Re: [Freeipa-users] DNS reverse Zones on other server

2016-05-02 Thread Petr Spacek

first of all, please always keep mailing list in Cc. I re-added it back. See

On 2.5.2016 14:40, Wanka, Silvio wrote:
> Petr Spacek wrote:
>> >
> Again Thx for you answer!
>> > It works differently. DNS updates from clients would be forwarded to AD
>> > server (as today) and two-way trust would enable AD to authenticate IPA
>> > clients.
> This is not what I need, my IPA "clients" are always servers with statically 
> IP addresses, i.e. "ipa-client-install" creates a fix A record and the 
> enabled "Allow PTR sync" does nothing because it can't.
>> > Anyway, neither slave nor stub would help you with this problem as both
>> > types are by definition read-only.
> In bind exists an option "allow-update-forwarding" which would offer such 
> possibility but then IPA must use it if the a record should be created but 
> the zone is locally. Maybe in the future. I know from Windows DNS servers 
> which are not Domain Controllers what the forward the request of its clients 
> to create or update a DNS record to the DCs if the domain is configured e.g. 
> as stub zone on this non DC DNS servers.

AFAIK this works only when local server is authoritative for the zone. As far
as I understood you IPA is not authoritative for the reverse zones so it would
do nothing.

I'm curious how this options works with GSS-TSIG updates, I never tried that.

You might set-up slave zone manually in named.conf and then try to enable this
option. Please report your findings to the mailing list, I'm very curious.

I hope this will help.

Petr^2 Spacek

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Re: [Freeipa-users] DNS reverse Zones on other server

2016-05-02 Thread Petr Spacek
On 29.4.2016 17:46, Wanka, Silvio wrote:
> Hi,
> if I search in the web for this problem I don’t find an useable solution, 
> maybe my search pattern is wrong. ;-)
> I have setup an IPA domain with integrated DNS but because the most systems 
> here are Windows servers and clients the IPA clients must use the same IP 
> ranges. So the reverse zones are located on AD domain controllers. These 
> reverse zones are of course configured as forward zones on the IPA DNS 
> server. So reverse lookup works properly for all AD computers but I miss a 
> possibility that if we join a computer to IPA which adds a DNS record or 
> manually add a DNS record that the reverse record will be automatically added 
> on AD site as it would be done if the reverse zone would be located on IPA 
> site.
> Is there the only possibility to manage the reverse record on AD site 
> manually or update/refresh it per regular running script?
> I have a one-way trust to AD but won’t change it to two-way, if necessary and 
> possible I would use a special AD account for that.

I can see two options:
- configure DHCP server to somehow update the DNS server (to avoid
authentication of client machines to to the DNS server for updates)

- use two-way trust - you already denied this option

Sorry, we do not have better answer for you right now.

Petr^2 Spacek

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[Freeipa-users] DNS reverse Zones on other server

2016-04-29 Thread Wanka, Silvio

if I search in the web for this problem I don’t find an useable solution, maybe 
my search pattern is wrong. ;-)

I have setup an IPA domain with integrated DNS but because the most systems 
here are Windows servers and clients the IPA clients must use the same IP 
ranges. So the reverse zones are located on AD domain controllers. These 
reverse zones are of course configured as forward zones on the IPA DNS server. 
So reverse lookup works properly for all AD computers but I miss a possibility 
that if we join a computer to IPA which adds a DNS record or manually add a DNS 
record that the reverse record will be automatically added on AD site as it 
would be done if the reverse zone would be located on IPA site.
Is there the only possibility to manage the reverse record on AD site manually 
or update/refresh it per regular running script?

I have a one-way trust to AD but won’t change it to two-way, if necessary and 
possible I would use a special AD account for that.


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