Re: Freeradius 2.0 - vmps feature, inaccuracies on FreeNAC

2007-07-09 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

   I remain, as always, resolute in my plans for world domination. :)

cough please take your place in the queue  ;-)

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Re: Login /logout script hooks

2007-07-09 Thread Alan DeKok
Steven J Lamb wrote:
 I have been looking for a good example of a way to execute scripts when
 there is a login or logout. I haven't yet found a good example and
 unfortunately all of my attempts have failed to do anything. Any help or
 suggestions as to where I can find a good example of running a shell script
 when someone logs in or logs out. I would much appreciate it.

  See the exec module.  It can run scripts, and you can run the exec
module whenever you want.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: FR + AD host/ machine/ workstation authentication

2007-07-09 Thread Jacob Jarick
If you wish to split hairs over a single line in my email that you
purposefully skewed the meaning off by all means be that guy. Should
you have anything constructive at all to offer the conversation please
do, however petty criticisms are not welcome though.

On 7/9/07, Alan DeKok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jacob Jarick wrote:
  Not everything comment / criticism about free radius is a vieled
  insult at you or your work Alan (rolls eyes).
  saying the radiusd.conf is touchy is a fail call, since it is and most
  people offering help warn / suggest about changing 1 line at a time.

   Saying the configuration file is touchy is an admission that you
 don't understand how it works, and that you don't have a methodical
 approach to changing it.

   The recommendations aren't to change a line at a time.  The
 recommendations are to have a methodical approach to creating a new

   And to read the documentation.

   Alan DeKok.
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Re: SQL IP Pool maximum timeout.

2007-07-09 Thread Alan DeKok
Peter Nixon wrote:
 In other words, it should only be clearing IP's 
 for which a 'stop' query has gone astray, on the basis that you can't have
 more than one connection to an individual NAS port.  It certainly
 shouldn't just free up all IP's based on expiry_time.

  Will it re-allocate IP's once the expiry time has passed?  That seems
to be the problem, I think.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: SQL IP Pool maximum timeout.

2007-07-09 Thread Peter Nixon
On Mon 09 Jul 2007, Alan DeKok wrote:
 Peter Nixon wrote:
  In other words, it should only be clearing IP's
  for which a 'stop' query has gone astray, on the basis that you can't
  have more than one connection to an individual NAS port.  It certainly
  shouldn't just free up all IP's based on expiry_time.

   Will it re-allocate IP's once the expiry time has passed?  That seems
 to be the problem, I think.

Yes. That IS the purpose of the expiry time :-)

As long as you are getting accounting updates the expiry time continues to be 
extended. See:

alive-update = UPDATE ${ippool_table} \
  SET expiry_time = 'now'::timestamp(0) + '${lease-duration} 
seconds'::interval \
  WHERE nasipaddress = '%{Nas-IP-Address}' AND pool_key = '${pool-key}' AND 
username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' \
  AND callingstationid = '%{Calling-Station-Id}' AND framedipaddress 
= '%{Framed-IP-Address}'



Peter Nixon
PGP Key:
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Re: FR + AD host/ machine/ workstation authentication

2007-07-09 Thread Jacob Jarick
Fussy config file = petty criticism ?

If so deal with it you will hear far worse I'm sure. Why not be honest
? and admit that all your really after is to continue the conflict we
hard several months ago.

So can we drop it please?  If nothing else this is counter productive.
I'm very surprised your still upset from previous clash which I had
let lie. To be still looking for conflict after all this time is quite

so there is no misunderstanding:

* The Freeradius configs are the touchiest fussiest config files I
have ever dealt with, this in no way reflects on the product itself.
It is just a very steep learning curve. I also am aware that most of
the complexity is due to it supporting many many protocols and

* Freeradius Documentation is lacking (its a common thing for oss
projects). That is a statement, not a shot at any of the howto
writers. Again I do realise that this is due to the diversity of the
project (many different possible configurations). I will gladly help
document my current setup once finalized.

* I despise people whose only purpose in a thread to be a obnoxious
self-important git. To clarify on this most recent occasion that would
be you Alan, though I have seen you been very helpful on other
threads. The last thing a frustrated user who has been making an
honest attempt needs to hear is your an idiot, rtfm, upgrade, etc -
paraphrasing of course.

On 7/9/07, Alan DeKok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jacob Jarick wrote:
  If you wish to split hairs over a single line in my email that you
  purposefully skewed the meaning off by all means be that guy. Should
  you have anything constructive at all to offer the conversation please
  do, however petty criticisms are not welcome though.

   So why do you engage in petty criticisms of FreeRADIUS?

   Alan DeKok.
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Re : using EAP instead of chilli

2007-07-09 Thread Eshun Benjamin
i have a wrt54g linksys running dd-wrt


can someone help or give a link on how to deploy using the same linksys box.

Do this, 

The settings below will help: 
Internet connection: IP on WAN

Under Optional Settings
Host Name: MyWireless (Name of your client-AP)
Domain Name: (Your own domain)
MTU: Auto

Under Network Setup
Local IP:

DHCP Server: enabled

Under Basic settings;
Wireless mode: AP
wireless Network Mode: Mixed
Wireless Network Name: MyWireless (Name of your client-AP)
Wireless Channel: 11-2.462GHz
Wireless SSID Broadcast: enable

Sensitivity Range: 2000

Under Radius
MAC Radius Client: enable
MAC format : aabbcc-ddeeff
Radius Server Address: your radius server IP
Radius Server port: 1812
Password format: shared
Radius shared secret: the secret of your cliet (AP) 

Wireless Security
Security Mode: WPA Radius
WPA Algorithms: TKIP+AES
Radius Server Address: Your radius server IP
Radius Server port: 1812
WPA shared key: the secret of your client (AP)
key renewal interval: 3600

Routing: enable
802.1x : enable

Make sure you have your client(AP) information in radius: client.conf ( AP IP , 
MyWireless, Shared Key)
configure eap.conf and radius.conf as well.

All the best.


