[fossil-users] hg to fossil

2009-04-17 Thread Erik Lechak

I recently switched a project from mercurial to fossil, and I'm having
some transition pains.  I'm sure most of my difficulties stem from the
fact that I just started using fossil and am used to doing things in
other scm-centric ways.

Hosting a Repository

My web hosting provider does not allow CGI, and I can't run fossil
serv on their server.  Are there any free fossil-scm hosts out there
for an open source project?

If there aren't what would be the best way to share out a repository to
other developers (that aren't on my local network).

I thought there was talk a while ago about a PHP front-end to a fossil
repository.  My web host allows PHP.  Is that under development or did I
just imagine that?  I tried to use the mailing-list archive to look it
up, but the archive is still off-line.

Deleting a Ticket
I added a bug ticket, and I must have clicked the button twice because
it generated two tickets.  How do you delete a ticket item?

Copying a Working Directory
I'm a little confused about what happens when I make a copy of the
directory containing my repository and the source code.  They seem to
stay linked somehow.  Why is this, how do I stop it from happening, or
is it a feature that I should learn to appreciate?  For example:

I am working on a fossil managed project contained in the XXX directory.
I want to do something crazy to the code.  There's a 95% chance that I
just want to throw all the changes away.  So I just make a copy of the
XXX directory.  Let's call it YYY.  Now, I go into the YYY directory and
do crazy change 1 then do a fossil ci.  I do crazy change 2 and do a
fossil ci.  If I return to the XXX directory and do a fossil ti, I
can see the crazy changes I made to YYY.  

In Mercurial the directories are completely compartmentalized.  If I
choose to keep the changes, I just push the changes back to XXX.  If I
don't want the changes I can just delete the directory YYY.

Is this a bug?  Is it a feature?  What's the proper fossil technique?

Fossil Settings
Fossil has a great web based UI to adjust fossil settings.  You can also
adjust some fossil settings via the command line using fossil set.
But I can't seem to locate the setting available through fossil set in
the web UI.  Are they there and I just can't find them, or are they
missing for a reason?  


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] fossil settings via fossil ui

2009-05-26 Thread Erik Lechak
Hello All,

This patch adds a Behavior section to the admin page.  It allows you to
adjust the fossil settings via the web ui.

I was just tinkering around trying to figure out how fossil works and
ended up with this addition.  So it's probably not ready for prime-time
use.  But I just hated to throw it away.

To apply it cd into the fossil root and type patch -p0
-i ./whatever_name_you_give_it.patch.  Run make again, and enjoy.

--Erik Lechak

Only in ./: behavior.patch
diff -rup ../Fossil-d21b90e365/src/setup.c ./src/setup.c
--- ../Fossil-d21b90e365/src/setup.c2009-05-25 14:25:46.0 -0400
+++ ./src/setup.c   2009-05-26 20:33:14.0 -0400
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ void setup_page(void){
 Control access settings.);
   setup_menu_entry(Configuration, setup_config,
 Configure the WWW components of the repository);
+  setup_menu_entry(Behavior, setup_behavior,
+Configure the SCM behavior of the repository);
   setup_menu_entry(Timeline, setup_timeline,
 Timeline display preferences);
   setup_menu_entry(Tickets, tktsetup,
@@ -789,6 +791,87 @@ void setup_timeline(void){
+** WEBPAGE: setup_behavior
+void setup_behavior(void){
+  login_check_credentials();
+  if( !g.okSetup ){
+  }
+  style_header(Fossil SCM behavior);
+  db_begin_transaction();
+  @ form action=%s(g.zBaseURL)/setup_behavior method=POST
+  login_insert_csrf_secret();
+  @ hr
+  onoff_attribute(Automatically synchronize with repository,
+  autosync, autosync, 0);
+  @ pAutomatically keeps your work in sync with a centralized
+  @ hr
+  onoff_attribute(Sign all commits with gpg,
+  clearsign, clearsign, 0);
+  @ pWhen enabled (the default), fossil will attempt to
+  @ sign all commits with gpg.  When disabled, commits will
+  @be unsigned./p  
+  @ hr
+  onoff_attribute(Require local authentication,
+  localauth, localauth, 0);
+  @ pIf enabled, require that HTTP connections from
+  @ be authenticated by password.  If
+  @false, all HTTP requests from localhost have
+  @unrestricted access to the repository./p  
+  @ hr
+  onoff_attribute(Modification times used to detect changes,
+  mtime-changes, mtime-changes, 0);
+  @ pUse file modification times (mtimes) to detect when files have
been modified./p  
+  @ hr
+  entry_attribute(Diff Command, 16, 
+  diff-command, diff-command, diff);
+  @ pExternal command used to generate a textual diff/p  
+  @ hr
+  entry_attribute(Gdiff Command, 16, 
+  gdiff-command, gdiff-command, gdiff);
+  @ pExternal command to run when performing a graphical diff. If
undefined, text diff will be used./p  
+  @ hr
+  entry_attribute(Editor, 16, 
+  editor, editor, );
+  @ pText editor command used for check-in comments./p  
+  @ hr
+  entry_attribute(HTTP port, 16, 
+  http-port, http-port, 8080);
+  @ pThe TCP/IP port number to use by the server and ui commands.
Default: 8080/p  
+  @ hr
+  entry_attribute(PGP Command, 32, 
+  pgp-command, pgp-command, gpg --clearsign -o );
+  @ pCommand used to clear-sign manifests at check-in.The default is
gpg --clearsign -o ./p  
+  @ hr
+  entry_attribute(Proxy, 32, 
+  proxy, proxy, off);
+  @ pURL of the HTTP proxy./p  
+  @ hr
+  entry_attribute(Web browser, 32, 
+  web-browser, web-browser, );
+  @ pDefault web browser for fossil ui./p  
+  @ hr
+  @ pinput type=submit  name=submit value=Apply Changes/p
+  @ /form
+  db_end_transaction(0);
+  style_footer();
 ** WEBPAGE: setup_config
 void setup_config(void){

