Re: Special characters in AWT preview and PDF renderers

2010-09-07 Thread Antti Karanta

On Mon, 30 Aug 2010 18:31:18 +0300, Pascal Sancho wrote:

'#' indicates that the glyph is not available in any font used by FOP.
Note that SVG uses the fonts installed in the system, while FOP needs

  ?? I think you mean the AWT renderer gets its fonts from the os and the  
pdf renderer needs special font configuration? That's the impression I got  

that used fonts are set in config file (if you use a non standard font).

  Like I said in my post, I have


  in my fop.xconf. Is this not sufficient?

  Anyhow, the thing that made me wonder is that special characters are  
working also in fop generated pdfs if they are outside svg images - it's  
only the ones in the svg images that are failing.

  I changed the font family reference in the svg files from  
font-family:Swiss,Helvetica,sans-serif; to  
font-family:Swiss,Helvetica,sans-serif,Tahoma,Verdana; and now the special  
characters are ok. From this it seems to me that this was simply an issue  
of the font families originally listed not containing the necessary glyphs.

  So not really a FOP issue at all, sorry for the noise.


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Special characters in AWT preview and PDF renderers

2010-08-16 Thread Antti Karanta


  I have an SVG image with greek symbols, e.g.

text text-anchor=start x=3.13063 y=1.56532 style=fill:#00;  
font-family:Swiss,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 4.69595 


  This renders fine in FOP AWT preview, but as # in PDF.

  The pdf is fine, too, if I change (in the SVG) the first line above to:

text text-anchor=start x=3.13063 y=1.56532 style=fill:#00;  
font-size: 4.69595 

  i.e. remove the font references.

  I know the different renderers handle fonts differently, but this far I  
have been able to use os fonts in pdf by having


  in my fop.xconf

  However, in this case it does not seem to help.

  Is there some other magic I need to do to make os fonts work ok inside  
svg? Or am I missing something else?

  Environment: fop 0.95 and 1.0, java 1.6.0_20, win xp sp 3


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GC overhead limit exceeded on a 64-bit jvm

2010-06-14 Thread Antti Karanta


  I am facing a strange memory problem with FOP 0.95. I have a rather  
large xsl-fo file (size 10 574 859 bytes) containing references to 1062  
svg images and resulting in a 683 page pdf. What is strange is that FOP  
renders this fine on a 32-bit jvm, but fails with GC overhead limit  
exceeded on a 64-bit jvm even if given double the memory the 32-bit  
process is given.

  Here's the exception:

14.6.2010 11:33:10 org.apache.fop.render.AbstractRenderer renderXML
SEVERE: Some XML content will be ignored. Could not render XML
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.String.init(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.StringBuffer.toString(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGFontUtilities.getFontFamily(Unknown  
org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGTextElementBridge.getFontList(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildGraphicsNode(Unknown  
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildComposite(Unknown  
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildGraphicsNode(Unknown  
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildComposite(Unknown  
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildGraphicsNode(Unknown  
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildComposite(Unknown  
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildGraphicsNode(Unknown  
at org.apache.batik.bridge.GVTBuilder.buildComposite(Unknown  

at Source)

  FOP does not stop at the first one - there are several of these in FOP  
output. The resulting pdf is broken, though.

  Here's version information on the 32-bit jvm (that is able to perform  
the task both with -client and -server jvms):

C:\Tempjava -version
java version 1.6.0_12
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_12-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.2-b01, mixed mode, sharing)

  And here's the corresponding info for the 64-bit jvm (only -server jvm  

g:\workjava -version
java version 1.6.0_12
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_12-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.2-b01, mixed mode)

  On 32-bit jvm -Xmx500m is sufficient, but on the 64-bit jvm even  
-Xmx1000m is not enough.

  Any ideas on how to get around this are much appreciated.


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Re: AW: GC overhead limit exceeded on a 64-bit jvm

2010-06-14 Thread Antti Karanta

On Mon, 14 Jun 2010 13:04:05 +0300, Georg Datterl wrote:

Let's blame java:

  Thanks for the link. I already knew what this exception results from but  
what baffles me is that how the runtime profile can be so different for 32  
and 64-bit jvms for the same application + the same input data. The 32-bit  
process being able to complete with -Xmx500m and 64-bit jvm still failing  
with -Xmx1000m seems to indicate that the program, when run 64-bit, is  
keeping references to lots more data than the 32-bit version. Jvm being  
stuck in gc so that  98% of the time is spent in gc and no (significant  
amount of) memory is freed indicates either that the app is keeping  
references to large amounts of data or GC can't reclaim memory due to a  
jvm bug. The latter is possible but the former is much more common.

