Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS JetDirect driver

2014-07-18 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 7/18/2014 4:10 AM, Mateusz Viste wrote:
 Actually, that's exactly what jd.exe does from the wattcp/pprd package,
 too. Send job to printer or spooler using direct protocol.

 Source code is included.

 The nice thing is that it uses printer configuration from wattcp.cfg, so
 it'a bit more 'integrated' than a general-purpose netcat.



nc -target 9100 -bin  \

is not simple enough?

I much prefer to use general purpose tools when they are available. 
Netcat is a pretty standard Unix tool, and this is just one of the many 
tricks you can do with it.  No configuration in a file needed either.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS JetDirect driver

2014-07-17 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 7/17/2014 1:49 PM, Jim Michaels wrote:
 for the network stufff, I was thinking of opening a socket and just dumping 
 the printer data from stdin or from a file depnding on commandline options. 
 s the easiest way to go. sockets is probably about 10-20 lines of code I 
 google sockets example (or look in the source code of the telnet program in 
 then it's not

 DHCP printers are another thing altogether.  they do exist, they seem to be 
 the consumer printers like officejets and like printers that have wifi or 
 ethernet. they default to DHCP, but can be manually config'd for static 
 (works better I think with static, just make sure ip is outside of DHCP 

 not sure how to handle usb printers at this point. I know they are packet 
 driven. has the specs. usb 2.0 uses 8b/10b but usb 3.0 uses 128b/132b 

You are aware that netcat already exists and has the capabilities that 
you wrote about - the ability to open a socket to the printer and send 
data from stdin or a file.

(See my email to this list dated July 12th.)


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[Freedos-devel] FreeDOS Roadmap: (Was Getting started

2014-07-13 Thread Michael B. Brutman

Caution - long rant.  Please be mindful about how you quote and comment 
so it doesn't turn into a jumbled mess

The road map from the Wiki dated August 2010 seems to be wildly 
optimistic.  It is talking about tightly integrated protected mode 
support, protected mode networking and USB, borrowing device driver code 
from other OSes, etc.

I don't think that road map is feasible.  Ever.

Tightly integrated protected mode support basically leaves 8088 or 80286 
class machines behind.  Which seems fair given that those machines are 
25 or more years old now but a big market for running any form of DOS 
is to support old hardware.  So a new version of FreeDOS that does not 
work on that hardware limits its reach.  (I suspect that those machines 
would be perfectly happy remaining frozen in time, running an earlier 
version of FreeDOS so this may not be a real issue for them.)

Re: Protected mode USB.  What does protected mode mean in this context 
- is the intent to run in protected mode all of the time, not just 
switch into protected mode when an application loads?  I could see where 
protected mode device drivers for block storage and input devices would 
be very useful, but if they come and go as applications load and unload 
then that limits their utility.  (Think of a DOS device driver for 
external storage on a USB drive ... would the drive letter be invisible 
at the DOS prompt because you are not in protected mode, and then be 
available to your application only if it runs in protected mode?)

Re: Protected mode Networking.  Every DOS application brings its own 
networking code.  To take advantage of any new networking you would need 
to change the applications.

The short story ...

The DOS application ecosystem is pretty well frozen in time, about 20 
years back.  If you want to make an enhancement to FreeDOS generally 
usable by FreeDOS users then it has to pretty much work transparently 
with existing applications.  Or start adding new applications.

I don't think there is any point to adding new features to FreeDOS that 
older applications can not use.  If you go down that path then you have 
to start modifying applications.  Then you might as well decide on a new 
toolchain, other kernel upgrades that we need, etc. and then we are off 
on a new OS hobby project.  We all know how successful those turn out.

If we can add device drivers or code to the kernel that keep FreeDOS 
alive and well on modern hardware then we can keep enabling the 
applications that we already have.  Even this might not be necessary; if 
hardware support becomes too much of a problem then falling back to 
emulation environments that run FreeDOS in a virtual machine might be 
the answer.  (If you have a hard requirement that FreeDOS boots on bare 
hardware then this does not work for you.)

We need users/developers/programmers ...

I don't see the lack of advanced OS features as a threat to FreeDOS.  I 
see adding them as the threat.  Unless you are on older hardware Linux 
has everything you need, including a large developer base.  There is no 
harm in providing a library that allows a new application to spin off a 
thread on an unused core, but that's quite different than trying to 
shoehorn threading or multiple CPU support into FreeDOS.

I don't see the lack of hardware support on modern hardware as a big 
threat.  Emulation and virtualization will protect us from lower level 
hardware changes for a long time to come.  If anything we should be 
careful to ensure that VirtualBox, QEMU, etc. don't drop any features 
that we need to boot FreeDOS.  (People who are required to use FreeDOS 
on bare metal will see this differently.)

What I do see as a threat is the lack of people who know how to code 
under DOS, whether that be applications, TSRs, device drivers, etc. We 
are never going to get cutting edge software on DOS; those days are 
gone.  But we need to attract more hobbyists, even if we have to 
disguise FreeDOS programming as another form of embedded programming.

FreeDOS needs to embrace the retro-computing crowd; they have the 
hardware that needs things like FreeDOS and the spare time to play with 
it and push the limits.

We need to clean up our documentation, improve our install and updating 
process, and generally do things that attract new users. With new users 
comes more hands, which we really need to keep things alive.

We need to make incremental improvements to the FreeDOS distribution and 
do more frequent releases.  Seeing FreeDOS 1.1 make it out was nice, but 
there was a few year gap there.  If there is another 5 year gap between 
releases is anybody going to care about FreeDOS?

My personal plans ...

I'm trying to make network programming under DOS easier by providing a 
pretty complete framework for doing it.  I've also picked my projects 
carefully to be both useful and to try to grab some attention to show 
that DOS, although not current, is still capable of some pretty neat 

Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS Roadmap: (Was Getting started

2014-07-13 Thread Michael B. Brutman

Re: FreeDOS vs. DOS-like operating systems

There are plenty of DOS-like hobby projects out there.  But without 
applications, they are pretty limited.  I think a lot of the value in 
DOS and FreeDOS is the ability to run existing applications.  So we need 
to decide on what we are trying to do; are we going to morph FreeDOS 
into yet another hobby operating system that is only slightly compatible 
with existing software, or are we going to keep it an open DOS clone?

Re: Protected mode networking

Networking provides the most value when it is an integral part of the 
operating system.  Otherwise, we just have disparate applications that 
bring their own library code that the OS is unaware of.

Even just the limited fix the libraries solution does not work because 
many of the networking applications are stuck in the 90s. The 
application code needs to be fixed too.  In general, networking needs 
much more focus; the libraries really are not the problem.

mTCP is a poor example to use; it is a personal project with a very 
specific set of goals.  I was not happy with the TCP/IP code that I 
found and I took the radical step of writing everything from scratch.  
That approach is not scalable and I do not advocate.  mTCP and FreeDOS 
are two different projects with different roadmaps.

Re: Emulation environments

We're going to have to face reality one day; hardware will move away 
from FreeDOS faster than FreeDOS can keep up with it.  Unless we can 
attract a lot more interest in hard-core, low level programming skills 
then emulation will be the only way to deal with this problem.

Re: Documentation

Documentation for DOS is out there but it is so scattered and so 
disorganized.  You have to know what you are looking for and where to 
look for it.  The forums at BTTR software provide a good place for 
people to talk about programming.  There are still Usenet forums out 
there that are active.  There are other web forums.  It is terribly 

We need a DOS programming Wiki that can get people started.  Things like 
what development environments are available, primers on real mode vs. 
protected mode programming, where the good libraries are, reading lists 
on where to look for more, suggested books, etc.

The network redirector interface is a poor example to use; it has never 
been properly documented.  If you have the 2nd edition of Undocumented 
DOS then you can get pretty close to it.  There was a new project 
announced here recently that used it to provide file system access under 
VMWare.  I have looked at it a few times to implement my own version of 
a network file system and I've just decided it's not worth the effort.


Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS Roadmap: (Was Getting started

2014-07-13 Thread Michael B. Brutman

I have not done the survey in a while but I have found a lot of the 
older networking applications to be sorely lacking.  The WATTCP based 
FTP clients that I looked at did not support passive mode connections 
and had horrible user interfaces.  NCSA Telnet does not run on 8088 
class machines; it's FTP server assumes a default port and does not 
understand PORT or PASSIVE FTP commands.  A lot of the applications are 
inconsistent in their support of DNS and DHCP.

Retrofitting existing applications to use a new TCP stack is like 
putting a supercharger on a lawn mower engine.  Somebody still has to go 
in and fix the lawn mower 

We can argue the merits of the existing applications, but I'd rather 
talk about the road map.  The road map said protected mode networking 
among other things.  I'm trying to figure out what that means, and more 
importantly, suggest that just changing the networking library isn't 
going to help.  We need more focus on networking in general.


Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS JetDirect driver

2014-07-12 Thread Michael B. Brutman

My understanding of the printer problem leads to believe this is not 
terribly easy.

If every program out there uses the BIOS interrupts to send data to the 
printer, then it is pretty easy - you install a handler to intercept the 
BIOS calls and buffer the outgoing data elsewhere. The outgoing data 
then gets sent via a network to the printer.  A TSR is not really even 
needed; you can have a standard program do this, shell to DOS, and then 
run the program to be intercepted from there.  Not as convenient as a 
TSR, but much easier for debugging.

However, if a program bit bangs the parallel port directly you can't 
capture that output.  I don't know of any technique that allows one to 
intercept raw port I/O commands, unless you are running in a virtual 
machine (virtual 8086 mode included).  Then the host operating system 
technically can intercept raw port I/O.

The mTCP netcat program can be used to send the contents of a file 
straight to a printer.  I think the HP JetDirect stuff (often found on 
other printers) is pretty crude; it is just an open port and there is no 
protocol or handshaking required.


Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS JetDirect driver

2014-07-12 Thread Michael B. Brutman

I don't pretend to make judgements on what is sane or not sane. I'm 
merely pointing out that if the BIOS interrupts are not used then the 
task is not feasible.  Your point about the viability of NET USE printer 
commands is taken, and probably confirms that this is a more than 
feasible project.

I suggested the shelling technique for somebody who wants to experiment 
with hooking the BIOS interrupts but is not ready to tackle the TSR 
portion.  Too big depends on the program being used; there are many 
programs that will still load and run even with another 64K missing from 
RAM.  Let's leave that question to the person who decides to tackle the 
project, eh?

My Brother laser printer (HL 5370DW) which emulates Epson FX codes, PCL 
and PostScript just printed a PostScript copy of my 2002 family 
christmas letter from DOSBox using the following command:

nc -target 9100 -bin  \

Lots of fonts and formatting, an embedded image or two, etc. in a 3MB 
file.  You are limited to what the printer understands, but I think I've 
demonstrated that you can safely send ASCII, PCL, PostScript, or 
whatever your printer supports.


Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] Do not use any code from ms-dos release!

2014-04-25 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 4/24/2014 12:05 PM, Charles Belhumeur wrote:

You really need to stop using questionable language on public mailing 
lists.  The rest of us do not want to read your rants, especially when 
they are laced with words that do not belong here. It is offensive.

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] Do not use any code from ms-dos release!

2014-03-27 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 3/26/2014 11:11 PM, Charles Belhumeur wrote:
 Tough line to walk folks!  You wanna clone DOS but yet you don't want
 to be tainted by any suggestions you owe anything to DOS!  Think
 that over a little.  Say it to yourself and see how it sounds.

Sure it sounds funny, but the funny part is not what you think it is.
You clearly fail to acknowledge that DOS has been cloned already, and
not just by FreeDOS.

The message is that if you plan on contributing to FreeDOS it would be
best not to be tainted by looking directly at MS-DOS source code. That
same rule was enforced for the DR DOS developers too. It would be
especially silly since this is the 2.0 version, which was the first
usable version but it is still quite a long way ways from the far
superior DOS 3.3 or DOS 5 versions.

This is a potential legal issue. The message is clear and not
contradictory in any way. Do not jeopardize FreeDOS's clean lineage by
looking at non-open source code and then trying contributing to FreeDOS.

 It doesn't matter what the OS is for a lot of stuff.  The Intel chips
 and architecture are what they are and they determine that any and all
 OSs have to have some source code in common at the machine or
 Assembler level.  I kinda get a kick out of the LINUX crowd thinking
 the have a different platform than a WIntel box.

Don't you think that the existence of OS/2 in the past and the growth of
Linux had something to do with the way Windows looks today?

Sure. Operating systems have some common concepts. But I think that a
lot of the improvement we have seen in Windows in the last 15 years
comes from people seeing Linux working on the same exact hardware and
not crashing when you look at it the wrong way.

Linux is about more than building another operating system. It
highlights a great alternative way to build software. You seem to have
missed this, and the general concept of open source software.

 After three decades of using computers I've seen most of the OSs,
 apps, etc.  Worked on niche stuff like programmable logic controllers
 and the like.  Things a lot of CS types don;t see.  I really don't
 have any loyalty or preference for any of it.  When I have an IT
 project in front of me I do some research to find the best current
 tools to apply whoever makes em.  Thats my interest in DOS.  The
 modern OSs get in the way of simple tasks and just overcomplicate some
 things.  None are the best solution or all things. Windows 8 promo
 song All you wanna be is Everything at once! explains a lot about
 why its tanking. No platform or OS can be all things and all solutions
 or apps.  Stupid to try.  Stupid to be loyal to any of it!  We don't
 hear squat about the OSs or apps or any software for a lot of embedded
 IT in our lives like microwaves and cars.  Why not?  Good thing MS
 isn't involved in software development for automobiles!  Can you
 imagine cars and trucks having deal with Windows 8 or Vista?  Where do
 I put the key in now?  How do I shut it off now?

 Charlie B.

You sound like a user. See the freedos-users list. This list is for
people how are invested in the success of the platform. Contributors.

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but I'm making a point. Reread your email
and think about how the rest of us enjoyed your unique perspective. It
is inaccurate and rude.


Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS development sense

2013-01-26 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 1/23/2013 11:42 AM, Jim Hall wrote:
 Hi. teogum replied to your other email on this topic, but here's my

 Today, FreeDOS is often used by three types of users:

 1. People who want to play old DOS games
 2. Developers, to run embedded systems
 3. Businesses, to run legacy DOS software

I would add a fourth category to that - people who maintain old IBM 
compatible PC hardware for their hobby, which is usually vintage 
computing.  If we split hairs too much there could be an infinite number 
of users, but I think that group is large enough to stand alone.

I might also add a fifth group - people who need a minimal bootable 
system to apply BIOS or other firmware updates.  We get a lot of 
requests on the mailing lists for people looking to put FreeDOS on USB 
sticks, and often it is for this purpose.

 There aren't usage numbers for FreeDOS like you can get for Windows or
 Mac, which typically equate to numbers of licenses sold or number
 of Macs sold. But I can tell you about how many times the FreeDOS
 distribution was downloaded. I've been keeping track of downloads
 since the FreeDOS 1.1 release in January 2012.

 We're seeing 40,000-42,000 downloads per month over the last few
 months. Here are the number of downloads of the FreeDOS distribution
 per month in 2012:


 And so far in January 2013, we have had 22,991 downloads of FreeDOS
 1.1. By the end of January, that should be almost 31,000 just for
 FreeDOS 1.1.


I am surprised that there are so many downloads.  When you think about 
the number of copies of PC DOS and MS DOS copies floating around, that 
makes for a *large* number of DOS users.  Most of which are probably 
occasional users, but still that is very impressive.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

[Freedos-devel] mTCP 2012-05-30 is available

2012-05-31 Thread Michael B. Brutman

It has been a while and I've accumulated a lot of changes and fixes.  
Here is what you can look forward to:

* Power awareness for virtual machines and laptops
*IRCjr fixes to improve compatibility with more servers
*Howto style documentation for setting up SLIP and PPP with mTCP
*FTPSrv requires significantly less RAM
*FTPSrv can be made to exclude certain drive letters
*Telnet now supports Xmodem and Ymodem uploads and downloads
*More newline handling fixes for Telnet (I think I got it right this time!)
*The FTP client will send files much faster now - 10 to 34% has been 

Everything is available at .


