Re: IP-Assignment with sqlippool based on nas-ip-address

2009-02-02 Thread Sebastian Heil

 Datum: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:51:20 +0100
 An: FreeRadius users mailing list
 Betreff: Re: IP-Assignment with sqlippool based on nas-ip-address

 Now, the behaviour of the server changed in the way, that the
 freeradius reserves only one ip-address per user. if the same user logs in 
 again on
 the same nas (without accounting-stop-packet before), the old ip-address is
 freed and the user receives a new one.
 That should happen only if IP allocation has expired (see lease-duration
 in sqlippool.conf). There is another allocate-find query that issues
 random IPs.

Hmmm, maybe there is another problem in my config. I tried two requests within 
ten seconds. Attached you'll find the debug. During the second request the 
first ip-address is freed and can be used again. The lease-duration has the 
standard value of 3600, so this can't be the reason.

This is the table radippool after the second request:

| pool_name | framedipaddress | nasipaddress | expiry_time | username | 
pool_key |
| poolUK| |   | 2009-02-02 10:14:32 | peter2   | 
| poolUK| |  | 2009-02-02 09:14:31 |  | 


rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 3099, id=194, 
User-Name = peter2
User-Password = peter2
+- entering group authorize {...}
++[preprocess] returns ok
[auth_log]  expand: 
/var/log/radius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/auth-detail-%Y%m%d - 
[auth_log] /var/log/radius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/auth-detail-%Y%m%d 
expands to /var/log/radius/radacct/
[auth_log]  expand: %t - Mon Feb  2 09:13:45 2009
++[auth_log] returns ok
++[chap] returns noop
++[mschap] returns noop
[suffix] No '@' in User-Name = peter2, looking up realm NULL
[suffix] No such realm NULL
++[suffix] returns noop
[eap] No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
++[eap] returns noop
++[unix] returns notfound
[files] users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 183
++[files] returns ok
[sql]   expand: %{User-Name} - peter2
[sql] sql_set_user escaped user -- 'peter2'
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 0
[sql]   expand: SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op   FROM 
radcheck   WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}'   ORDER BY id - 
SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op   FROM radcheck   
WHERE username = 'peter2'   ORDER BY id
rlm_sql_mysql: query:  SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op   FROM 
radcheck   WHERE username = 'peter2'   ORDER BY id
[sql] User found in radcheck table
[sql]   expand: SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op   FROM 
radreply   WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}'   ORDER BY id - 
SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op   FROM radreply   
WHERE username = 'peter2'   ORDER BY id
rlm_sql_mysql: query:  SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op   FROM 
radreply   WHERE username = 'peter2'   ORDER BY id
[sql]   expand: SELECT groupname   FROM radusergroup   WHERE 
username = '%{SQL-User-Name}'   ORDER BY priority - SELECT groupname   
FROM radusergroup   WHERE username = 'peter2'   ORDER 
BY priority
rlm_sql_mysql: query:  SELECT groupname   FROM radusergroup   
WHERE username = 'peter2'   ORDER BY priority
[sql]   expand: SELECT id, groupname, attribute,   Value, op   
FROM radgroupcheck   WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}'   ORDER 
BY id - SELECT id, groupname, attribute,   Value, op   FROM 
radgroupcheck   WHERE groupname = 'UK'   ORDER BY id
rlm_sql_mysql: query:  SELECT id, groupname, attribute,   Value, op 
  FROM radgroupcheck   WHERE groupname = 'UK'   ORDER BY id
[sql] User found in group UK
[sql]   expand: SELECT id, groupname, attribute,   value, op   
FROM radgroupreply   WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}'   ORDER 
BY id - SELECT id, groupname, attribute,   value, op   FROM 
radgroupreply   WHERE groupname = 'UK'   ORDER BY id
rlm_sql_mysql: query:  SELECT id, groupname, attribute,   value, op 
  FROM radgroupreply   WHERE groupname = 'UK'   ORDER BY id
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 0
++[sql] returns ok
++[expiration] returns noop
++[logintime] returns noop
++[pap] returns updated
Found Auth-Type = PAP
+- entering

Re: invalid Message-Authenticator! (Shared secret is incorrect.)

