, ...), and can mentally let the system 
"play out" (as annotated/diagrammed 3D graphics) and alter the results 
and see what happens (and the "math" is the superstructure of lines and 
symbols interconnecting the objects).

yet, I can't usually do this effectively in math classes, and usually 
have to resort to much less effective strategies, such as trying to 
convert the problem into a C-like form, and then evaluating this 
in-head, to try to get an answer. similarly, this doesn't work unless I 
can figure out an algorithm for doing it, or just what sort of thing the 
question is even asking for, which is itself often problematic.

another irony is that I don't really like flowcharts, as I personally 
tend to see them as often a very wasteful/ineffective way of 
representing many of these sorts of problems. despite both being 
visually-based, my thinking is not composed of flow-charts (and I much 
prefer more textual formats...).

or such...

Jaros?aw Rzeszótko

2012/5/9 BGB>>

On 5/8/2012 2:56 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:

Isn't this simply a description of your "thought clearing process"?

You think in English... not Ruby.

I'd actually hazard a guess and say that really, you think in a
semi-verbal semi-phyiscal pattern language, and not very well
formed one, either. This is the case for most people. This is why
you have to write hard problems down... you have to bake them
into physical form so you can process them again and again,
slowly developing what you mean into a shape.

in my case I think my thinking process is a good deal different.

a lot more of my thinking tends to be a mix of visual/spatial
thinking, and thinking in terms of glyphs and text (often
source-code, and often involving glyphs and traces which I suspect
are unique to my own thoughts, but are typically laid out in the
same "character cell grid" as all of the text).

I guess it could be sort of like if text were rammed together with
glyphs and PCB traces or similar, with the lines weaving between
the characters, and sometimes into and out of the various glyphs
(many of which often resemble square boxes containing circles and
dots, sometimes with points or corners, and sometimes letters or
numbers, ...).

things may vary somewhat, depending on what I am thinking about
the time.

my memory is often more like collections of images, or almost like
"pages in a book", with lots of information drawn onto them,
usually in a white-on-black color-scheme. there is typically very
little color or movement.

sometimes it may include other forms of graphics, like pictures of
things I have seen, objects I can imagine, ...

thoughts may oft

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-09 Thread Julian Leviston
Yeah, Martin is always quite good at explaining these things... 

I found most of his works quite confirming.

The trouble seems to be (and this is an issue I have with computers) as Alan 
points to... (but perhaps broader than he intended)... Optimisation should be 
separated from Intent Expression.

Higher level languages are, by definition, to aid humans in understanding - and 
yet they are themselves not able to be decoded / de-composited.

For CRAP's sake, we use the word "code" to talk about programming... but that's 
not what it should be... imagine a world of layered information processing 
systems... all dealing with a tiny slice... all smalltalk-like compiled down to 
optimised systems behind the scenes...(ie on the fly compilation and 

At its most useful, each "system" should be a machine that uses its own 
language, defined for inspection in the system itself... and explains its 
requirements... each tiny bit of code should be expressed in no more than a 

This would then engender two things:
- infinite pedagogic inspection, down to the "bare metal"
- infinite accessibility, because things would be separated into their proper 
detail scope

One of the troubles seems to be that people don't seem to feel that you can 
engineer this into a "language"  or process (for want of a better term).

So we end up with extremely fragile system such as SmallTalk (when I first 
tried it, I broke my windows... I didn't know what to click, and I had to 
"STOP" everything, and not save changes to the world because I ended up in some 
context I had no idea about).

As system designers, I think we could learn a fair bit from game designers...

Blizzard / Diablo III for example:

In particular, the comment "At Blizzard, we don't like standalone tutorials 
very much... we don't like people showing up and giving you a wall of text... 
we want you to learn to play the game... by playing it"

The equivalent of a wall of text to read would be learning a programming 
language... ideally programming is fun... the fun part is when you get the 
computer to do what you want it to do. Programming languages stand in the way 
of doing this. Ideally programming a computer should be MORE fun than playing a 
video game (more fun because it should be as fun as playing a game with the 
added advantage of being useful in the "real world", too).

Thinking about ToyLog... as an extremely tiny toy version of a programming 
language, or TileScript as a first step towards having a proper non-text-based 
programming language. Seriously guys, it's 2012... why is it even possible that 
I can make syntax errors any more?

What Blizzard and many other game shops have been doing for a long time is 
building the learning into the game itself...  "Hardcore Games For Everyone Is 
What Blizzard Does"... they were talking about how they bring EVERYONE up to 
the level of hardcore gamer (that's to say someone who's keenly interested in 
gaming)... they do this through a slow ramp up process (actually it's as fast 
as you want to go)... and this is what language designers need to do.

Anyway enough of me ranting. I gotta go do some stuff so that I can build these 
systems I keep ranting about.


On 09/05/2012, at 5:11 PM, Jarek Rzeszótko wrote:

> Yes, your description of the "thought clearing process" is very accurate, the 
> main point being two interesting issues this process raises:
> A. Considering that the pseudo-code could have contributed more to my 
> understanding of the problem that the final code, how much is lost by not 
> having such "intermediate" artefacts somehow be part of the final code? What 
> would be the best way to incorporate them? There is a partial analogy in 
> mathematics where the mathematicians job is pretty much generating proofs but 
> there is much less information about how those were discovered.
> B. Can programming languages be "brought" closer to the way we think yet 
> still stay executable by the computer... ? (So that A is not relevant anymore)
> B1. ... via a particular programming style?
> B2. ... by an appropriate design?
> Such division helps to systematise some of the approaches you already 
> mentioned.
> For example, with literate programming which implements a solution to A) I 
> could keep the pseudo-code as part of the program in an interesting way, but 
> with the amount of cross-referencing than goes on, I wonder how easy it is to 
> remember where each part of a large program is located. Also, I have a hard 
> time imaging working with multiple persons concurrently on a large literate 
> program... But I don't have much experience here.
> For B1), I learned lots of little ways of writing "readable" code from Martin 
> Fowlers "Refactoring", tricks like this:

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-09 Thread Jarek Rzeszótko
There is an excellent video by Feynman on a related note:

A damn good way to spend six minutes IMO...

