David Given wrote:
The big gotcha, of course, is scripts, which typically perform several changes on similar files in very rapid succession --- that's precisely how I found this myself. I find myself very uneasy about having this defaulting to "on". I have no objection to having the option there if people want it, but I do think that the *default* should be the safe option. Particularly since Fossil prides itself on safety. With my particular script I spotted the error because I ended up with an empty checkin and commit bailed. But if that file had been part of a multi-file checkin set, then it would have simply been silently omitted from the checkin and the work lost. As a concrete example: after changing my script to set it to "off" before starting, my test suite now fails.

Ignoring the issue of what the default should be, I've added a --sha1sum option to the commit command. This way you can easily do "safe" commits in a script without having to detect/modify the mtime-changes setting first. You could have previously achieved the same effect by calling 'fossil changes --sha1sum' right before your commit, but that's very non-obvious and relies on internal implementation details that could theoretically change.
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