[fpc-devel] Re: Can you cross compile from Intel OS X to Linux?

2009-04-01 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler

If you use fink for the installation of fpc, you can install everything you 
need with

fink install fpc-i386-linux

then compiling with -Tlinux should work.

this installs also the linux binutils as dependencies. I haven't tested it 
heavily, so I am interested in feedback.

Best wishes - Michael
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] Mac OS X Quickstart section in README file

2006-07-17 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
There is no Mac OS X Quickstart section in the install/doc/readme.txt file, 
although needed, in particular for the ReadMe.txt File of Mac OS X .dmg package.

This is my suggestion, which is partly based on what I found in 

* Quick start - Mac OS X/Darwin

There are two methods to install FreePascal for Mac OS X.

1) Download and install the Mac OS X package (fpc-2.0.4.powerpc-macosx.dmg) 

This gives you the FreePascal compiler and the Xcode integration kit.

2) Install fpc using fink

This gives you the FreePascal compiler, in cluding all libraries, packages 
and units from its sources, including FreeVision and the IDE, which is 
partly works using X11 xterm.

With method 1 follow the instructions to install the XCode integration kit at:


Method 2 is mainly thought for using the compiler through the command 
line. Fink takes care of setting the PATH variable. You can (under Mac OS 
X 10.2.x or earlier you actually have to) also use the command line with 
FreePascal installed using method 1. The main point is to change your Path 
as described below: 

The compiler is called "fpc" and will be installed in /usr/local/bin. This
directory may not be in your PATH, yet (if you type "fpc" in a Terminal
window and you get something like "fpc: command not found", then it isn't).
If the installation directory is not yet in your path, you will have to add
it. To get an idea, how to do this, follow the instructions at:


to determine which file you have to edit, but instead of adding the line
suggested there, add the following at the end:

- if your shell is the Bourneshell (bash):

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

When using Terminal.app add this to ".bash_profile",
when using the X11 xterm add this to ".bashrc".
If these files do not exist yet in your home directory, you have to create 
them, for example with nano (or any other text editor):

nano .bash_profile

- if your shell is the C Shell (csh or tcsh):

setenv PATH /usr/local/bin:${PATH}

Next, close the Terminal window and open a new one. Now, the path should
be set correctly. After installing the package, you can write your
source code in your favorite editor (including Project Builder and XCode).
To compile something, go to the directory containing your source files in
Terminal and type:

fpc name_of_your_source_file

The compiler only accepts one file name as argument, but will automatically
search for and compile any units used by the specified source file. Run
"fpc" without an yarguments to get an overview of the possible command line

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] iinstall/doc/whatsnew.txt

2006-07-16 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler

I think two line breaks should be added to make the formatting to look nicer.

Free Pascal Compiler

Version 2.0.4

  What's New in 2.0.4

More than 1000 changes have been made to 2.0.4 since 2.0.2. As this is a bug
fix release, most are fixes for some issues, but new features and performance
enhancements have been added as well.

  * Lot of small bugs and compatibility fixes
  * Updated several translations
  * Improved code generation
  * Improved and fixed PIC code generation
  * Improved register allocation
  * Improved ansistring string code generation
  * Several alignment values increased so the requirements of modern processors
are met better
  * WINDOWS defined on all windows platforms (Win32, Win64, WinCE)
  * Parameter order for methods with structured results changed
(result pointer<->self swapped), please check such methods if they are
implemented in assembler
  * i386 compiler no longer needs environment variables set when installed on
an x86_64 Linux distribution
  * Lot of small bug and compatibility fixes
  * 64 bit file pointer support on most targets
  * Faster integer to string conversion
  * Endian conversion routines added
  * Improved heap manager
  * Improved ansistring routines
  * PowerPC: Power3/4/5/PPC970 compatibility

  * Lot of small bugs and compatibility fixes
  * Improved data base support

  * Lot of small bugs and compatibility fixes
  * Improved data base support
  * Apple universal interfaces added

Free Vision:
  * New outline unit
  * Small bug fixes
  * Unix: much improved video and keyboard handling
  * Unix: Free Vision applications no longer need to link to libc
  * Linux: grab_vcsa utility to ensure vcsa access
  * Small bug fixes
  * Redesigned directories window
  * Reorganised compiler options window
  * Option to use Ctrl+X,C,V for cut/copy/paste

  * Improved documentation
  * Better cross compilation support

  What's New in 2.0.2
This is a bug fix release, so don't expect a big new feature list here. Most
of the almost 700 changes made to 2.0.2 since 2.0.0 are fixes for some issues.

