RE: HTML to PDF using FOP

2002-02-12 Thread Bruno VERNAY
Title: RE: HTML to PDF using FOP

You should take a look at the Docbook project :
They provide XSL to publish XML sources in many format : HTML, XHTML, FO, PDF, PS ...

Using FOP in an applet ?

2002-02-06 Thread Bruno VERNAY
Title: Using FOP in an applet ?


 What I would like to do is send XML to the browser client (MS-IE6, in the case of our extranet, but not limited to.)
 There, show it on screen as html/css (already possible with XSLT and the MS-XML dll.)
 and print it as PDF ... (Impossible for now, why didn't MS implement css @page.)

Would it be a *solution* to embed FOP in an applet and use it on the client to print PDF ?

PS : After some research, I didn't find anything about FOP and Applet.
I know that it it possible to use FOP with Servlet, PHP and many Apache project.
I know about WebGrabber, PdfLib, RenderX ...
(This means : I am not expecting people on this list to be at my service, but I came to the point where I need help to continue.)


RE: Using FOP in an applet ?

2002-02-06 Thread Bruno VERNAY

In the 
case of my current problem, I have a high band-width. 
I saw that fop.jar is 1.6Mo, it 
should need Xalan and Xerces too, so between 2 and 3 Mo. (I don't use SVG, so I 
save 2Mo of Batik)
This is not the problem in my 

  Embeding FOP in an applet 
  would make your applet humongous. It would only be possible in a LAN 
  configuration with high band-width.