Jarosław Rzeszótko

2012/5/9 BGB 

>  On 5/8/2012 2:56 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:
> Isn't this simply a description of your "thought clearing process"?
>  You think in English... not Ruby.
>  I'd actually hazard a guess and say that really, you think in a
> semi-verbal semi-phyiscal pattern language, and not very well formed one,
> either. This is the case for most people. This is why you have to write
> hard problems down... you have to bake them into physical form so you can
> process them again and again, slowly developing what you mean into a shape.
> in my case I think my thinking process is a good deal different.
> a lot more of my thinking tends to be a mix of visual/spatial thinking,
> and thinking in terms of glyphs and text (often source-code, and often
> involving glyphs and traces which I suspect are unique to my own thoughts,
> but are typically laid out in the same "character cell grid" as all of the
> text).
> I guess it could be sort of like if text were rammed together with glyphs
> and PCB traces or similar, with the lines weaving between the characters,
> and sometimes into and out of the various glyphs (many of which often
> resemble square boxes containing circles and dots, sometimes with points or
> corners, and sometimes letters or numbers, ...).
> things may vary somewhat, depending on what I am thinking about the time.
> my memory is often more like collections of images, or almost like "pages
> in a book", with lots of information drawn onto them, usually in a
> white-on-black color-scheme. there is typically very little color or
> movement.
> sometimes it may include other forms of graphics, like pictures of things
> I have seen, objects I can imagine, ...
> thoughts may often use natural-language as well, in a spoken-like form,
> but usually this is limited either to when talking to people or when
> writing something (if I am trying to think up what I am writing, I may
> often hear "echoes" of various ways the thought could be expressed, and of
> text as it is being written, ...). reading often seems to bypass this (and
> go more directly into a visual form).
> typically, thinking about programming problems seems to be more like being
> in a "storm" of text flying all over the place, and then bits of code
> flying together from the pieces.
> if any math is involved, often any relevant structures will be themselves
> depicted visually, often in geometry-like forms.
> or, at least, this is what it "looks like", I really don't actually know
> how it all works, or how the thoughts themselves actually work or do what
> they do.
> I think all this counts as some form of "visual thinking" (though I
> suspect probably a non-standard form based on some stuff I have read, given
> that "colors, movement, and emotions" don't really seem to be a big part of
> this).
> or such...
>   On 09/05/2012, at 2:20 AM, Jarek Rzeszótko wrote:
> Example: I have been programming in Ruby for 7 years now, for 5 years
> professionally, and yet when I face a really difficult problem the best way
> still turns out to be to write out a basic outline of the overall algorithm
> in pseudo-code. It might be a personal thing, but for me there are just too
> many irrelevant details to keep in mind when trying to solve a complex
> problem using a programming language right from the start. I cannot think
> of classes, method names, arguments etc. until I get a basic idea of how
> the given computation should work like on a very high level (and with the
> low-level details staying "fuzzy"). I know there are people who feel the
> same way, there was an interesting essay from Paul Graham followed by a
> very interesting comment on MetaFilter about this:
> ___
> fonc mailing listfonc@vpri.org
> ___
> fonc mailing list
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-09 Thread Jarek Rzeszótko
Yes, your description of the "thought clearing process" is very accurate,
the main point being two interesting issues this process raises:

A. Considering that the pseudo-code could have contributed more to my
understanding of the problem that the final code, how much is lost by not
having such "intermediate" artefacts somehow be part of the final code?
What would be the best way to incorporate them? There is a partial analogy
in mathematics where the mathematicians job is pretty much generating
proofs but there is much less information about how those were discovered.

B. Can programming languages be "brought" closer to the way we think yet
still stay executable by the computer... ? (So that A is not relevant

B1. ... via a particular programming style?

B2. ... by an appropriate design?

Such division helps to systematise some of the approaches you already

For example, with literate programming which implements a solution to A) I
could keep the pseudo-code as part of the program in an interesting way,
but with the amount of cross-referencing than goes on, I wonder how easy it
is to remember where each part of a large program is located. Also, I have
a hard time imaging working with multiple persons concurrently on a large
literate program... But I don't have much experience here.

For B1), I learned lots of little ways of writing "readable" code from
Martin Fowlers "Refactoring", tricks like this:

But this can only go so far - it works in business programming but with
really complicated things it isn't enough to make an "ordinary" programming
language a good "tool for thought".

B2) is more serious, with the before-mentioned Lisp macros, POLs etc. I
again (unfortunately) do not have experience programming in this style.

