Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-30 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On Fri, 29 May 2009 15:14:20 +0200 (CEST),
Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 Not necessarily.

 There were 'rules' in Nazi Germany too, and there usually exist at
 least some 'rules' in oppressive regimes, but they do not
 necessarily, by virtue of their mere existence, lead to satisfying

 The difference is that you have choice here, people living in Nazi
 Germany (and Poland) that times didn't.

First of all, this is not a personal comment, directed at you, but a
comment on the idea of 'strict moderation'.

Another thing that is worth stating is that invoking Godwin's law means
I instantly lose any argument; I know that already.  More importantly, I
do not mean to sound disrespectful to you or other Polish people.
Especially since my own family has lost people in WWII.

But the choice you have in a strictly moderated mailing list is about
the same as the choice my people had in that particular oppressive
regime: leave or stay to fight a hopeless battle.

That's what bothers me with strict moderation.  It hinders the freedom
of expression of people, forcing them to go through unreasonable hoops
whenever their personality is slightly different from the 'permitted'
forms of straight-jacket.

 already told you i will

 Thank you!  I'll be watching for interesting updates :)

 OK no later than tomorrow morning

There are 53 archive files for freebsd-questions in 2008.  Their average
size is 1,863,288 bytes.  This means around 8,229,522 of email for each
month of 2008 alone.

This is a lot of text to go through, even in a semi-automated manner.

So please, take your time.  I'm not some sort of Dilbertian manager who
wants you ``to do the impossible and do it a week ago, because we sold
it already to someone''.

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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-30 Thread Wojciech Puchar

You did all fine, i have the same configured program in my
linux/openbsd/netbsd/solaris/whatever OS and it works fine

So . . . basically, it's okay for someone to ask about X if that person

reread again. You - intentionally or unintentionally - change what i write 
to mean something else.

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RE: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-30 Thread Wojciech Puchar
that's why i opt for moderation. because it's completely stupid as there 
are no rules and no enforcement.

On Fri, 29 May 2009, gabe wrote:

This is stupid, I'm unsubscribing.


-Original Message-
From: Chad Perrin
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 07:13:49PM +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

software that runs on multiple OSes (and not *just* FreeBSD) to run an
extra system, running some other OS.

no. i expect them to ask THAT program support.

In really rare cases when they got an answer like
You did all fine, i have the same configured program in my
linux/openbsd/netbsd/solaris/whatever OS and it works fine

So . . . basically, it's okay for someone to ask about X if that person
also runs Linux, but not if that person doesn't.  That's the logical
consequence of your argument thus far.  How well have you actually
thought this through?

They it's place to ask because certainly there's something wrong with the

I don't recall that being an obvious and necessary condition of the
example -- and that didn't seem to matter when you suggested that it
might be on-topic if the querent also happens to have a Linux-based
system handy.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
Quoth FreeBSD Secure Programming Guidelines: In fact, never ever use
gets() or sprintf(), period. If you do - we will send evil dwarfs after

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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-30 Thread Wojciech Puchar

But the choice you have in a strictly moderated mailing list is about
the same as the choice my people had in that particular oppressive
regime: leave or stay to fight a hopeless battle.

Thinking your way - if someone will come to my home and will do what i do 
not accept - can i force him to go out?

Yes i can. He can do the same in another house where it's accepted.

Those who don't agree with the moderation rules will use unmoderated one 
(this), with all it's (dis)adventages.

That's what bothers me with strict moderation.  It hinders the freedom
of expression of people, forcing them to go through unreasonable hoops
whenever their personality is slightly different from the 'permitted'
forms of straight-jacket.

You talk about that, but when i hear things like shut up it's fine of 
course? So how you define freedom? Freedom for all EXCEPT someone?

You seem to favor rules defined by those who shouts louder.

I at first placed thought about leaving that list at all, seeing that 
rulership of shouting crowd starts to win. Unfortunately to many here i 
stayed and will stay, because i know that what start at discussion forum 
WILL end in the product - FreeBSD.

The same happened in linux, (not exactly) the same happened with NetBSD, 
and now there is no usable unix other than FreeBSD.

Just please don't joke and say OpenBSD ;) it's not even funny.

This is a lot of text to go through, even in a semi-automated manner.

it's not possible to automatize this unfortunately.
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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Wojciech Puchar

It's just my opinion, time will show if i am right if they will not do
this, and this list turn to 1% on topic.

The only problem with that sort of reasoning is that the FreeBSD mailing
list charters *have* been decided.

but the decision MAY be changed. Of course - it may not, but there is 
nothing that prevent me from having an opinion about moderation and trying 
to explain to others that it make sense.

