Re: [fossil-users] Uploads to 'files' page?

2013-09-14 Thread kk

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Ron Aaron wrote:

Is there any way to enable allowing a user to upload a file via the
'files' page?  It would be very useful for some of my users who are
command-line challenged to be able to contribute changes this way.

If they have access to ticketing you could let them upload attachments.
You could put a direct link into a wiki page or embedded doc, to skip
them directly to a preset ticket.

I'm presuming they're not using a local clone, but it ought to work
either way.

--kevin kinnell  kkinnell*at*
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] database disk image is malformed?

2013-09-01 Thread kk

On 08/30/2013 08:43 AM, Richard wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Stephan Beal wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Richard wrote:
 All logins on the canonical Fossil repository should
 restored now.

 out of curiosity: do you have a preferred/best-practice for
 partial db restorations, or did you restore the whole db? How
 should a normal mortal, without your inborn sqlite3 know-how,
 go about analyzing and recovering from such a situation? This
 could be turned into a learning opportunity for many sqlite

I don't know about sqlite users, but this thread is a great example
for new fossil users.

 If you have a clone, and you periodically run

  fossil pull
  fossil config pull all

 From the clone, and you have admin rights on the original, then
 if the original gets trashed, you can always just scp the clone
 back to replace the corrupt original.

 -- D. Richard Hipp

I have a standard speech I give new devs:

  SCM is not a magical back up program, it's SCM.

  1) good commit comments are critical.  They get this right

  2) accurate history is critical.  They get this pretty quickly,
 but grumble about it when they want to clean up (xlate:
 hide their mistakes) a repo.

  3) good backups of your repos are critical.  Good backups of
 a *repo*??? is the general response.  The sysadmins do
 backups every night.  They do.  And it never fails!  And
 it catches your private, non-pushed branches on your

To be fair, the ones who have been using SCM for a while have a
lot less trouble with this.  Except for the accurate history.

-- kevin kinnell Domain: .net.kejoki
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] test-grep

2013-01-02 Thread kk

I like this.  I've been testing it in [31dd2c0e3e] :

It looks pretty good, except a backwhack doesn't remove all of the 
special properties for a metacharacter.

   fossil test-grep '^\*\* the version'  src/*

doesn't find anything.  Also doesn't work without the anchor, or if it's 
double backwhacked.

On the other hand
   fossil test-grep '^.. the version'  src/*;# and
   fossil test-grep '^[*][*] the version'  src/*

find the same three lines in the fossil sources, so it looks like 
anchors and character classes are working.

The backwhack problem isn't limited to quantifiers, the same scenario 
shows up for the . character.

'^*' and '*' both give a nice error message about a quantifier without 
an operand, and so do +, ?, and {} (nice).

The \S, \s, etc. shortcuts seem to be working as well.

If I was guessing, I'd guess the following: backwhacking a metacharacter 
works, and makes it a 'plain old' character.  But then, the code that 
handles shortcut character classes gets it, and elides it, or something 
with the same effect.

I'd go searching, but I have to be at work in the morning.  sigh /

-m Don't edit makemake.tcl in a mode that changes tabs to spaces.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Problem encountered while attempting to reflect project file system reorganization in Fossil repo.

2012-12-16 Thread kk

On 12/16/2012 K wrote:

 I'm new to Fossil SCM, have not used any other SCMs,
 and am trying to do something relatively complex for
 me. It involves moving from a model where files are
 directly added to my repo, rather than being organized
 in the repo within directories.

 I had my project organized as:

 * non versioned project files
 * foo.fossil - versioned file repo.
 * foo.xcodeproj - project configuration in Apple Xcode's format.
 * sourcecode/ - source code files and check out directory.

 I want to reorganize, and so I have:

 * moved (on my file system) foo.xcodeproj into the sourcecode/ dir.
 * renamed (on my file system) sourcecode/ to source/.
 * moved (on my file system) source code files from source/ into

 I also want to change from my check out being in
 source, to /containing/ source. So in my above file
 system layout, I want to promote my foo.fossil from
 project/code, to project/, so when it's checked out it
 produces a single directory named source. (As I
 expand use of Fossil SCM, I'll add other project/dirs)

 I ran into some problems and would appreciate help.