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] DOS Development Idea

2012-05-05 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 5/5/2012 1:27 AM, Martin Kelly wrote:
 What comes across to me is that if you remove the what i was 
 suggesting entirely from the equation... That a) it all seems like to 
 much effort and its much easier to whinge about the current 
 compatiblity issues than try and implement a possible solution or b) 
 You don't want to because your afraid of breaking what already exist...

 I find both in either case rather pessamistic. To me i would much 
 rather spend the energy to experiment the worst that can happen is it 
 doesn't work in which case your put back to the current situation. Or 
 alternatively you find something new out that a) can provide a new 
 feature/s for DOS.

 As Rugxulo as already mentioned is it such an insane idea to implement 
 or attempt to implement a new filesystem or is it that developers 
 would much rather be lazy about it all. (No offense intented)

 To me it comes across as the latter. Much rather find excuses for why 
 it won't work than reasons for how to make it work.

I have been trying to inject a bit of reality to this and it doesn't 
seem to be working

- If you break compatibility with existing DOS, you break compatibility 
with a lot of applications.  A lot of people use DOS because it runs the 
applications that they want to run.  So you might wind up with a 
technically better operating system with few users.

- The level of effort and technical skill you are talking about is 
enormous.  You can have great thoughts and sketches of what the future 
should be, but redoing even a simple OS like DOS is not trivial.  And 
then you still need the applications.

Here is a small example - I started working on mTCP in late 2005.  It 
was 2008 before I had an application suitable for an end-user to run.  
In 2011 the code was finally clean/stable enough to release.  Right now 
the next version is over 36000 lines of code and comments.  It's taken 
thousands of hours over the last six years to do this.  That includes 
228K of user documentation and another 60K of developer documentation, 
which is woefully inadequate and needs more time.

Am I lazy for pointing out the level of effort and skill required to 
implement some of your ideas?  How much effort do you think it takes to 
build a better DOS with the features that you are talking about?  How 
about the applications to go with it?

Do any other current active developers want to chip in with their 
experiences?  Georg?  Eric A.?  Jack?  I think it would be helpful to 
hear how much time it takes to maintain and develop applications and 
drivers for the existing DOS that we have.

I've been spending my time and energy where I think it is most 
productive and does the greatest good.  It's your time and energy to 
spend as you please, so go ahead and go big.  But I really don't think 
you have an idea of the size of the undertaking.  Don't be disappointed 
if everybody else doesn't jump right away - it is for you to lead and 
build that momentum.  But please be more aware of what you are asking for.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] DOS Development Idea

2012-05-03 Thread Michael B. Brutman


You read into things too literally at times ...  ;-0

The 808x series of processor was segmented.  It was used on a machine 
that reserved a portion of memory for system BIOS, system BIOS 
extensions, and video RAM.

The first versions of the operating system (DOS) did very little to mask 
the architecture of the PC.  If you wanted to read the keyboard or draw 
the screen, you could use the DOS functions which were very incomplete 
in their implementation.  Or you could go directly to hardware.  Except 
for a few small warnings (please don't go to BIOS, it might break your 
application on a completely non-conforming machine), many people went 
straight to the hardware.  It only supported contiguous chunks of 
memory, making it hard to deal with the transition to machines with more 
than 1MB.

So now you have a thin shell of an operating system that does nothing to 
avoid exposing the hardware to the end applications.  And we've been 
applying one kludge after another on top of that ever since.

For example, you mention Win 3.0 (DPMI).  DPMI is a kludge to allow DOS 
applications to use more memory while still being able to invoke BIOS 
functions and DOS kernel functions.  Windows and OS/2 don't add 
multi-tasking to DOS - they let several copies of DOS run side-by-side 
in what is effectively a dedicated virtual machine!  If I lock you in a 
prison decorated to look like 1988 you'll think you live in 1988 too ...

PC DOS 6.x and 7 still support FCB based programs.  Yes, people should 
still use file handles.  But my point was that once something gets 
added, it never gets removed no matter how archaic.

If you want to modernize DOS even just to support more current hardware 
you are going to have to duplicate a lot of work that has already been 
done for drive controllers, video cards, USB controllers, BIOS bootstrap 
requirements, etc.  Like I said, that would be redoing a lot of the work 
that has already gone into Linux.

If you want to really modernize DOS you are going to have to fix or 
break a lot of things that exist today.  You can implement a simple OS 
that uses the INT 0x21 programming interface, but if it doesn't run 
existing software (because you have a 32 bit kernel that doesn't handle 
segment wrapping correctly), doesn't load existing TSRs, has a different 
memory map, and doesn't allow direct access to hardware, is it really 
DOS anymore?


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] DOS Development Idea

2012-05-02 Thread Michael B. Brutman

Just my opinion, but here it is ...

Trying to do a new OS that resembles DOS but has modern features is not 
feasible and not going to happen.  The biggest problem is DOS 
compatibility - as soon as you start messing with the memory management, 
APIs or fixing the bugs then existing DOS software will break.  You 
can have a DOS-like operating system that supports INT 21 calls, direct 
access to hardware, and some other attributes, but if you can't load DOS 
device drivers, TSRs, or take advantage of weird DOS specific features 
then it really isn't DOS anymore.

DOS is so intertwined with the early PC hardware that it is nearly 
impossible to modernize it.  DOS also tried to remain backwardly 
compatible to a fault, hence the support for FCBs even though file 
handle based I/O should have replaced it back in the mid 80s.  It's a 
kludge on top of a kludge, and that's what makes it DOS.  Fixing the 
kludges makes it something else.

I think that most of us who have thought about DOS have thought about 
how to provide modern hardware and peripheral support - video cards, 
USB, hard drive controllers, etc.  And most of us probably don't want to 
re-invent Linux again.  If we don't use another OS as a base then we 
need to re-implement all of those device drivers in DOS, and that's not 
feasible either.

We have a limited number of people programming.  I think our resources 
are better utilized by making sure we have modern software for DOS that 
keeps the machines and DOS relevant.  Trying to fix architectural 
limitations of DOS is futile - you might as well just start with text 
mode Linux.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] COMPRESS offset problem

2011-12-28 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 12/27/2011 5:43 PM, Ralf A. Quint wrote:
 At the very least, we seem to have different definitions of
 DOS-friendly here... ;-)

 I would have to agree on your judgment of the comp.lang.c usenet
 group though, that group doesn't serve any practical use whatsoever...:-}

Dropping a problem on a list that is only of marginal interest to the 
list and then expecting the list members to do the debug work for you is 
kind of poor behavior.  I thought that sending him to comp.lang.c was a 
way to get him exiled to never-never land ...  apparently you were serious.

The problem with this particular user and project (which I will not 
mention by name) is that he has been trolling the Usenet groups looking 
for help with this particular project.  If you read the message threads 
he has a concept for what he wants, but not much of a way to do it 
himself.  And his methods of trying to solicit interest and help are 
making people irritated.  Check out recent postings in 
comp.os.msdos.programmer if you need the context.

Sending him to the Watcom usenet groups won't go over well.  They are 
not terribly active and their patience will wear thin even quicker.  
Some references to 'How to program in C for beginners' would be far more 


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] COMPRESS offset problem

2011-12-28 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 12/28/2011 9:23 AM, Michael B. Brutman wrote:
 On 12/27/2011 5:43 PM, Ralf A. Quint wrote:
 At the very least, we seem to have different definitions of
 DOS-friendly here... ;-)

 I would have to agree on your judgment of the comp.lang.c usenet
 group though, that group doesn't serve any practical use whatsoever...:-}

 Dropping a problem on a list that is only of marginal interest to the
 list and then expecting the list members to do the debug work for you is
 kind of poor behavior.  I thought that sending him to comp.lang.c was a
 way to get him exiled to never-never land ...  apparently you were serious.

Correction/misquote - You (Ralf) did not suggest comp.lang.c ..