I will be very vague here, but maybe you could somehow invert B) and
instead of finding a way to program that's similar to the way we currently
think, find a programming language that would be convenient to reason in. I
have things like program derivation in mind here, an interesting modern
example is this paper:

Maybe a good idea for an advanced programming course would be to take two
weeks off from ordinary work, pick a couple of non-trivial algorithmic
problems and, say, try to solve two of them via literate programming, two
of them via constructing a language bottom-up in Lisp or Smalltalk, two of
them via derivation etc. On the other hand, it seems quite reasonable to
ask whether this matters at all during problem solving, maybe the same
mostly unconscious mental facilities do the work anyway and then this would
matter only for communicating the solution to other people. Anyway, maybe
that's what I will try to do during my vacation this year :)


2012/5/8 Julian Leviston 

> Isn't this simply a description of your "thought clearing process"?
> You think in English... not Ruby.
> I'd actually hazard a guess and say that really, you think in a
> semi-verbal semi-phyiscal pattern language, and not very well formed one,
> either. This is the case for most people. This is why you have to write
> hard problems down... you have to bake them into physical form so you can
> process them again and again, slowly developing what you mean into a shape.
> Julian
> On 09/05/2012, at 2:20 AM, Jarek Rzeszótko wrote:
> Example: I have been programming in Ruby for 7 years now, for 5 years
> professionally, and yet when I face a really difficult problem the best way
> still turns out to be to write out a basic outline of the overall algorithm
> in pseudo-code. It might be a personal thing, but for me there are just too
> many irrelevant details to keep in mind when trying to solve a complex
> problem using a programming language right from the start. I cannot think
> of classes, method names, arguments etc. until I get a basic idea of how
> the given computation should work like on a very high level (and with the
> low-level details staying "fuzzy"). I know there are people who feel the
> same way, there was an interesting essay from Paul Graham followed by a
> very interesting comment on MetaFilter about this:
> ___
> fonc mailing list
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-08 Thread BGB

On 5/8/2012 2:56 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:

Isn't this simply a description of your "thought clearing process"?

You think in English... not Ruby.

I'd actually hazard a guess and say that really, you think in a 
semi-verbal semi-phyiscal pattern language, and not very well formed 
one, either. This is the case for most people. This is why you have to 
write hard problems down... you have to bake them into physical form 
so you can process them again and again, slowly developing what you 
mean into a shape.

in my case I think my thinking process is a good deal different.

a lot more of my thinking tends to be a mix of visual/spatial thinking, 
and thinking in terms of glyphs and text (often source-code, and often 
involving glyphs and traces which I suspect are unique to my own 
thoughts, but are typically laid out in the same "character cell grid" 
as all of the text).

I guess it could be sort of like if text were rammed together with 
glyphs and PCB traces or similar, with the lines weaving between the 
characters, and sometimes into and out of the various glyphs (many of 
which often resemble square boxes containing circles and dots, sometimes 
with points or corners, and sometimes letters or numbers, ...).

things may vary somewhat, depending on what I am thinking about the time.

my memory is often more like collections of images, or almost like 
"pages in a book", with lots of information drawn onto them, usually in 
a white-on-black color-scheme. there is typically very little color or 

sometimes it may include other forms of graphics, like pictures of 
things I have seen, objects I can imagine, ...

thoughts may often use natural-language as well, in a spoken-like form, 
but usually this is limited either to when talking to people or when 
writing something (if I am trying to think up what I am writing, I may 
often hear "echoes" of various ways the thought could be expressed, and 
of text as it is being written, ...). reading often seems to bypass this 
(and go more directly into a visual form).

typically, thinking about programming problems seems to be more like 
being in a "storm" of text flying all over the place, and then bits of 
code flying together from the pieces.

if any math is involved, often any relevant structures will be 
themselves depicted visually, often in geometry-like forms.

or, at least, this is what it "looks like", I really don't actually know 
how it all works, or how the thoughts themselves actually work or do 
what they do.

I think all this counts as some form of "visual thinking" (though I 
suspect probably a non-standard form based on some stuff I have read, 
given that "colors, movement, and emotions" don't really seem to be a 
big part of this).

or such...

On 09/05/2012, at 2:20 AM, Jarek Rzeszótko wrote:

Example: I have been programming in Ruby for 7 years now, for 5 years 
professionally, and yet when I face a really difficult problem the 
best way still turns out to be to write out a basic outline of the 
overall algorithm in pseudo-code. It might be a personal thing, but 
for me there are just too many irrelevant details to keep in mind 
when trying to solve a complex problem using a programming language 
right from the start. I cannot think of classes, method names, 
arguments etc. until I get a basic idea of how the given computation 
should work like on a very high level (and with the low-level details 
staying "fuzzy"). I know there are people who feel the same way, 
there was an interesting essay from Paul Graham followed by a very 
interesting comment on MetaFilter about this:

fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-08 Thread Julian Leviston
By the way,

This paragraph from Graham's essay, and in fact, his constant reiteration of it 
in most of his work, is perhaps the most under-rated idea that we have in the 
programming industry. It's actually not just the programming industry... My 
emphasis added:

You can magnify the effect of a powerful language by using a style called 
bottom-up programming, where you write programs in multiple layers, the lower 
ones acting as programming languages for those above. If you do this right, you 
only have to keep the topmost layer in your head.

This isn't just a style - it's programming to a micro-interface, and 
programming in extremely tiny chunks... it's also what FONC seem to be doing 
with the idea of POLs and Ometa translating between them. The interface *is* 
the micro-language... what's inside the interface is simply the implementation 
of the micro-language. (or POL, if you like).

One technique I use that is particularly helpful is naming my "variables" 
really long descriptive names. Effectively I use variable names as comments. 
But this is just because I program in languages that don't support a visual 
combining of infinitely recursive sub-languages. The LISPS apparently support 
this according to Graham, but in the end when I program in LISP I sill end up 
writing files of text, often using arcane symbols that feels like I'm a 
fyre-weilding mage from yester-epoch. That feels like an epic fail to me.


