Re: fixing and maintaining zero reported warnings policy?

2010-08-03 Thread spepping
We have two outstanding branches. All changes you make in this work  
will, after they have been merged into trunk, be propagated to those  
branches. I would prefer to restrict the work to the new  
functionality, and not include other refactoring/correction of  
warnings. Although I admit that correcting warnings would in itself be  
very valuable; I guess most warnings were just neglected by their  
authors, or are in older code.


Quoting Glenn Adams :

Would anyone mind if I submit a patch that fixes all the outstanding
warnings, etc., reported during the build process and by checkstyles and
findbugs on the trunk? More importantly, if I do this, is it possible to
adhere to a zero tolerance policy on warnings for future commits?

I find the 3000 or so warnings currently produced to be a rather significant
impediment to doing work on this code base, or at least, in preventing an
avalanche of new warnings upon future commits, given the trouble required to
determine the diffs between new warnings and old warnings. Perhaps this
isn't a problem for changes to one file, but for changes to a hundred files,
it is a major headache. Anyway, some of these 3000 are actually real,
lurking bugs.

I'm willing to do the cleanup work if others will help maintain cleanliness
going forward.


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RE: Support for Arabic in FOP

2009-09-30 Thread spepping

Quoting Prakash sen :


   I am not sure on the licensing part as sebastian did some changes in FOP
code and he provided me the jars. And as per what i had checked those jar
print arabic correctly.
Possibly he will only be able to answer and I am nots ure whether the change
was made keeping FOP standards. He was planning to do bidi algorithm, no
idea whether he worked on it later and whether he contribuited the below
change to FOP.

He did not commit any change to FOP.


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RE: Support for Arabic in FOP

2009-09-21 Thread spepping
Licensing is not that easy. The ASF requires that the code be  
submitted under a Contributor License Agreement, see Even under more liberal regimes,  
having no license would not work, because there is nothing that states  
that it is open source.


Quoting Prakash sen :

Thank you for your kind offer.
What license applies to the jars?

Best Regards,
Jonathan S. Levinson
Senior Software Developer
Object Group


   I am not sure on what changes sebastian had made in the source


but i do have the jar files.  If needed i can send them with some



Prakash Sen.


   I dont think there is any license for it... Simply we can use it as it is
I hope it helps everyone..

Prakash Sen.

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RE: Volunteering to work on FOP development

2009-09-18 Thread spepping
> Arabic support is very important for us.
> I looked in nabble for Sebastian's post that would allow FOP to work with
> Arabic, but was unable to find his post, though I found a reference to it,
> with a no longer valid hyper-link.

This is a link to his message:,
but the link to his work is no longer valid.

Kia Teymourian also worked on Arabic support in FOP, and his work is
available at

Regards, Simon

RE: Volunteering to work on FOP development

2009-09-17 Thread spepping

Sounds promising. Simon

Quoting Jonathan Levinson :

I'll forward your e-mail to management and tell them there are some
license agreements we need to sign.

We are an international company, and need to support non-Western
documents including Greek, Thai and Chinese, amongst many others.  We
have technical people at work in every area of the globe.

Best Regards,
Jonathan S. Levinson
Senior Software Developer
Object Group

-Original Message-
From: Simon Pepping []
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: Volunteering to work on FOP development

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 03:32:25PM -0400, Jonathan Levinson wrote:


My management has asked me to volunteer to help fix FOP bugs and add


enhancements.  I'm not yet familiar with FOP internals though I've


your design documents.

That is good news indeed. Thanks to Intersystems for this

Note that you need to sign an Individual Contributor License Agreement
(ICLA), and most conveniently your company needs to sign a Corporate
Contributor License Agreement (CCLA), see, before FOP or any other ASF
project can accept your code contributions.

One area in which FOP needs more work is the compliance with the FO
spec, versions 1.0 and 1.1, see

Another area where FOP needs more work is support for non-Western
documents. I do not know where the problems are, but it probably does
not work right now. Ideally, we would have contributors from regions
with such problems.

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
home page:

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Re: svn commit: r757172 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk: ./ src/documentation/content/xdocs/trunk/ src/java/org/apache/fop/tools/fontlist/

2009-03-23 Thread spepping
This is a cute tool. About the zapfdingbats page, I only see the  
scissors and to fox line. Is that te intended rendering?



Author: jeremias
Date: Sun Mar 22 11:54:39 2009
New Revision: 757172

Added a command-line tool to list all configured fonts  

+  Font List Command-Line Tool
+FOP contains a small command-line tool that lets you  
generate a list of all configured
+fonts. Its class name is:

+Run it with the "-?" parameter to get help for the various options.

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Re: svn commit: r474387 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk: ./ src/java/org/apache/fop/fonts/ src/java/org/apache/fop/fonts/truetype/ src/java/org/apache/fop/fonts/type1/

2006-11-14 Thread spepping
> Jeremias Maerki a écrit :
>> I'd be grateful if anyone could test what happens if you load a Type 1
>> fonts on a Unix where the PFM file has an uppercase extension, e.g.
>> "FUTURA.PFM". I have to construct the URI to the PFM manually from the
>> PFB and use a lowercase extension (".pfm"). Maybe we have to improve
>> that to check with upper- and lowercase to account for case sensitive
>> file systems.
> This fails. IMO the safest solution is to require that the name of the
> pfm file is specified in the config file. All the more so it should also
> be possible to give an afm file instead of a pfm one (BTW, Fop can't
> read afm files, can it? Because FOrayFont can...).

Make that optional, if the pfm file name deviates from the normal pattern.


Re: Removing deprecated stuff in the High-level API

2006-11-14 Thread spepping
> Jeremias Maerki schrieb:
>> On 13.11.2006 22:24:27 J.Pietschmann wrote:
>>>Jeremias Maerki wrote:
If nobody objects I'm going to remove the deprecated elements in the
apps package later this week.
>>>Umm, couldn't this wait until after the 0.93 release? Well, that's
>>>a question, not a veto. If you think it's a good idea, go ahead.
>> It sure could. I just thought I'd clean it up for the release. But I
>> wouldn't mind leaving it in for another round. Other opinions?
> I'd rather remove it now than between the 0.93 (without beta tag) and
> the 1.0 release.

I share that preference.