There is a reason why freebsd-questions is open to everyone, including
people who want to discuss things like ``How do I make my Windows boot
loader launch FreeBSD?''.

I am NOT asking for closing current list

But adding moderated one.

My impression from hanging around this mailing list for several years
now (It's almost a decade now, geez! When did all that time pass?) is

for over decade i use unix but unfortunately much shorter FreeBSD.

that the openness and the all-around friendly character of ``If your
question is even marginally related to a small part of FreeBSD and we
can help, we'll do it'' is a valued and much-cherished attribute of the

This way anything with any real question are difficult to get answers.

It was for example common for my questions that 20 people answered with 
nonsense because they just are on the list as experts answering windows 

Fortunately sometimes i finally got an answer if someone knowing it got 
through the mess before. more often - not.

list.  A lot of the people who hang around here like it this way, and
what you propose to do is such a radical change that it requires a *lot*
of up-front work if you really want to convince anyone.

Once again - i don't want that list to be closed.

It's very possible that some people would like to look at both. On 
moderated professional ;) to get and answer FreeBSD-related question, 
and on this as a cool chat and place to talk about installing KDE if 
he/she like.

You do have a point that there is a very thin line between ``being very
helpful to new people'' and ``talking about irrelevant systems all the

The line can be clearly defined if rules will be defined.

There are tons of other places when you can help people that way. And of 
course - that list that won't be removed.

moderated list seems to be ``We have to do this or we are doomed to be
flooded with useless non-FreeBSD posts''.

We already all.

volume of off-topic posts has any sort of upwards trend is to:

 (a) Define *precisely* and in very clear terms what you consider on
 topic and what you consider off-topic.

OK. On topic is:

- question about software made by FreeBSD team which is FreeBSD base 
system+ports subsystem. In ports subsystem i mean the set of scripts and 
patches that allows you to compile other programs, BUT NOT THE PROGRAMS 

- questions about purely FreeBSD-specific and FreeBSD-dependend things of 
ported programs. For example:

I start program X, configure it the same way as in linux, installed all 
the same modules, but here it crashes/behave differently. For example:

--- here some output ---
Where is a problem

Off topic - it's all not being on-topic.

 (c) Go through the archives by year and/or month and keep statistics
 about things like: thread size, active posters per period, posts
 per period, off-topic/on-topic ratio of messages, and so on.

already did. years ago the percentage of on-topic questions was much 
higher, as more and more often it's dissolved by questions about 
windows,KDE etc.

This sort of approach would probably meet a lot less resistance, because
it is repeatable by anyone who wants to verify your results, and it is
based on the actual *data* of the mailing list itself, instead of a

OK. nice idea.
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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On Fri, 29 May 2009 09:36:07 +0200 (CEST), Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 It's just my opinion, time will show if i am right if they will not
 do this, and this list turn to 1% on topic.

 The only problem with that sort of reasoning is that the FreeBSD mailing
 list charters *have* been decided.

 but the decision MAY be changed. Of course - it may not, but there is
 nothing that prevent me from having an opinion about moderation and
 trying to explain to others that it make sense.

While a change like this is possible, it is going to be very very hard.

To change something so deeply ingrained into the whole `culture' of
being an open OS that welcomes everyone takes the sort of numbers I was
talking in the rest of my post.  Change for sake of change is often
silly.  Change because there is a measurable advantage is, on the other
hand, quite more often a good thing :)

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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Wojciech Puchar

nothing that prevent me from having an opinion about moderation and
trying to explain to others that it make sense.

While a change like this is possible, it is going to be very very hard.
To change something so deeply ingrained into the whole `culture' of

why adding extra moderated list is a change of deeply ingrained culture?
Once again i'm not for shutting down that list.

Anyway some common ideas that had ingrained has to be revisited anyway, 
now or soon. Not only by FreeBSD community, but free software at all.

The first will be the common idea of free software should compete with 
commercial. My answer is that it should not as it already failed to do.
And what's a gain even if it will be successful? As it's not commercial 
and not being sold.

It already lives very fine in it's market niche. As FreeBSD never 
really tried to compete with say - windows - hard, it's still so good OS, based 
of real idea of unix, and still well optimized for performance. Actually 
it gets better every release.

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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On Fri, 29 May 2009 10:00:23 +0200 (CEST), Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 nothing that prevent me from having an opinion about moderation and
 trying to explain to others that it make sense.

 While a change like this is possible, it is going to be very very hard.
 To change something so deeply ingrained into the whole `culture' of

 why adding extra moderated list is a change of deeply ingrained culture?
 Once again i'm not for shutting down that list.