2009-02-02 Thread tnt
Could it be the problem?:
radius server is in and the nas is in the 
the packets bridged, the nas can ping the radius server... can the 
different mask be a problem?

No. Shared secret is wrong. Have you retyped it both on radius server and
on the NAS?

WARNING: Unprintable characters in the password. Double-check the shared 
secret on the server and the NAS!

The only other possibility is a broken operating system (crypto libraries
are corrupted). But in 99.99% of cases, problem is different shared

Ivan Kalik

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

RE: chap authentication and freeradius

2009-02-02 Thread gf fg

Hi users!! Here i post my freeradius -X

0, for host i486-pc-linux-gnu, built on Nov 14 2008 at 11:57:03
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 The FreeRADIUS server project and contributors. 
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A 
You may redistribute copies of FreeRADIUS under the terms of the 
GNU General Public License v2. 
Starting - reading configuration files ...
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/proxy.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/clients.conf
including files in directory /etc/freeradius/modules/
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/sradutmp
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/always
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/mac2vlan
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/chap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/sql_log
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/expiration
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/files
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/preprocess
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/attr_filter
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/ldap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/unix
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/inner-eap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/radutmp
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/echo
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/digest
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/acct_unique
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/checkval
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/etc_group
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/linelog
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/logintime
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/pam
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/policy
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/krb5
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/exec
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/counter
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/pap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/mac2ip
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/expr
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/realm
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/passwd
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/wimax
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/detail.log
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/smbpasswd
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/mschap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/detail
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/ippool
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/attr_rewrite
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/eap.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/sql.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/sql/mysql/dialup.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/sql/mysql/counter.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/policy.conf
including files in directory /etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/default
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel
including dictionary file /etc/freeradius/dictionary
main {
prefix = /usr
localstatedir = /var
logdir = /var/log/freeradius
libdir = /usr/lib/freeradius
radacctdir = /var/log/freeradius/radacct
hostname_lookups = no
max_request_time = 30
cleanup_delay = 5
max_requests = 1024
allow_core_dumps = no
pidfile = /var/run/radiusd/
checkrad = /usr/sbin/checkrad
debug_level = 0
proxy_requests = yes
 log {
stripped_names = no
auth = yes
auth_badpass = no
auth_goodpass = no
 security {
max_attributes = 200
reject_delay = 1
status_server = yes
 client localhost {
ipaddr =
require_message_authenticator = no
secret = 123456
nastype = other
 client {
require_message_authenticator = no
secret = 123456
shortname = 123456
radiusd:  Loading Realms and Home Servers 
 proxy server {
retry_delay = 5
retry_count = 3
default_fallback = no
dead_time = 120
wake_all_if_all_dead = no
 home_server localhost {
ipaddr =
port = 1812
type = auth
secret = testing123
response_window = 20
max_outstanding = 65536
zombie_period = 40
status_check = status-server
ping_interval = 30
check_interval = 30
num_answers_to_alive = 3
num_pings_to_alive = 3
revive_interval = 120
status_check_timeout = 4
 home_server_pool my_auth_failover {
type = fail-over
home_server = localhost

RE: chap authentication and freeradius

2009-02-02 Thread gf fg

THZ Users My problem was that i never configurated  the file in site-enable 
called default!!!

Very very thz

Subject: RE: chap  authentication and freeradius
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 13:26:10 -0200

