Re: [fpc-devel] Freepascal made chm compiler test file

2007-06-26 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Hi, I've been working on a chm compiler that uses no external libs so it
works on linux and windows etc. Attached is a test.chm file and I'd like
to know if it works for you.  It seems to work on winxp sp1 and older
but winxp sp2 doesn't. it should contain a logo from lazarus and this text:

It works on winXP SP2, at least on my machine.


has Bee.ography at:

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Re: [fpc-devel] crossfpc?

2007-05-13 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Meanwhile, I'm sorry to say, we are almost halfway May, and we still
haven't seen anything. Looking at the article posted here about the Delphi
roadmap, I would say that Simon Kissel has decided to put his money on
Codegear anyway (I assume he's a businessman, so one cannot blame him 
for that). Which leads me to conclude that CrossFPC has once more been


Ah, too bad. :( Yes, we can't blame Simon for his decision. Is there a way to 
get CrossFPC live without being bothered by copyright issue? I believe you're 
one of the selected crowd. :-D


has Bee.ography at:

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Re: [fpc-devel] crossfpc?

2007-05-13 Thread Bisma Jayadi

If I do find something (I need to check my PC at work) then I'll send it
in private.

Thank you, Michael. :)


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Re: [fpc-devel] what fpc is good for?

2007-05-12 Thread Bisma Jayadi
No, it is not good to be considered. He complains we don't care about 
speed or size. I have to correct him: We care, if we can optimize 
something we will. As a proof FPC 2.2 will both generate faster code and 
generate smaller exes.

I believe FPC people do really care about speed and size since FPC is a 
compiler. I think the article isn't merely for FPC, but for Lazarus as well.

If you don't consider FPC usefull for GUI programming, apparently he 
does't, the LCL disappears, and the problem disappears. No way you manage 
to generate 3MB exes without LCL.

Agree. The size problem mostly come from LCL framework. I do understand the 
problem, but somehow other people are being scared by that. Somehow they forgot 
that .Net or Java framework requires lot bigger than LCL does.

Meanwhile, we are near the top for speed, and at the top for memory usage:

I've been a while no longer visiting the shootout. But.. whoo that is 

Watch what happens with those numbers when 2.2 is out.

You guys have done a great job! Thank you and congratulations! :)

There is nothing in this article we can consider, for starters because it 
does not contain any proposals.

As I said, maybe the article is more suitable for Lazarus people. ;)


has Bee.ography at:

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] what fpc is good for?

2007-05-12 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Nicely put. ;) I've found it has good points on some arguments. It's good to
be considered. :)

Yes, but the language used puts off some people. 

Yup. Sometimes Lars sounds to aggresive. :-D

As far as I know, Lars is a FPC fan, and he merely wishes to express concern 
some of the issues he has with FPC (I'll leave the matter of whether his 
are justified up to others to comment on).

Yes, like the rest of us here, he's also a big fan of FPC. He even using FPC and 
PWU professionally, he makes his living over FPC. So, he's not the enemy! He 
knows all the best of FPC and Lazarus because he uses them on daily basis. PWU 
is one of his contribution back to the FPC community.

If you start with an exaggerated opionion, you can expect exaggerated reactions.

Yes. Maybe it's my fault if everybody then looks at him in a negative way 
because of his own article. But, he published that article in his public 
paswiki, somebody else will find it anyway, sooner or later.

It only goes to demonstrate that to be truly critical and constructive at the same 
time is by no means an easy exercise.

Anyway, it did happened to me as well long time ago. ;) Programming language 
community is indeed a very sensitive community, we must write in a very polite 
manner if we want to criticize anything about the language. :)


has Bee.ography at:

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[fpc-devel] what fpc is good for?

