Re: Growth, Popularity and Languages - was Re: [fonc] Alan Kay talk at HPI in Potsdam

2011-07-26 Thread Casey Ransberger
I want to try using a fluffy pop song to sell a protest album... it worked for 
others before me:) If you're really lucky, some people will accidentally listen 
to your other songs. 

(metaphorically speaking)

A spoonful of sugar 

On Jul 25, 2011, at 10:47 PM, Alan Kay wrote:

 The trivial take on computing today by both the consumers and most of the 
 professionals would just be another pop music to wince at most of the 
 time, if it weren't so important for how future thinking should be done.

fonc mailing list

Re: Growth, Popularity and Languages - was Re: [fonc] Alan Kay talk at HPI in Potsdam

2011-07-26 Thread Julian Leviston

On 26/07/2011, at 3:47 PM, Alan Kay wrote:

 But the dilemma is: what happens if this is the route and the children and 
 adults reject it for the much more alluring human universals? Even if almost 
 none of them lead to a stable, thriving, growth inducing and prosperous 
 These are the issues I care about.

You seem to be seeing these two as orthogonal. I see them as mutually 
complementing. (ie we drive people to what they need through what they want... )

fonc mailing list

Growth, Popularity and Languages - was Re: [fonc] Alan Kay talk at HPI in Potsdam

2011-07-25 Thread Julian Leviston

On 26/07/2011, at 1:33 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 On 25 July 2011 16:16, Julian Leviston wrote:
 On 26/07/2011, at 12:03 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:
 Interestingly that many today's trendy and popular things (which we
 know today as web) were invented as a temporary solution without any
 systematic approach.
 I think that i will be right by saying that most of these technologies
 (like PHP, Javascript, Ruby, Sendmail etc) is a result of random
 choice instead making planning and a deep study of problem field
 before doing anything.
 And that's why no surprise, they are failing to grow.
 And now, people trying to fill the gaps in those technologies with
 security, scalability and so on.. Because they are now well
 established standards.. while originally was not meant to be used in
 such form from the beginning.
 Wow... really? PHP, JavaScript, Ruby and Sendmail are the result of random
 Random. Because how something , which was done to satisfy minute needs
 (i wanna script some interactions, so lets do it quick),
 could grow into something mature without solid foundation?
 If conceptual flaw is there from the very beginning, how you can fix it?
 Here what author says about JS:
 JS had to “look like Java” only less so, be Java’s dumb kid brother or
 boy-hostage sidekick. Plus, I had to be done in ten days or something
 worse than JS would have happened
 Brendan Eich

Except that JavaScript is one of the only common popular prototype based object 
oriented languages, which it turns out is an amazingly flexible system. I don't 
think this is random. Maybe rushed is what you mean here.

Apart from this, Ruby was DEFINITELY not random, or rushed. It's a delicate 
balance between form and pragmatic functionality. I'll grant you that the 
internals of the standard interpreter leave a lot to be desired, but I think 
this is perhaps less to do with randomness and more to do with the fact that 
perhaps Matz was entirely out of his depth when it came to best of breed for 
internal language structuring.

I think to say that these languages served as a temporary solution is not 
really very fair on most of them. PHP was basically designed to be an easy way 
to build dynamic web pages, and popularity drove it to where it is today.

I guess where you're coming from is you're attempting to say that none of these 
languages are being used for what they were originally designed for... possibly 
(I'd put my weight on saying hopefully) with the exception of Ruby, because 
Ruby was designed to be beautiful to code in, and to make programmers happy. 
Ruby is a general purpose language. I really don't know why you include 
Sendmail in this bunch.

I think you're kind of missing the point of the web not being structured 
properly, though... I think Alan's point is more the case that the fact that we 
had to use server side languages, as well as languages such as VBScript and 
JavaScript which the interpreter executes, is an illustration of the fact that 
STRUCTURALLY, the web is fairly broken. It has nothing to do with language 
choice (server- or client-side), really, but rather the fact that there is no 
set of conventions and readily usable standard for programming across the web 
in such a way that code is run in a protected way on machines where code needs 
to run.