Benjamin K. Eshun 

- Message d'origine 
De : Carl aniams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
À :
Envoyé le : Samedi, 7 Juillet 2007, 19h15mn 51s
Objet : using EAP instead of chilli

hi all


i'm  using freeradius with a mysql database to authenticate users through 
chillispot, and it's working fine.

i would like to authenticate my user using EAP instead of using chilli that 
already grant them access through dhcp to the network


i have a wrt54g linksys running dd-wrt


can someone help or give a link on how to deploy using the same linksys box.


thanks a lot


tel: +229 90 04 08 58   +229 97 48 01 33

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Problem with NULL realm..

2007-07-09 Thread Mark J Elkins
I have an old instance of icradius - which - when users had a static IP
allocated - login would fail if there was a realm present but work just
fine if the realm was missing. This was in the old, dark days - when
everyone was in the same realm.
Now - freeradius works just fine with a full realm based login and statc
IP but I have a number of users both with and without static IP's who
don't have their realm as part of their login ID..
ie rather than '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' - they just use 'joe'.

The easiest solution would be - if (REALM == NULL) - add on the default

There are about 10 different realms being used - as well as the 'default'.

In proxy.conf - I have uncommented ..
realm NULL {
type= radius
authhost= LOCAL
accthost= LOCAL

(This is now the last 'realm' definition in this file - in case order
matters. 'DEFAULT' is still commented)

In my sql.conf - I have code that looks like... 

... Username='%{Stripped-User-Name}' AND realm='%{}' AND

ie - if the REALM is missing - it should default to ''...

Anyway - still getting incorrect logins

A radiusd -X shows me that   ..WHERE Username='mje' AND realm='NULL'

ie - If there is no realm - its set to the string of four characters
'NULL' rather than the string '\0' ..
not what I was hoping for...

If the realm is missing - it can only refer to a user in the ''
realm - and no other.


ie - the equivalent of ...  if( ${Realm} == NULL)
..put somewhere.

ps. It would be very useful if one could run radiusd in '-X' mode based
on some criteria - such as the Realm or the Nas,
especially on a busy server - just for matching packets.

(in proxy.conf .. syntax of
realm {
type= radius
authhost= LOCAL
accthost= LOCAL
debug   = yes

or in clients.conf
client {
secret  = very
shortname   = access
nastype = cisco
debug   =  yes

  .  . ___. .__  Posix Systems - Sth Africa
 /| /|   / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  Mark J Elkins, SCO ACE, Cisco 
/ |/ |ARK \_/ /__ LKINS  Tel: +27 12 807 0590  Cell: +27 82 601 0496

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Help: Configuring attributes in Access-Request in 1.1.3

2007-07-09 Thread Govardhana K N

Hi All,

I am new to FreeRadius. I am using Free Radius 1.1.3. I want to configure
the vendor attribtes in format as below,


|RADIUS TYPE 26 | Length| Vendor-ID


| Vendor-ID (cont)  | Vendor TYPE   | Length |


| Continuation  | Sub-Type  | Sub-Type-Len  | Sub-Type-Val  |


how can i configure this? Also i want to configure the same in

Can anyone guide me how to configure these.

thanks in advance.

With Regards,
Govardhana K N
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Re: FR + AD host/ machine/ workstation authentication

2007-07-09 Thread Jacob Jarick
my 2n comment was referring to my current project (ntlm auth +
conditional auth if ldap Field dialupaccess =1

On 7/9/07, Jacob Jarick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 7/9/07, Alan DeKok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Jacob Jarick wrote:
   Fussy config file = petty criticism ?
When it's clear that you aren't following the documentation or
  recommended methods, yes.

 Yes I do indeed follow the documentation but alas this is another
 tired argument you seem bent on dredging up, so you can either repeat
 yourself yet again or stop calling me a liar. Mailing list / forum
 questions are always the end result of alot of research on my end that
 hasn't yielded needed information. Sometimes I may miss something
 obvious for that I am so sorry I am but a mere human. Rest assured I
 always try to double and triple check my work, it is a habit I have
 used for many years to compensate for my dyslexia.

 Recommended methods are exactly what I'm after, currently there are
 none listed in your wiki, howtos etc for this particular setup.

   * I despise people whose only purpose in a thread to be a obnoxious
   self-important git.
As opposed to someone who offer gratuitous slams at a product, and
  then asks for help?
Try that with a mechanic: The last repair you did was shoddy.  Can
  you fix my car now?
A mechanic would use choicer words than I have used.  Or, he'd smile,
  do the repair, and purposefully break something else so that you'd have
  to come in again, and again...
If you're going to ask for help, don't insult the people and the
  project in the same message.  My purpose in being a self important git
  is to point out that your posts are rude.  I recognize that you are
  offended by that.
Alan DeKok.
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R: Cisco VRF + Radius

2007-07-09 Thread Francesco Cristofori
 Putting a User into a certain VRF is quite simple:
 vrfuser User-Password == topsecret
 Cisco-AVPair += lcp:interface-config#1=ip vrf forwarding \

Thank you Gerald, this is what I need to do.

I tried using this method, but I end up with access-accept reply (from radiusd 
-X) like this:

Sending Access-Accept of id 20 to x.y.159.252 port 1645
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-IP-Netmask =
Ascend-Client-Primary-DNS = x.y.z.1
Ascend-Client-Secondary-DNS = x.y.z.2
Session-Timeout = 2
Cisco-AVPair = lcp:interface-config#1=ip vrf forwarding Satcom
Framed-IP-Address = x.y.129.239

This seems correct to me, but the NAS ignores the Framed-IP-Address so the cpe 
never gets an Ip address.
The IP address is taken from an ippool, the other attributes are stored in sql, 
everything works fine without that cisco-avpair attribute.

Any hint?

Thanks in advance, 

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R: Cisco VRF + Radius

2007-07-09 Thread Francesco Cristofori
Hi Kalik,
thanks for your reply.
I had a look at the cisco doc on vrf forwarding, but I think it's not what I 
need to do.
I don't need to put all template items in fr, but only to select the vrf based 
on group which the user belongs to.

Did I miss the point? Do I need to configure Templates inside radius?