  * Lot of small bugs and compatibility fixes
  * Improved SSE support
  * Improved inlining
  * Enhanced variant support
  * Embedded resource support for targets using elf32 executable format
  + Type checking of compile time expressions
  + Mode MacPas: Support for Mac style objects
  + Mode MacPas: Compile time variables can be given on command line 
  * Lot of small bugs and compatibility fixes
  * Enhanced variant support
  * Embedded resource support for targets using elf32 executable format
  * Lot of small bugs and compatibility fixes
  * Improved SqlDB package

  * Lot of small bugs and compatibility fixes
  * Improved data base support
  * Small bug fixes

  * Improved docs
  * Bug fixes for FreeVision

  What's New in 2.0.0
  + properties in objects are now allowed
  + use of cmov when at least -Cppentium2 is supplied (i386+ only)
  + .p is a searched source extension in macpas mode now
  * Improved MacPas mode
  * Improved variant support
  * Updated language files
  * Improved warnings regarding uninitialised variables
  * Lot of small bugs and compatibility fixes
  * Several widestring and unicode fixes
  * Heavily improved variant support
  * Improved threading support
  * Improved 64 bit compatibility
  * Lot of small bugs and compatibility fixes
  * Improved data base support
  * Lot of small bugs and compatibility fixes
  + Jedi windows api is part of the packages now
  + Windows specific units of the rtl have been moved to packages/base/winunits
  + XFree header conversions to X package added
  * Endian and 64 bit fixes
  * Lot of small bugs and compatibility fixes

  * Small bug fixes
  * Improved docs
  * Bug fixes for FreeVision
Version 1.9.8 aka 2.0.0-Rc2

  What's New in 1.9.8 aka 2.0.0-Rc2

  + arm-linux cross compiler for i386-linux
  + SysV style syscalls added for MorphOS
  + Exportable macros for mode MacPas
  + Support procvar declaration in parameters for 

Re: [fpc-devel] Tiger XCode

2006-04-12 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler

Hi all,

i haven't done so. but maybe I'll try during the next days. fpc 2.1.1  
or 2.0.2?

Am 12.04.2006 um 14:08 schrieb Paul Davidson:

The Tiger 10.4.6 OS with XCode 2.2.1 does not seem to work with  
current FPC templates for Mac OS X.

Has anyone been able to compile a program using this combination.
The default code sample provided abort compilation with:

Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1
rm: build/: is a directory
/bin/sh: line 1: PRODUCT_NAME: command not found

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] space char inside identifier's name

2006-03-25 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler


a thought regarding the dependence of readability and restrictions.  
The argument that lifting the restrictions and leave the  
responsibility about readability to the programmer would ruin it,  
disregards that even the restrictions in place now do NOT prevent a  
programmer from using hard to read or hard to distinguish names.  
Think of two variables named:

j32ilh2k3q74 and j32lih2k3q74

So, the reason, why you hardly see such names (except in Fortran  
numerical code (:-) is that most (in particular Pascal-) programmers  
are aware of the connection between naming and readability. The  
extent is clearly different between different people and whether the  
pro developers (being paid for coding) do better than hobby  
programmers is another topic.

I found it just very convenient to reflect filenames in variables and  
the naming restrictions on filenames are more relaxed than on Pascal  
identifiers, even in unix.

Furthermore, I suggest to demangle the topic. Their are easy to  
separate topics, that can be discussed separately.

- lowercase/uppercase sensitivity
- allowing other characters than '_', all printable and within 7bit  
ASCII, such as '-', '%',..
- although space would be included in the above, it is somewhat  
special regarding readability.

