
I recently came across this page discussing potential features of a Fossil 2.0, 
and was wondering if any progress has been made toward any of these:


I am especially interested in:

  *   Partial clones - the ability to clone only recent additions, ignoring 
older history.

  *   Checkout from and commit to a remote repository (via HTTP/HTTPS) without 
having to clone. (The implementation would likely be to create a "partial 
clone" of just the one check-in that is being checked out.)

  *   "Slices" - the ability to checkout, edit, and commit against a 
subdirectory of the complete source tree.

For the "Slices" feature, we could actually use something a little more finely 
grained than that, allowing the ability to checkout, edit and commit individual 
files from anywhere in the complete source tree.  We do this quite frequently 
with CVS and the model doesn't seem to have support from any other modern VCS.  
In CVS, you can say:

cvs update foo/bar.C baz/goo.h Makefile

and it will let you check them out, change them and check them back in. (I 
realize that this is because it is only really managing individual files in the 
first place).

I would like to be able to do something like:

fossil open /myrepos/foo.fossil foo/bar.C baz/goo.h Makefile

and have only those files get checked out - then, when I do a check-in, it 
would be the same as if I had checked everything out, made the changes and then 
done a checkin of that full set with all of the other files unchanged.  
Similarly, pull/update would allow me to update only the files I have checked 

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