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Default realm in 2.0.0-pre1

2007-07-09 Thread Pshem Kowalczyk
rlm_sql (sql_auth): starting 1
rlm_sql (sql_auth): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_postgresql #1
rlm_sql (sql_auth): Connected new DB handle, #1
rlm_sql (sql_auth): starting 2
rlm_sql (sql_auth): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_postgresql #2
rlm_sql (sql_auth): Connected new DB handle, #2
rlm_sql (sql_auth): starting 3
rlm_sql (sql_auth): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_postgresql #3
rlm_sql (sql_auth): Connected new DB handle, #3
rlm_sql (sql_auth): starting 4
rlm_sql (sql_auth): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_postgresql #4
rlm_sql (sql_auth): Connected new DB handle, #4
 Module: Instantiating section preacct
 Module: Linked to module rlm_acct_unique
 Module: Instantiating acct_unique

  acct_unique {
key = User-Name, Acct-Session-Id, NAS-IP-Address,
Client-IP-Address, NAS-Port
 Module: Instantiating section accounting
 Module: Instantiating detail
  detail {
detailfile =
header = %t
detailperm = 384
dirperm = 493
locking = no
log_packet_header = no
 Module: Instantiating sql_acct
  sql sql_acct {
driver = rlm_sql_postgresql
server =
port = 
login = raduser
password = raduser
radius_db = radbackend
sqltrace = no
sqltracefile = /var/log/freeradius/sqltrace.sql
readclients = no
deletestalesessions = yes
num_sql_socks = 5
sql_user_name = %{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}}
default_user_profile = 
rlm_sql (sql_acct): Driver rlm_sql_postgresql (module
rlm_sql_postgresql) loaded and linked
rlm_sql (sql_acct): Attempting to connect to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/radbackend
rlm_sql (sql_acct): starting 0
rlm_sql (sql_acct): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_postgresql #0
rlm_sql (sql_acct): Connected new DB handle, #0
rlm_sql (sql_acct): starting 1
rlm_sql (sql_acct): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_postgresql #1
rlm_sql (sql_acct): Connected new DB handle, #1
rlm_sql (sql_acct): starting 2
rlm_sql (sql_acct): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_postgresql #2
rlm_sql (sql_acct): Connected new DB handle, #2
rlm_sql (sql_acct): starting 3
rlm_sql (sql_acct): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_postgresql #3
rlm_sql (sql_acct): Connected new DB handle, #3
rlm_sql (sql_acct): starting 4
rlm_sql (sql_acct): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_postgresql #4
rlm_sql (sql_acct): Connected new DB handle, #4
 Module: Linked to module rlm_attr_filter
 Module: Instantiating attr_filter.accounting_response
  attr_filter attr_filter.accounting_response {
attrsfile = /etc/freeradius/attrs.accounting_response
key = %{User-Name}
 Module: Instantiating section post-auth
 Module: Instantiating reply_log
  detail reply_log {
detailfile =
header = %t
detailperm = 384
dirperm = 493
locking = no
log_packet_header = no
 Module: Instantiating attr_filter.access_reject
  attr_filter attr_filter.access_reject {
attrsfile = /etc/freeradius/attrs.access_reject
key = %{User-Name}
Initializing the thread pool...
Listening on authentication address * port 1812
Listening on accounting address * port 1813
Listening on proxy address * port 1814
Ready to process requests.
Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
+- entering group authorize
  hints: Matched DEFAULT at 4
++[preprocess] returns ok
radius_xlat:  '/var/log/freeradius/radacct/'
rlm_detail: /var/log/freeradius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/auth-detail-%Y%m%d
expands to /var/log/freeradius/radacct/1
radius_xlat:  'Mon Jul  9 22:56:01 2007'
++[auth_log] returns ok
++[chap] returns noop
rlm_realm: Looking up realm for User-Name =
rlm_realm: No such realm
++[suffix] returns noop
radius_xlat:  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
rlm_sql (sql_auth): sql_set_user escaped user -- '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
rlm_sql (sql_auth): Reserving sql socket id: 4
radius_xlat:  'SELECT id, UserName, Attribute, Value, Op
 FROM radcheck   WHERE Username = 'salman
rlm_sql_postgresql: Status: PGRES_TUPLES_OK
rlm_sql_postgresql: query affected rows = 0 , fields = 5
radius_xlat:  'SELECT GroupName FROM radusergroup WHERE
UserName='[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ORDER BY priority'
rlm_sql_postgresql: Status: PGRES_TUPLES_OK
rlm_sql_postgresql: query affected rows = 0 , fields = 1
rlm_sql (sql_auth): Released sql socket id: 4
rlm_sql (sql_auth): User [EMAIL PROTECTED] not found
++[sql_auth] returns notfound
rlm_pap: WARNING! No known good password found for the user.
Authentication may fail because of this.
++[pap] returns noop
+- group authorize returns ok
auth: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) configuration found for the

Re: Problem with NULL realm..

2007-07-09 Thread Phil Mayers

 ... Username='%{Stripped-User-Name}' AND realm='%{}' AND
 ie - if the REALM is missing - it should default to ''...
 Anyway - still getting incorrect logins
 A radiusd -X shows me that   ..WHERE Username='mje' AND realm='NULL'

That's how it works. You'll need to refactor your SQL query e.g.

select foo from bar where Username='%{Stripped-User-Name}' and realm=(
  when '%{Realm}'='NULL' then ''
  else '%{Realm}'

The other and slightly easier alternative is to set ignore_null = yes
on your realm module so that users without a realm won't match the
module, and then use:

select foo from bar where

 ie - If there is no realm - its set to the string of four characters
 'NULL' rather than the string '\0' ..
 not what I was hoping for...
 If the realm is missing - it can only refer to a user in the ''
 realm - and no other.
 ie - the equivalent of ...  if( ${Realm} == NULL)
 ..put somewhere.
 ps. It would be very useful if one could run radiusd in '-X' mode based
 on some criteria - such as the Realm or the Nas,
 especially on a busy server - just for matching packets.
 (in proxy.conf .. syntax of
 realm {
 type= radius
 authhost= LOCAL
 accthost= LOCAL
 debug   = yes
 or in clients.conf
 client {
 secret  = very
 shortname   = access
 nastype = cisco
 debug   =  yes

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Re: Default realm in 2.0.0-pre1

2007-07-09 Thread Alan DeKok
Pshem Kowalczyk wrote:
 I'm building 'backend' radius servers, that only have to know about
 one domain - the default one, despite the stuff the users put into
 their login names.
 rlm_sql (sql_auth): User [EMAIL PROTECTED] not found
 ++[sql_auth] returns notfound
 rlm_pap: WARNING! No known good password found for the user.