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] final preview for FreeDOS 1.1 release

2011-12-27 Thread Michael B. Brutman
Forgive me, this is going to be long ...

I made a few attempts at creating a new virtual machine and installing 
the preview.  It was a bit rough around the edges, especially from a new 
user perspective.  If it took me a few tries to get things installed 
then something is amiss.

Below are some usability notes I took as I scrapped what I had and 
restarted from scratch.  I know I'm going to be off the mark on some 
things based on my inexperience.

Booting the ISO: The default timeout of 5 seconds before booting the 
Live Environment mode is way too short.  A new user would want to read 
the screen to see the options; right now it will start booting to the 
live environment and confuse them.

Install to harddisk:

(My drive was not partitioned or formatted yet.)

 Welcome to FreeDOS 1.1 Setup

 Destination: checking if FDISK can detect any harddisks

This check correctly found the hard drive with no partitions.  But the 
screen cleared too quickly; there should be a pause to show the results 
of the fdisk check.

The next screen allows you to run FDISK to modify the hard drive 
partition table or load additional drivers for optical drives.  It tells 
you installation will continue in 15 seconds.  Once again that is too 
fast, and there is no count-down timer to show you that the clock is 
ticking.  There is also no way to pause it if you need additional time 
to read or decide.

Running FDISK was uneventful.  But after FDISK exited it went back to 
the previous screen (run FDISK or load optical drivers).  FDISK gives 
a warning about needing a reboot but does not enforce that.  The install 
script should terminate by telling the user that the machine is going to 
be rebooted to restart the installation and actually reboot the machine 
once the user acknowledges it.  (No count-down timers!)

(At this point I forced a reboot to make my partitioning changes stick.)

Resuming where I left off ...

Mysterious a and 1 appear after the 15 second period.  Next comes a 
prompt about Buffering installation files, press N to skip:  There is 
no explanation about what is going to be buffered, or what the 
ramifications are of saying no.  There appears to be a timeout period 
that but it is not stated, and there is no countdown.

Next the RAM disk program runs and creates a drive (G: in my case), but 
all of the operations to create directories and copy files to G: fail.  
All of the messages are out there - it looks really ugly and would scare 
the hell out of somebody.  (I'm not a newbie but even I felt the need to 
stop and debug what just happened, not realizing that the failures did 
not affect the ability to install.)  Any operation to drive G: gave an 
Out of memory error.

The last prompt said:

   Type E:\Setup to start installation of FreeDOS 1.1.
   Batchfile 'D:\AUTOEXEC.BAT' not found.

Again, not confidence inspiring.  D: was completely empty - I am not 
sure what is supposed to be there.

Starting the install with E:\Setup ...

After selecting the language there was a foul stream of Run chkdsk: Bad 
FAT I/O: 0x0001 messages before the installer cleared the screen 
and reported that the drive need formatting.  The latter part was good, 
but the foul stream of error messages really should be hidden.  (And 
whatever caused them needs to only show one message at most, not the 
same message over and over.)

It tells me that it is going to create a FAT32 filesystem.  I formatted 
the drive to be FAT16.  I suspect this is an error in the message text, 
and that it really didn't check the partition type.

The user should get a chance to review the messages from the format ...  
there is no pause.

Continuing with the installation 

2) Change installation mode should tell you what the current mode is.  
It should also be above 1) Start installation of FreeDOS 1.1 Final, 
forcing the user to read through it and consider it.  The screen has 
plenty of room for help text as the user moves through the menu options.

Selecting option 1, a mysterious Syntax Error appeared on a blank 
screen before continuing.  Not confidence inspiring.

The package selection screens should have some basic help - using the 
arrows to move, 'X' means selected, etc.  Boot was missing a 
description - the rest were fairly spartan. Done probably should be 
Continue to the next step.

Second package selection screen: Everything has an 'x' at the end of it 
which makes the 'x' kind of meaningless.  If the description is too long 
it corrupts the right border with extraneous letters instead of 
continuing on the next line.  (Dosfsckx does continue to the next line, 
but the screen formatting is borked.)

Once again, Done should be Continue to the next step.  And that 
should provide a warning that package selection is done and file copying 
is about to start.  (And there should be an option to go back and alter 
if there are last minute doubts.)

After what looks like to be a complete file copying stream another 

Re: [Freedos-devel] final preview for FreeDOS 1.1 release

2011-12-27 Thread Michael B. Brutman


I am going to try to snip the non-relevant (or the understood/agreed 
upon parts) so that this doesn't get too out of control in terms of 
length and lost trains of thought.

I used the latest VirtualBox (4.1.8) which is pretty close to VMWare in 
function.  I did not see anything that I suspect was related to 
VirtualBox but I will try again in VMWare to be certain.  I defined the 
virtual machine to have 64MB of memory and a 500MB hard drive.  
VirtualBox can emulate the PCnet Ethernet adapter, which is convenient 
for us because VMWare does too.

On 12/27/2011 1:19 PM, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
 Op 27-12-2011 17:03, Michael B. Brutman schreef:

 This check correctly found the hard drive with no partitions.  But the
 screen cleared too quickly; there should be a pause to show the results
 of the fdisk check.
 Ah, so at least JEMMEX works for you, didn't build a failsafe around
 that yet. If a harddisk is found is shown again in text form at the
 central menu but I agree it could be more clearer.

Just out of curiosity - Is JEMMEX (or any other expanded memory manager) 
really required for an install?  My impression of the install process is 
that it is mostly a file copy or unpacking exercise.  For the widest 
compatibility not requiring an expanded memory manager would be a great 

 The next screen allows you to run FDISK to modify the hard drive
 partition table or load additional drivers for optical drives.  It tells
 you installation will continue in 15 seconds.  Once again that is too
 fast, and there is no count-down timer to show you that the clock is
 ticking.  There is also no way to pause it if you need additional time
 to read or decide.
 I thought 15secs to be sufficient for a single-choice, but can make that
 longer if desired.

Fifteen seconds if you know what to expect.  A newbie or a person who 
installs infrequently is going to have to read the questions and ponder 
them for a few moments.  Do they need to fdisk again, or are they 
satisfied with what they had?  Do they think they need to load 
additional optical drivers?

 From a usability standpoint there should be plenty of time, a visible 
countdown of some sort, and some way to pause the countdown.  (This 
applies in many places.)  An advanced user can always blast through 
without waiting.  I put myself in the infrequent installer category, and 
I needed more time.

 Running FDISK was uneventful.  But after FDISK exited it went back to
 the previous screen (run FDISK or load optical drivers).  FDISK gives
 a warning about needing a reboot but does not enforce that.  The install
 script should terminate by telling the user that the machine is going to
 be rebooted to restart the installation and actually reboot the machine
 once the user acknowledges it.  (No count-down timers!)
 How was FDISK uneventfull? I know v1.31 has some MBR-detection issues
 (blank disk in VMware for example) so using the older 1.21 one. There's
 an issue if FDISK can't find any disks, then it won't reboot either.
 Using FDAPM instead (there's a couple of hidden options basicly, like
 'r' or 'm' or 's'). I'll see what I can change.

It just worked - no problems.  The blank virtual hard drive in 
VirtualBox did not confuse it all all.

After Fdisk runs (and changes are made) the installer should lead the 
user to reboot the machine.  At the moment it gives a warning that the 
machine should be rebooted, but then it returns to the previous screen 
where it asks if you want to run fdisk or load drivers.  Instead it 
should lead to a screen that says 'Reboot now, or go back to fdisk and 
play some more'.  How the reboot gets done doesn't concern me too much 
as long as the user knows they need to reboot before trying the install 
again to make sure the partitioned disk is now visible.

 Resuming where I left off ...

 Mysterious a and 1 appear after the 15 second period.  Next comes a
 prompt about Buffering installation files, press N to skip:  There is
 no explanation about what is going to be buffered, or what the
 ramifications are of saying no.  There appears to be a timeout period
 that but it is not stated, and there is no countdown.
 I'm not sure how to implement a countdown, it's not an option in CHOICE
 program (and neither is suppressing the selected input char apparently,
 thus explaining the 'a' (auto-mode) and '1' displayed).