Because we already _have_ a list `for general FreeBSD questions', and it
is open.  Adding even more lists to the mix will --at least initially--
only serve as a source of mild confusion.  Imagine you are a new FreeBSD
user.  You know absolutely nothing about all this moderated vs. open
list stuff.  You only happen to stumble upon a listing of the two places
on and their descriptions are:

freebsd-questions   - A list for general FreeBSD questions.
freebsd-questions-moderated - A moderated list for FreeBSD questions.

Now step back a bit, assume you are a new FreeBSD user, and you have to
decide where to post.  Where would you post and why?

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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Wojciech Puchar

Because we already _have_ a list `for general FreeBSD questions', and it
is open.  Adding even more lists to the mix will --at least initially--
only serve as a source of mild confusion.  Imagine you are a new FreeBSD

Try to imagine it now.

i see the webpage, the mailing lists, and ftp with installs and 

webpage - clear, understandable, read and understood
documentation - simply excellent, nothing else to say.
unmoderated mailing lists - total off-topic mess, is it really FreeBSD 
support? or maybe it's a chat.
moderated mailing list - not very much here, but at least about FreeBSD. 
for sure i will ask here if i will need help with FreeBSD.

Of course after reading documentation and trying to learn myself.

Lets compare it to many other people with different and more common 
expectations. What he/she thinks:

webpage - quite not trendy, so little graphics, anyway clear i go forward
documentation - what it is? some technical info for programmers i think. 
but why they put it here? OK lets skip this.

ftp with install - OK finally something !
and he/she booted the CD/DVD and by just clicking OK installed FreeBSD by 
accident. And then don't know what's up.

So he/she needs help and see:

moderated mailing list - hmm.. looks somehow too technical, i don't 
understand anything.

unmoderated mailing lists - EXCELLENT, they even tell my how to install 

Then he/she installs KDE, is proud about having such professional unix 
system on his/her computer. After few months and lots of questions on 
mailing list he/she still doesn't understand at all what's happening on 
the computer. Proudness already faded and he/she installs windows back.

In windows he/she too - don't understand what's going on, but at least 
it's clear way how to install programs (just click), and he/she THINKS she 
understand something.

At the end - ALL ARE HAPPY.
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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On Fri, 29 May 2009 13:01:04 +0200 (CEST),
Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 Because we already _have_ a list `for general FreeBSD questions', and it
 is open.  Adding even more lists to the mix will --at least initially--
 only serve as a source of mild confusion.  Imagine you are a new FreeBSD

 Try to imagine it now.

 i see the webpage, the mailing lists, and ftp with installs and

 webpage - clear, understandable, read and understood
 documentation - simply excellent, nothing else to say.
 unmoderated mailing lists - total off-topic mess, is it really FreeBSD
   support? or maybe it's a chat.
 moderated mailing list - not very much here, but at least about
   FreeBSD. for sure i will ask here if i will need help with FreeBSD.

This includes at least two hypothetical scenarios:

  a) That the current list is an off-topic 'mess'.
  b) That a moderated list would not be a 'mess'.

The 'mess' you are basing the rest of the arguments on is an unproven
hypothesis until you go through all the trouble of proving it.

I, for example, do not consider the current freebsd-questions a 'mess' by
any far stretch of imagination.  I like the people who hang out here and
explain what amusing and wonderful things they can do with FreeBSD.  I have
even learned new and exciting things by simply lurking here and watching
the replies others are giving.

So you have at least one important step before convincing the postmasters
that we need to 'fix' a problem:

Collect data and summarize it in a very concise and readable
way that proves there *is* a problem.

Note that this is going to be a bit tricky though.  A great percentage of
the posts in this very same thread may fall in the 'off topic' category you
are trying to describe.  Many of them have been sent by none other than the
person who defines this particular notion of off-topic-ness: you again.

It may be worth stopping for a moment to think about it.  If this very same
list was one that matches what you describe you would have *never* been
free to post a great deal of the messages you are posting now.

Would you choose to subscribe to it then?  Would you still enjoy being a
party in the collective group of people who post on this discussion forum?

If the answer is 'no', then it means your ideal state of this list is a bit
less than 'ideal', because it would fail to satisfy even you, the one who
defined this ideal.

If the answer is 'yes', then it means that you actually enjoy being free to
post in a discussion forum that is open to all sorts of FreeBSD topics, as
long as they have even the smallest semblance of a question (i.e. one valid
question is then 'What is FreeBSD and why should I prefer it over Linux?').
But if the openness of the list is actually a nice attribute, then the
effort to close it down or to introduce a less enjoyable form of a list for
general FreeBSD questions is a bit wrong.