 Any ideas why it ignores the DEFAULT realm? Or alternatively - how
 else can I get the Stripped-User-Name ?

  The ignore_default and ignore_null configurations in rlm_realm
should be removed from 2.x.  They can better be done with the new
configuration language.

  To get the stripped user name, just do:

if (%{User-Name} =~ /^(.*)@(.*)$/) {
update request {
Stripped-User-Name := %{1}
Realm := %{2}

  Alan DeKok.
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radius mysql

2007-07-09 Thread Michael Ziemann
Hi All!

I have a problem with freeradius getting access to a mysql database.
I installed freeradius 1.1.5 on OpenSuse. The radius server is working, 
because I get an Access-Accept Packet with radtest (I configured the 

But how do I configure FreeRadius to use an MySql-database?

I already installed  lampp, it contains an MySql-Server with the 
comfotable tool PHP-MyAdmin...



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Re: R: Cisco VRF + Radius

2007-07-09 Thread tnt
You don't need to set up vrf templates if everyone is going to use the
default radius server and default authentication and au6thorization
groups. It's optional.

What does debug radius and debug ppp negotiation on Cisco say about why
was the Framed-IP-Address rejected. If it fails on IPCP then your route
is the problem. Since it all goes well without it ...

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 9/7/2007, Francesco Cristofori [EMAIL PROTECTED] piše:

 Putting a User into a certain VRF is quite simple:

 vrfuser User-Password == topsecret
 Cisco-AVPair += lcp:interface-config#1=ip vrf forwarding \

Thank you Gerald, this is what I need to do.

I tried using this method, but I end up with access-accept reply (from radiusd 
-X) like this:

Sending Access-Accept of id 20 to x.y.159.252 port 1645
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-IP-Netmask =
Ascend-Client-Primary-DNS = x.y.z.1
Ascend-Client-Secondary-DNS = x.y.z.2
Session-Timeout = 2
Cisco-AVPair = lcp:interface-config#1=ip vrf forwarding Satcom
Framed-IP-Address = x.y.129.239

This seems correct to me, but the NAS ignores the Framed-IP-Address so the cpe 
never gets an Ip address.
The IP address is taken from an ippool, the other attributes are stored in 
sql, everything works fine without that cisco-avpair attribute.

Any hint?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: radius mysql

2007-07-09 Thread Peter Nixon
On Mon 09 Jul 2007, Michael Ziemann wrote:
 Hi All!

 I have a problem with freeradius getting access to a mysql database.
 I installed freeradius 1.1.5 on OpenSuse. The radius server is working,
 because I get an Access-Accept Packet with radtest (I configured the

 But how do I configure FreeRadius to use an MySql-database?

Did you use the SUSE packages? My packages? or compile yourself from source?

Both SUSE and my packages contain mysql support, you simply need to read 
through radiusd.conf (search for sql) and enable it.



Peter Nixon
PGP Key:
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Re: Help: Configuring attributes in Access-Request in 1.1.3

2007-07-09 Thread tnt
Are you sure? You would need to be a vendor making equipment in order to
configure new ones. If you just want to add a new vendor attribute that
is not in the dictionary.vendorName in that (older) version of
Freeradius you can add new attributes by editing that vendors dictionary
file. Just follow the template for the existing entries.

Once it is in the dictionary add that VSA to the reply items just like
any other attribute and it will be passed in the Access-Accept packet.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 9/7/2007, Govardhana K N [EMAIL PROTECTED] piše:

Hi All,

I am new to FreeRadius. I am using Free Radius 1.1.3. I want to configure
the vendor attribtes in format as below,


 |RADIUS TYPE 26 | Length| Vendor-ID


| Vendor-ID (cont)  | Vendor TYPE   | Length |


| Continuation  | Sub-Type  | Sub-Type-Len  | Sub-Type-Val  |


how can i configure this? Also i want to configure the same in

Can anyone guide me how to configure these.

thanks in advance.

With Regards,
Govardhana K N

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Re: radius mysql

2007-07-09 Thread tnt
Make the database tables using this script:

Configure connection details (server, username, password) to MySQL in
sql.conf. Make sure that user(name) has appropriate access to the

Find sql entries in radiusd.conf and uncomment them

Ivan Kalik
kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 9/7/2007, Michael Ziemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] piše:

Hi All!

I have a problem with freeradius getting access to a mysql database.
I installed freeradius 1.1.5 on OpenSuse. The radius server is working,
because I get an Access-Accept Packet with radtest (I configured the

But how do I configure FreeRadius to use an MySql-database?

I already installed  lampp, it contains an MySql-Server with the
comfotable tool PHP-MyAdmin...



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Re: Using two tables (postgreSql) to validate users

2007-07-09 Thread Claudiu Filip

Hi Daniel,

   It is very easy to use as many tables you need.
   You can have in config:

   authorize_check_query = SELECT * FROM 
pl_AUTHORIZE_CHECK('%{SQL-User-Name}', '%{User-Password}', 
   pl_AUTHORIZE_CHECK will be a stored procedure on the postgresql backend.
   For example, I used something like this:
   sql CREATE TYPE radius_check_pairs AS (id integer, username text, attrname 
text, attrval text, attrop text);
RETURNS SETOF radius_check_pairs AS $$
$user = $_[0]; $pass = $_[1]; $nasip = $_[2];
my $rv = spi_exec_query(SELECT status FROM accounts WHERE username = '$user' 
AND password='$pass';, 1);
$status = $rv-{rows}[0]{status};
if ($rv-{processed}  1) {
elog(NOTICE, AUTHCHECK: User $user / $pass NOT FOUND);
return [ { id = 0, username = $_[0], attrname = 'Auth-Type', 
attrval= 'Reject', attrop = ':=' } ];
if ($status != '1') {
elog(NOTICE, AUTHCHECK: User $user not active);
push @$reply,  {
id = 0, username = $_[0], attrname = 'Auth-Type', 
attrval = 'Reject', attrop = ':='
push @$reply,  {
id = 1, username = $_[0], attrname = 
'Reply-Message',  attrval = 'Acccount suspended!', attrop = ':='
elog(NOTICE, AUTHCHECK: User $user - login ok);
return [ { id = 0, username = $_[0], attrname = 'Auth-Type', attrval = 
'Accept', attrop = ':=' } ];
$$ LANGUAGE plperl;

   The advantages of this scenario.. You can have anything you want in
   this procedure, including cpan modules : and you can still run the
   radius server on your favorite pentium II with load average 0.

