Re: how to embed fonts via java, using fop trunk

2010-03-25 Thread Arian
Reopening this thread... curious if anyone could help...

I've made a simple java app (using FOP Trunk), and I point to a relative
location where my .xml config file is...
So in c:/dev/eclipse-workspace/pdf_project_test/, i have:

xml_xsl_files/(where i load the xml and xsl files to form the
xml_xsl_files/images/ (for the xsl files images)
fonts/(for the ttf fonts the .fo file refers to)
images/(i had to copy the images folder here, more info
on this later)
bin/  (Eclipse .java/.class files for the project)


fopFactory.setUserConfig(config/user_config.xml); //config file in the
c:/dev/eclipse-workspace/pdf_project_test/config folder

This works, however i point to abs dir that xml...
I changed the xml to point relatively in the folder via:
   font-base./font-base !-- not needed it seems, but added it --
directory recursive=truefonts/directory !-- points
relatively now, was set to c:/dev/eclipse-workspace/pdf_project_test/fonts
before --
This now works ... But I dont want to use a .xml config file. I just want to
point to the fonts folder, (but I couldnt get that to work, hence why I went
the config file route above)?
Ive tried this relative path to no avail:

FOUserAgent userAgent = fopFactory.newFOUserAgent();
//? not sure if explicitly needed since .java is in that dir, but i tried
all combos i thought might be needed
fopFactory.getFontManager().setFontBaseURL( ./fonts/ );

I've even tried abs paths like: fopFactory.getFontManager().setFontBaseURL(
c:/dev/eclipse-workspace/pdf_project_test/fonts/ );
and various combos in there like
file:///c:/dev/eclipse-workspace/pdf_project_test/fonts/. Again didnt
What kind of file uri's will resolve (just testing on windows for now) and
what is it relative too, the xsl file or the .java file?

A 2nd related question: I figured the .xsl file, which lies in
xml_xsl_files/... i got errors about the image locations, so the image
filepaths werent looking relative to the .xsl file but to the eclipse
projects location. So I had to move images/ out of xsl/ and into
pdf_project_test/. Not sure if this also is best solution, or can feed an
arg to make the xsl look in its own directory.

Thanks for any help on file paths,
PS I did read a few threads I saw but none worked for the setFontBaseURL
(one guy claimed the abs filepaths worked, and i used the same filepath
string structure he used (with file:///c:/to/my/fonts/) but didnt work),
Lates... I can attach code later if needed as its only 75 lines long,

Re: how to embed fonts via java, using fop trunk

2010-03-09 Thread Red Light
Hi Adrian,

i'm using 0.95  and i set up the font path in the servlet:

then i reference my font in my conf file:

font metrics-url=arial.xml kerning=yes embed-url=ARIAL.TTF
  font-triplet name=Arial style=normal weight=normal/    

where arial.xml and ARIAL.TTF are in placed in the repertory that i passed to 
the servlet;

may be i'm mistaken but yu need to ensure that yu have:

 !-- Base URL for resolving relative URLs --

in your conf file.

and good luck