On 09/05/2012, at 2:20 AM, Jarek Rzeszótko wrote:

> Natural languages are commonly much more ambiguous and you could say "fuzzy" 
> (as in fuzzy logic) than (currently popular) programming languages and hence 
> switching between those two has to cause some difficulties.
> Example: I have been programming in Ruby for 7 years now, for 5 years 
> professionally, and yet when I face a really difficult problem the best way 
> still turns out to be to write out a basic outline of the overall algorithm 
> in pseudo-code. It might be a personal thing, but for me there are just too 
> many irrelevant details to keep in mind when trying to solve a complex 
> problem using a programming language right from the start. I cannot think of 
> classes, method names, arguments etc. until I get a basic idea of how the 
> given computation should work like on a very high level (and with the 
> low-level details staying "fuzzy"). I know there are people who feel the same 
> way, there was an interesting essay from Paul Graham followed by a very 
> interesting comment on MetaFilter about this:
> There is also the Pseudo-code Programming Process from Steve McConnell and 
> his "Code Complete":
> Another thing is that the code tends to evolve quite rapidly as the 
> constraints of a given problem are explored. Plenty of things in almost any 
> program end up being the way they are because of those constraints that 
> frequently were not obvious in the start and might not be obvious from just 
> reading the code - that's why people often rush to do a complete rewrite of a 
> program just to run into the same problems they had with the original one. 
> The question now is how much more time would documenting those constraints in 
> the code take and how much time would it save with future maintenance of the 
> code. I guess the amount of this context that would be beneficial varies with 
> applications a lot.
> If you mention TeX, I think literate programming is pretty relevant to this 
> discussion too, and I am personally looking forward to trying it out one day. 
> Knuth himself said he would not be able to write TeX without literate 
> programming, and the technique is of course partially related to what I've 
> said above regarding pseudocode:
> Cheers,
> Jarosław Rzeszótko
> 2012/5/8 David Goehrig 
> On May 8, 2012, at 2:56 AM, Julian Leviston  wrote:
> >
> > Humans parsing documents without proper definitions are like coders trying 
> > to read programming languages that have no comments
> One of the under appreciated aspects of system like TeX with the ability to 
> do embedded programming, or a system like Self with its Annotations as part 
> of the object, or even python's .__doc__ attributes is that they provide 
> context for the programmer.
> A large part of the reason that these are under appreciated is that most 
> programs aren't sufficiently well factored to take advantage of these 
> capabilities.  As a human description of what the code does and why will 
> invariably take about a paragraph of human text per line of code, a 20 line 
> function requires a pamphlet of documentation to provide sufficient context.
> Higher order functions, objects, actors, complex messaging

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-08 Thread Alan Kay
Hi Jarek

I think your main point is a good one ... this is why I used to urge Smalltalk 
programmers to initially stay away from the libraries full of features and just 
use the kernel language as a "runnable pseudo-code" to sketch an outline of a 
simple solution. As you say, this helps to gradually find a better architecture 
for the more detailed version, and perhaps gives some hints of where to look in 
the library when it is time to optimize. This was perhaps even easier and nicer 
in Smalltalk-72 where you could make up on the fly a "pseudo-code that actually 
ran and could be debugged" (and it had almost no library full of features)

This is one of many good arguments for finding ways to "separate meaning from 



> From: Jarek Rzeszótko 
>To: Fundamentals of New Computing  
>Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 9:20 AM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages
>Natural languages are commonly much more ambiguous and you could say "fuzzy" 
>(as in fuzzy logic) than (currently popular) programming languages and hence 
>switching between those two has to cause some difficulties.
>Example: I have been programming in Ruby for 7 years now, for 5 years 
>professionally, and yet when I face a really difficult problem the best way 
>still turns out to be to write out a basic outline of the overall algorithm in 
>pseudo-code. It might be a personal thing, but for me there are just too many 
>irrelevant details to keep in mind when trying to solve a complex problem 
>using a programming language right from the start. I cannot think of classes, 
>method names, arguments etc. until I get a basic idea of how the given 
>computation should work like on a very high level (and with the low-level 
>details staying "fuzzy"). I know there are people who feel the same way, there 
>was an interesting essay from Paul Graham followed by a very interesting 
>comment on MetaFilter about this:
>There is also the Pseudo-code Programming Process from Steve McConnell and his 
>"Code Complete":
>Another thing is that the code tends to evolve quite rapidly as the 
>constraints of a given problem are explored. Plenty of things in almost any 
>program end up being the way they are because of those constraints that 
>frequently were not obvious in the start and might not be obvious from just 
>reading the code - that's why people often rush to do a complete rewrite of a 
>program just to run into the same problems they had with the original one. The 
>question now is how much more time would documenting those constraints in the 
>code take and how much time would it save with future maintenance of the code. 
>I guess the amount of this context that would be beneficial varies with 
>applications a lot.
>If you mention TeX, I think literate programming is pretty relevant to this 
>discussion too, and I am personally looking forward to trying it out one day. 
>Knuth himself said he would not be able to write TeX without literate 
>programming, and the technique is of course partially related to what I've 
>said above regarding pseudocode:
>Jarosław Rzeszótko
>2012/5/8 David Goehrig 
>>On May 8, 2012, at 2:56 AM, Julian Leviston  wrote:
>>> Humans parsing documents without proper definitions are like coders trying 
>>> to read programming languages that have no comments
>>One of the under appreciated aspects of system like TeX with the ability to 
>>do embedded programming, or a system like Self with its Annotations as part 
>>of the object, or even python's .__doc__ attributes is that they provide 
>>context for the programmer.
>>A large part of the reason that these are under appreciated is that most 
>>programs aren't sufficiently well factored to take advantage of these 
>>capabilities.  As a human description of what the code does and why will 
>>invariably take about a paragraph of human text per line of code, a 20 line 
>>function requires a pamphlet of documentation to provide sufficient context.
>>Higher order functions, objects, actors, complex messaging topologies, 
>>exception handling (and all manner of related nonlocal exits), and the like 
>>only compound the context problem as they are "non-obvious".  Most of the FP 

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-08 Thread Julian Leviston
Isn't this simply a description of your "thought clearing process"?