Claudiu Filip

 Hi again...
 I have a doubt: Is it possible to use two tables to check the users? I
 need to do something like this... Freeradius checks if the user is valid
 on the table 1, if it returns true the user is validated, but if the
 return is false, freeradius checks the table 2, trying to validate the
 user once again.

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Re: Problem with NULL realm..

2007-07-09 Thread Mark J Elkins
Phil Mayers wrote:
 ... Username='%{Stripped-User-Name}' AND realm='%{}' AND

 ie - if the REALM is missing - it should default to ''...

 Anyway - still getting incorrect logins

 A radiusd -X shows me that   ..WHERE Username='mje' AND realm='NULL'

 That's how it works. You'll need to refactor your SQL query e.g.

grumble if people wanted the string 'NULL' - they should use
(user hides below the keyboard :-)
 select foo from bar where Username='%{Stripped-User-Name}' and realm=(
   when '%{Realm}'='NULL' then ''
   else '%{Realm}'

 The other and slightly easier alternative is to set ignore_null = yes
 on your realm module so that users without a realm won't match the
 module, and then use:

 select foo from bar where

Being lazy - I'm starting here. (Also - less impact on existing users)
Changed 'ignore_null' to yes..
Smiled - and tried to dial-in

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=81,
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 70
Cisco-NAS-Port = Async70
NAS-Port-Type = Async
User-Name = mje
Called-Station-Id = 0800
User-Password = verysecret
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 7
  modcall[authorize]: module preprocess returns ok for request 7
  modcall[authorize]: module chap returns noop for request 7
  modcall[authorize]: module mschap returns noop for request 7
rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = mje, skipping NULL due to config.
*** Line above suggests the 'ignore_null' worked ***
  modcall[authorize]: module suffix returns noop for request 7
  rlm_eap: No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
  modcall[authorize]: module eap returns noop for request 7
radius_xlat:  'mje'
rlm_sql (sql): sql_set_user escaped user -- 'mje'
radius_xlat:  'SELECT userid as id,UserName,'Password' as
Attribute,password as Value,'==' as op FROM useracct WHERE Username=''
AND realm='' AND .

Something stole my username ???

I'm not too sure of the logic here.
I've left the NULL realm in proxy.conf uncommented - so its 'live'.
It seems that the 'NULL' realm matched... then skipped (?) - so I got a
null username and a null realm (all the other info got through!)

Looks like the SQL logic works though...
I just hate complicating the SQL queries even more than I already have!

I guess FreeRadius 2.xx will make things easier?
 ie - If there is no realm - its set to the string of four characters
 'NULL' rather than the string '\0' ..
 not what I was hoping for...

 If the realm is missing - it can only refer to a user in the ''
 realm - and no other.


 ie - the equivalent of ...  if( ${Realm} == NULL)
 ..put somewhere.

 ps. It would be very useful if one could run radiusd in '-X' mode based
 on some criteria - such as the Realm or the Nas,
 especially on a busy server - just for matching packets.

 (in proxy.conf .. syntax of
 realm {
 type= radius
 authhost= LOCAL
 accthost= LOCAL
 debug   = yes

 or in clients.conf
 client {
 secret  = very
 shortname   = access
 nastype = cisco
 debug   =  yes


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Re: Help: Configuring attributes in Access-Request in 1.1.3

2007-07-09 Thread Govardhana K N


Thanks for the information.

As I am totaly new to FreeRadius, Can u also tell me, in which file should i
update to reflect the attributes in Access-Accept.
is it in sql.conf?

Thanks  Regards,
Govardhana K N


Are you sure? You would need to be a vendor making equipment in order to
configure new ones. If you just want to add a new vendor attribute that
is not in the dictionary.vendorName in that (older) version of
Freeradius you can add new attributes by editing that vendors dictionary
file. Just follow the template for the existing entries.

Once it is in the dictionary add that VSA to the reply items just like
any other attribute and it will be passed in the Access-Accept packet.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 9/7/2007, Govardhana K N [EMAIL PROTECTED] piše:

Hi All,

I am new to FreeRadius. I am using Free Radius 1.1.3. I want to configure
the vendor attribtes in format as below,


 |RADIUS TYPE 26 | Length| Vendor-ID


| Vendor-ID (cont)  | Vendor TYPE   | Length |


| Continuation  | Sub-Type  | Sub-Type-Len  | Sub-Type-Val  |


how can i configure this? Also i want to configure the same in

Can anyone guide me how to configure these.

thanks in advance.

With Regards,
Govardhana K N

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With Regards,
Govardhana K N
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Re: Help: Configuring attributes in Access-Request in 1.1.3

2007-07-09 Thread tnt
Since you are mentioning file, not database, Ldap or such, it's
users file (should be at /usr/local/etc/raddb/users). Read the examples
and make something like that for your user. You will see what you should
check for and what should go in the reply. Format is:

user check1, check2,  , checklast

All check items go in the first line, all reply items go indented one
below another. Items are separated by commas, no comma after last
(check/reply) item.

Dana 9/7/2007, Govardhana K N [EMAIL PROTECTED] piše:


Thanks for the information.

As I am totaly new to FreeRadius, Can u also tell me, in which file should i
update to reflect the attributes in Access-Accept.
is it in sql.conf?

Thanks  Regards,
Govardhana K N


 Are you sure? You would need to be a vendor making equipment in order to
 configure new ones. If you just want to add a new vendor attribute that
 is not in the dictionary.vendorName in that (older) version of
 Freeradius you can add new attributes by editing that vendors dictionary
 file. Just follow the template for the existing entries.

 Once it is in the dictionary add that VSA to the reply items just like
 any other attribute and it will be passed in the Access-Accept packet.