Do we need upgrades to CHOICE?  I can do that. ; - 0

 Next the RAM disk program runs and creates a drive (G: in my case), but
 all of the operations to create directories and copy files to G: fail.
 I've seen this on my family's laptop during Christmas and will have to
 debug this, it's not happening on my machine. Quite odd. What happens is
 that a RDPREP.BAT file is being called on the CD that loads SHSUCDRD.
 The SHSUCDRI program (duplicate disk) didn't work for me so I went this
 I can try disabling this routine if that would be more failsafe.

Ok - I'm not alone here.  A lot of machines might

Re: [Freedos-devel] Emulating Keystrokes

2011-11-19 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 11/18/2011 4:24 PM, Ralf A. Quint wrote:
 In particular for games, I would not expect that they necessarily use
 INT 16h functions to read the keyboard, specially when they come with
 their own mapping of the keys.
 You might have to get a level lower probably, messing with
 intercepting/simulating INT 09h to work directly on the scan codes
 instead and then probably make sure that you do not have any keyboard
 driver like KEYB installed either...


And remember, if you go to the INT 09 level then you need to be careful 
about which set of scan codes a machine recognizes.  Older iron (what I 
specialize in) won't see or understand the newer keys on the extended 

(The PCjr gets around this by mapping the scan codes from its unique 
keyboard to standard PC and XT scan codes before invoking INT 09.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] Testing for valid drives

2011-10-03 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 10/3/2011 6:42 AM, Eric Auer wrote:
 No, it actually behaves as expected if you see this in DOSEMU: Only
 FAT drives have a DPB, but network / redirector / CD / DVD drives
 do not, so as RBIL already says: FFh invalid or network drive ;-)

I missed the network drive part, which makes the code is incorrect.  
However, I tested FreeDOS in a virtual machine to confirm the bug, and 
no drives are showing up there.  That seems to be an error - there is at 
least the virtual hard drive (C:) which is a FAT device that should have 
shown up.

So what should be a minor bug (missing network drives) is missing all 
drives under FreeDOS if I use INT 21,32h.  What am I missing?


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] Freedos and lack of drivers

2011-09-14 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 9/14/2011 7:31 AM, Travis Siegel wrote:
 Mike, I like your suggestions.  One thing that always bothered me
 about dos versions that have come out since ms dropped the ball is
 their complete lack of inovation.  I realize there's only so much
 that can be done if you're intending to keep 100 percent
 compatibility, but still, it's not hard to imagine such details as
 enumerated here.
 One thing I wonder is why nobody builds a dos multitasker that simply
 spawns a new virtual 386 machine for each new dos task.  That would
 keep 100 percent compatibility, and still allow complete and free
 multitasking.  The virtual 386 machines would take care of
 virtualizing keyboards and video output automatically, since it's all
 built into the 386 hardware.  I'm fairly certain, none of that
 ability has been removed with the newer cores and such.
 I see no reason why this sort of thing couldn't work.  I'm not
 positive, but I think this is the approach vmix386 took, and why it
 worked so well (at least with my testing) it would be fantastic to
 have such an os.

What I suggested earlier can be implemented using the virtual 386 mode.  
The difference is that instead of running several virtual 386s 
independently, the DOS kernel within the virtual 386 can 
coordinate/share resources with other DOS kernels running concurrently.  
This gives the illusion of true multitasking in DOS while keeping 
separate hardware resources so that the ill-behaved programs we love so 
much can still touch all of the hardware and memory in their address space.

The other, more modern alternative is to use KVM/QEMU and the hardware 
support built into the more recent x86 processors.  This setup is used 
by other virtualization environments, and KVM/QEMU have the advantage 
that the guest OS (our DOS kernel) can do magic syscalls to ask for an 
assist from the host OS (Linux).  It allows us to move a lot of the DOS 
kernel into KVM/QEMU where you have a much better programming 
environment (Linux), resources, etc.

 Another thing I wonder, is why it is that nobody has built anything
 that allows executing of multiple oses on a single computer, using
 one cpu core for each os, thereby allowing each os to run natively on
 it's own cpu, thus eliminating the need to vertualize anything
 (except perhaps output and input), but then each and every os would
 have it's own cpu, and all of them would run at full native speeds.
 Then you could have as many oses running as you have cpu cores to
 handle them.
 (still waiting) I guess someone will do it eventually, but until they
 do, I'll stick with my osx machine, and my several dos boxes
 scattered everywhere. :)

I'm sure somebody does that, but that is more of hard partitioning 
scheme than a virtualization scheme.  PowerPC machines can do that 
(LPAR) as do large IBM mainframes.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

[Freedos-devel] Heads up: DOS ain't dead forum is closing

2011-09-13 Thread Michael B. Brutman

Here is the link to the announcement:

To me this is a serious problem - losing a piece of the DOS community is 
bad.  Losing the place where a lot of the programmers hang out is even 


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] Freedos and lack of drivers

2011-09-12 Thread Michael B. Brutman

I have been thinking about what a more modern DOS would look like.  Some 
ideas ...

- A task would look a lot like a single instance of DOS running 
today.  The address space of a task would look the same, so it would 
have the interrupt table, BIOS area, video display buffer, expansion 
ROMs, system ROM, and extended memory that you find on a DOS system 
today.  (Kind of like a running instance of DOSBox, but with better 
device and hardware emulation.)

- MS DOS has its own concept of process, which is an instance of a 
running executable.  That concept remains unchanged.  Multiple processes 
live within a task (as defined above) just as they do today.

- The DOS kernel supports most (if not all) of the standard DOS 
functions.  As there is an interrupt table and system ROM, BIOS 
functions are available as well.

- Multiple tasks could be started and running.  But they are logically 
part of one machine and one OS, not just separate instances of an emulator.

The underlying kernel is a bit more sophisticated:

- There is a shared filesystem for the machine.  If that filesystem is 
not FAT then it is made to look like FAT by the time the DOS function 
calls run.

- Memory mapping is used so that the tasks exist in different address 
spaces, and thus are protected against each other.  Memory mapping is 
also used to give the illusion that each copy has its own video buffer 
so that direct screen writes and other normal practices are not problems.

- The DOS portion of the operating system that is visible to the user 
applications is a thin wrapper that calls into the real OS.  That keeps 
the memory footprint of the DOS kernel in each task minimal.

- There is a real networking stack that can be used, and is shared 
across the entire machine.  Additional DOS function calls are defined to 
use it, or a packet driver used a shim is used to support existing 

- The kernel provides some other services that we are missing, like cut 
n paste support between the different tasks and inter-process communication.

Another way to look at this is that you have a real operating system 
like Linux with a new (or better) DOS emulator.  The DOS emulator takes 
some pain to try to emulate a real machine; keyboard interrupts, timer 
tick interrupts, 8250 and 16550 device emulation, etc.  The difference 
is that unlike running multiple instances of DOSBox in separate Linux 
processes, the emulator allows some sharing of common state and data 
between the different emulated DOS tasks.

I can't see adding all of this (or even 1/10th of it) to FreeDOS.  But I 
can see starting with a fairly stripped down Linux base and doing some 
hardcore development work with KVM to build this.  Riding on top of 
Linux takes care of our hardware compatibility problems and the emulator 
should preserve most of our existing software base.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] potential issues with freedos in virtual environments

2011-08-09 Thread Michael B. Brutman

In a not so long ago job assignment I spent a little time learning the 
innards of KVM, qemu, and virtualization technology in general.

The virtualization environments are going to do a good job running your 
instructions on real hardware.  All modern hardware has support for 
doing this, sometimes even very sophisticated support for shadow page 
tables.  (Luckily DOS doesn't need all of that.)  Things get more 
complicated if you run a privileged instruction; that requires an assist 
from the VM for security reasons.

When a VM blindly emulates hardware things slow down.  For example, the 
AMD PCNet emulation that VirtualBox and VMware provides requires both of 
those VMs to sit and emulate each and every I/O operation from the 
packet driver or networking software.  The same thing goes for IDE 
emulation, and any other hardware emulation.

