    I am using an xml file which has the below tag
<AddInfo>&lt;fo:block font-style=&quot;italic&quot;&gt;URGENT! Please note that 
comments have changed. Please review thoroughly.&lt;/fo:block&gt; </AddInfo>

   And an xsl fo which is of the below form

<fo:block   text-align="justify"   line-height="20pt"  
        <xsl:value-of select="AddInfo" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>

 The  XSL Output.html is below 
<fo:block font-style="italic">URGENT! Please note that comments have changed. 
Please review thoroughly.</fo:block>

  I use org.apache.fop.apps.XSLTInputHandler  to input the xml and xsl file and 
set driver render to pdfformat to generate pdf

But the parser does not seems to be parsing the fo:block font-style in the XML 
file . The pdf output looks like below
<fo:block font-style="italic">URGENT! Please note that comments have changed. 
Please review thoroughly.</fo:block>
 But I expect that the italic should be applied to the text

The xml would generated dynamically with different attributes of fo:block or 
html tags
How could I use these dynamically generated  xml tags which has an fo:block or 
html tag that is parsed and converted to a pdf using xsl fo

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