  Anyone else run into this issue with FOP or any other Java program? I  
don't mean just the GC overhead limit exceeded, but this kind of  
difference in results with 32- and 64-bit jvms.


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Re: AW: AW: GC overhead limit exceeded on a 64-bit jvm

2010-06-14 Thread Antti Karanta

On Mon, 14 Jun 2010 13:21:13 +0300, Georg Datterl wrote:

Anyway, I used -Xincgc and had no more problems with the exception.

  That did the trick for me, too. Thanks a lot for your help!


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Re: AW: AW: AW: GC overhead limit exceeded on a 64-bit jvm

2010-06-14 Thread Antti Karanta

On Mon, 14 Jun 2010 16:47:11 +0300, Georg Datterl wrote:

The ant task has to start a java VM, too. You just have to find out,  
where the VM is started and set the switch there.

  In case you don't want to dig into ant or fop startup scripts, a quick  
and dirty solution is to set the environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS to  
have value -Xincgc
  This environment variable will be picked up by any jvm, even embedded  
ones. Its contents will be prepended to jvm startup options.


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Problem w/ svg image size in pdf

2008-12-05 Thread Antti Karanta


  When I use fop to directly print a document containing an svg image, the  
image is produced w/ correct size on paper. However, if I produce pdf and  
then print it w/ adobe acrobat reader, the image is sligtly (ratio about  
14/15) smaller than the original. This is significant as I have to produce  
documents containing drawings with exact scale.

  The fop faq has a section about there being differences in print and pdf  
output, but it only talks about fonts, line heights and such, but nothing  
about picture sizes.

  Anyhow, it seems to most likely be an acrobat reader issue, since  
ghostview measures the image size correctly and it prints the rights size.  
Is this an actual acrobat reader bug or am I doing something wrong when  
generating the pdf?

  BTW, I recalled a long time ago having used measuring tools in acrobat  
reader to measure sizes of things in a document in centimeters. Enabling  
the toolbar failed - Tools - Customize Toolbar dialog contains Measuring  
Toolbar, but it is marked w/ an asterix meaning Only available when  
document rights are enabled. Can I grant these rights when generating the  
pdf from fop?

  If necessary, I can post the fo and svg files in question (quite minimal  
- the document only contains the single svg image).


fop 0.95
java 1.5.0_15
win xp sp 2
adobe reader 8.1.3

  Fop was invoked w/ no special options:

fop.bat -fo -pdf test2.pdf
fop.bat -fo -print


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Re: Problem w/ svg image size in pdf

2008-12-05 Thread Antti Karanta

On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 12:46:56 +0200, Jeremias Maerki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please see here:

  Thanks! I somehow missed that.

  Combination of setting scaling = none in the print settings and using  
ps driver instead of pcl driver solved the problem.


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Re: fo:external-graphic w/ # in file name

2008-12-03 Thread Antti Karanta

On Wed, 03 Dec 2008 09:23:25 +0200, Jeremias Maerki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

# in a URI has a special meaning. It's used as separator for the URI
fragment. You have to escape that character using %23 (if I've looked
that up correctly).


  Thanks! That works perfect.


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fo:external-graphic w/ # in file name

2008-12-02 Thread Antti Karanta


  I noticed that if I have # in the file name of an external graphics  
file, fop is unable to find it. If I rename the file (and change the .fo  
file accordingly) it works.

  Here's what I have:

src=url(file:/C:/Temp/test123/m2#1_1.svg) width=auto height=auto


  Here's the error message:

3.12.2008 8:46:20 bind
SEVERE: Image not found: file:/C:/Temp/test123/m2#1_1.svg

  The file does exist:

C:\Temp\test123dir m2#1_1.svg
 Volume in drive C is Local Disk
 Volume Serial Number is F8AC-6817

 Directory of C:\Temp\test123

28.11.2008  13:2998 080 m2#1_1.svg
   1 File(s) 98 080 bytes
   0 Dir(s)  63 134 236 672 bytes free


  fop 0.95
  windows xp sp2
  java 1.5.0_15


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Re: Fop Progress Output

2008-06-19 Thread Antti Karanta

On Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:30:56 +0300, Andreas Delmelle  

OTOH, /if/ one knows in advance how many pages a document is supposed to  
generate, then with the new event-mechanism, it would be possible to  
catch the new-page events, and derive a percentage from there.