2007-05-11 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Nicely put. ;) I've found it has good points on some arguments. It's good to be 
considered. :)


has Bee.ography at:

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] What I've been using Free Pascal For... Jegas Information Server (JIS)

2007-02-01 Thread Bisma Jayadi
Pixel is a good product. That it is closed source, written in FPC, is a plus: 
it shows that FPC is open and suitable for both open source and commercial 

I never said Pixel is not a good product, indeed it's a great product. But I 
doubt it add significant acknowledgment to FPC as it's a closed source product. 
People don't know (and don't care) if a product is made up using FPC or not 
since people can't see the code.


has Bee.ography at:

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] What I've been using Free Pascal For... Jegas Information Server (JIS)

2007-01-31 Thread Bisma Jayadi

I've been very busy using Free Pascal and I wanted to show what can be done
with Free Pascal. I know the core development team will not be surprised but
other developers and indecisive C++ programmers who are tuned in might be!

Congratulations, Jason! You're one of my Pascal heroes. I know you have done 
many things using FPC.

I really am not sure how or if this should become an open source project or
not - but I am not opposed to the idea. 

Your product is awesome. If you want to make FPC got noticed by the world 
(especially C/C++ developers out there) by using this application, I suggest you 
to make this application open source. Another great application using FPC that's 
not able to show FPC off is Pixel, because the the author insists to make it 
closed source (and commercial).

I'm not trying to sell this system to any one here but I'm just getting the
ball rolling as far as bringing this system to fruition.

Or at least, you can make it dual-license ala mySQL, if you want to get some 
advantages over it. About the database backend, actually I prefer to choose 
Firebird because it has same spirit as FPC: good product for free (without any 
additional terms). FPC+Firebird+LightHTTPd is unbeatable combinations, they're 
all free, multiplatform, and great. :)

I hope I have put Free Pascal in a good light and have correctly represented

Yes, I believe you do. I'll help to spread this product in some communities 
where I involved in.


has Bee.ography at:
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] va(r)_arg vs open array

2006-10-04 Thread Bisma Jayadi

For example:

%d/%d/%d (dd/mm/)

Hello %s(Mr). %s (Van Der Voot),

Thank you for interesting in our %s(product).
%s (Marco) we are more then happy to help you and give you additional
information about %s (product).

You can either call us at the phone number of 1234567890 extension %d
(1) for customer support.

You can also contact our sails department at phone number 1234567890
extension %d (666) for upgrading your %s (product), or just to ask
additional questions.

You can also contact our support team at the email of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(support/product name).


Abraham Lincolen,
Late US president.

If this is really the case that cause you demand var_args feature, then
obviously you have problem with your software design. I agree with Marco. :) I
wrote a program to solve a problem exactly like this without need of var_args
feature. Even though var_args is provided, I won't use it either, since -IMO-
var_args isn't the correct way to solve this kind of problem.

The above problem can be solved easily with a simple find-and-replace-like
algorithm. IMO, basically this is a template filling. Just put a unique tags
on every place that need to be filled with a value. Parse the template and
replace every tag with appropriate value and format. Likely this must be done
by a specialized class for this purpose.

With this solution, my program can do the job very well with more than 200
kind of tags on more than 20 kind of templates (and increasing by the day).
The users can even build their own template(s) through a template builder
wizard from my application. I believe the wizard can't be easily build just
using var_args. Your sample above, using my solution will become a template
like this (less or more):

For example:



Thank you for interesting in our PRODUCT:NAME.
CUSTOMER:FIRST_NAME we are more then happy to help you and give you
additional information about PRODUCT:NAME.

You can either call us at the phone number of 1234567890 extension
PHONE_EXT:CUSTOMER_SUPPORT for customer support.

You can also contact our sails department at phone number 1234567890
extension PHONE_EXT:PRODUCT_UPGRADE for upgrading your PRODUCT:NAME,
or just to ask additional questions.

You can also contact our support team at the email of PRODUCT:EMAIL.



Or am I missing something here?


has Bee.ography at:

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FPC 2.0.4 release candidate 1 testing

2006-07-17 Thread Bisma Jayadi
Just a little suggestion... I think we should inform any progress of FPC 
development on the website. Maybe this has been informed through the Wiki, but I 
believe not every visitor have time to look at the Wiki. Just like what Firebird 
project does, they inform every RC on the website.