Hi users!! Here i post my freeradius -X

0, for host i486-pc-linux-gnu, built on Nov 14 2008 at 11:57:03
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 The FreeRADIUS server project and contributors. 
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A 
You may redistribute copies of FreeRADIUS under the terms of the 
GNU General Public License v2. 
Starting - reading configuration files ...
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/proxy.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/clients.conf
including files in directory /etc/freeradius/modules/
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/sradutmp
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/always
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/mac2vlan
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/chap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/sql_log
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/expiration
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/files
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/preprocess
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/attr_filter
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/ldap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/unix
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/inner-eap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/radutmp
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/echo
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/digest
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/acct_unique
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/checkval
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/etc_group
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/linelog
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/logintime
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/pam
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/policy
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/krb5
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/exec
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/counter
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/pap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/mac2ip
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/expr
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/realm
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/passwd
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/wimax
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/detail.log
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/smbpasswd
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/mschap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/detail
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/ippool
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/attr_rewrite
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/eap.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/sql.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/sql/mysql/dialup.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/sql/mysql/counter.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/policy.conf
including files in directory /etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/default
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel
including dictionary file /etc/freeradius/dictionary
main {
prefix = /usr
localstatedir = /var
logdir = /var/log/freeradius
libdir = /usr/lib/freeradius
radacctdir = /var/log/freeradius/radacct
hostname_lookups = no
max_request_time = 30
cleanup_delay = 5
max_requests = 1024
allow_core_dumps = no
pidfile = /var/run/radiusd/
checkrad = /usr/sbin/checkrad
debug_level = 0
proxy_requests = yes
 log {
stripped_names = no
auth = yes
auth_badpass = no
auth_goodpass = no
 security {
max_attributes = 200
reject_delay = 1
status_server = yes
 client localhost {
ipaddr =
require_message_authenticator = no
secret = 123456
nastype = other
 client {
require_message_authenticator = no
secret = 123456
shortname = 123456
radiusd:  Loading Realms and Home Servers 
 proxy server {
retry_delay = 5
retry_count = 3
default_fallback = no
dead_time = 120
wake_all_if_all_dead = no
 home_server localhost {
ipaddr =
port = 1812
type = auth
secret = testing123
response_window = 20
max_outstanding = 65536
zombie_period = 40
status_check = 

Re: invalid Message-Authenticator! (Shared secret is incorrect.)

2009-02-02 Thread Hegedus Gabor wrote:

Could it be the problem?:
radius server is in and the nas is in the 
the packets bridged, the nas can ping the radius server... can the 
different mask be a problem?

No. Shared secret is wrong. Have you retyped it both on radius server and
on the NAS?


I checked a lot of time but 12345 = 12345 :)

WARNING: Unprintable characters in the password. Double-check the shared 
secret on the server and the NAS!

The only other possibility is a broken operating system (crypto libraries
are corrupted). But in 99.99% of cases, problem is different shared


I think the problem is in the AP(nas), not in the radius.

Sorry, no more questions about it . I think the CISCO 861 router(new) 
has something problem.

I just want to know.

now I try to find the 0.01%

thank you


Ivan Kalik

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

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Re: invalid Message-Authenticator! (Shared secret is incorrect.)

2009-02-02 Thread Johan Meiring

Hegedus Gabor wrote: wrote:

Could it be the problem?:
radius server is in and the nas is in the the packets bridged, the nas can ping the radius 
server... can the different mask be a problem?

No. Shared secret is wrong. Have you retyped it both on radius server and
on the NAS?


I checked a lot of time but 12345 = 12345 :)

Dont you mean test = test ?


Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
Tel: (021) 883-8271
Fax: (021) 886-7782

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

radius web managment

2009-02-02 Thread Mr Little Crazzy

Someone has installed dialup admin or daloradius ??
I have installed diaul up admin , but my problem is that not list the user 
Which is the best ?? and someone has an install guide for install each of one

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Re: [UKLAN] feature request

2009-02-02 Thread Alan DeKok
Hans-Peter Fuchs wrote:
 Hello Alan,
 freeradius-2.1.1 created the socket with 'radiusd' as owner and
 freeradius-2.1.3 throw error:
  Error: We do not own /var/run/radiusd/radius1.sock
 because it created it with owner root.

  This is a bug in 2.1.3 that will be fixed in 2.1.4.

  Alan DeKok.

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: invalid Message-Authenticator! (Shared secret is incorrect.)

2009-02-02 Thread Alan DeKok
Hegedus Gabor wrote:
 Hi I have a problem:
 I get this message
 *invalid Message-Authenticator! (Shared secret is incorrect.) *
 But I checked the key and it equals.

  The shared secret is wrong.