It's really a very strange argument the one you are trying to make, and you
haven't even *started* to prove that there is a 'mess', to base it upon.

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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Wojciech Puchar

  FreeBSD. for sure i will ask here if i will need help with FreeBSD.

This includes at least two hypothetical scenarios:

 a) That the current list is an off-topic 'mess'.

it is and will be.

 b) That a moderated list would not be a 'mess'.

b is implicit if rules will be clearly defined.

   Collect data and summarize it in a very concise and readable
   way that proves there *is* a problem.

already told you i will

Note that this is going to be a bit tricky though.  A great percentage of
the posts in this very same thread may fall in the 'off topic' category you

i will try to exclude flamewar posts at all from statistic.

It may be worth stopping for a moment to think about it.  If this very same
list was one that matches what you describe you would have *never* been
free to post a great deal of the messages you are posting now.

so i will not. simple.

Would you choose to subscribe to it then?  Would you still enjoy being a

For sure. i will be subscribed to moderated list when i could get help and 
could help normal unix users about FreeBSD.

I will probably be still subscribed to not moderated one and look 
sometimes when i will have free time and good humour to have lots of fun, 
explain to KDE/Gnome/windows fans what unix is, talk about politics, 
global warming and nice girls etc. etc.

Or maybe sometimes even get help or be helpful, for example with questions
like do you know a program that do this and that?. This is an example 
when i've actually got help and was off topic.

That's why i say that off topic list must be kept too as is.

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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On Fri, 29 May 2009 13:55:56 +0200 (CEST), Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 FreeBSD. for sure i will ask here if i will need help with FreeBSD.

 This includes at least two hypothetical scenarios:

 a) That the current list is an off-topic 'mess'.

 it is and will be.

 b) That a moderated list would not be a 'mess'.

 b is implicit if rules will be clearly defined.

Not necessarily.

There were 'rules' in Nazi Germany too, and there usually exist at least
some 'rules' in oppressive regimes, but they do not necessarily, by
virtue of their mere existence, lead to satisfying results.

But this is a philosophical digression that may be more interesting for
other discussion forums.

Collect data and summarize it in a very concise and readable
way that proves there *is* a problem.

 already told you i will

Thank you!  I'll be watching for interesting updates :)

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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Wojciech Puchar

Not necessarily.

There were 'rules' in Nazi Germany too, and there usually exist at least
some 'rules' in oppressive regimes, but they do not necessarily, by
virtue of their mere existence, lead to satisfying results.

The difference is that you have choice here, people living in Nazi Germany 
(and Poland) that times didn't.

already told you i will

Thank you!  I'll be watching for interesting updates :)

OK no later than tomorrow morning
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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Chad Perrin
On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 09:36:07AM +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 OK. On topic is:
 - question about software made by FreeBSD team which is FreeBSD base 
 system+ports subsystem. In ports subsystem i mean the set of scripts and 
 patches that allows you to compile other programs, BUT NOT THE PROGRAMS 
 - questions about purely FreeBSD-specific and FreeBSD-dependend things of 
 ported programs. For example:
 I start program X, configure it the same way as in linux, installed all 
 the same modules, but here it crashes/behave differently. For example:
 --- here some output ---
 Where is a problem

So . . . it seems like you expect everyone that has a question about
software that runs on multiple OSes (and not *just* FreeBSD) to run an
extra system, running some other OS, just to determine whether there are
differences in the way it fails on their FreeBSD systems and what would
happen on the other OS.  This way, they can offer specific examples of
how it behaves differently on different OSes in order to meet your
criteria for being a FreeBSD topic.

The problem is people who are having trouble getting X to do something on
FreeBSD and don't have a computer running a different OS on which to test
it to compare, or don't have the time to dick around with another OS just
to satisfy W. Puchar's criteria for on-topicness.  What if their X
problems *are* FreeBSD problems, just as you described above, but they
can't specifically verify that they're FreeBSD-related problems because
they don't have the time or resources to test on different OSes to nail
down the points of departure between different OSes?  Are they just SOL
in your estimation?  Should we tell them FOAD because FreeBSD is the only
OS they use?

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
Quoth H. L. Mencken: In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always
something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a

Description: PGP signature

Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Chad Perrin
On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 03:14:20PM +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 Not necessarily.
 There were 'rules' in Nazi Germany too, and there usually exist at least
 some 'rules' in oppressive regimes, but they do not necessarily, by
 virtue of their mere existence, lead to satisfying results.
 The difference is that you have choice here, people living in Nazi Germany 
 (and Poland) that times didn't.