The better virtualization environments realize this and use 
paravirtualization.  In a nutshell, the guest operating system runs 
special device drivers that know how to hit magic buttons in the VM.  In 
the case of the network adapter, instead of doing a whole bunch of 
privileged I/O operations to send a packet a paravirtualized driver can 
press a magic button on the VM, telling it where the data is and how to 
send it.  The partitioning support on all of the big IBM Power machines 
use this trick.  When VMWare provides special drivers to Windows for 
file sharing and screen handling it is doing the same thing.

Ultimately we're going to need to have DOS device drivers that know how 
to interact with the various VMs.  In the case of VirtualBox, that 
should not be a large problem - the interfaces are in the open source 
code.  For VMware and closed source VMs it might not be possible unless 
the interfaces are published.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] UPX and XFDISK

2011-08-01 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 8/1/2011 7:31 PM, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
 Op 30-7-2011 15:29, dos386 schreef:
 Got the answer ???

 - LZMA decompressible on 8086: YES
 - LZMA vs NRV/UCL: LZMA (much?) slower decompression
 - Ultra-Brutal-Effect: much slower compression,
 no performance penalty on decompression (?)
 I did a quick test here by looking if UPX --ultra-brute --lzma --8086
 generated smaller binaries than the one which are distributed in the
 MTCP/UPX file. And indeed smaller, so think Mike used default UPX
 settings ( --best --8086). It's indeed quite likely LZMA and UltraBrute
 options may at least cause slower loading (more decompression time
 required) or not work at all on 8086. If it does work however, awesome :)

 LZMA versus other alghorythms: likely slower indeed, but wasn't tested
 as Mike tested against uncompressed binaries (with longer DISK-reading
 time yet no time wasted on decompressing ofcourse).

I'm willing to get out the stopwatch and retest now that I know more.

There was a question about the which of the algorithms (LZMA, NRV, UCL) 
is safe for GPL software.  A quick review of the UPX web site did not 
give me a clear answer on which one was used when I specified -9 
--8086 for options.  Does anybody know off the top of their heads?


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] Testing evaluating the 1.1 release

2011-07-16 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 7/15/2011 11:33 AM, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
 Op 15-7-2011 5:08, Michael B. Brutman schreef:
 - How do I use the new installer that Jim has been working on?
 It's in the new ISO that I plan to upload by Sunday evening. Still need
 to work out some things to make it a smoother experience. The initial
 menu showing which CD drives were found for example (which I also should
 add plain directories to, but that's more difficult).

Good - I await the next revision.  I'm trying to do my part here by 
testing it ..

 - Are all of the binaries always put into the one bin dir?  I expected
 the optional packages to be separated into subdirectories, not lumped in
 with the critical OS commands.
 All is together. Nothing is preventing an additional directory called
 EXTRA, putting subdirectory PACKAGES below it and a BASE directory below
 that, and then install from that location, allowing a 2nd directory.

The following is just a matter of personal preference and/or opinion ..

On all of my machines (DOS, Windows and Unix) I try to keep the optional 
packages separate from the core OS functions.  So DOS will live in /DOS 
and nothing else will be in that directory.

Smaller utilities wind up in something like /utils/text, 
/utils/disk, /utils/zip, etc.  If something has a lot of files that 
deserves it's own directory.  mTCP usually lives in /mtcp or 
/packet/mtcp depending on what other networking code I have installed.

I can see where DHCP, FTP, PING, SNTP, and TELNET could be considered 
core OS functions so I'm not entirely opposed.  It's just different than 
what I'm used to seeing, not just on DOS.

 - I noticed the PCNet packet driver, which was a happy coincidence
 because I was installing under VMWare.  Has their been any thought to
 including other common packet drivers?
 FreeDOS 1.0 has lots of packet drivers, I didn't include them so far to
 keep the CD minimalistic. Rebuilding for every change on batchfiles can
 be a pain :)

Does this mean that they will be put on the CD later, or that the user 
has to find a different way to get them on the machine?  I think that 
every packet driver known to man probably fits within 1MB of space. :-)  
(Ok, maybe 2 ...)

Is the intent of the CD to provide a minimal install?

 - Did I miss the option to install the WATTCP based programs?
 See above, minimising things. WATTCP programs are usually compiled as
 DJGPP programs, having kind of huge disk footprint compared to your
 drivers for example.

Same question as above - the capacity of a CD is quite large, and 12MB 
for an OS install image is tiny.  As an end user I would much prefer 
that what I need is on the CD already even if it means a larger download 
size.  (Or give me a choice of ISO images to use.)

I'm new to this, so if this is already addressed in some way then 
forgive me and just point me on my way ...

 - Do I have time to do a minimal mTCP configuration program that can be
 used to walk users through setting up the configuration file?
 Ofcourse, knock yourself out :)

I noticed the problem with the improper CR/LF in the mTCP configuration 
file that you reported a week or two ago, and I assume that we can just 
fix the original file.  Depending on your time table I can either fix 
DHCP to be more tolerant of improper new lines in files or I can try to 
do something more comprehensive that looks like an installer.  In a 
perfect world the installer would just prompt for a few things like the 
IRC user name, FTP buffer sizes, MTU size, etc.  If that doesn't happen 
in time having those fields in the mTCP config file (but commented out 
as I do in the sample) would be a reasonable substitute.

BTW, I'm happy/honored to be part of the group.  I just want to ensure 
that the mTCP code looks/behaves more like the OS so that it doesn't 
cause usability problems or stick out too much.  It's not a full 
networking stack, but the idea of a coherent set of networking utilities 
available at install time with the OS is very appealing.


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Freedos-devel mailing list

[Freedos-devel] Testing evaluating the 1.1 release

2011-07-14 Thread Michael B. Brutman

I just took my first pass at installing 1.1 using the ISO image that 
Bernd Blaauw provided a few days ago.  I got it done, but it was not 
without a few problems.  I'll assume those are user errors until I can 
prove otherwise.

Some general questions and comments from a newbie:

- How do I use the new installer that Jim has been working on?

- Are all of the binaries always put into the one bin dir?  I expected 
the optional packages to be separated into subdirectories, not lumped in 
with the critical OS commands.

- I noticed the PCNet packet driver, which was a happy coincidence 
because I was installing under VMWare.  Has their been any thought to 
including other common packet drivers?

- Did I miss the option to install the WATTCP based programs?

- Do I have time to do a minimal mTCP configuration program that can be 
used to walk users through setting up the configuration file?


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Freedos-devel mailing list

[Freedos-devel] UPX compression for DOS apps

2011-07-11 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 7/10/2011 10:25 AM, Bernd Blaauw wrote:

 do you have any experience using UPX (executable file compressor) on
 your programs? I'm wondering if
 1) programs still load properly for you on 8086
 2) smaller disksize + in-memory-decryption faster than loading entire file.

 I'm pretty sure the compression program itself is 386+ or 586+,
 but compressed executables should be 8086+ if used with proper options.
 ( ) , upx --best --8086 c:\mtcp\*.exe

  Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
 Copyright (C) 1996 - 2010
 UPX 3.07d   Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar  John Reiser

   File size Ratio  Format  Name
     --   ---   ---
51974 -  32191   61.94% dos/exe dhcp.exe
39372 -  25975   65.97% dos/exe dnstest.exe
   102256 -  56758   55.51% dos/exe ftp.exe
   111996 -  58321   52.07% dos/exe ftpsrv.exe
87044 -  48833   56.10% dos/exe ircjr.exe
76430 -  44563   58.31% dos/exe nc.exe
40092 -  26488   66.07% dos/exe ping.exe
41660 -  27319   65.58% dos/exe sntp.exe
69230 -  40488   58.48% dos/exe spdtest.exe
86730 -  48854   56.33% dos/exe telnet.exe
     --   ---   ---

I tested UPX on one of the slowest machines that I have that has a hard 
drive.  On a PCjr with a NEC V20 and XT-IDE adapter UPX compressed 
executables worked, but they took noticeably longer to start up:

 FTPSRV: original was 2 seconds, with UPX is 5 seconds
 PING: original was 1 second, with UPX is 2 seconds

The V20 makes the machine a little faster than a standard 8088 based 
machine.  The XT-IDE adapter is slow as far as hard drive controllers 
go; on a real XT the delay would be more pronounced because the 
controller is far better.  But on an 80286 or better I'm sure that the 
difference is not noticeable.