 What is the problem?
 client {
secret = test shortname=blablabla

  Why are you putting two configurations on the same line?  This isn't C
programming, where statements are separated by ';'

  Alan DeKok.
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

RE: radius web managment

2009-02-02 Thread Mr Little Crazzy

did you could configure Daloradius ?? Because i have this error when i try to 

Database connection error

Error Message: DB Error: connect failed
Debug:  [nativecode=Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: 
NO)] ** mysql://root:@

Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 19:56:27 +0100
Subject: Re: radius web managment

for me daloradius , if you can spend some monety you may go with radmanager ( ~ 
99eur )

2009/2/2 Mr Little Crazzy

Someone has installed dialup admin or daloradius ??
I have installed diaul up admin , but my problem is that not list the user 
Which is the best ?? and someone has an install guide for install each of one

¡Tienes 25 GB gratis para usar en Fotos de Windows Live! Estas vacaciones 
diviértete sacando fotos.


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Re: radius web managment

2009-02-02 Thread Marinko Tarlac
You need to learn basic things before you proceed with installation. 
Choose two words from your error message and google. You'll see that 
your username/pass combination is not correct for your database. This 
doesn't have anything with FR user list.

Mr Little Crazzy wrote:
did you could configure Daloradius ?? Because i have this error when i 
try to login

*Database connection error*
*Error Message*: DB Error: connect failed
*Debug*: [nativecode=Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using 
password: NO)] ** mysql://root:@

Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 19:56:27 +0100
Subject: Re: radius web managment

for me daloradius , if you can spend some monety you may go with 
radmanager ( ~ 99eur )

2009/2/2 Mr Little Crazzy

Someone has installed dialup admin or daloradius ??
I have installed diaul up admin , but my problem is that not list
the user conecct.
Which is the best ?? and someone has an install guide for install
each of one

¡Tienes 25 GB gratis para usar en Fotos de Windows Live! Estas
vacaciones diviértete sacando fotos.

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con Windows Live Messenger comparte fotos mientras charlás. El doble 
de diversión:

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RE: radius web managment

2009-02-02 Thread tnt
did you could configure Daloradius ?? Because i have this error when i try to 

Database connection error

   Error Message: DB Error: connect failed
Debug:  [nativecode=Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: 
NO)] ** mysql://root:@

Why don't you ask this on dalo Radius forum? It is highly unlikely that
you are suposed to connect to the database as root.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Cannot get value of config item with \

2009-02-02 Thread tnt
I'd like to check if a request that I received from a radius server will be
proxied back to that same server resulting in a proxy loop.

The way I see things there is no other way to find out to which server the
request will be proxied to.

Create a table proxy with information form proxy.conf. Use unlang to see
if proxy IP matces Client-IP-Address from the request and reject if it

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: mschav2 can't get connected

2009-02-02 Thread Alan DeKok
saman saman wrote:
 Hi..Can anyone help me. I can't get client connect to radius server.
 any suggestion on how to fix it..appreciated.
 Here the radius output:
 EAP-Message = 0x0101000501

  Your supplicant is sending an empty identity.  This isn't permitted.

  Alan DeKok.
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Cannot get value of config item with \\

2009-02-02 Thread Matej Vadnjal
On Monday 02.02.2009 10:37:59 Alan DeKok wrote:
 Matej Vadnjal wrote:
  I'm having trouble getting the value of auth_pool of a realm. Realms are
  defined as regular expressions matched by suffix module against the
  domain portion of users username.

   Ok... *why* are you doing that?

  if (%{config:realm[%{Realm}].auth_pool} =~ /%{client-shortname}/i) {

   That's odd.  What do you think that configuration does, and why do you
 want it to do that?

I have a server that receives requests from radius servers and forwards them 
to other radius servers (we are a national top-level radius for eduroam 

I'd like to check if a request that I received from a radius server will be 
proxied back to that same server resulting in a proxy loop.

The way I see things there is no other way to find out to which server the 
request will be proxied to.

My idea is that if I keep the names of servers in clients.conf and server 
pools in proxy.conf similar enough, I could compare them with a regexp and if 
they match reject the request, preventing a loop.

  Is this a bug or a safety feature (preventing some sort of injection
  attacks)? I tried all sorts of combination of single quites, double
  quotes, no quotes, but to no avail.

   Escaping characters is a security feature.

As I suspected. However in my case the value of Realm variable is one of 
predefined values in proxy.conf and not supplied by users.


Matej Vadnjal

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: invalid Message-Authenticator! (Shared secret is incorrect.)

