On Mon, 1 Nov 2010 09:42:57 +0800, Steve Landers  wrote: 

01/11/2010, at 5:43 AM, Rene wrote:  

I have moved my fossil repository
for cvs conversions to https://chiselapp.com/ [1] under the name
csv2scm. If you want to convert a cvs repository give it a go. I have
done successful conversions on the public freebsd cvs repositories
project/compat-fbsd en projects/binup. And the largest I have done is
the public postgres cvs repository. That took on my Intel(R) Core(TM)2
CPU 6320 @ 1.86GHz with 2 GB 

        * 20 minutes to construct a meta
database (cvs2sqlite)
        * 1,5 hours to get the change sets (commits)
4,5 hours to do the actual import (db2fossil)

https://chiselapp.com/ [2] has an old fossil binary from May. The
documentation isn't shown as homepage an error instead "No such
document: tip/doc/wiki/index.wiki"  

On the Tclers Chat, Konstantin
Khomoutov (kostix) mentioned a link describing "Lessons from
PostgreSQL's Git transition" ( http://lwn.net/Articles/409635/ [3] ) and
noted they mention CVS repo accumulated some crap over time which
requited manual intervention, besides other issues, and wondered if a
big project like Tcl/Tk could suffer from the same syndrome. 

A few of
us in the Tcl/Tk community have been wondering how Fossil would cope
with a Tcl/Tk repositiory, Based on your experience with Postgres, are
there any lessons to be learned? 


Actually the lessons learned
from the git migration have been put in the postgres cvs repository.
They have cleaned up the repo. There for it is one of the most easy to
migrate. But having said that. I have downloaded the freebsd cvs
repostory and the netbsd public cvs repositories. I had no problem
converting the freebsd projects/compat-fbsd and projects/binup. I did
had a problem with netbsd pkgsrc. It containd a module where the parent
were out of date with respect to the child. 

The reason I started doing
this was that I wanted to migrate a private cvs repo. The project has
been canceled but I can convert the repo with out a problem 

I don't
know what the TCl/tk repo contains. I think it's older than postgres. Is
it a down loadable cvs repo? I can have a look at it. 

What I would
recommend is install cvs2scm and run cvs2sqlite, this won't take long
under an hour . If you get comments that a parent is younger then its
child (or that the child is older then its parent) you definitely have
something to work on. If that didn't happen it looks brighter for you.

Do you use key word substation extensivly. Because you have to do what
postgres did remove the keywords from the tip. 



[1] https://chiselapp.com/
[3] http://lwn.net/Articles/409635/
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