I think as computer programmers, we get quite hung up on the specifics of 
languages and other potentially somewhat irrelevant details when perhaps 
they're not the most apposite concerns to be interested in.

 Apparently a missing systematical approach then strikes back, once it
 deployed, became popular and used by millions..
 Javascript, PHP, Ruby and Sendmail failing to grow? Seriously? What do you
 mean by grow? It can't surely be popularity...
 Grow not in popularity of course.
 Grow in serving our needs.

Perhaps you miss the point of why things become large and popular...? :) 
They're driven by people. And not just some people - by *most* people. 
Everybody wants to share photos and search for things on the web. Everyone 
wants their content, and purchases, and the things they want.

These people do not care about structural perfection in any way. They care 
about doing the things they want to do and naught else.

Look at Apple if you want to understand a group of people who get this (or 
maybe only Steve gets this, I don't really know, but I do know someone at Apple 
fully understand this, and possibly Apple *didn't* understand this when Steve 
wasn't there). The only way you can drive the future is if you get everyone to 
come along with you.

The only way you can get everyone to come along with you is to play to their 
understanding level. You make the general lives of everyone on the planet 
easier, and you will become popular.

Say, for example, like making a telephone that is vastly more easy to use than 
all other telephones on the planet. Now, for tech geeks, it's not really *that* 
much easier to 

Re: Growth, Popularity and Languages - was Re: [fonc] Alan Kay talk at HPI in Potsdam

2011-07-25 Thread Julian Leviston

On 26/07/2011, at 12:20 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 You lost me here. My attitude to Ruby is same as to Perl: lets take
 bit from here, bit from there, mix well everything and voila! , we
 having new programming language.
 It may be good for cooking recipe, but definitely not very good for
 programming language.
 I find it strange that many today's mainstream languages evolution is
 driven by taking same approach: mix  blend things together, rather
 than focusing on completeness, conciseness and clarity.

I don't think you understand Ruby very well. PERL and Ruby are quite different.
Sure, Ruby borrowed some stuff from PERL (such as built in RegExps, etc) but at 
its heart, it's pure objects, and behaves very much how you'd expect it to. 
It's also incredibly compact and beautiful looking, easy to read, and nice. I 
fell in love with it similarly to how I fell in love with SmallTalk...

fonc mailing list

Re: Growth, Popularity and Languages - was Re: [fonc] Alan Kay talk at HPI in Potsdam

2011-07-25 Thread Julian Leviston

On 26/07/2011, at 12:20 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 But for programming its a bit different: you giving to people a tool
 which they will use to craft their own products. And depending on how
 good/bad this tool are, the end product's quality will vary.
 And also, it would be too good to be true: if people would have to
 choose between java and smalltalk based on easy to use criteria, i
 doub't they would choose java.
 Marketing takes its toll, the worse one. :)

But they *did* choose Java over smalltalk precisely because it's easier to use.

You make the mistake of assuming easier to use between experts, but that's not 
how people adopt languages.

One of the reasons Rails became an overnight success for the Ruby and web 
development communities is because of a 15 minute blog screencast... and a 
bunch of simple evangelizing the creator of Rails did... he basically showed 
how easy it was to create a Blog in 15 minutes with comments... Mind you it 
wasn't a particularly beautiful Blog, but it functioned, nonetheless, and the 
kicker is...

... it was about twice as easy, twice as fast, and twice as nice to code than 
in any other comparative programming environment at the time.

People adoped Java because it was readily available to learn, and easy to 
grok in comparison with what they knew, and because it had spunk in the 
same way that Rails did -  it had an attitude, and was perceived as a funky 
thing. This has to do with marketing and the way our society works. SmallTalk, 
is incredibly simple, incredibly powerful, but also INCREDIBLY unapproachable 
for most people not welcoming to abstract thought.