 Last login: Thu Dec 13 23:41:48 on console
 notebook:~ ktk$ cd source/
 notebook:source ktk$ ls -l
 total 0
 drwxr-xr-x  25 ktk  staff  850 Dec 15 22:37 code
 drwxr-xr-x   5 ktk  staff  170 Dec 15 22:39 foo.xcodeproj
 notebook:source ktk$ ls -la
 total 40
 drwxr-xr-x   6 ktk  staff204 Dec 15 22:37 .
 drwxr-xr-x   6 ktk  staff204 Dec 15 22:37 ..
 -rw-r--r--@  1 ktk  staff   6148 Dec 15 22:37 .DS_Store
 -rw-r--r--   1 ktk  staff  10240 Nov 30 22:31 .fslckout
 drwxr-xr-x  25 ktk  staff850 Dec 15 22:37 code
 drwxr-xr-x   5 ktk  staff170 Dec 15 22:39 foo.xcodeproj
 notebook:source ktk$ fossil changes
 notebook:source ktk$ fossil help mv
 Usage: fossil mv|rename OLDNAME NEWNAME
or: fossil mv|rename OLDNAME... DIR

 Move or rename one or more files or directories within the
   repository tree.
 You can either rename a file or directory or move it to
   another subdirectory.

 This command does NOT rename or move the files on disk.  This
   command merely
 records the fact that filenames have changed so that
   appropriate notations can be made at the next commit/checkin.

 See also: changes, status

You were on the right track, here.  'mv' will tell fossil
that you have changed the path of an existing file.

 notebook:source ktk$ fossil help (At this point I was
 looking to see if I needed to fossil mkdir code to
 fossil mv foo.h code/)
 Usage: fossil help COMMAND
 Common COMMANDs:  (use fossil help --all for a complete list)
 add clean   gdiff   mv  rm  timeline
 addremove   clone   helpopensettingsui
 all commit  import  pullsqlite3 undo
 annotatediffinfopushstash   update
 bisect  export  initrebuild status  version
 branch  extras  ls  remote-url  sync
 changes finfo   merge   revert  tag
 This is fossil version 1.24 [8d758d3715] 2012-10-22 12:48:04 UTC
 notebook:source ktk$ fossil help add
 Usage: fossil add ?OPTIONS? FILE1 ?FILE2 ...?

 Make arrangements to add one or more files or directories to the
 current checkout at the next commit.

 When adding files or directories recursively, filenames that begin
 with . are excluded by default.  To include such files, add
 the --dotfiles option to the command-line.

 The --ignore option is a comma-separate list of glob patterns
   for files
 to be excluded.  Example:  '*.o,*.obj,*.exe'  If the --ignore option
 does not appear on the command line then the ignore-glob setting is

 The --case-sensitive option determines whether or not filenames should
 be treated case sensitive or not. If the option is not given, the
 depends on the global setting, or the operating system default, if
   not set.


--case-sensitive BOOL override case-sensitive setting
--dotfiles  include files beginning with a dot (.)
--ignore CSG  ignore files matching patterns from the
comma separated list of glob patterns.

 See also: addremove, rm
 notebook:source ktk$ fossil add code
 ADDED  code/foo.c
 ADDED  code/foo.h
 notebook:source ktk$ fossil changes (Thinking at this
   point maybe Fossil can 'see' the missing files now,
   and they will be 'FOUND'?)

Nope.  What 'add' does is add a file to source control.
As far as fossil is concerned, you added brand new files
to the checkout.