2009-02-02 Thread Alan DeKok
Hegedus Gabor wrote:
 Could it be the problem?:
 radius server is in and the nas is in the
 the packets bridged, the nas can ping the radius server... can the
 different mask be a problem?

  Perhaps you should believe the answers on this list.

 and when I try authenticate for NAS(consol), the radius reject because
 ad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1645, id=43,
 NAS-IP-Address =
 NAS-Port-Type = Async
 User-Name = test
 User-Password = \335\333TmZî Łx\273\367G\241\350\263\026

  (a) the shared secret is wrong
  (b) the MD5 libraries are completely broken.

  Choose one.

  Choosing *another* option means that you are not interested in getting
help from this list.

 what is this password \335\333TmZî Łx\273\367G\241\350\263\026 I don't
 understand, ti tells chack the shared secret but it is good

  It means that the shared secret is wrong.

  Alan DeKok.
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: IP-Assignment with sqlippool based on nas-ip-address

2009-02-02 Thread tnt
I'm afriad, but this won't work in my environment. I will need a different 

Can you explain why do you think netmask won't work for
you. Do you know how that netmask works?

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Cannot get value of config item with \\

2009-02-02 Thread Alan DeKok
Matej Vadnjal wrote:
 I'm having trouble getting the value of auth_pool of a realm. Realms are 
 defined as regular expressions matched by suffix module against the domain 
 portion of users username. 

  Ok... *why* are you doing that?

   if (%{config:realm[%{Realm}].auth_pool} =~ /%{client-shortname}/i) {

  That's odd.  What do you think that configuration does, and why do you
want it to do that?

 Is this a bug or a safety feature (preventing some sort of injection 
 I tried all sorts of combination of single quites, double quotes, no quotes, 
 but to no avail.

  Escaping characters is a security feature.

  Alan DeKok.
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

RE: chap authentication and freeradius

2009-02-02 Thread tnt
+- entering group authorize {...}
++[preprocess] returns ok
[chap] Setting 'Auth-Type := CHAP'
++[chap] returns ok
++[mschap] returns noop
[suffix] No '@' in User-Name = ale, looking up realm NULL
[suffix] No such realm NULL
++[suffix] returns noop
[eap] No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
++[eap] returns noop
++[unix] returns notfound
[files] users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 172
++[files] returns ok
++[expiration] returns noop
++[logintime] returns noop
[pap] WARNING! No known good password found for the user.  Authentication 
may fail because of this.
++[pap] returns noop

What is wrong ???

Your data is in the database and sql isn't enabled in the configuration.
Enable sql in default virtual server (raddb/sites-enabled/default).

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: radius web managment

2009-02-02 Thread orion
for me daloradius , if you can spend some monety you may go with radmanager
( ~ 99eur )

2009/2/2 Mr Little Crazzy

  Someone has installed dialup admin or daloradius ??
 I have installed diaul up admin , but my problem is that not list the user
 Which is the best ?? and someone has an install guide for install each of

 ¡Tienes 25 GB gratis para usar en Fotos de Windows Live! Estas vacaciones
 diviértete sacando fotos.

 List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

invalid Message-Authenticator! (Shared secret is incorrect.)

2009-02-02 Thread Hegedus Gabor

Hi I have a problem:

I get this message
*invalid Message-Authenticator! (Shared secret is incorrect.) *

But I checked the key and it equals.

What is the problem?

client {
   secret = test  



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Re: chap authentication and freeradius

2009-02-02 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

 What is wrong ???

well, the debug clearly shows these lines:

[chap] login attempt by ale with CHAP password
[chap] Cleartext-Password is required for authentication
++[chap] returns invalid
Failed to authenticate the user.
Login incorrect (rlm_chap: Clear text password not available): [ale] (from 
client 123456 port 0)

so - how have you defined the user 'ale' ? where is their password
stored and how have you stored it (ie what attribute did you give it?)

in the most basic of cases i'd expect to see some reply like

'ale is in my users file and the entry looks like

ale   Cleartext-Password := some_random_password


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Re: tag support in Free Radius

2009-02-02 Thread Alan DeKok
Marlon Duksa wrote:
 Hi - does anyone know how send taged attributes from FreeRadius. I'm
 including the tag number with a colon after the attribute but not sure
 if this is correct (the last two attributes):
 DEFAULT User-Name =~
 ([a-z]+):([0-9]+)[^a-z]+([a-z]+):([0-9]+)$, Auth-Type := Local,
 User-Password == usrpass

  Don't set Auth-Type.