- relaxing the restriction on the first character.
- mandatory quotation or not
- allowing 8bit ascii or unicode

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] space char inside identifier's name

2006-03-25 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler


Am 25.03.2006 um 09:39 schrieb Micha Nelissen:

On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 15:21:38 +0700
Bisma Jayadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

type "Main Form": TForm;
var "this is a integer variable": integer;
if "Main Form".Left = 10 then ...
procedure "Main Form"."Edit Change"(Event: TDOMEvent);

WWWHHH! *Falls off chair*

*grabs desk* *pulls up*

Clear enough ? ;-)


I understand your reaction, in particular with the examples above.  
But from own experience I have an argument in favor of less strict  
naming conventions:

I coded a lot in a macro language, which had similar naming  
conventions as Pascal. In one revision they were lifted and examples  
like the above became possible, but not used as expected. However,  
some things were used a lot:

Names starting with a number and using "-" instead of "_".

Based on this examples from practice, I would suggest to consider it  

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] darwin-i386

2006-03-07 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler


As told on the irc channel. I have an Intel/iMac, where I could do  
tests for i386-darwin. But would need some guidance.  No direct ssh,  
though, because of NAT. double tunnel would be a possibility.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] PR: What sites to spam for 2.0.2 release?

2005-12-09 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler

Dear Tom,

I agree in general. However, I suggest to wait with the announcements  
in the Mac channels until fpc 2.0.2 is available through fink. I am  
just getting it together and It should be done in short time, one  
maybe two weeks from now. The .dmg package should be mentioned as well.

Am 09.12.2005 um 14:26 schrieb Tom Verhoeff:

On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 11:33:03PM +0100, Daniël Mantione wrote:

Speaking of PR, we have a 2.0.2 to announce within a very short  
time and

we better do it well. We won't be able to do a Slashdot or OSnews
announcement, nevertheless we should take these opportunities to  


So, any ideas what sites we should spam? I'm looking for developer  

sites. Pascal/Delphi related sites are welcome, but remember we are
already quite famous in that world. We need generic open source  


If the Mac OS X support is "directly available out of the box" (rather
than: depending on the kindness of some soul in the community after  

release is made public), then I suggest that it is also announced at

They also carry the announcements of every REALbasic release.  I  

to send the message, if you prompt me in time.

And, I might get something to be published in www.tidbits.com/>.

E-MAIL: T.Verhoeff @ TUE.NL | Fac. of Math. & Computing Science
PHONE:  +31 40 247 41 25| Eindhoven University of Technology
FAX:+31 40 247 54 04| PO Box 513, NL-5600 MB Eindhoven
http://www.win.tue.nl/~wstomv/  | The Netherlands

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode RTL

2005-11-17 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler


Following this discussion, I want to throw in my 2 cents as well:
 On a real long term (like 5 or 10 years from now), the solution  
should be as "clean" as possible with as little awkward parts because  
of backward compatibility. This favors of a more separate solution  
with a compatibility layer. Sure enough, this means more work to set  
it up and maintain it. Therefore, it will take longer to have it  
running, but in the end it will prevent the situation, I'd like to  
call the A20 gate situation.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] termio.pp and termiosproc.inc

2005-10-10 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler


As discussed in the chat, I had a look at the termio unit, in order  
to move it to the unix dir. The termio.pp files are identical with  
minor layout differences. So, any of them (bsd or linux) can be moved  
to unix.

Regarding termiosproc.inc the bsd's were identical (besides the  
missing 2.0 fixes with inline of netbsd and openbsd). The linux  
version had already most of bsd. I merged the linux part and the bsd  
part to a version for the unix dir.

I checked the examples in crtex and the first example in videoex, as  
well as fv/test/testapp and fp-ide. No problems so far. The merged  
version of termiosproc.inc is attached for checks and comission.

Best wishes - MiSchi.

Description: Binary data

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] fpc 2.1.1 bugs in terminal related apps.