Just my 2 cents. :)


has Bee.ography at:

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Generics

2006-04-12 Thread Bisma Jayadi

It isn't clear to me what the current status about Generics is:,1410,27603,00.html


has Bee.ography at
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[fpc-devel] space char inside identifier's name

2006-03-25 Thread Bisma Jayadi
After trying out Morfix for some hours, I found very interesting feature of 
the implemented object Pascal language. Morfix Pascal allows space char within 
the identifier's name. If space char is used, then the name MUST BE enclosed 
within a double-quote char pair. Here are some examples:

type Main Form: TForm;
var this is a integer variable: integer;
if Main Form.Left = 10 then ...
procedure Main Form.Edit Change(Event: TDOMEvent);

I think this is a interesting feature to be supported. Though this is not too 
essential, but sometimes it is required or demanded. At least if we want FPC 
more Morfix compatible. I know it looks more VB-ish or MS-ish, but if it is 
good, why not? :)

The implementation of it in the compiler is not too difficult, IMO. Some RTL 
source code modification is required though. CMIIW. :)

What's your opinion?


has Bee.ography at
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] space char inside identifier's name

2006-03-25 Thread Bisma Jayadi

WWWHHH! *Falls off chair*
*grabs desk* *pulls up*
Clear enough ? ;-)

Same respond when the first time I knew that file name is case-sensitive in 
un*x-like OSes (Linux, etc). It looks silly and ridicilous (especially for M$ 
users), but most people still use it (the users like it even more). :P


has Bee.ography at
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] space char inside identifier's name

2006-03-25 Thread Bisma Jayadi
I cannot imagine situations where it would be required or demanded 
(maybe desirable, but I don't so). In what cases would it be required or 

Say I'm gonna make some kind of game maker application, where user can create 
game objects. It sure the game objects need name as their identifier. For ease 
of use, I can make object's name more space-char-friendly because the user of 
the application is not always a programmer (they even can't understand why an 
object's name can't accept space char).

If the compiler supports space char inside identifier's name, I don't need to do 
some kind of convertion from game maker object's name to internal game maker 
identifier's name because I can grab it directly from the application. Of 
course, I can translate game maker objects name into Object1 to ObjectN, but 
it's not favorable. :)


has Bee.ography at
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] space char inside identifier's name

2006-03-25 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Foo a := baz b[4].foo q

You made a very excessive example. Of course we don't HAVE TO use space char all 
the times. I won't use it that way either. But it's there when we really 
want/need it.

is harder to read! It's not the char itself, it's that it's used all over the 
place whenever this is used. I don't like it.

Maybe you don't like it and that's alright. This feature won't harm you in any 
ways. But some other people could demand it in some circumstances.


has Bee.ography at
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] space char inside identifier's name

2006-03-25 Thread Bisma Jayadi

It doesn't look like joke anymore, so I ask: in what aspect (except
double double quotes) the space sign is different from the underline sign?

In most cases when we write codes by hand, I know this feature is almost 
useless. But for automated or generated codes like example I had given in 
another email, this feature will help alot.

And if it is, why don't use arbitrary length names with carriage returns,
pictures, music and videos: just use url as the name... (fast
connection required for compiling)

You don't need to hyperbola my suggestion. Everybody knows we don't need those 
inside an identifier name, those are not even a name by the way. Name is a text, 
and most people (except programmers) can't understand why a space char can't be 
accepted as part of a name.

This is just a suggestion anyway, it means can be accepted or rejected. I can 
accept any conclusion/decision from the FPC core development team. So, you don't 
need to over-react your responds. Just give your reasonable arguments, no matter 
you're agree or disagree with me. :)


has Bee.ography at
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] space char inside identifier's name

2006-03-25 Thread Bisma Jayadi

That is wrong. If the possibility exists, it will be used (at least in
some cases by some people). In many cases this code will have to be
maintained by different people too. There will be guys which can't stand
this kind of identifiers but they are forced to use it. So this
feature renders to a limitation of freedom and productivity of

I believe the possibility does always exist, since some language does allow it. 
But not in very much demanded though.