I think that most people are running on faster hardware with plenty of 
storage space, so this is interesting but probably not worth making part 
of the build process.  (Is my instinct correct here?  I think I'm one of 
the few nut jobs on 8088 based hardware, because it's fun!)

On a slightly off topic note, I need to learn to build FreeDOS.  I 
suspect it doesn't like my PCjr and I'm going to have to fix that. :-)


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[Freedos-devel] File directory buffering and updates

2011-07-10 Thread Michael B. Brutman

I have a report from a user who is getting stale directory data when 
running the mTCP FTP server.  They are running a TSR in the background 
which is updating a file once a day.  If they connect to the FTP server 
and look at the directory they will see the date and size of the file at 
the time the FTP server started, not the most current values.

Apparently a WATTCP32 based app has the same symptoms, but the Datalight 
Sockets FTP server does not.  (I think the Datalight Sockets FTP server 
runs as a TSR, not a foreground app.)

I use _dos_findfirst and _dos_findnext to read directories. These use 
function 0x4E.  I expect that if there is a TSR modifying something in 
the background that calling the DOS function directly (as I am) should 
provide the most current results, but that is not what is being 
reported.  Can somebody give me an idea of what I am missing?  I am not 
sure what they would get if they tried to open the file and transfer 
it.  I also don't know if the TSR is closing the file after each update 
- I imagine that leaving the file open would create problems.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] mTCP FTP performance (Was: watcom tcp

2011-07-10 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 7/10/2011 10:25 AM, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
 Op 7-7-2011 13:58, Michael B. Brutman schreef:

 do you have any experience using UPX (executable file compressor) on
 your programs? I'm wondering if
 1) programs still load properly for you on 8086
 2) smaller disksize + in-memory-decryption faster than loading entire file.

 I'm pretty sure the compression program itself is 386+ or 586+,
 but compressed executables should be 8086+ if used with proper options.
 ( ) , upx --best --8086 c:\mtcp\*.exe

  Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
 Copyright (C) 1996 - 2010
 UPX 3.07d   Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar  John Reiser

   File size Ratio  Format  Name
     --   ---   ---
51974 -  32191   61.94% dos/exe dhcp.exe
39372 -  25975   65.97% dos/exe dnstest.exe
   102256 -  56758   55.51% dos/exe ftp.exe
   111996 -  58321   52.07% dos/exe ftpsrv.exe
87044 -  48833   56.10% dos/exe ircjr.exe
76430 -  44563   58.31% dos/exe nc.exe
40092 -  26488   66.07% dos/exe ping.exe
41660 -  27319   65.58% dos/exe sntp.exe
69230 -  40488   58.48% dos/exe spdtest.exe
86730 -  48854   56.33% dos/exe telnet.exe
     --   ---   ---

That looks very promising - I will test it out.  I imagine that 
decompression time on the smaller machines is a little longer, but that 
is offset by that much less disk I/O.  And the smaller machines are 
often tight on storage.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] mTCP FTP performance (Was: watcom tcp

2011-07-07 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 7/6/2011 7:10 PM, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
 Op 7-7-2011 1:32, Michael B. Brutman schreef:
 mTCP FTP compares poorly to the native stack and FireFox there, but FTP
 is working in a very limited environment:

* The TCP/IP socket receive buffer is tiny compared to the native
  network stack
* You are doing filesystem writes 8KB at a time
* You have a small virtualization penalty
* The packet interface wasn't designed for high performance; every
  incoming packet requires a hardware interrupt and two software
 I'm happy with whatever I can get. My real hardware has an Nvidia
 chipset network driver for which no packet drivers exist, so sticking to
 virtual machines. I wonder if any PCI (or even PCI-express or onboard)
 network cards still support packet drivers.

 8KB filesystem writes? odd. So it's:
 1) download/transfer 8KB (8KB transfer buffer)
 2) halt download, dump transfer buffer to disk and clear it
 3) continue downloading.

Not so odd.  All comm code fills buffers and then processes the 
buffers.  Unless you have a multi-core system you are always halting the 
processing of TCP/IP protocol handling to do your disk writes.  Modern 
OSes with DMA support hide some of that by letting the DMA controller of 
the disk (and possibly the Ethernet controller if so equipped) do the 
byte copying work.  But in the absence of DMA the host CPU does 
everything, and does it in a single threaded manner.

 Easier at least compared to having a 8KB transfer buffer plus a 'huge'
 receive buffer (nearly size of all of machine's conventional memory, a
 multiple of 8KB?) followed by only clearing the buffer if it's full or a
 file has been downloaded completely (whichever comes first). Your single
 buffer might be more efficient compared to transfer buffer plus receive

 Or perhaps I should stay silent hehe, failed miserably while learning
 about OSI layers and TCP/IP.

I suspect that the Intel chipsets on PCI-X cards will work; their PCI 
chipset cards had working packet drivers and from a software standpoint 
PCI-X is identical to PCI.  On the wiki at the Google project page I 
have three different PCI cards listed that are known to work.  (And I'd 
like to hear about more.)

In this environment we are entirely single threaded, except for the 
hardware buffering that happens on the Ethernet card.  To receive a 
packet the path looks like this:

- the card receives and buffers the frame from the wire
- the card signals a hardware interrupt
- the packet driver responds and either interrogates the card or copies 
the contents of the frame
- the packet driver makes an upcall to the TCP/IP code
- the TCP/IP code either provides a buffer or says 'no room'
- the packet driver makes a second upcall to let the TCP/IP code know 
the frame is copied
- the interrupt ends and the interrupted code resumes
- the packet must now go through IP and TCP protocol processing

The buffering scheme works at three levels:

- Raw packet buffers (20 at 1514 bytes)
- TCP receive buffering (8KB)
- File read/write chunk size (8KB)

Raw packet buffers are used by the packet driver directly.  They are the 
critical resource; if you run out of those you start dropping frames 
coming in from the wire.  TCP buffering is designed to pull data from 
those packet buffers as quickly as possible so that they may be 
recycled.  (In the case where you have a lot of small incoming packets 
that is really critical because every incoming packet is allocated 1514 
bytes whether it needs it or not.)  The TCP buffer is organized as a 
ring buffer so it is more space efficient.

The application reads from the TCP buffer and writes to the filesystem.  
All of this is still single threaded and for most systems the bottle 
neck is the disk access time, not the copying of data from multiple 
buffers.  At a minimum all reads and writes to the filesystem should be 
done in multiples of 512 bytes; anything less requires DOS to do a 
read/modify/write as it writes data to the blocks of the filesystem.  
1KB reads and writes were very inefficient to do - after some 
experimenting I found that 8KB was good.  16 or 32KB are marginally better.

The buffer sizes generally are not larger because larger does not make 
that much of a difference in the performance of the filesystem writes 
and does have a negative impact on buffering.  Long writes delay TCP 
protocol processing, causing incoming buffers to run low and delaying 
the sending of ACK packets for the received data.  The major opportunity 
for improving performance is to send the ACK for the packet as quickly 
as possible, right after TCP goes through protocol processing but before 
the application tries to read the receive buffer and empty it.  Getting 
that ACK out early keeps the flow of data constant and hides some of the 
latency the 'receive data/write data' cycle that is occurring.

Another optimization I could make to this would be to have the FTP 
application handle

Re: [Freedos-devel] mTCP DHCP errorlevels (watcom tcp

2011-07-07 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 7/6/2011 7:10 PM, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
 For DHCP I can imagine various errorlevels for different reasons:
 * missing MTCPCFG variable
 * MTCPCFG variable points to non-existing file
 * missing PACKETINT keyword in file
 * unable to write to MTCPCFG file (yay hidden/readonly)
 * packetdriver not loaded yet
 * static config found in MTCPCFG file
 * time out (no DHCP server found)
 * what else? invalid MTU size?


