why is Frame 8 slower than Frame 6 to import eps files

2008-05-29 Thread Dave Reynolds
Hi Folks

A few weeks ago, while testing Frame 8 and how it handled one of our 
typical manuals, I noticed that some graphics imported by reference from 
a network server were very slow to display on the page (note that this 
slow display only occurs the first time the graphic is displayed; 
thereafter it seems to go into memory and displays instantly).  To cut a 
long story short, I eventually found that the main reason for this was 
because our new antivirus software was scanning all files imported or 
opened over the network.  Our IT people solved this problem by changing 
the configuration of the antivirus software to not scan certain file types.

However, when I did some more testing to verify that they had indeed 
fixed the problem, I noticed that (even with the problem fixed) Frame 8 
took longer than Frame 6 to display the same eps graphic.  I created new 
test files in Frame 6 and 8 and imported the same graphics into each 
file in the same way (by reference from our illustrations database on 
our network).  The Frame test files have 3 eps graphics, and one each of 
tif, jpg, bmp and wmf.  Only the eps files take longer to display in 
Frame 8 than Frame 6 - the other graphics take the same time in each 
version (typically 1 second or less). 

The delay in Frame 8 is most obvious when displaying the two eps files 
that show part or all of a circuit board layout:  the 1.6MB eps 
typically displays in 2 seconds in Frame 6, and in 7 seconds in Frame 
8;  the 3.9MB eps typically displays in 4 seconds in Frame 6, and in 13 
seconds in Frame 8.  I realise there is a lot of detail to display in 
these eps files, but why does the same file take that much longer to 
display in Frame 8 than in Frame 6?  I've run this test in both versions 
at different times and have had consistent results.  For the record, the 
third eps is a 740kB block diagram (mostly lines and some text) and 
displays in both versions in about one second or less (although still 
slightly slower in Frame 8 than 6).

Just to make it a bit more curious, I copied the same graphics from the 
network into the same folder as the Frame test files and reimported them 
from there.  They all displayed in 1 second or less in both Frame 6 and 8.

Anybody have any ideas as to why this is happening?  Does Frame 8 have 
different filters for eps?

I'm running Windows XP on a Pentium 4 dual core 3GHz PC with 1GB RAM.  
The eps files were exported from CorelDraw 10 with a low-res tif preview.




Dave Reynolds Phone: (64) (3) 358 1029
Senior Technical Author   Fax: (64) (3) 359 4632
Tait Electronics Ltd  Email: dave.reynolds at tait.co.nz
PO Box 1645
New Zealand

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why is Frame 8 slower than Frame 6 to import eps files

2008-05-28 Thread Dave Reynolds
Hi Folks

A few weeks ago, while testing Frame 8 and how it handled one of our 
typical manuals, I noticed that some graphics imported by reference from 
a network server were very slow to display on the page (note that this 
slow display only occurs the first time the graphic is displayed; 
thereafter it seems to go into memory and displays instantly).  To cut a 
long story short, I eventually found that the main reason for this was 
because our new antivirus software was scanning all files imported or 
opened over the network.  Our IT people solved this problem by changing 
the configuration of the antivirus software to not scan certain file types.

However, when I did some more testing to verify that they had indeed 
fixed the problem, I noticed that (even with the problem fixed) Frame 8 
took longer than Frame 6 to display the same eps graphic.  I created new 
test files in Frame 6 and 8 and imported the same graphics into each 
file in the same way (by reference from our illustrations database on 
our network).  The Frame test files have 3 eps graphics, and one each of 
tif, jpg, bmp and wmf.  Only the eps files take longer to display in 
Frame 8 than Frame 6 - the other graphics take the same time in each 
version (typically 1 second or less). 

The delay in Frame 8 is most obvious when displaying the two eps files 
that show part or all of a circuit board layout:  the 1.6MB eps 
typically displays in 2 seconds in Frame 6, and in 7 seconds in Frame 
8;  the 3.9MB eps typically displays in 4 seconds in Frame 6, and in 13 
seconds in Frame 8.  I realise there is a lot of detail to display in 
these eps files, but why does the same file take that much longer to 
display in Frame 8 than in Frame 6?  I've run this test in both versions 
at different times and have had consistent results.  For the record, the 
third eps is a 740kB block diagram (mostly lines and some text) and 
displays in both versions in about one second or less (although still 
slightly slower in Frame 8 than 6).

Just to make it a bit more curious, I copied the same graphics from the 
network into the same folder as the Frame test files and reimported them 
from there.  They all displayed in 1 second or less in both Frame 6 and 8.

Anybody have any ideas as to why this is happening?  Does Frame 8 have 
different filters for eps?

I'm running Windows XP on a Pentium 4 dual core 3GHz PC with 1GB RAM.  
The eps files were exported from CorelDraw 10 with a low-res tif preview.




Dave Reynolds Phone: (64) (3) 358 1029
Senior Technical Author   Fax: (64) (3) 359 4632
Tait Electronics Ltd  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 1645
New Zealand

This email, including any attachments, is only for the intended
addressee.  It is subject to copyright, is confidential and may be
the subject of legal or other privilege, none of which is waived or
lost by reason of this transmission.
If the receiver is not the intended addressee, please accept our
apologies, notify us by return, delete all copies and perform no
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 altered or corrupted during transmission.


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