2005-10-06 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
I narrowed down the revision. Both issues show up when going from 1291 to 1292.That is the fixes of isatty in  rtl/unix/ crt.pp keyboard.pp ttyname.inc video.pp do not work on macosx. Feedback on other systems is still missingMichael SchindlerAm 06.10.2005 um 15:40 schrieb Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler:Hi,I tried the latest revision (1307) of fpc, but it still shows the same bugs:The following apps are compiled without problems but crash heavily with runtime error when run on macosx and sure enough they ran some time ago.ide/fpfv/test/testappdocs/videoex/ex1After the crash the settings of the terminal are heavily screwed. I tried stty sane and reset, but it did not completely recover the terminal. Backspace was still like a return.In addition, all examples of docs/crtex/ are worse than before. The ouput is as if to a file and not to a terminal. I considered the change in isatty, but found that it is not used.Could someone check on a different target?Michael Schindler___
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] fpc 2.1.1 bugs in terminal related apps.

2005-10-06 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler


I tried the latest revision (1307) of fpc, but it still shows the  
same bugs:

The following apps are compiled without problems but crash heavily  
with runtime error when run on macosx and sure enough they ran some  
time ago.


After the crash the settings of the terminal are heavily screwed. I  
tried stty sane and reset, but it did not completely recover the  
terminal. Backspace was still like a return.

In addition, all examples of docs/crtex/ are worse than before. The  
ouput is as if to a file and not to a terminal. I considered the  
change in isatty, but found that it is not used.

Could someone check on a different target?

Michael Schindler
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] make cycle fails on darwin

2005-10-01 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler


It looks like Peter's fix to tthread.inc and termiosproc.inc for  
linux and freebsd (revission 1221) should also be applied to openbsd,  
netbsd, darwin and maybe netwlibc.


Am 01.10.2005 um 12:23 schrieb Vincent Snijders:


When I try to do a make cycles, it fails on darwin-macosx. I am  
using revision 1240.

/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.0.0/ppcppc -dNOMOUSE -Ur -dFPC_USE_LIBC -Ur - 
Xs -O1 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../powerpc -Fi../unix -Fi../bsd -Fi../bsd/ 
powerpc -Fi../darwin/powerpc -FE. -FU/Users/vsnijders/tmp/build/fpc/ 
fpcsrc/rtl/units/powerpc-darwin -dpowerpc -dRELEASE -Fi../objpas/ 
classes ../unix/classes.pp

tthread.inc(84,32) Error: Illegal expression
classes.pp(51) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
classes.pp(51) Error: Compilation aborted

The offending line is:   fpwrite(PFilDes(FSem)^[1], #0, 1);


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] compilation error of h2pas.pas on Mac OS X

2005-09-21 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler

Dear Jan,

Am 21.09.2005 um 05:14 schrieb Jan Ruzicka:


Is there any workaround to make the FPC compile on darwin?

You can "manually" split the procedure yyaction, which is too long,  
into two and call the procedures in dependence of the parameter  
yyruleno. example:

rename procedure yyaction to procedure yyaction1

add the split at 100:

  99 : begin

 if not stripinfo then
 writeln(outfile,'(* Warning : default value for ',yyv 
[yysp-2]^.p,' ignored *)');



procedure yyaction2 ( yyruleno : Integer );
  (* local definitions: *)
  (* actions: *)
  case yyruleno of
 100 : begin

and replace the call of yyaction(-yyn) (somewhere around line 8500 ) by:

  if -yyn < 100 then

Is there any way I can help?

Probably not. It is a "Jonas Maebe class of problem" and he is  
working on it.



On Sep 17, 2005, at 05:34, Florian Klämpfl wrote:

Dr. Rolf Jansen wrote:

since some days I am no more able to "make all" the latest and   
greatest fpc from SVN sources, because there are compilation  
errors  for h2pas.pas.

snip snap

Any suggestions are welcome.

This is a known problem, it's a bug in the powerpc code generator,  
Jonas is already working on it afaik.

Background: h2pas.pas is generated by yacc from h2pas.y and  
generates a huge procedure which a real programmer would never  
create, that's why it poped up so late.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Library and unit search paths under MacOSX with fpc 2.0.0?