The proposed idea has big drawbacks:
 - code gets unreadable and unmaintainable (eye-ball search for mating
   '' chars, finding seperations between identifiers)
 - the linker doesn't support special chars inside variable names so
   automatic name manging would be necessary
 - people are stimulated to use identifiers in their natural language
   instead of short and pregnant keywords
 - somebody could have the idea to demand Unicode characters inside
   identifiers, cooperative software development (as widely exercised in
   Open Source and Free Software development) across different countries
   and languages comes to a stagnation due to lack of available
   characters on the programmer's keyboards (or could you write German
   äöüÄÖÜß, or even Russian cyrillic letters without painful tricks?)
 - create heavy incompatibilities with Delphi, Turbo Pascal, ...

Very good reasonable points! I never think about these drawbacks before, 
especially about the incompatibility issue. Compatibility is one point I like 
from FPC so I still able to compile my codes in other pascal compilers. :) I 
agree with you, my suggestion has lots more disadvantages than the advantages.

Thank you. :)

  - and finally, a personal argument: The professional programming
language Pascal is shifted towards kiddies and wannabe programmers
and I personally want to prevent that FreePascal resembles Visual
Basic or other language for blowhards.

I don't agree with this. But I don't need to discuss more about this since it'd 
be out of the topic. :)


has Bee.ography at
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] PR: Advocates needed

2006-01-19 Thread Bisma Jayadi
TurboCASH FPC convertion project will be a good start to prove the power of 
FPC/Lazarus. Though it requires highly skilled developers -since it's a big and 
complex application-, some FPC experts has to take this chance. I believe lots 
of FPC fans will contribute to this project. :)



has Bee.ography at
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] PR: Advocates needed

2006-01-19 Thread Bisma Jayadi
Thank you, Daniël. As soon as I got an account on SourceForge for my project, 
I'll contact FPC site webmaster. :)



has Bee.ography at

Daniël Mantione wrote:
I plan to continue work on the gallery soon, I think it would be nice to 
have it there, otherwise put it on the links page. Just contact one of the 
developers, all of us can modify the web site.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] PR: Advocates needed

2006-01-19 Thread Bisma Jayadi

 It's not the advocacy that is needed but rather they need code for it
 to work. It says right in the article.

I think we should stop the VB vs Pascal discussion now. It's useless since we 
all here already know which is the winner. Even Alex himself had already knew 
about this, no need to convince him more.

So, let's back to the main topic that had started this thread: The TurboCash 
Delphi-to-FPC convertion project. Let's do some (real) actions! First, somebody 
has to convince the TurboCash guys over there that FPC/Lazarus is the best 
alternative compiler and IDE to make TurboCash compiled and run natively on 
Linux (and other platforms as well). But don't make Python look bad... good 
Pascal guys don't like to say bad things about other programming languages. Just 
list the advantages of FPC/Lazarus over Python, regarding to this project.

Second, some other person has to do some PR things on this issue. This could be 
done on FreshMeat or NewsForge or any open-source news media that had published 
this issue before. Convince other people that FPC/Lazarus can do the work, even 
it's the best alternative.

The last and the most important is... make a developer team who will do the 
convertion work. There are LOTS of things need to be done since TurboCash is 
very Delphi and win32 specific application.

So... who will start this? :)



has Bee.ography at
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] zeos is broken on fpc 2.0.2

2005-12-09 Thread Bisma Jayadi

From Zeos Forum...

Posted: 08.12.2005, 21:00

When i try to install zeosdbo_rework from cvs 07-december-2005 on lazarus svn 
updated on the same day, i receive an error trying to open the package zdbc.lpk.

I have fpc 2.0.1 and latest lazarus from svn. It works. But, if I change fpc to 
2.0.2 (latest from svn) or to fpc 2.1.1+ (latest from svn), then I can't use 
zeosdbo anymore... so I stick with fpc 2.0.1.

Is there anyone can explain what causes the errors?


has Bee.ography at
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Extend the libraries people!

2005-06-06 Thread Bisma Jayadi
 Why not both? Delphi is windows-only, so even if FPC became 100% compatible 
 with D7, the libraries already available for Delphi are usually windows 
 specific, and FPC libraries are cross-platform.

