I am getting the following error message when I try to open a repo wich lies in a shared folder of Oracles VirtualBox:
[somelocaldir]$ fossil open ../geelaunch.fossil
SQLITE_IOERR: os_unix.c:29821: (22) fsync(/media/sf_Projects/geelaunch_working/../geelaunch.fossil-mjC43B7293F) - Invalid argument
fossil: disk I/O error: {COMMIT}
If you have recently updated your fossil executable, you might
need to run "fossil all rebuild" to bring the repository
schemas up to date.
It doesn't matter if I try to create a working dir in a local dir (~/geelaunch_working/) or inside the shared folder (/media/sf_Projects/geelaunch_working/)
Creation of the repo was possible without problems. (cd'ed into /media/... dir and did a fossil init geelaunch.fossil)
Using fossil v 1.21 ([b75aa31840] 2011-12-14 17:42:27 UTC) instead of fossil 1.29 ([3e5ebe2b90] 2014-06-12 17:25:56 UTC)
Windows 7 x64 Host wich is running Oracle VirtualBox v4.3.12 .
Inside this I have running a LXLE x86 Linux (Ubuntu) with r/w access to a shared folder from my Win 7 host. (ie: /media/sf_Projects)

Can someone confirm this behavior?
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