You think in English... not Ruby.

I'd actually hazard a guess and say that really, you think in a semi-verbal 
semi-phyiscal pattern language, and not very well formed one, either. This is 
the case for most people. This is why you have to write hard problems down... 
you have to bake them into physical form so you can process them again and 
again, slowly developing what you mean into a shape.


On 09/05/2012, at 2:20 AM, Jarek Rzeszótko wrote:

> Example: I have been programming in Ruby for 7 years now, for 5 years 
> professionally, and yet when I face a really difficult problem the best way 
> still turns out to be to write out a basic outline of the overall algorithm 
> in pseudo-code. It might be a personal thing, but for me there are just too 
> many irrelevant details to keep in mind when trying to solve a complex 
> problem using a programming language right from the start. I cannot think of 
> classes, method names, arguments etc. until I get a basic idea of how the 
> given computation should work like on a very high level (and with the 
> low-level details staying "fuzzy"). I know there are people who feel the same 
> way, there was an interesting essay from Paul Graham followed by a very 
> interesting comment on MetaFilter about this:

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-08 Thread Jarek Rzeszótko
Natural languages are commonly much more ambiguous and you could say
"fuzzy" (as in fuzzy logic) than (currently popular) programming languages
and hence switching between those two has to cause some difficulties.

Example: I have been programming in Ruby for 7 years now, for 5 years
professionally, and yet when I face a really difficult problem the best way
still turns out to be to write out a basic outline of the overall algorithm
in pseudo-code. It might be a personal thing, but for me there are just too
many irrelevant details to keep in mind when trying to solve a complex
problem using a programming language right from the start. I cannot think
of classes, method names, arguments etc. until I get a basic idea of how
the given computation should work like on a very high level (and with the
low-level details staying "fuzzy"). I know there are people who feel the
same way, there was an interesting essay from Paul Graham followed by a
very interesting comment on MetaFilter about this:

There is also the Pseudo-code Programming Process from Steve McConnell and
his "Code Complete":

Another thing is that the code tends to evolve quite rapidly as the
constraints of a given problem are explored. Plenty of things in almost any
program end up being the way they are because of those constraints that
frequently were not obvious in the start and might not be obvious from just
reading the code - that's why people often rush to do a complete rewrite of
a program just to run into the same problems they had with the original
one. The question now is how much more time would documenting those
constraints in the code take and how much time would it save with future
maintenance of the code. I guess the amount of this context that would be
beneficial varies with applications a lot.

If you mention TeX, I think literate programming is pretty relevant to this
discussion too, and I am personally looking forward to trying it out one
day. Knuth himself said he would not be able to write TeX without literate
programming, and the technique is of course partially related to what I've
said above regarding pseudocode:

Jarosław Rzeszótko

2012/5/8 David Goehrig 

> On May 8, 2012, at 2:56 AM, Julian Leviston  wrote:
> >
> > Humans parsing documents without proper definitions are like coders
> trying to read programming languages that have no comments
> One of the under appreciated aspects of system like TeX with the ability
> to do embedded programming, or a system like Self with its Annotations as
> part of the object, or even python's .__doc__ attributes is that they
> provide context for the programmer.
> A large part of the reason that these are under appreciated is that most
> programs aren't sufficiently well factored to take advantage of these
> capabilities.  As a human description of what the code does and why will
> invariably take about a paragraph of human text per line of code, a 20 line
> function requires a pamphlet of documentation to provide sufficient context.
> Higher order functions, objects, actors, complex messaging topologies,
> exception handling (and all manner of related nonlocal exits), and the like
> only compound the context problem as they are "non-obvious".  Most of the
> FP movement is a reaction against "non-obvious" programming. Ideally this
> would result in a positive "self-evident" model, but in the real world we
> end up with Haskell monads (non-obvious functional programming).
> In the end the practical art is to express your code in such a way as the
> interpretation of the written word and the effective semantics of the
> program are congruent. Or in human terms "you say what you mean, and the
> program does what it says".   I have a code sample I use in programming
> interviews which reads effectively
> function(name) {
>  method = this[name]
>  return method.apply(this,arguments.after(0));
> }
> And the question I typically ask, after showing the definitions of after I
> ask the simple question if I call this function as
> fn('add', 1, 2)
> What is the value of arguments.after(0)
> In about 2 out of 25 interviews for senior level devs I get the right
> answer.  For almost all non-programmers I've talked to, with the little bit
> of context "programmers often start counting from 0" they get the right
> answer, without having read the formal definition in the base language 2
> lines earlier.  What I've learned in asking this question in interviews is
> that the context one carries with them often colors their interpretation of
> the question. Usually 5 out of 25 will be confused because their favorite
> framework defines "after" to mean something else entirely, and can't grok
> the new cont

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-08 Thread BGB

On 5/7/2012 11:56 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:

Naming poses no problem so long as you define things a bit. :P

Humans parsing documents without proper definitions are like coders 
trying to read programming languages that have no comments

(pretty much all the source code I ever read unfortunately)

I think this is probably why (at least in my case), I tend to "think in 
code" a lot more than "think in natural language" or "think in concepts".

like, a person is working with code, so they have this big pile of code 
in-mind, and see it and think about its behavior, ...

because, yes, comments often are a bit sparse.

personally though, I think that the overuse of comments to describe what 
code is doing is kind of pointless, as the person reading the code will 
generally figure this one out easily enough on their own ("x=i;
//assign i to x", yes, I really needed to know this...).

comments are then more often useful to provide information about why 
something is being done, or information about intended behavior or 

as well as describing things which "should be" the case, but aren't yet 
(stuff which is not yet implemented, design problems or bugs, ...).

nevermind side-uses for things like:
putting in license agreements;
putting in documentation comments;
embedding commands for various kinds of tools (although, in many cases, 
"magic macros" may make more sense, such as in C);


oddly, I suspect I may be a bit less brittle than some people when it 
comes both to reading natural language, and reading code, especially 
given how many long arguments about "pedantics A vs pedantics B" there 
seem to be going around.

this is usually justified with claims like "programming is all about 
being precise", even when it amounts to a big argument over things like 
"whether or not X and Y are 'similar' despite being 
not-functionally-equivalent due to some commonality in terms of the ways 
they are used or in terms of the aesthetic properties of their interface 
and similarity in terms of externally visible behavior", or "does 
feature X if implemented as a library feature in language A still count 
as X, when X would normally be implemented as a compiler-supported 
feature in language B", ... (example, whether or not it is possible to 
implement and use "dynamic typing" in C and C++ code).

and, also recently, an argument over "waterfall method" vs "agile 
development", ...

nevermind the issue of "meaning depends on context" vs "meaning is built 
on absolute truths".

I have usually been more on the "lax side" of "the externally visible 
behavior is mostly what people actually care about" and "it doesn't 
really matter if a feature is built-in to the compiler or a 
library-provided feature, provided it works" (and, yes, I also just so 
happen to believe that "meaning depends on context" as well, as well as 
that the "waterfall method" is also "inherently broken", ...).

but, alas, better would be if there were a good way to avoid these sorts 
of arguments altogether.

but alas...


On 08/05/2012, at 4:36 PM, David Barbour wrote:

On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 11:07 PM, Clinton Daniel>> wrote:

The other side of that coin is burdening users with a bunch of new
terms to learn that don't link to existing human concepts and words.
"Click to save the document" is easier for a new user to grok than
"Flarg to flep the floggle" ;)

Seriously though, in the space of programming language design, there
is a trade-off in terms of quickly conveying a concept via reusing a
term, versus coining a new term to reduce the impedance mismatch that
occurs when the concept doesn't have exactly the same properties
as an
existing term.

Yeah. I've had trouble with this balance before. We need to 
acknowledge the path dependence in human understanding.

My impression: it's connotation, more than denotation, that 
interferes with human understanding.

"Naming is two-way: a strong name changes the meaning of a thing, and 
a strong thing changes the meaning of a name." - Harrison Ainsworth 



bringing s-words to a pen fight
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fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-08 Thread David Goehrig

On May 8, 2012, at 2:56 AM, Julian Leviston  wrote:

> Humans parsing documents without proper definitions are like coders trying to 
> read programming languages that have no comments

One of the under appreciated aspects of system like TeX with the ability to do 
embedded programming, or a system like Self with its Annotations as part of the 
object, or even python's .__doc__ attributes is that they provide context for 
the programmer. 

A large part of the reason that these are under appreciated is that most 
programs aren't sufficiently well factored to take advantage of these 
capabilities.  As a human description of what the code does and why will 
invariably take about a paragraph of human text per line of code, a 20 line 
function requires a pamphlet of documentation to provide sufficient context. 

Higher order functions, objects, actors, complex messaging topologies, 
exception handling (and all manner of related nonlocal exits), and the like 
only compound the context problem as they are "non-obvious".  Most of the FP 
movement is a reaction against "non-obvious" programming. Ideally this would 
result in a positive "self-evident" model, but in the real world we end up with 
Haskell monads (non-obvious functional programming). 

In the end the practical art is to express your code in such a way as the 
interpretation of the written word and the effective semantics of the program 
are congruent. Or in human terms "you say what you mean, and the program does 
what it says".   I have a code sample I use in programming interviews which 
reads effectively

function(name) {
  method = this[name]
  return method.apply(this,arguments.after(0));

And the question I typically ask, after showing the definitions of after I ask 
the simple question if I call this function as 

fn('add', 1, 2)

What is the value of arguments.after(0)

In about 2 out of 25 interviews for senior level devs I get the right answer.  
For almost all non-programmers I've talked to, with the little bit of context 
"programmers often start counting from 0" they get the right answer, without 
having read the formal definition in the base language 2 lines earlier.  What 
I've learned in asking this question in interviews is that the context one 
carries with them often colors their interpretation of the question. Usually 5 
out of 25 will be confused because their favorite framework defines "after" to 
mean something else entirely, and can't grok the new contextual definition. 

The interesting bit is the other 18 people who either fail to answer the 
question entirely, don't know how functions pass arguments, or come up with 
bizarrely wrong answers. Usually these 18 fail because they can not interpret 
what the program does in the specific context of a function call. They don't 
have a model of the state machine in their head.  No amount of formal 
definition will let them process that information.  These programmers get by 
through cribbing and trial and error. As one described his methodology: "I feed 
it inputs until I get what looks like the right answer". 