Let's de-Godwinize this, and just use the generic dictatorship idea to
stand in for Nazi Germany.  In fact, let's go a step further and assume
a benign dictatorship -- even benevolent, from some perspectives -- since
I'm sure we're assuming a strictly moderated list would be intended to
help rather than merely control.

So . . . you have the same choice in a dictatorship that you have in a
benign dictatorship: leave.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
Mediocrity corrupts.  Bureaucracy corrupts absolutely.

Description: PGP signature

Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Zbigniew Szalbot
 - questions about purely FreeBSD-specific and FreeBSD-dependend things
 ported programs. For example:

 I start program X, configure it the same way as in linux, installed all
 the same modules, but here it crashes/behave differently. For example:
 --- here some output ---
 Where is a problem

Or take a real-life usage. I have upgraded my system to 7.2-Release. Ever
since upgrading, logrotate ceased to work.

Now, in this case - where should I post it? Does it belong to the
moderated and purely OS-related list (after all the problem seems related
to the upgrade) or to the unmoderated one (since it involves logrotate

It happens in life that when you have sets of clearly defined rules, they
quickly become impossible to follow because you constantly need to tweak
them, add new ones, etc.

Or the questions about gmirror which Mr Puchar really knows a lot about.
Where would they go? Surely they should not be discussed on the moderated
list as we're in the software venue, right?

If you (still addressing Mr Puchar) want some sort of an exclusivist
group, it would probably be best if you set up one, contacted FreeBSD team
and negotatiated the terms of placing a link to it somewhere on (and sponsoring the Team by the way ;)...

Zbigniew Szalbot

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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Wojciech Puchar

software that runs on multiple OSes (and not *just* FreeBSD) to run an
extra system, running some other OS.

no. i expect them to ask THAT program support.

In really rare cases when they got an answer like
You did all fine, i have the same configured program in my 
linux/openbsd/netbsd/solaris/whatever OS and it works fine

They it's place to ask because certainly there's something wrong with the 

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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Wojciech Puchar

Or take a real-life usage. I have upgraded my system to 7.2-Release. Ever
since upgrading, logrotate ceased to work.

Clearly FreeBSD related problem - logrotate worked, then the same 
logrotate does not.

Of course check if there is not new version of logrotate too from ports 

You gave excellent example.
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Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Chad Perrin
On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 11:00:49AM -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
 So . . . you have the same choice in a dictatorship that you have in a
 benign dictatorship: leave.

That should have said:

  So . . . you have the same choice in a moderated mailing list that you
  have in a benign dictatorship: leave.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
Quoth C. S. Lewis: We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong
road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right
road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most

Description: PGP signature

Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread Chad Perrin
On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 07:13:49PM +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 software that runs on multiple OSes (and not *just* FreeBSD) to run an
 extra system, running some other OS.
 no. i expect them to ask THAT program support.
 In really rare cases when they got an answer like
 You did all fine, i have the same configured program in my 
 linux/openbsd/netbsd/solaris/whatever OS and it works fine

So . . . basically, it's okay for someone to ask about X if that person
also runs Linux, but not if that person doesn't.  That's the logical
consequence of your argument thus far.  How well have you actually
thought this through?

 They it's place to ask because certainly there's something wrong with the 

I don't recall that being an obvious and necessary condition of the
example -- and that didn't seem to matter when you suggested that it
might be on-topic if the querent also happens to have a Linux-based
system handy.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
Quoth FreeBSD Secure Programming Guidelines: In fact, never ever use
gets() or sprintf(), period. If you do - we will send evil dwarfs after

Description: PGP signature

RE: On the need for moderated questions lists

2009-05-29 Thread gabe
This is stupid, I'm unsubscribing.


-Original Message-
From: Chad Perrin
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: On the need for moderated questions lists

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 07:13:49PM +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 software that runs on multiple OSes (and not *just* FreeBSD) to run an
 extra system, running some other OS.
 no. i expect them to ask THAT program support.
 In really rare cases when they got an answer like
 You did all fine, i have the same configured program in my 
 linux/openbsd/netbsd/solaris/whatever OS and it works fine

So . . . basically, it's okay for someone to ask about X if that person
also runs Linux, but not if that person doesn't.  That's the logical
consequence of your argument thus far.  How well have you actually
thought this through?

 They it's place to ask because certainly there's something wrong with the 

I don't recall that being an obvious and necessary condition of the
example -- and that didn't seem to matter when you suggested that it
might be on-topic if the querent also happens to have a Linux-based
system handy.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
Quoth FreeBSD Secure Programming Guidelines: In fact, never ever use
gets() or sprintf(), period. If you do - we will send evil dwarfs after

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