I believe you know about Kylix, which is Delphi clone on linux. Delphi IDE is 
windows only, as Kylix IDE is linux only as well, but not the code. As long as 
we don't use OS specific API (windows or linux), Delphi code is cross platform 
(windows and linux). :)

This is also applied on FPC, not all FPC libraries are cross platform, though 
most of them are. This is also applied on every compiler and language, except 
Java maybe. It depends on your code, is it targetting a specific platform or 
all platforms?


has Bee.ography at:

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Extend the libraries people!

2005-06-05 Thread Bisma Jayadi
Object pascal is a mature language. Some languages even adopt the concept, such 
as C# or Java, with different syntaxes and styles. Do not listen to people who 
said pascal is a toy language, they just don't know what they're talking about.

Then, if we are talking about the object pascal compilers... we must admit that 
Delphi/Kylix is the most popular pascal compiler. In fact, it becomes some kind 
of industry standard for pascal based software engineering.

But, now we have another pascal compiler alternative. The open source and free 
one, it's FreePascal aka FPC. Since it released the v.2.0, it got more 
popularity. Some people even think that it's gonna replace Delphi domination. 
But, I think it's not that easy as it said. Delphi has more experiences, more 
developers and community, more library supports, more products, and many more.

If we want to make FPC as popular as Delphi and more developers interested to 
use it, then we have 2 ways to do it:

1. Make FPC 100% compatible with latest Delphi release (I think at least D7). 
Automatically, FPC will get all Delphi resources, including the codes and the 
developers! There's no need to write new specific libraries for FPC.

2. Make FPC own environment and community. We don't need to keep up with Delphi 
compatibility, make our own syntaxes and styles, build our own libraries, have 
our own dignity and destiny. :)

Which way we gonna choose? The first one? Which I think we only need to more 
concentrate on the compiler development, but with ability to share the code and 
community with current Delphi code and community. This will make FPC = Delphi, 
or even FPC = Delphi. :)

Or the second one? Which I think requires more works, keep up with some 
selected Delphi compatibility, build our own libraries, but with freedom to 
have our own special pascal. This will make FPC  Delphi, or FPC  Delphi, or 
even FPC  Delphi.

So... which one? :)


has Bee.ography at:

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] don't you think it's time to update delphi mode compatibility?

2005-05-27 Thread Bisma Jayadi
FPC has great amounts of compatibility with Borland Delphi. Unfortunately, 
according to the FPC docs, it only supports Delphi compatibility until Delphi 
The object pascal enhancement on the next Delphi release is still not supported 
by FPC.

Since now Delphi has grown to Delphi 9 (2005) -the latest Delphi release- which 
has tons of great object pascal enhancement, don't FPC developers think that 
is the time to follow up the language enhancements? For example: the 
syntax, reintroduce keyword, sub class (class field), etc.

Yup, perhaps I sounds pretty close to .Net syntaxes. Yup, I also knew that FPC 
development won't go that direction yet. I'm just talking about the language 
enhancement here, for more code portability. Say, I'll be able to compile my 
Delphi.Net code using FPC running on Linux. Maybe I'm just dreaming about the 
'real' concept of write once, compile everywhere. :D

Maybe we can start it from FPC v.2.2. Or FPC v.3.0? What do you think? :)


has Bee.ography at:

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] don't you think it's time to update delphi modecompatibility?

2005-05-27 Thread Bisma Jayadi
 Name one that really enables you to do something that you couldn't do

Actually... none. :)

 If you want portability, simply don't use D2005 syntax.

Hmmm... very nice advice. :)

 Write it in D7 and compile it everywhere.

 To my knowledge there are no plans for post-D7 support. The whole point is
 compability with Delphi.NET, and there is not much interest in that anyway.

So, may I conclude that FPC is targetting D7 language compatibility? That's 
sound fair enough to me, and -thanks God- I can live with that. :)

Is the D7 compatibility has been reached fully or partially or still under 
development? How far the compatibility of FPC v.2.0 with D7? Is there any docs 
explain about this issue? Because I still failed to compile my D7 codes under 
FPC 2.0. It's an D7 codes utilizing dbExpress components.


has Bee.ography at:

fpc-devel maillist  -