On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:30 AM, <sky5w...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> New user dumb question.
> Fossil Documentation:
> "By default, everything you check into a Fossil repository is shared
> to all clones of that repository. In Fossil, you don't push and pull
> individual branches; you push and pull everything all at once."
> I do not see this behavior?
> I want autosync to commit changes to more than 1 clone, but I only see
> 1 clone getting the updates.
> Yes, I can manually push to the remaining clones, but wanted to know
> if there is an option to add multiple clones in the sync process?

There is not currently an option to get Fossil to auto-sync to more than one

On the SQLite project (for which Fossil was created) we have three separate
repositories on three geographically distributed servers.  One is the "main"
server to which all the developers autosync.  The two "mirrors" sync against
the "main" periodically using a cron job.  This has worked well enough for
us.  We can still sync against a mirror, if desired or if the main goes
down, but usually we just use the main server and let the cron jobs worry
about keeping everybody in sync.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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