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] using a branch name more than once

2010-04-27 Thread Erik Lechak
Hello All,

Is it possible to use a branch name over again.  I noticed in the
Fossil time line
(http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/timeline?t=experimental) that
the experimental tag seems to have been used more than once.  I would
like to be able to use a branch name over again, but when I try to
reuse the name is says branch branchname already exists.

I noticed that the branches are not closed, and that the endpoints are
all leaves.  Also the inherited from hash is different for every
experimental block.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil now uses the Simplified BSD License

2010-05-17 Thread Erik Lechak

I wrote the Behavior section and am eager to get it back into the
trunk.  If someone could point me to the  copyright release
agreement, I will gladly sign it.

Is there an approved way to contribute to fossil?

Erik Lechak
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] ticket system bug, additional columns

2010-11-15 Thread Erik Lechak
Hello All,

There seems to be a bug in the ticket system.  Could someone verify this.

I added an assigned_to column into the fossil ticket system.  When I
edit a ticket's assigned_to column and comment, an artifact is
generated (viewable in the admin/log page) but it does not seem to get
applied to the ticket.

With some experimentation I've noticed that the name of the column
that you add and try to modify along with the comment field seems to
be the culprit.

For example if you create an assigned_to column, and try to edit it
as well as the comment you generate an artifact like this (note that
the J fieldnames seem to be alphabetized).  It does not work:

D 2010-11-15T23:38:35
J assigned_to eriklechak
J +comment 
K b8d3a9acb552bc11cc01483fcc710d6c994198e3
U eriklechak
Z 9e9120a9d85b67a50280a96b04d117c6

However, if instead of creating an assigned_to column you create and
xassigned_to column, and repeat the process of setting it and the
comment you get this working artifact (note that the xassigned_to
field comes after the J +comment field):

D 2010-11-15T23:44:29
J +comment 
J xassigned_to eriklechak
K b8d3a9acb552bc11cc01483fcc710d6c994198e3
U eriklechak
Z a5f5eb871eb8334469c721c11c000a11

With the assigned_to column, if the only thing you change is the
assigned_to field it works as well:

D 2010-11-15T23:39:32
J assigned_to eriklechak
K b8d3a9acb552bc11cc01483fcc710d6c994198e3
U eriklechak
Z 739866d3b7281ea4f0019f9352d22de1

This makes me think that any field added that alphabetically comes
before comment or possibly any J +fieldname section can not be in
the same artifact.

--Erik Lechak
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] ticket bug fixed, how should I submit it?

2010-11-23 Thread Erik Lechak

 The code above is correct.  J-cards have to be in strict lexicographical 
 order, including any + prefix.

Huh...  Then the J-card system appears to be broken.  When I have an
assigned_to column fossil generates the following:

D 2010-11-15T23:38:35
J assigned_to eriklechak
J +comment 
K b8d3a9acb552bc11cc01483fcc710d6c994198e3
U eriklechak
Z 9e9120a9d85b67a50280a96b04d117c6

In ascii the + comes before the a.  And the strcmp throws a manifest error.