  IMO it would be great just to be able to get an event every time a page  
is produced (or even every time a page sequence is produced). This would  
enable showing something other than a processing, please wait to the  
user - having a (somewhat) realtime running count on the number of pages  
produced, even w/ no idea on how much more there is to go, would be much  
better than nothing. That way the user could see concrete progress and  
know that the process is not stuck.


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Re: Print preview default zoom

2008-06-11 Thread Antti Karanta

On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 15:24:26 +0300, Jeremias Maerki  

thanks for the report. This is a bug, or rather: was. ;-) Can you please
verify that my fix [1] improves the situation?

  It seems to work correctly now. Thanks!


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Print preview default zoom

2008-06-09 Thread Antti Karanta


  I had a problem that svg images were rasterized w/ too low a resolution  
when printed. This was easy enough to solve - I set the target resolution  
to high enough value via an FOUserAgent object:

userAgent.setTargetResolution( 280f ) ;

  However, this seems to have an unpleasant side effect: when using print  
preview, the default zoom is such that only about a quarter of the page is  
shown (which may have something to do w/ that I set the target resolution  
to be 4 times higher than the default).

  Now, I could of course set the target resolution higher when printing  
and lower when previewing, but that is not a very tempting solution as  
then if the user prints from print preview he will get poorly rasterized  

  So, is there any way to set the target resolution without affecting the  
zoom factor? Being able to specify the default zoom % programmatically  
would also solve the problem - is this possible?

  Environment: fop 0.95b, win xp sp 2, java 1.5.0_15


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Picture update problem

2008-06-06 Thread Antti Karanta


  I have an issue that I think is due to FOP caching images. The situation  
is this:

* FOP is embedded in our software. I create a single FopFactory and create  
a new FOP instance via it for each render.
* I render a pdf with fo that references some svg image files. It comes  
out fine.

* Some of the svg image files are updated on the hard drive.
* I render a pdf again (w/ the same name, new FOP instance though, but  
created via the same fop factory instance). The image that has been  
changed on disk appears as it was before it was updated.

Environment: fop 0.95b, win xp sp 2, java 1.5.0_15

  It seems that the cause is this bug:

  However, the workaround described in the bug report is not valid anymore  
since the way images are loaded has changed since (i.e. there is no class  
called FopImageFactory).

  So, my question really is: what class do I need to hack to get the cache  
disabled? Or is this issue within FOP at all anymore, i.e. is this  
nowadays an issue w/ the image loading framework? Is that in  
  Or is there a way to tell fop not to use image cache, e.g. via  
FOUserAgent instance?


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Re: Picture update problem

2008-06-06 Thread Antti Karanta

On Fri, 06 Jun 2008 12:40:27 +0300, Andreas Delmelle  

The cache can be reached via ImageManager.getCache()

or, more complete, from the FOP-side:


  Thanks! This solved my problem. It is unfortunate that the whole cache  
is cleared, but in my case that is acceptable whereas using stale images  
is not.


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Re: Strange printing problem

2008-06-05 Thread Antti Karanta

On Thu, 29 May 2008 12:35:51 +0300, Jeremias Maerki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In addition to Andreas' comments:
This problem has come up here a number of times now (See archives).

  I tried googling for the problem before asking on the list, but found  
nothing. I guess I didn't come up w/ the right search terms.

  If this issue has come up repeatedly, wouldn't it be a good idea to add  
a mention of it to


  Had it been there, I wouldn't have bothered the list w/ it. = )

The HP PCL drivers are known to cause problems with printing from  

The HP *n priners (i.e. the ones with a network interface) usually all
have PostScript capabilities. Please install the PostScript printer
driver instead of the PCL one and there's a large chance that it'll work.

  Installing PS driver really did fix the problem! Thank you very much!


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Strange printing problem

2008-05-26 Thread Antti Karanta


  When I print w/ fop using the print renderer, everything is fine when  
using a HP LaserJet 4350 dtn, but a lot of the content is lost when using  
HP LaserJet P3005dn. In a document containing some text and 5 svg pics,  
none of the text and only 3 of 5 images (every second image is lost) make  
it through to paper on P3005dn. The images are placed on the same  
locations on paper as on the version where no content is lost.

  I suspected this might be an issue w/ the PCL version the printers  
support, but they seem to support the same ones:

  Any ideas?

