Re: Region-body column balancing (bug with table-header!)

2010-08-20 Thread Adam Kovacs
Hi There!

 I finally had to dig into the code of Fop as I really need this balancing to 
work fine.
I found the Class BalancingColumnBreakingAlgorithm where I made some tests.

It seems for me that the calculation of the fullLen does not return the 
correct value:
fullLen = ElementListUtils.calcContentLength(par, activeNode.position, 
par.size() - 1);

I think the headers appearing in the other columns except the first one are not 
counted into the full content length.
When I added the approx. width of the header to the fullLen the balancing was 
fine as the idealPartLen had the right value.

Can anybody tell me please if this could be fixed?

Thanks in advance!

Using FOP 1.0

  I made some basic tests and found some additional info. (basic test 
 If Im using no header the problem does not occur.
 But with header the columns are not balanced.
 Summary: 1234567890
 This is not normal or???

Intermediate Format (IF) with placeholder / marker

2010-07-13 Thread Adam Kovacs
Hi there,

 I would need an XML element from any namespace which I can use in the XSL and 
is not interpreted by FOP and goes into the Intermediate Format (IF) output as 
it is.
I want to use this element as placeholder in the FOP_IF, and in a second step I 
can modify the FOP Intermediate File for my needs.

Is there an element I could use?
If not how can I make a new FOP Extension which does this?

Any other suggestion how to do this are very welcome!!!

Thanks in advance!



Using FOP Trunk