Contrast that it took me weeks to understand SmallTalk when I first saw it - 
even vaguely understand I mean - but it only took me days to understand Java, 
given that I'd programmed in Basic and C before.

This has to do with the sub-cultural context more than anything. 

fonc mailing list

Re: Growth, Popularity and Languages - was Re: [fonc] Alan Kay talk at HPI in Potsdam

2011-07-25 Thread Julian Leviston

On 26/07/2011, at 12:20 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 Say, for example, like making a telephone that is vastly more easy to use 
 than all other telephones on the planet. Now, for tech geeks, it's not 
 really *that* much easier to use... For example, when the iPhone came out, I 
 got one, and the only really useful and different thing in terms of 
 technical specification and features that I could do that I previously 
 couldn't do easily was synchronise my contacts... but everything was quite a 
 bit EASIER to do. In the process, Apple are pushing next gen technologies 
 (next gen for the public is not necessarily next gen for us, mind :)). Mind 
 you, it comes wrapped around their bank account, but it's still coming.
 Look at Twitter for an example of what people like... this is a ridiculously 
 clear example... it simply allows people to write small messages to whoever 
 is listening. Brilliantly simple, brilliantly clear. Most people want to do 
 this, and so it is popular.  The thing with twitter is, though, they're not 
 using this popularity at all. They don't really know what to do with it.
 Now, what we want to do is make something compelling enough such that it 
 goes off like a rocket. Smalltalk was designed pretty amazingly well, and 
 it had an amazingly large amount of influence, but if you ask most 
 programmers what smalltalk is, they usually haven't heard of it... contrast 
 this to asking people about Java, and they know what that is. :) You even 
 ask them what Object Oriented programming is, and they know that, but you 
 say Heard of Alan Kay? and they give you a blank look. Ask them about 
 Steve Jobs and everyone knows all about him. Hell, what other company has 
 fanboys keeping track of their ADS? 
 ( )
 What I'm trying to get at here, is that I see no reason why something free 
 can't be popular (facebook? twitter?), but for that to take place, it has to 
 provide something that you simply can't get elsewhere. The advantage the web 
 has had is that it has moved quite quickly and continues to move at whatever 
 pace we like to go at. Nothing else has come along that has outpaced or out 
 innovated it FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE AVERAGE PUNTER. So what is needed 
 is something along the lines of Frank, which when people see what is 
 possible (BY USING IT ONLY, I'd wager), they'll stop using everything else 
 because they simply can't go back to the old way because it feels like the 
 past too much. :)
 Make something better than all the user or developer experiences out there, 
 and developers like me will evangelise the shit out of it... and other users 
 who care about things will jump on the bandwagon, curators of experience 
 will jump on board, and overnight, a Windows 95 like experience will happen 
 (in terms of market share effect), or perhaps an iPod effect will happen. 
 Remember, it has to be just better than what is possible now, so if you 
 make something infinitely better but just show off how it's just better, 
 and also make it easy to migrate to and easier to use, then you will have 
 already won as the new way of doing things before you've started.
 Even Apple, our current purveyors of fine user experience and curators of 
 style and design, haven't managed to build a device or user experience in 
 software that allows primarily convention, ease of use and unclutteredness, 
 and yet then the total ability to configure things for people who want 
 things to do exactly what they want them to do (ie coders, programmers, and 
 advanced users). They hit the 80/20 rule quite well in terms of giving 80 
 percent of people everything they need, while leaving 20% of people sort of 
 out in the cold.
 I don't think its a good to drive an analogy between end product and tool(s).
 The main difference between them lies in the fact that tools are made
 for professionals, while end products are made for everyone.
 You don't have to graduate college to know how to use microwave, you
 just need to read a short instruction.
 Professionals who basing their choice on popularity are bad
 professionals, the good ones basing their choice on quality of tools.
 Because everyone knows that popularity has a temporary effect.
 Something which is popular today, will be forgotten tomorrow.