  Environment: java 1.5.0_15, fop 0.95 beta (from svn trunk this morning),  
win xp sp2 + the printers mentioned above.


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Problem using Lucida Console font

2008-05-07 Thread Antti Karanta


  My adventures with fonts continue. Now I run into trouble trying to use  
Lucida Console (in pdf).

  What I have is this:

fo:block space-before.minimum=0.8em space-before.optimum=1em  
space-before.maximum=1.2em space-after.minimum=0.8em  
space-after.optimum=1em space-after.maximum=1.2em hyphenate=false  
wrap-option=no-wrap white-space-collapse=false  
white-space-treatment=preserve linefeed-treatment=preserve  
text-align=start font-family='Lucida Console' id=d0e69blah  

  I also tried

font-family=Lucida Console

  (i.e. without the single quotes)

  FOP says

WARNING: Font 'Lucida Console,normal,400' not found. Substituting with  

  This is strange since the other fonts in c:\WINDOWS\Fonts directory seem  
to work ok when referenced (e.g. Tahoma, Verdana).

  Could there be a problem because the font name has a space in it?

  Do I have to create a separate font metrics file? If so, why is this  
necessary for Lucida Console, but not e.g. for Tahoma and Verdana?

  My environment: win xp sp 2, java 1.5.0_15, fop 0.95beta

in my fop.xconf I have

renderer mime=application/pdf


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Re: Problem using Lucida Console font

2008-05-07 Thread Antti Karanta

On Wed, 07 May 2008 11:30:32 +0300, Jeremias Maerki  

Worked fine for me with and without additional quotes in 0.95beta (same
setup as yours except I used Sun JVM 1.5.0_14). Are you sure that your
config file gets used?

  Turns out I had messed up my PATH and was using 0.94 when I thought I  
was using 0.95 beta. Everything works just fine w/ 0.95 beta.

  My mistake, sorry about the trouble, thanks for the help!


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Italic Tahoma

2008-05-06 Thread Antti Karanta


  I tried using fo:inline element to produce italic text using Tahoma  
font. It did not work. Here's what I did:

fo:inline font-family=Tahoma font-style=italicitalics/fo:inline

  FOP said:

6.5.2008 13:08:31 org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo notifyFontReplacement
WARNING: Font 'Tahoma,italic,400' not found. Substituting with  

  I dug around a bit and found out that Tahoma does not have an italic  
variant (see e.g. So,  
I tried oblique instead:

fo:inline font-family=Tahoma font-style=obliqueitalics/fo:inline

  FOP said:

6.5.2008 12:16:54 org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo notifyFontReplacement
WARNING: Font 'Tahoma,oblique,400' not found. Substituting with  

  I consulted an XSL-FO reference (Definitive XSL-FO by G. Holman) and it  
said about font-style attribute: note that italic will match oblique  
if no italic face is available in the font family, so no surprise that  
the second try was no better.

  Changing font-family=Tahoma to font-family=Tahoma,Verdana makes FOP  
use Verdana's italic, which, at least to my eye looks good enough.

  But the question is: is there a known way to have italic(ish) Tahoma?  
E.g. MS Word somehow manages something that looks ok even if Tahoma Italic  
does not really exist. I suppose it makes it using oblique Tahoma  
( - can FOP be made to perform  
the same trick?

  Environment: windows xp sp2, java 1.5.0_15, fop 0.95 beta.


  Ps. Naturally in my fop.xconf I have

renderer mime=application/pdf

  to make this work. BTW, what is the reason font auto-detection is not  
enabled by default?

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Controlling FOP printing

2008-02-25 Thread Antti Karanta


  When printing w/ FOP, how do I pop up a printing dialog to allow the  
user to select the printer to print to? Now the print seems to go to the  
default printer, no questions asked.

  I found this related bug report:

  It's 3.5 years old and nothing has happened to it for ages.

  Going through FOP sources, I found this in  

89if (System.getProperty(dialog) != null) {
90if (!printerJob.printDialog()) {

  It seems a little exotic to set system properties to parameterize the  
printing workflow. Is this the only way?

  What I (think I) need to do is:

  - have the user select a printer
  - query the created print job object (or whatever it is, I'm not (yet)  
very familiar w/ java printing API) for the page size
  - use the page size as a parameter for xsl transformation producing the  
fo (docbook xsl stylesheets)

  - have fop render the given fo to the given printer

  Any hints, tips, sample code etc. are very welcome!


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