I have resisted getting too detailed with the errorlevels because I 
would need to make them consistent across all of the applications. At 
some point I'm not going to control all of the applications, so I won't 
be able to enforce it. The user readable error messages are usually 
descriptive enough.  (I might address this by reserving a block of error 
codes for the library, most of which would be used during startup.)

We might have a small misunderstanding about the relationship between 
DHCP and the configuration file.  All of the mTCP applications think 
that they are using a static configuration.  They read the configuration 
file and use what they find.  DHCP is a special case; it is the only 
code that will alter the configuration file.  This allows me to keep all 
of the other code simple while still providing DHCP support; all of the 
other code thinks it is using static configuration and DHCP plays along 
with that fiction.  Therefore, DHCP will usually find a static config in 
the file because it wrote the static config there the last time it was 
run.  (If you are generating the config file each time before calling 
DHCP then finding a static config would seem like a reason to stop, but 
normally it is not.)


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] mTCP FTP URIs (was: watcom tcp

2011-07-07 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 7/6/2011 7:10 PM, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
 That funny URI syntax was grafted on. What exact URI are you using? Are
 you adding ftp://; or just // ?
 FreeCOM (maybe also MSDOS or 4DOS) seem to split arguments
 at the / level. See the FOR LOOP in my batchfile, with batchfile
 called as: ftp.exe

 resulting in:
 ftp.exe //
 (on which it chokes, not knowing how to handle //).

 Basicly there are 2 options:
 1) find a way to strip the prepending // before feeding to FTP
 2) allow FTP to accept them and strip it themselves, requiring code changes.

Ah - I forgot to take the command line parsing into account.  What 
happened to the ftp: before the // in this case?

Let me see how this behaves on my other systems before deciding what to 
do.  I don't want to build in workarounds for strange command line 
parsing into the code.  A more general solution might be to allow the 
parameter to be quoted on the command line so that I can just handle 
standard URI syntax.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] mTCP FTP performance (Was: watcom tcp

2011-07-07 Thread Michael B. Brutman

Just for grins I did a little speed testing comparing mTCP running in a 
VM to native FTP under Windows XP.  Here are the results:

File size: 32MB
Source: Linux 2.6.x running on a Pentium 233, local 100Mb/sec connection

Windows XP command line FTP client: ~8950KB/sec
LFTP running under Cygwin: ~8850KB/sec
mTCP, VMWare 3.13, PCNet emulation, standard buffer sizes: ~3950KB/sec
mTCP, VMWare 3.13, PCNet emulation, max buffer sizes: ~6826KB/sec

So the maximum buffer size settings do improve performance quite a bit.  
I need to go back and test my older/slower machines to see if they see 
similar results.  Performance characteristics have changed since I set 
those buffer sizes and some tweaking to the defaults might be 
appropriate.  (All of this can be set from the configuration file today, 
so no new code is needed.)


All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] watcom tcp

2011-07-06 Thread Michael B. Brutman

On 7/6/2011 6:02 PM, Bernd Blaauw wrote: :
1) 2.0 to 2.5MByte/second ( around 20Mbit/s, 25Mbit ISP subscription)
2) N/A , WGET not working
3) 500Kbyte/second ( around 4Mbit/s)

mTCP FTP compares poorly to the native stack and FireFox there, but FTP 
is working in a very limited environment:

   * The TCP/IP socket receive buffer is tiny compared to the native
 network stack
   * You are doing filesystem writes 8KB at a time
   * You have a small virtualization penalty
   * The packet interface wasn't designed for high performance; every
 incoming packet requires a hardware interrupt and two software

But for older machines, it is more than adequate.  I'll try a few tests 
here - I also test under VMware, VirtualBox, and DOSBox but I never 
thought to compare the performance to the native TCP/IP stack.

Did you set the MTU size to 1500 in the configuration file?  If you did 
not, that will dramatically improve the speed.

Trying to get FTP.EXE working with WGET syntax is funny.
Limitation: servername has // prepended to it which ftp.exe doesn't like.

That funny URI syntax was grafted on.  What exact URI are you using?  
Are you adding ftp://; or just // ?

Bug: DHCP.EXE doesn't start on newline, ruining IPADDRESS parameter
(my MTCP.CFG has PACKETINT 0x60 but lacked CR/LF somehow).

Can you explain this in more detail?  If you were missing a proper CR/LF 
at the end of a line then the C runtime would not have recognized the 
start of the next line, and that line would be effectively lost.  This 
happens if you use an editor that doesn't use the CR/LF convention.  (I 
often make this mistake when using VI under Cygwin.)

I could recognize both CR/LF and LF in the parsing code to improve 
things when you are in a mixed environment.  But all of the code that 
reads the configuration file would have to change too, not just DHCP.  
That really has the flavor of a user error.

* FTP accepting // in front of a servername
* DHCP starting MTCP.CFG writes on a newline
* DHCP: different errorlevels for various situations instead of
errorlevel 1 on all errors? aka how to determine if packet driver still
needs to be loaded


For the first request I think that I have to look for either ftp://; or 
just // to be correct.  The second request might be considered a user 
error.  And for the third I will definitely put that on the todo list; 
the error messages already indicate if the packet driver is not loaded 
but I can set errorlevel too.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] watcom tcp

2011-07-02 Thread Michael B. Brutman

Thanks for the plugs for mTCP - I am buried in work and away from email 
for a good part of the day.

There are a lot more WATTCP apps out there because WATTCP has been 
around a lot longer, and there is a benefit to that long term 
stability.  I think that I have covered the more popular applications in 
mTCP so far, with the exception of htget or wget.  If you can think of 
others let me know.

Also, Ulrich has done a great job putting together a FreeDOS networking 
sampler ( for anybody who 
needs to try it out or look at configuration files for help.  It 
includes WATTCP and mTCP apps.  (mTCP has been updated a few times since 
that was created, but it is close enough.)


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Re: [Freedos-devel] watcom tcp

2011-07-02 Thread Michael B. Brutman
On 7/2/2011 7:42 PM, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
 Op 3-7-2011 1:54, François Revol schreef:
 Any of those two supports IPv6 ? So FreeDOS can survive the IPcalypse :D
 Don't think so.

 Stuff I can think of which is missing:
 2) WOL-client to wake up machines in the network by sending magic packet
 3) IP v6
 4) Jumboframes (9000 bytes I think it was?) as MTU

 As for the usual rhetoric: it's opensource, patches welcome, fix it
 yourself if you want more hehe :)
 Or wait till Michael has time and sees use in adding these things.

 As FTP.EXE is a DOS program, and DOS is singletasking anyway, I wonder
 if it uses as big a buffer as it can possibly get (for simplicity's
 sake, all available conventional memory, not bothering with XMS/EMS etc
 as it's a 8086 app) and use it in a beneficial way to speed things up.
 Or maybe it might be limited to a partial buffer, or not benefit from
 going over a specific buffer size.

[1] A fully featured wget will be difficult to get into the memory 
space.  I have plans for a simple version that does not recurse, does 
not support Unicode, etc.

[2] WOL-client.  Pretty easy, but seems to be of limited use.

[3] IPv6 - this is very feasible.  I started looking at it a few years 
ago but did not start coding because IPv6 is not widespread enough for 
me to test effectively.  (I have my own network, but I'm waiting for 
broader ISP support.)  With IPv6 we will survive the IPocalypse. :-)  [ 
François - loved that! ]

[4] Jumboframes - unlikely.  That's a packet driver issue and none of 
the packet drivers support jumbo frames.  I can change the maximum frame 
size fairly easily (it is a #define) but without packet driver support 
it is moot.  (Some of the newer cards have packet drivers with source 
code available, so maybe it is not so bad.)

There are other issues with jumbo frames.  We might be able to support 
them, but getting the performance out of them will be close to 
impossible with the way packet drivers work.  If you hardware can do 
jumbo frames it might be a better candidate for a small Linux.

FTP uses buffer sizes around 8KB in size, and it is adjustable with an 
environment variable.  1KB was too small.  4KB was far better.  16 and 
32KB give marginal improvements.  I chose 8KB as a compromise.  (Look at 
the docs for the environment variables.)


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