2005-06-15 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler

Am 15.06.2005 um 15:54 schrieb Jonas Maebe:

On 15 jun 2005, at 15:35, Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler wrote:

The changed fpc.cfg file has to be put into the darwin bootstrap  
tar ball, which also contains the bootstrap compiler. sorry for  
the lack of documentation.

Actually my fpc.cfg file contains:


This one isn't necessary, it's automatically searched by the  
linker. /usr/local/lib could be added as well though.


Should I put that into the darwin default fpc.cfg file?

Fine by me (possibly between #ifdef darwin)

with darwin default fpc.cfg file, I meant the hand-crafted one that I  
put into the darwin bootstrap tar ball together with the bootstrap  
compiler. So, #ifdef darwin is not necessary. Until now, this tar  
ball is not created automatically.

When I get to update that tar ball, I will add /usr/local/lib.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Library and unit search paths under MacOSX with fpc 2.0.0?

2005-06-15 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler


Am 15.06.2005 um 14:47 schrieb Jonas Maebe:

On 15 jun 2005, at 14:24, Tom Verhoeff wrote:

However, it still doesn't explain why under Linux, I don't have to  

any extra library search paths, but under Mac OS X, I do

That's because /sw/lib is not a default search path for the linker  
under Mac OS X (which is quite logical since fink is a third-party  
product), nor is /usr/X11R6/lib apparently.

I guess it would be best if added those paths to the default  
fpc.cfg for Mac OS X.

I also think, that this is probably the easiest was to resolve it. I  
hesitated to put that in, because I wanted the fpc.cfg  to be as  
simple as possible.

The changed fpc.cfg file has to be put into the darwin bootstrap tar  
ball, which also contains the bootstrap compiler. sorry for the lack  
of documentation.

Actually my fpc.cfg file contains:


Should I put that into the darwin default fpc.cfg file?

Maybe, Ales could put his experiences to the wiki page. Just in case  
people using other libraries or installers. As much as I know  
darwinports puts its stuff into /opt.

Michael, aka mischi.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] bug in compiler/owbase

2005-04-23 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
Hi all,
found a but in line 126 of compiler/owbase:
DeleteFile was NOT replaced by RemoveFile, although stated in the log 
of the file :)

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] linking with SDL libs fails.

2005-04-05 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
when compiling lentilwars from Almindor, I encounter the following 
error when linking. This is definitely a problem above my level :)

btw. The SDL libs are installed through fink and are found. Any hints 
are welcome.

Here comes the log:
michael-pbook-ep3:~/Desktop/Downloads/Lentilwars michael$ make
fpc -Fubasesdl -Fulnet -Fiinclude -Filnet -Si -O2 -XX -Xs lentilwars.pas
Target OS: Darwin for PowerPC
Compiling lentilwars.pas
Compiling ./basesdl/SDL.pas
Assembling sdl
Compiling ./basesdl/SDL_Mixer.pas
Assembling sdl_mixer
Compiling Main.pas
Compiling lBlitter.pas
Assembling lblitter
Compiling lBlittersdl.pas
Compiling ./basesdl/SDL_Image.pas
Assembling sdl_image
Compiling ./basesdl/SDL_Ttf.pas
Assembling sdl_ttf
Assembling lblittersdl
Compiling lAddons.pas
Compiling ./lnet/lNet.pas
Assembling lnet
Assembling laddons
Compiling lscoreboard.pas
Assembling lscoreboard
Assembling main
Compiling LentilForm.pas
Compiling Menu.pas
Assembling menu
Assembling lentilform
Assembling lentilwars
Linking lentilwars
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/crt1.o illegal reference to symbol: __objcInit 
defined in indirectly referenced dynamic library 
lentilwars.pas(101,1) Error: Error while linking
Error: /pp/bin/ppcppc returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not 
specifiy a source file to be compiled)
make: *** [all] Error 1

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Packaging

2005-03-30 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
Does the darwin ppcppc binary actually work on linux-ppc?
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] Packaging