 Ivan Kalik
 Kalik Informatika ISP

 Dana 9/7/2007, Govardhana K N [EMAIL PROTECTED] piše:

 Hi All,
 I am new to FreeRadius. I am using Free Radius 1.1.3. I want to configure
 the vendor attribtes in format as below,
  |RADIUS TYPE 26 | Length| Vendor-ID
 | Vendor-ID (cont)  | Vendor TYPE   | Length |
 | Continuation  | Sub-Type  | Sub-Type-Len  | Sub-Type-Val  |
 how can i configure this? Also i want to configure the same in
 Can anyone guide me how to configure these.
 thanks in advance.
 With Regards,
 Govardhana K N

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With Regards,
Govardhana K N

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PEAP certificates, signing requirements and examples

2007-07-09 Thread Eshun Benjamin
Hi All,
I came across this infomation and tought it would be nice to drop it here. 
Eventhough it is ssl issue it has to do with PEAP. Just to discuss; any 

PEAP certificates, signing requirements and examples 
There are only minor differences between standard SSL certificates used by 
secure web sites and those 
used with PEAP on 802.1x wireless networks. 
With PEAP the SID of the network, rather than your organizations domain must 
match the common name 
(cn) of the certificate.  Additionally an EKU (Enhanced Key Usage) for Server 
Authentication (OID must be specified when creating your public certificate or 
signing request. 

[ PEAP ]
extendedKeyUsage =
extendedKeyUsage =

[ clientAuth ]
extendedKeyUsage =

[ serverAuth ]
extendedKeyUsage =

In these examples we will use the OpenSSL utility to create a Certificate 
Signing Request (CSR) used with 
a third party certificate authority such as Verisign or Thawte.  We will also 
generate a ‘self-signed’ 
certificate that does not require a certificate authority but does require 
users to first accept your certificate 
as valid on a one time basis depending on the supplicant and its configuration. 
Example creating a certificate signing request for a certificate authority 
openssl req -new -nodes -keyout private.pem -out public.csr -extensions PEAP 
-config openssl.cnf 

The output file public.csr is processed by your certificate authority (CA), 
which will return a signed 
certificate file to you.  Combine private.pem with the certificate returned 
from the CA into a single file.  This 
file becomes the  ‘PEAP Certificate’ file.  You will likely also need the CA’s 
certificate chain file if one is 
required.  This file becomes the ‘PEAP CA Certificate’. 

Example creating a ‘self-signed’ certificate 

openssl req -new -x509 -key private.pem -out public.pem -extensions PEAP 
-config openssl.cnf -days 5000 

Benjamin K. Eshun

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Re: Help: Configuring attributes in Access-Request in 1.1.3

2007-07-09 Thread Govardhana K N

I tried configuring the same but it there were no attributes present in

the command I used to create the Access-Request is given below:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$] radclient -x auth testing123
Sending Access-Request of id 219 to port 1812
   User-Name = govardhana
   User-Password = govardhana
   NAS-Identifier = jrcnas
   NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host, id=219, length=20

How can i configure any attribute in Access-Accept packet.

Thanks  Regards,
Govardhana K N


Since you are mentioning file, not database, Ldap or such, it's
users file (should be at /usr/local/etc/raddb/users). Read the examples
and make something like that for your user. You will see what you should
check for and what should go in the reply. Format is:

user check1, check2,  , checklast

All check items go in the first line, all reply items go indented one
below another. Items are separated by commas, no comma after last
(check/reply) item.

Dana 9/7/2007, Govardhana K N [EMAIL PROTECTED] piše:


Thanks for the information.

As I am totaly new to FreeRadius, Can u also tell me, in which file
should i
update to reflect the attributes in Access-Accept.
is it in sql.conf?

Thanks  Regards,
Govardhana K N


 Are you sure? You would need to be a vendor making equipment in order
 configure new ones. If you just want to add a new vendor attribute that
 is not in the dictionary.vendorName in that (older) version of
 Freeradius you can add new attributes by editing that vendors
 file. Just follow the template for the existing entries.

 Once it is in the dictionary add that VSA to the reply items just like
 any other attribute and it will be passed in the Access-Accept packet.

 Ivan Kalik
 Kalik Informatika ISP

 Dana 9/7/2007, Govardhana K N [EMAIL PROTECTED] pi e:

 Hi All,
 I am new to FreeRadius. I am using Free Radius 1.1.3. I want to
 the vendor attribtes in format as below,
  |RADIUS TYPE 26 | Length| Vendor-ID
 | Vendor-ID (cont)  | Vendor TYPE   | Length |
 | Continuation  | Sub-Type  | Sub-Type-Len  | Sub-Type-Val  |
 how can i configure this? Also i want to configure the same in
 Can anyone guide me how to configure these.
 thanks in advance.
 With Regards,
 Govardhana K N

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With Regards,
Govardhana K N

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With Regards,
Govardhana K N
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Re: PEAP certificates, signing requirements and examples

2007-07-09 Thread Alan DeKok
Eshun Benjamin wrote:
 Hi All,
 I came across this infomation and tought it would be nice to drop it
 here. Eventhough it is ssl issue it has to do with PEAP. Just to
 discuss; any comments.

  This is documented in eap.conf, among other places.  It's on the Wiki,
in the script files that create the test certificates for the server, etc.

  In 2.0, a brand-new install of the server will automatically create
test certificates with the right OID's for Windows.

  Alan DeKok.
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RE: SQL IP Pool maximum timeout.

2007-07-09 Thread Hugh Messenger
On Behalf Of Dave said:
 Yes accounting is working well from the NAS

Are you sure the NAS is sending 'interim update' accounting packets, not
just start/stop?

Here's my understanding of how it works (I'm sure Peter will correct me if
I'm wrong!):

On an access request, sqlippool will first check to see if this looks like a
'lost stop' case (allocate-clear) by checking to see if there are any
assigned IP's in the pool with the same 'pool-key' (NAS-Port in a dialup
context) as the request.  If so, free up that IP.

Then it looks for an IP to assign (allocate-find), by checking for a free or
expired IP in the pool, allocates it (allocate-update) and sets the
expiry_time to now + lease-duration.