--Erik Lechak
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] revised new ticket page

2015-04-24 Thread Erik Lechak
Hey guys,

This is a simple modification to the tktnew page (alpha code).  I'd
appreciate any feedback.

God only knows if the embedded query is correct, but I think it works as a
proof of concept.

To try it out:
Make a copy of your repository (it just safer that way)
Serve it out (fossil serve --port 8080 reponame)
Log in as an admin
Click on the Admin menu item
Click on the Tickets item
Click on the New Ticket Page
Copy the following code into the code textarea
Click on the Apply Changes button
Create a new ticket and enjoy the new look

  if {![info exists mutype]} {set mutype {[links only]}}
  if {[info exists submit]} {
 set status Open
 if {$mutype eq HTML} {
   set mimetype text/html
 } elseif {$mutype eq Wiki} {
   set mimetype text/x-fossil-wiki
 } elseif {$mutype eq {[links only]}} {
   set mimetype text/x-fossil-plain
 } else {
   set mimetype text/plain
 set preview 1

h1 style=text-align: center;Enter A New Ticket/h1


.col1 {
display: inline-block;
width: 150px;
vertical-align: top;



div id='ticket_entry'

span class=col1Title:/span
input type=text name=title title=Single line summary of the ticket
size=60 value=$title /

span class=col1Type:/span
th1combobox type $type_choices 1/th1

for {set i 0} {$i  [llength $type_choices]} {set i [expr {$i+1}]} {
if {$i == 0} { set ch checked } else { set ch  }
set c [lindex $type_choices $i]
html input type='radio' name='type' value='$c'

span class=col1Severity:/span
th1combobox severity $severity_choices 1/th1
for {set i 0} {$i  [llength $severity_choices]} {set i [expr {$i+1}]} {
if {$i == 0} { set ch checked } else { set ch  }
set c [lindex $severity_choices $i]
html input type='radio' name='severity' value='$c' $ch$c /input 

!--   SLIDER

span class=col1Severity:/span
set len [llength $severity_choices]
html input type='range' name='format' min=1 max=$len step=1 value='1'
style='width:400px;' oninput='showValue(event)'/span



span class=col1Found In:/span
input id='foundin_id' type=text name=foundin size=20
value=$foundin /nbsp;nbsp;

query {
select distinct substr(tag.tagname,5) as xxx from event,tagxref, tag
where event.objid=tagxref.rid and
tag.tagid == tagxref.tagid and
event.type=ci and
tag.tagname like sym-%
order by event.mtime asc
limit 6
 } {
  html  a

span class=col1Email:/span
input type=text name=private_contact title=Contact information
size=60 value=$private_contact /
span class=col1Description:/span

th1set nline [linecount $comment 50 10]/th1
textarea name=icomment cols=80 rows=$nline wrap=virtual
class=wikiedit$icomment/textareabr /

span class=col1Description format:/span
input type='radio' name='mutype' value='Plain Text' checkedPlain
input type='radio' name='mutype' value='links only'Links Only/input
input type='radio' name='mutype' value='HTML'HTML/input
input type='radio' name='mutype' value='Wiki'Wiki/input
th1enable_output [info exists preview]/th1

Description Preview:br /hr /
if {$mutype eq Wiki} {
  wiki $icomment
} elseif {$mutype eq Plain Text} {
  set r [randhex]
  wiki verbatim-$r[string trimright $icomment]\n/verbatim-$r
} elseif {$mutype eq {[links only]}} {
  set r [randhex]
  wiki verbatim-$r links[string trimright $icomment]\n/verbatim-$r
} else {
  wiki nowiki$icomment\n/nowiki

th1enable_output 1/th1

input type=submit name=preview value=Preview /

th1enable_output [info exists preview]/th1

input type=submit name=submit value=Submit /

th1enable_output 1/th1

input type=submit name=cancel value=Cancel /


!-- END CODE --
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] New fossil skin and configuration

2016-09-06 Thread Erik Lechak

I've created a new skin/configuration that I thought some of you might be
interested in. It's not the prettiest, but I thought I would work on
functionality before I spent too much time on aesthetics.

I had to hijack some of the ticket pages in order to make use of TH1.

It has the following features:

Streamlined ticket entry
Project summary in header
Message like ticket comments
Graphical milestone and ticket summary charts
Search box in header

You need fossil 1.35 to run it.

I've also created a python3 script that makes tinkering with the fossil
configuration a little bit easier.

You can find these things here:


To take a quick look just download test.fossil and run "fossil ui
test.fossil".  Add some tickets, milestones, users, and I think you'll get
the idea.

fossil-users mailing list