2005-03-30 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
I had exactly the same situation with fpc for fink and solved it exactly as suggested by Daniel Herzog. I would go for Individual bootstrap tar balls for each arch, because this saves a lot of bandwidth. I called the one for macosx/darwin: fpc-1.9.8.darwin.bootstrap.tar.gz. maybe it should be fpc-1.9.8.darwin-ppc.bootstrap.tar.gz. But since we do not support darwin-x86, yet, I did not consider the cpu :)
The tar ball includes the bootstrap binary and the default fpc.cfg file. 
Is debian for linux only? If so, just the combination of linux with every cpu is needed, and not any combination of os and cpu. But even for a case of any os with any cpu, do you really think that case would be to much?
What is your guess about the distribution impact through debian packages. I guess is that it is noticable, what actually have to wait and see the effect of the fink package.

Best wishes ___
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] fink (debian) fpc package for darwin

2005-03-20 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
the fpc.cfg is just installed in ../etc as a default fpc.cfg file.
Am 20.03.2005 um 01:49 schrieb peter green:
note: a config file is NOT needed to compile freepascal itself the 
pass an option that tells the compiler to ignore it anyway.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dr.
Karl-Michael Schindler
Sent: 19 March 2005 23:11
To: FPC developers' list
Subject: [fpc-devel] fink (debian) fpc package for darwin
Hi all,
In order to get fpc into fink, the darwin/macosx debian package 
it would be necessary to make available a bootstrap tar ball (640 KB)
with the ppcppc binary and a default fpc.cfg file.

My suggestion would be the same dir as the fpc source tar ball, i.e.
Comments? Questions?
Best wishes - Michael Schindler
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] fink (debian) fpc package for darwin

2005-03-19 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
Hi all,
In order to get fpc into fink, the darwin/macosx debian package manager 
it would be necessary to make available a bootstrap tar ball (640 KB) 
with the ppcppc binary and a default fpc.cfg file.

My suggestion would be the same dir as the fpc source tar ball, i.e. 

Comments? Questions?
Best wishes - Michael Schindler
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] crt unit fix

2005-03-16 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
When I was at the crt unit, I noticed that a number procedures are 
small (less then 5 lines of code) and called only once. Some others are 
quite general like scrollregion, but called only once with one line. In 
my opinion the code would be better readable with some degree of 
"inlining" these procedures. Would you accept such a modest rewrite of 
the crt unit?

All the best - mischi.
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] crt unit fix

2005-03-16 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
On Mac OS X I could fix it by deleting line 463 and 464 of crt.pp. Then 
it works with ALL 6 different terminals (Terminal.app, X11, xterm, 
aterm, eterm, rxvt, mlterm) I have installed.

Am 15.03.2005 um 10:20 schrieb Jonas Maebe:
On 15 mrt 2005, at 08:51, Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler wrote:
There is a endian related bug in the crt unit, which breaks the 
examples ex10 and ex11 of the crt docs. The following fixes the bug 
and makes the code more obvious. I suggest to replace the following 
two routines. Tested on Mac OS X. It fixes web bug 3788 (I submitted 
that one) and 3391 as good as possible (submitted by coraxyn). Some 
small editing corrections as well.
There's still a problem somewhere though: at the end of ex10, the 
output on the screen is

Line 1
 Line 2
Line 3
Oops, forgot Line 2, let's insert at the cursor postion
Under Linux, there is no space before "Line 2", and from looking at 
the source, there shouldn't be any. Nevertheless, your patch already 
solves some other problems, so I've committed it. Thanks.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-devel] crt unit fix

2005-03-15 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
The additional blank only shows up in Terminal.app and X11 mlterm, but 
not in X11 xterm, aterm, eterm and rxvt. I am not sure, whether I will 
follow that :)

Am 15.03.2005 um 10:20 schrieb Jonas Maebe:
On 15 mrt 2005, at 08:51, Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler wrote:
There is a endian related bug in the crt unit, which breaks the 
examples ex10 and ex11 of the crt docs. The following fixes the bug 
and makes the code more obvious. I suggest to replace the following 
two routines. Tested on Mac OS X. It fixes web bug 3788 (I submitted 
that one) and 3391 as good as possible (submitted by coraxyn). Some 
small editing corrections as well.
There's still a problem somewhere though: at the end of ex10, the 
output on the screen is

Line 1
 Line 2
Line 3
Oops, forgot Line 2, let's insert at the cursor postion
Under Linux, there is no space before "Line 2", and from looking at 
the source, there shouldn't be any. Nevertheless, your patch already 
solves some other problems, so I've committed it. Thanks.