On an accounting 'stop', it frees up the IP (stop-clear).

On an accounting 'update', it extends the expiry_time by 'lease-duration'
seconds (alive-update).

There's a little more to it than that (like accounting on/off), but that's
the basic life cycle of an IP assignment.

So ... if your NAS isn't sending accounting updates, then it will start
re-assigning IP's after the initial expiry_time (lease-duration).  If your
NAS doesn't implement accounting updates, you may have to set session
timeouts to less than your lease-duration.

   -- hugh

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Re: Any successes with Belkin Wireless Access Point.

2007-07-09 Thread tnt
Your AP IP address is from Automatic Private IP Addressing range. Routing
is not going to work there. Make a proper /30 network between AP and
the PC.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 9/7/2007, Garvin Haslett [EMAIL PROTECTED] piše:

I have a tiny test network consisting of a Belkin Wireless Access Point
(FCC: K7SF5D7132A) connected by an ethernet cable to a Windows machine
with an Intel network card.

I'm running and configure the client thus:

client {
   secret  = testing123
   shortname   = belkin-at-garvin

When I connect to the AP I can see packets getting through to the
network card using ethereal but nothing appears in the radius.log.

When I disconnect from the AP the device's MAC still appears in the AP's
list and it is reported as being Authenticated!

Can anyone tell me what I have missed in the configuration?


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Re: Default realm in 2.0.0-pre1

2007-07-09 Thread Pshem Kowalczyk
Some more details:

authorize {
if (%{User-Name} =~ /^(.*)@(.*)$/) {
update request {
Stripped-User-Name := xyz
Realm := abc

freeradius -X
Config:   including file: /etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/freeradius/clients.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/freeradius/snmp.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/freeradius/sql.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/freeradius/sql/postgresql-dialup.conf
/etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf[177]: Line is not in 'attribute = value' format
Errors reading /etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf

kind regards
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FreeRADIUS vs Windows VISTA clients

2007-07-09 Thread Jose

Hi ppl

Wondering if anyone can provide me a link/doc (without me going out to
prepare a small lab enviroment for proof-of-concept), that will help prove
that FreeRADIUS will support Window VISTA clients with their respective
factory defaults.
Thank you.

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Re: FreeRADIUS vs Windows VISTA clients

2007-07-09 Thread Jose

Thanks Arran,

Is there a doc that will shed some light as to the procedure for enabling
support for a VISA client.
(I am refering to PPTP connections.)

Again, thanx for the reply.


On 7/9/07, Arran Cudbard-Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jose wrote:
 Hi ppl

 Wondering if anyone can provide me a link/doc (without me going out to
 prepare a small lab enviroment for proof-of-concept), that will help
 prove that FreeRADIUS will support Window VISTA clients with their
 respective factory defaults.
 Thank you.


It won't, VISTA, XP Win2k Sp4 all require at least some configuration
before they will work with *any* RADIUS server.

Mac OSX supplicant on the other hand, works out of the box :)

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Re: Default realm in 2.0.0-pre1

2007-07-09 Thread Alan DeKok
Pshem Kowalczyk wrote:
 Is that functionality available in the 2.0.0-pre1?


  You need the CVS head.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: FreeRADIUS vs Windows VISTA clients

2007-07-09 Thread Alan DeKok
Jose wrote:
  Wondering if anyone can provide me a link/doc (without me going out to
 prepare a small lab enviroment for proof-of-concept), that will help
 prove that FreeRADIUS will support Window VISTA clients with their
 respective factory defaults.
 Thank you.

  PEAP doesn't work that way.

  If you're willing to uncheck validate server certificate in the
802.1x GUI, then PEAP will work.  If you're willing to install the
server certificate on the Vista box, then PEAP will work.

  Your question is like asking how to buy something in a store without
giving them money or a credit card.  It's possible, I guess... but
realistically, no one ever does it that way.  For *very* good reasons.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: setup question : mschap + perl authentication

2007-07-09 Thread Alan DeKok
Johan wrote:
 I'm wondering if it's possible to authenticate a user who is using
 mschap authentication with perl.

  Sure.  Just re-write all of the MS-CHAP authentication protocol in
rlm_mschap in Perl.

  But why the heck would you want to do that?

 I already made a perl script, which I use with rlm_perl to authenticate
 users to an ftp backend. I use that script to authenticate users from
 the authentication proxy of a Cisco PIX.

  Does the FTP backend support MS-CHAP?  If not, there's no point in
writing any Perl code to integrate the two.

 My next setup is to authenticate user requests from a Wireless Access
 Point with EAP-TTLS.
 Is it possible to do that with the radiusd.conf ?
 I already tried to setup like this in the authenticate section :
 mschap {
 But problem is, the perl script doens't seems to receive the same
 information as a PIX request. Do I need to modify my script to talk
 mschap ?

  I think you're randomly trying to get something to work, without
understanding what's going on.

 Is there a perl module to understand the mschap protocol ?

  Look on CPAN.  We don't manage Perl packages here.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: Default realm in 2.0.0-pre1

2007-07-09 Thread Pshem Kowalczyk
On 10/07/07, Alan DeKok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pshem Kowalczyk wrote:
  Is that functionality available in the 2.0.0-pre1?


   You need the CVS head.

Ok. Then I'll have a look into this later, for now - I figured out
that the easiest way of fixing my problem is to do it like this:
attr_rewrite strip_domain {
attribute = User-Name
searchin = packet
searchfor = @(.*)
replacewith = 
ignore_case = yes
max_matches = 1
append = no

Thanks for your help and when is the -pre2 coming ? ;-)

kind regards
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Re: FreeRADIUS vs Windows VISTA clients

2007-07-09 Thread Arran Cudbard-Bell
Jose wrote:
 Thanks Arran,
 Is there a doc that will shed some light as to the procedure for 
 enabling support for a VISA client.
 (I am refering to PPTP connections.)
EAPOL or EAP over PPP ? Either way I don't think such a document exists 
for VISTA ... though from my own tests it's much the same as XP.

See section 4.

 Again, thanx for the reply.