That's just silly. Products vs Tools? A toaster is a device that I can use to 
toast bread. A coffee machine is a device i can use to make coffee. 
Professional people who create coffee or create toasted sandwiches for a living 
use different ones, but they're still coffee machines and toasters, and mostly 
they're just based around higher volume, and higher quality in terms of 

Popularity doesn't always have a temporary effect. Consider the iPod. It's not 
forgotten is it? It's been popular for decades.

Consider the personal computer! The laptop - this is a very popular device. 
It's been more than 2 decades 

Re: Growth, Popularity and Languages - was Re: [fonc] Alan Kay talk at HPI in Potsdam

2011-07-25 Thread Alan Kay
The argument about mass popularity is good if all you want to do is triumph 
the consumer products business (c.f. many previous raps I've done about the 
anthropological human universals and how and why technological amplifiers for 
them have been and will be very popular).

This is because marketeers are generally interested in what people *want* and 
desire to supply those wants and to get those wants to intersect with products.

Educators are more interested in what people *need*, and many of these *needs* 
in my opinion are coextensive with human non-universals -- inventions (not 
genetic built-ins) such as reading and writing, modern scientific thinking and 
mathematics, deep historical perspectives, the law, equal rights, and many 
rather difficult to learn and difficult to invent ideas.

One of the most important points here is that becoming fluently skilled in a 
hard to learn area produces an odd -- but I think better -- kind of human ... 
one who has not just the inborn drives -- for example, revenge and vendetta are 
human universals -- but also has an overlay of other kinds of thinking that can 
in many cases moderate and sometimes head off impulses that might have been 
workable 200,000 years ago but are not good actions now.

As far as can be ascertained, humans had been on the planet for almost 200,000 
years before any of these were invented, and modern science was created only 
about 400 years ago. We are still trying to invent and teach and learn human 
rights. These are not only not obvious to our genetic brains, they are 

A mass market place will have to be above high thresholds in knowledge before 
can make good choices about these.

Societies have always had to decide how to educate children into adults (though 
most have not been self-conscious about this).

If ways could be found to make the learning of the really important stuff 
popular and wanted, then things are easier and simpler. 

But the dilemma is: what happens if this is the route and the children and 
adults reject it for the much more alluring human universals? Even if almost 
none of them lead to a stable, thriving, growth inducing and prosperous 

These are the issues I care about.

If we look in the small at computing, and open it to a popular culture, we will 
get a few good things (as we do in pop music), but most of what is rich in most 
invented and developed areas will be not even seen, will not be learned, and a 
few things will be re-invented in much worse forms (reinventing the flat 

This is partly because knowledge is generally more powerful than cleverness, 
point of view is more powerful than either.

I think education at the highest possible levels has always been the main 
for human beings, especially after the difficult to learn powerful inventions 
started to appear.

For example, what was most important about writing was not that it could take 
down oral discourse, but that it led to new ways of thinking, arguing and 
discourse, and was one of the main underpinings of many other inventions. 
Similarly, what is important about computing is not that it can take down old 
media, useful as that is,  or provide other conveniences through simple 
scripting, but that it constitutes a new and much more powerful way to think 
about, embody, argue and invent powerful ideas that can help us gain 
on the dilemmas created by being humans who are amplified by technologies. If 
the legacy of the last several centuries is to automate the Pleistocene via 
catering to and supplying great power to human universals, then monumental 
disaster is not far off. As H.G. Wells pointed out We are in a race between 
Education and Catastrophe. It is hard to see that real education is ahead at 
this point.

One of the great dilemmas of equal rights and other equalities is how to deal 
with the Tyranny of the Commons. The American Plan was to raise the commons 
to be able to participate in the same levels of conversations as the best 
thinkers. I think this is far from the situation at the current time.

Much of this is quite invisible to any culture that is trying to get by and 
lacks systems and historical consciousness.

The trivial take on computing today by both the consumers and most of the 
professionals would just be another pop music to wince at most of the time, 
if it weren't so important for how future thinking should be done.

Best wishes,

fonc mailing list