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel] crt unit fix

2005-03-14 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
There is a endian related bug in the crt unit, which breaks the  
examples ex10 and ex11 of the crt docs. The following fixes the bug and  
makes the code more obvious. I suggest to replace the following two  
routines. Tested on Mac OS X. It fixes web bug 3788 (I submitted that  
one) and 3391 as good as possible (submitted by coraxyn). Some small  
editing corrections as well.

Procedure DoEmptyLine(y,xl,xh:Longint);
  Write an empty line at row Y from column Xl to Xh. Memory is also  
  len : Longint;
  blank_with_attribute : TCharAttr;
  blank_with_attribute.ch:=' ';

Procedure ClrScr;
  Clear the current window, and set the cursor on 1,1
  CY,i  : Longint;
  oldflush  : boolean;
  blank_with_attribute : TCharAttr;
  { See if color has changed }
  if OldTextAttr<>TextAttr then
  if FullWin then
 if not OutputRedir then
 blank_with_attribute.ch   := ' ';
 blank_with_attribute.attr := TextAttr;
 For Cy:=WinMinY To WinMaxY Do

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-devel]Re: fpc and VirtualPC/Mac OS X

2003-10-29 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
Hi there.

More on the endless loop problem with ppc1 and rtl/linux/system.pp

I ran the offensing command with and without the -gl option and logged 
verbose output (-va). Without -gl system.pp compiled in reasonable 
time. Here come more details, without any idea to fix them however:

real2str.inc(295,8)  Handling switch "$ENDIF"
real2str.inc(295,8)  ENDIF SUPPORT_SINGLE found
real2str.inc(295,8)  Skipping until...
real2str.inc(296,8)  Handling switch "$ENDIF"
real2str.inc(296,8)  ENDIF SUPPORT_DOUBLE found
real2str.inc(296,8)  Skipping until...
real2str.inc(297,8)  Handling switch "$ENDIF"
real2str.inc(297,8)  ENDIF SUPPORT_EXTENDED found
real2str.inc(297,8)  Skipping until...
real2str.inc(298,8)  Handling switch "$ENDIF"
real2str.inc(298,8)  ENDIF ENDIAN_BIG found
300 383/2.304 Kb Free
real2str.inc(336,21) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / 
range check error
real2str.inc(373,15) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / 
range check error
real2str.inc(374,27) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / 
range check error
400 348/2.304 Kb Free
real2str.inc(63,31) Note: Local variable "orgd" not used
real2str.inc(79,3) Hint: Local const "minexp" is not used		<--- This is 
the last line when compiling with -gl
real2str.inc(471)  Back in sstrings.inc
sstrings.inc(377,127)  IFDEF HASCOMPILERPROC found, accepted
sstrings.inc(377,164)  ENDIF HASCOMPILERPROC found
sstrings.inc(378,1)  procedure/function $fpc_shortstr_float(Double, 
Longint, Longint, Longint,var ShortString);CompilerProc


fpc-devel maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[fpc-devel]Re: fpc and VirtualPC/Mac OS X

2003-10-29 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
Jonas Maebe wrote lately:

>>Compiling ./x86/aasmcpu.pas
>>Compiling ./x86/itx86att.pas
>>Panic : Internal compiler error, exiting.
>>i386tab.inc(6,15) Fatal: Internal error 
>This is a segmentation fault (e.g. null pointer dereference). Compile 
>make cycle OPT="-gl -dnocatch"
>to get a full backtrace with line numbers.