 On 7/9/07, *Arran Cudbard-Bell* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jose wrote:
  Hi ppl
  Wondering if anyone can provide me a link/doc (without me going
 out to
  prepare a small lab enviroment for proof-of-concept), that will help
  prove that FreeRADIUS will support Window VISTA clients with their
  respective factory defaults.
  Thank you.
 It won't, VISTA, XP Win2k Sp4 all require at least some configuration
 before they will work with *any* RADIUS server.

 Mac OSX supplicant on the other hand, works out of the box :)
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Re: Default realm in 2.0.0-pre1

2007-07-09 Thread Alan DeKok
Pshem Kowalczyk wrote:
 Thanks for your help and when is the -pre2 coming ? ;-)

  ASAP, I hope.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: setup question : mschap + perl authentication

2007-07-09 Thread Arran Cudbard-Bell
Alan DeKok wrote:
 Johan wrote:
 I'm wondering if it's possible to authenticate a user who is using
 mschap authentication with perl.

   Sure.  Just re-write all of the MS-CHAP authentication protocol in
 rlm_mschap in Perl.

   But why the heck would you want to do that?

You know i've been thinking of doing that in PHP (PHP Based supplicant 
for weblogin via RADIUS), i'm sure it's possible... and it would be of 
some benefit, just the RFC makes my head hurt... one of the few times 
I've  regreted not studying computer science. *sigh* something to do 
with hashing the nt hash using different sha functions.

Got PAP working though thats not exactly hard... and CHAP seems very 
easy , so i'll do that tomorrow.

Have a request hash Radius to Supplicant
Hash this hash with a hash of the password Supplicant
Here have the request hash and the hash of the request hash with the 
password.. Supplicant to Radius

And the advantage of supporting MSChap is that you don't have to store 
your passwords in cleartext... Just NT4 or LMHash which while not much 
more secure than cleartext , looks far more impressive in a password 

But yes, as Alan said, why bother implimenting the server side MSChap 
module in perl ... rlm_perl wasn't really designed for this kind of 
stuff, more for request flow control and acquiring extra attributes from 
databases and various other perly type things.

You ok Alan ? You've seemed less yeah go look at this howto / man page 
and more *stab stab* die recently ...

Sorry abundance of Guinness ...

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Re: setup question : mschap + perl authentication

2007-07-09 Thread Alan DeKok
Arran Cudbard-Bell wrote:
 And the advantage of supporting MSChap is that you don't have to store 
 your passwords in cleartext... Just NT4 or LMHash which while not much 
 more secure than cleartext , looks far more impressive in a password 

  And the server already does the heavy lifting of implementing MS-CHAP.
 Why re-invent the wheel?

 You ok Alan ? You've seemed less yeah go look at this howto / man page 
 and more *stab stab* die recently ...

  Questions like why are you so mean can't be answered with read this
man page.  They require careful analysis.  Though the incidence of such
complaints did go down after Section 5 was added to the top-level README.

  Alan DeKok.
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RE: FreeRADIUS vs Windows VISTA clients

2007-07-09 Thread tnt
Thanks Arran,

Is there a doc that will shed some light as to the procedure for enabling
support for a VISA client.
(I am refering to PPTP connections.)

Again, thanx for the reply.


PPTP will work (with Vista as well) out of the box. It should use
MS-CHAPv2 which is enabled by default in Freeradius. Store cleartext
password and you will be fine.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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Re: SQL IP Pool maximum timeout.

2007-07-09 Thread Dave
Hugh Messenger wrote:
 On Behalf Of Dave said:
 Yes accounting is working well from the NAS

 Are you sure the NAS is sending 'interim update' accounting packets, not
 just start/stop?


My NAS is currently NOT sending interm updates, but there is an option 
to use that, just wasn't sure what it did, or how it would apply to me, 
but it makes sense, that it  extends the lease time, do all NAS's send 
interim updates? on the DSL side of my operation I don't see any interim 
updates until the user logs off (or lost carrier) (this is a proxied 
operation to me) I don't have control of that NAS, only my wireless NAS

 Here's my understanding of how it works (I'm sure Peter will correct me if
 I'm wrong!):

 On an access request, sqlippool will first check to see if this looks like a
 'lost stop' case (allocate-clear) by checking to see if there are any
 assigned IP's in the pool with the same 'pool-key' (NAS-Port in a dialup
 context) as the request.  If so, free up that IP.

 Then it looks for an IP to assign (allocate-find), by checking for a free or
 expired IP in the pool, allocates it (allocate-update) and sets the
 expiry_time to now + lease-duration.

 On an accounting 'stop', it frees up the IP (stop-clear).

 On an accounting 'update', it extends the expiry_time by 'lease-duration'
 seconds (alive-update).

 There's a little more to it than that (like accounting on/off), but that's
 the basic life cycle of an IP assignment.

 So ... if your NAS isn't sending accounting updates, then it will start
 re-assigning IP's after the initial expiry_time (lease-duration).  If your
 NAS doesn't implement accounting updates, you may have to set session
 timeouts to less than your lease-duration.

-- hugh

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ldap auth based on user acc and dialupaccess attr

2007-07-09 Thread Jacob Jarick
Im currently trying to setup FR to authenticate a user / machine
regardless of password, provided  that the account exists and that
DialupAccess = 1.  Im a bit stuck atm because I do not know how to
ignore the passwd failing the ldap check.

In the end I hope to have the ldap check if dialup access is allowed,
if it is then check if user / pass is correct via ntlm. Once I have
ldap working as I want it to then I will add ntlm auth.

Running gentoo with 2.6.20 kernel
freeradius 1.1.6
windows 2003 server
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Re: ldap auth based on user acc and dialupaccess attr

2007-07-09 Thread Jacob Jarick
Forgot to paste the radiusd.conf url -

On 7/10/07, Jacob Jarick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Im currently trying to setup FR to authenticate a user / machine
 regardless of password, provided  that the account exists and that
 DialupAccess = 1.  Im a bit stuck atm because I do not know how to
 ignore the passwd failing the ldap check.

 In the end I hope to have the ldap check if dialup access is allowed,
 if it is then check if user / pass is correct via ntlm. Once I have
 ldap working as I want it to then I will add ntlm auth.

 Running gentoo with 2.6.20 kernel
 freeradius 1.1.6
 windows 2003 server

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