For these people precise definitions, formal language, clever idioms, or finely 
tuned mathematical constructs do not matter, because they flip burgers with 
more care. And therein lies the crux of the issue, we may be smart enough to 
understand these machines, but the majority of people working in industry do 
not. And the programmers who become managers at large firms choose obtuse, 
inexpressive, cumbersome languages like Java, because they're hiring those 23 
I'm turning down. 
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-08 Thread Julian Leviston
Sorry it wasn't obvious what I was saying there...

They're important because when they're tiny, it's very easy to learn them... 


On 08/05/2012, at 8:45 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:

> This is why tiny languages (Alan calls them POLs, I believe: 
> problem-oriented-languages) are so important.
> A language being anything that involves "communication"... including user 
> interface interaction.
> Julian
> On 08/05/2012, at 8:07 PM, Clinton Daniel wrote:
>> I suppose my point is that for new users, the analogies formed by
>> reusing existing terms are uncertain in that you don't know which
>> parts of the analogy carry across to the concept in question. Once
>> you're familiar with the concept itself, you know which parts apply
>> and which don't, but the point of reusing terms in the first place is
>> to help in learning the concept.
>> If you invent a new term, you don't get the problem of inferring
>> properties that don't carry across (or missing properties that aren't
>> analogous), but you burden new users with finding analogies
>> themselves.
>> In the end I agree that people are the problem, but I think we should
>> make things as easy as possible to learn by using analogies where
>> appropriate and inventing new terms where analogies would be
>> counter-productive. Where that line rests, however, is much of what
>> makes the issue difficult.
>> Clinton
>> On 8 May 2012 16:13, Julian Leviston  wrote:
>>> I disagree. We do our best. This is always the case.
>>> The problem with language is ... there is no problem. The "problem" is with 
>>> people and their lack of awareness.
>>> I agree that "our best" currently sucks, though.
>>> Words aren't the things they refer to - they're just pointers. The only way 
>>> to precisely use language is to realise that it's not precise, and 
>>> therefore stipulate DSLs.
>>> What's your point?
>>> Julian
>>> On 08/05/2012, at 4:07 PM, Clinton Daniel wrote:
 The other side of that coin is burdening users with a bunch of new
 terms to learn that don't link to existing human concepts and words.
 "Click to save the document" is easier for a new user to grok than
 "Flarg to flep the floggle" ;)
 Seriously though, in the space of programming language design, there
 is a trade-off in terms of quickly conveying a concept via reusing a
 term, versus coining a new term to reduce the impedance mismatch that
 occurs when the concept doesn't have exactly the same properties as an
 existing term.
 On 8 May 2012 00:14, John Pratt  wrote:
> The problem with programming languages and computers in general is that 
> they hijack existing human concepts and words, usurping them from 
> everyday usage and flattening out their meanings.
> ___
> fonc mailing list
 fonc mailing list
> ___
> fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-08 Thread Julian Leviston
This is why tiny languages (Alan calls them POLs, I believe: 
problem-oriented-languages) are so important.

A language being anything that involves "communication"... including user 
interface interaction.


On 08/05/2012, at 8:07 PM, Clinton Daniel wrote:

> I suppose my point is that for new users, the analogies formed by
> reusing existing terms are uncertain in that you don't know which
> parts of the analogy carry across to the concept in question. Once
> you're familiar with the concept itself, you know which parts apply
> and which don't, but the point of reusing terms in the first place is
> to help in learning the concept.
> If you invent a new term, you don't get the problem of inferring
> properties that don't carry across (or missing properties that aren't
> analogous), but you burden new users with finding analogies
> themselves.
> In the end I agree that people are the problem, but I think we should
> make things as easy as possible to learn by using analogies where
> appropriate and inventing new terms where analogies would be
> counter-productive. Where that line rests, however, is much of what
> makes the issue difficult.
> Clinton
> On 8 May 2012 16:13, Julian Leviston  wrote:
>> I disagree. We do our best. This is always the case.
>> The problem with language is ... there is no problem. The "problem" is with 
>> people and their lack of awareness.
>> I agree that "our best" currently sucks, though.
>> Words aren't the things they refer to - they're just pointers. The only way 
>> to precisely use language is to realise that it's not precise, and therefore 
>> stipulate DSLs.
>> What's your point?
>> Julian
>> On 08/05/2012, at 4:07 PM, Clinton Daniel wrote:
>>> The other side of that coin is burdening users with a bunch of new
>>> terms to learn that don't link to existing human concepts and words.
>>> "Click to save the document" is easier for a new user to grok than
>>> "Flarg to flep the floggle" ;)
>>> Seriously though, in the space of programming language design, there
>>> is a trade-off in terms of quickly conveying a concept via reusing a
>>> term, versus coining a new term to reduce the impedance mismatch that
>>> occurs when the concept doesn't have exactly the same properties as an
>>> existing term.
>>> Clinton
>>> On 8 May 2012 00:14, John Pratt  wrote:
 The problem with programming languages and computers in general is that 
 they hijack existing human concepts and words, usurping them from everyday 
 usage and flattening out their meanings.
 fonc mailing list
>>> ___
>>> fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-07 Thread Julian Leviston
Naming poses no problem so long as you define things a bit. :P

Humans parsing documents without proper definitions are like coders trying to 
read programming languages that have no comments

(pretty much all the source code I ever read unfortunately)


On 08/05/2012, at 4:36 PM, David Barbour wrote:

> On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 11:07 PM, Clinton Daniel  
> wrote:
> The other side of that coin is burdening users with a bunch of new
> terms to learn that don't link to existing human concepts and words.
> "Click to save the document" is easier for a new user to grok than
> "Flarg to flep the floggle" ;)
> Seriously though, in the space of programming language design, there
> is a trade-off in terms of quickly conveying a concept via reusing a
> term, versus coining a new term to reduce the impedance mismatch that
> occurs when the concept doesn't have exactly the same properties as an
> existing term.
> Yeah. I've had trouble with this balance before. We need to acknowledge the 
> path dependence in human understanding.
> My impression: it's connotation, more than denotation, that interferes with 
> human understanding. 
> "Naming is two-way: a strong name changes the meaning of a thing, and a 
> strong thing changes the meaning of a name." - Harrison Ainsworth (@hxa7241)
> Regards,
> Dave
> -- 
> bringing s-words to a pen fight
> ___
> fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-07 Thread Julian Leviston
But I wasn't asking you. :P


On 08/05/2012, at 4:28 PM, David Barbour wrote:

> On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 11:13 PM, Julian Leviston  wrote:
> What's your point?
> I like my PLs to be point free, as much as possible. ;)
> Regards,
> Dave
> -- 
> bringing s-words to a pen fight
> ___
> fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-07 Thread David Barbour
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 11:07 PM, Clinton Daniel wrote:

> The other side of that coin is burdening users with a bunch of new
> terms to learn that don't link to existing human concepts and words.
> "Click to save the document" is easier for a new user to grok than
> "Flarg to flep the floggle" ;)
> Seriously though, in the space of programming language design, there
> is a trade-off in terms of quickly conveying a concept via reusing a
> term, versus coining a new term to reduce the impedance mismatch that
> occurs when the concept doesn't have exactly the same properties as an
> existing term.

Yeah. I've had trouble with this balance before. We need to acknowledge the
path dependence in human understanding.

My impression: it's connotation, more than denotation, that interferes with
human understanding.

"Naming is two-way: a strong name changes the meaning of a thing, and a
strong thing changes the meaning of a name." - Harrison Ainsworth (@hxa7241)



bringing s-words to a pen fight
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-07 Thread David Barbour
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 11:13 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:

> What's your point?

I like my PLs to be point free, as much as possible. ;)



bringing s-words to a pen fight
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-07 Thread Julian Leviston
I disagree. We do our best. This is always the case.

The problem with language is ... there is no problem. The "problem" is with 
people and their lack of awareness.

I agree that "our best" currently sucks, though.

Words aren't the things they refer to - they're just pointers. The only way to 
precisely use language is to realise that it's not precise, and therefore 
stipulate DSLs.

What's your point?


On 08/05/2012, at 4:07 PM, Clinton Daniel wrote:

> The other side of that coin is burdening users with a bunch of new
> terms to learn that don't link to existing human concepts and words.
> "Click to save the document" is easier for a new user to grok than
> "Flarg to flep the floggle" ;)
> Seriously though, in the space of programming language design, there
> is a trade-off in terms of quickly conveying a concept via reusing a
> term, versus coining a new term to reduce the impedance mismatch that
> occurs when the concept doesn't have exactly the same properties as an
> existing term.
> Clinton
> On 8 May 2012 00:14, John Pratt  wrote:
>> The problem with programming languages and computers in general is that they 
>> hijack existing human concepts and words, usurping them from everyday usage 
>> and flattening out their meanings.
>> ___
>> fonc mailing list
> ___
> fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-07 Thread Clinton Daniel
The other side of that coin is burdening users with a bunch of new
terms to learn that don't link to existing human concepts and words.
"Click to save the document" is easier for a new user to grok than
"Flarg to flep the floggle" ;)

Seriously though, in the space of programming language design, there
is a trade-off in terms of quickly conveying a concept via reusing a
term, versus coining a new term to reduce the impedance mismatch that
occurs when the concept doesn't have exactly the same properties as an
existing term.


On 8 May 2012 00:14, John Pratt  wrote:
> The problem with programming languages and computers in general is that they 
> hijack existing human concepts and words, usurping them from everyday usage 
> and flattening out their meanings.
> ___
> fonc mailing list
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-07 Thread BGB

On 5/7/2012 7:26 AM, Carl Gundel wrote:

People do that every day without using a programming language at all.  ;-)

I think pretty much every field does this.

programmers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, ... all have their own 
specialized versions of the language, with many terms particular to the 
domain, and many common-use terms which are used in particular ways with 
particular definitions which may differ from those of the "common use" 
of the words.

decided not really to go into examples.

sometimes, mixed with "tradition" and similar, this can lead to some 
often rather confusing language-use patterns: constructions involving 
obscure grammar, words and phrases from different languages (Latin, 
Italian, French, ...), ...

so, programming is by no means unique here.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 10:15 AM
Subject: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

The problem with programming languages and computers in general is that they
hijack existing human concepts and words, usurping them from everyday usage
and flattening out their meanings.
fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-07 Thread Carl Gundel
People do that every day without using a programming language at all.  ;-)


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 10:15 AM
Subject: [fonc] The problem with programming languages

The problem with programming languages and computers in general is that they
hijack existing human concepts and words, usurping them from everyday usage
and flattening out their meanings.
fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

[fonc] The problem with programming languages

2012-05-07 Thread John Pratt

The problem with programming languages and computers in general is that they 
hijack existing human concepts and words, usurping them from everyday usage and 
flattening out their meanings.
fonc mailing list