With the recent 1.1 sources (patched for the extended problem), the 
simple make cycle now stopped with ppc2 compiling objpas.pp:

Compiling ../objpas/objpas.pp
objpas.pp(291,14) Fatal: Internal error 200305061
Making with make cycle OPT="-gl -dnocatch":

ppc1 gets created, but when compiling system.pp with ppc1 is seems to 
be stuck in an endless loop. At least it did not finish within 12 
hours. As a reference for the speed under VirtualPC: pp.pas took 680 
sec, i.e, 12 minutes.

Any hints?


fpc-devel maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[fpc-devel]set operation: IN ?

2003-10-23 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
When looking through the manual, I got the impression that the set 
operation IN is not implemented.
Is this right? Comments?

Michael S.

fpc-devel maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[fpc-devel]Re: fpc and VirtualPC/Mac OS X

2003-10-23 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
The above mentioned errors were due to a type mismatch. I had to change the type valreal from extended to double. This is in the file rtl/inc/systemh.inc. In addition I had to set MaxDouble and MinDouble in objpas/math.pp to other values. As a preliminary i just used the same values as MaxSingle and MinSingle.

Then make cycle with ppc386 1.0.10 goes through nearly through. However, finally it stucks and I have no clue at all. This is the last part of the log:

make ppc386
make[3]: Wechsel in das Verzeichnis Verzeichnis »/usr/local/src/fpc/compiler«
/usr/local/src/fpc/compiler/ppc3   -di386 -dGDB -dBROWSERLOG -Fux86 -Fui386 -Fusystems -Fu../rtl/linux -Fii386 -FE. pp.pas
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.1 [2003/10/23] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling pp.pas
Compiling ./x86/aasmcpu.pas
Compiling ./x86/itx86att.pas
Panic : Internal compiler error, exiting.
i386tab.inc(6,15) Fatal: Internal error 
make[3]: *** [ppc386] Fehler 1
make[3]: Verlassen des Verzeichnisses Verzeichnis »/usr/local/src/fpc/compiler«
make[2]: *** [next] Fehler 2
make[2]: Verlassen des Verzeichnisses Verzeichnis »/usr/local/src/fpc/compiler«
make[1]: *** [remake3] Fehler 2
make[1]: Verlassen des Verzeichnisses Verzeichnis »/usr/local/src/fpc/compiler«
make: *** [cycle] Fehler 2

[fpc-devel]Re: fpc and VirtualPC/Mac OS X

2003-10-22 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
Wow, Jonas

That was quick. I am impressed. Minor correction, though:

You said:

a) in rtl/inc/system.inc, remove {$define SUPPORT_EXTENDED}

but this line is in rtl/inc/systemh.inc

Furthermore, after doing all your patches, new errors show up in real2str.inc

I will look into it in more detail.


Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
FB Physik
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
D-06099 Halle (Saale)
Tel.: ++49 (0) 345 552-5563

[fpc-devel]fpc and VirtualPC/Mac OS X

2003-10-21 Thread Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
Hi there,

In an attempt to join in with the development of fpc for MacOS X, I 
installed fpc using SUSE 386 linux and VirtualPC. I started with fpc 
1.0.10 and downloaded the sources for 1.1.

The problem and my analysis:

The problem is that when trying to compile 1.1 I get an error in 
objpas/math.pp around line 50 where the constants minextended and 
maxextended are set. Now, some time back I was trying the similar thing 
with version 1.0.6, but using win95 and win98 and VirtualPC and I got 
stuck at the same thing. I traced back the problem to the values of the 
constants. If I change them to values in the range of single precision, 
the compile goes through. At that time I thought that it is related to 
windows or the fpc port to windows. However, since the problem is the 
same under Linux, my guess is, that is has to do with VirtualPC, which 
otherwise does a fine job.

My questions:

Did anybody try to compile fpc using any system (Windows or unix or 
what so ever) under VirtualPC?
Did you experience the same problem with math.pp?

Can anybody try this with a VirtualPC/Windows setup?

Bet wishes -

Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler
FB Physik
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
D-06099 Halle (Saale)
Tel.: ++49 (0) 345 552-5563
fpc-devel maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]