 ADDED  code/foo.c
 ADDED  code/foo.h
 notebook:source ktk$ fossil mv foo.c code/
 RENAME foo.c code/foo.c
 fossil: SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: abort at 38 in [UPDATE vfile SET
   pathname='code/foo.c' WHERE pathname='foo.c' AND vid=55]: columns
   pathname, vid are not unique
 fossil: columns pathname, vid are not unique

Re: [fossil-users] Problem encountered while attempting to reflect project, file system reorganization in Fossil repo.

2012-12-16 Thread kk

On 12/16/2012 03:08 PM, K wrote:


Thank you. Your timing is funny as I had  *just* given up on
waiting for help and tried again with success this  time.

What I did was deleted my whole source/ dir, leaving only my
foo.fossil. (Luckily I had just done a commit before any of this
reorganization stuff) I did fossil open foo.fossil in my project/ dir,
and it spewed all of my files into the dir, as expected.

Then I did mkdir source; mkdir source/code, then added both of those
 dirs to Fossil.

Then I did fossil mv file.h source/code/file.h for all of my

THEN I moved the actual files into that dir.

Now everything is happy apparently.

Thanks again for taking the time to write kk.


Not at all.  Although, it appears I wrote about twice as
much as I intended...  Glad you were able to get things
arranged as you wanted them.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Kudos to Richard and the Fossil developers

2012-12-15 Thread kk

The latest debate over whether the 'rm' and 'mv'
commands--in the fossil shell--should behave exactly
line the 'rm' and 'mv' commands--in the various OS
command shells--proves one thing unequivocally:

Fossil is an piece of software that can spark vehement
opinions from its users.  Fossil matters.

Holy wars are tedious, but they do prove that the
(primary) subject of the battles is *something that
matters*, and that should make the Fossil developers

Aside from that, here's an enhancement suggestion for
when there's time:

A little self-knowledge can be A Good Thing.

Maybe Fossil could keep a list of behavior and db
format changes in each repository?  I'm thinking it
could be an event artifact.  The overhead ought to be

It could keep a list of messages, and Fossil's behavior
would be extended to trigger displaying the message
when a changed command is attempted, instead of
executing the command.  Scripts running Fossil would
log the error (or so one would hope!)

Once the user acknowledged the changed command (fossil
set ok foo) the command would run, and the warning
would stop appearing.

Finally, if there are command changes in a new version,
a Some commands have changed, see help message could
fire when fossil is invoked, until they've all been

The user could downgrade until they fix scripts, etc.
It would catch users that haven't grabbed a zip or
pulled in a long time.  I don't see how anybody
could get surprised, or lose data from a changed
command.  Ok, maybe a _little_ surprised, but not in
an horribly unpleasant way.

Lots of work, but it would be a sort of meta-solution
to all of this.

(using host megagate under the commercial root-domain)
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Checkin [432306beca] causes minor annoyance with emacs vc.

2012-09-03 Thread kk

Holy cow, Richard -- you're fast on those stupid user tricks responses!

Oh, and uh ... oops.  I mv'd it instead.  Let's hope the other 2.5 
emacs+fossil users don't make the same mistake.


On Mon, 03 Sep 2012 12:22:01 -0700 Richard Hipp wrote:

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 3:12 PM, wrote:

 I haven't been making many new repos lately, so I got a shock when I set
 one up and tried to do a checkin via Emacs.

 It turns out that the vc-fossil.el file assumes that the local
 housekeeping will be in ./_FOSSIL, so the change that defaults to 

 in version [432306beca] leaves Emacs unable to figure out that it's in an
 open checkout.

 This is trivial to fix on the user side.  The quickest fix is 
probably 'ln

 -s .fslckout _FOSSIL_',

Please, No!  That can lead to repository corruption!  Never symbolically
link an SQLite database!

The quickest fix is this:

 mv .fslckout _FOSSIL_

 after which everything works fine.  The best fix (no holy warrior
 commentary) is probably to def-custom the file name in the vc module.

 Apologies if this has been covered, but I didn't find anything in the
 archives, so I thought I'd mention it for the sake of the other 2 1/2 

  fossil users out there...

fossil-users mailing list