  Use Cleartext-Password :=... , not User-Password ==.  See the FAQ
for an example.

 Framed-Pool := 4,
 ERX-Ingress-Policy-Name := ingressFilter,
 ERX-Egress-Policy-Name := egressFilter,
 ERX-CoS-Parameter-Type:1 = basic_sch,
 ERX-CoS-Parameter-Type:2 += 8m

  That should work.

 And this is how the attribute is defined in dictionary:
 ATTRIBUTE   ERX-CoS-Parameter-Type  108 string

  Quoting the dictionaries doesn't help.  Do you think we don't have
access to them?

 Feb  1 07:41:38 parse_tag_based_vsa: Tag based VSA contains the wrong

  Show a TCPdump or wireshark packet capture.

  Also, are you sure you're using the latest version of the server?  If
not, upgrade.

  Alan DeKok.
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RE: chap authentication and freeradius

2009-02-02 Thread gf fg

yes that was my problem! I posted it!

 Subject: RE: chap  authentication and freeradius
 Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 17:02:09 +0100
 +- entering group authorize {...}
 ++[preprocess] returns ok
 [chap] Setting 'Auth-Type := CHAP'
 ++[chap] returns ok
 ++[mschap] returns noop
 [suffix] No '@' in User-Name = ale, looking up realm NULL
 [suffix] No such realm NULL
 ++[suffix] returns noop
 [eap] No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
 ++[eap] returns noop
 ++[unix] returns notfound
 [files] users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 172
 ++[files] returns ok
 ++[expiration] returns noop
 ++[logintime] returns noop
 [pap] WARNING! No known good password found for the user.  Authentication 
 may fail because of this.
 ++[pap] returns noop
 What is wrong ???
 Your data is in the database and sql isn't enabled in the configuration.
 Enable sql in default virtual server (raddb/sites-enabled/default).
 Ivan Kalik
 Kalik Informatika ISP
 List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

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Re: invalid Message-Authenticator! (Shared secret is incorrect.)

2009-02-02 Thread tnt
I think the problem is in the AP(nas), not in the radius.

Sorry, no more questions about it . I think the CISCO 861 router(new)
has something problem.

I would seriously doubt that. Your server would be much bigger suspect.
It can't find openSSL either.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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Re: Installation Problem

2009-02-02 Thread Alan DeKok
Marcelo Freitas wrote:
 Hello everybody,
 I searched the archive but I couldn't find any other topic similar. Can
 someone help me with the installation of FreeRadius 2.1.3 on my Slackware
 box ?
 /home/other/freeradius-server-2.1.3/src/main/modules.c:1037: undefined
 reference to `lt__PROGRAM__LTX_preloaded_symbols'

  Hmm... it looks like some weird libtool issue.  I suggest deleting the
entire source tree, and re-building from scratch.

  What OS are you using?

  Alan DeKok.
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2009-02-02 Thread Mike Strider
Orion, do you have a link to radmanager?


.. Mike

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mschav2 can't get connected

2009-02-02 Thread saman saman

Hi..Can anyone help me. I can't get client connect to radius server.any 
suggestion on how to fix it..appreciated.Here the radius output:Going to the 
next request
Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
User-Name = john
NAS-IP-Address =
Framed-MTU = 1488
Called-Station-Id = 00:30:1a:29:03:66
Calling-Station-Id = 00:1c:f0:10:56:b8
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
NAS-Identifier =
Connect-Info = CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b
State = 0x2e2e1d922d2b04150913ca69285527e1
EAP-Message = 0x020500061900
Message-Authenticator = 0xf3ce12fbfc579d77238be586aeef433a
+- entering group authorize
++[preprocess] returns ok
++[chap] returns noop
++[mschap] returns noop
rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = john, looking up realm NULL
rlm_realm: No such realm NULL
++[suffix] returns noop
  rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 5 length 6
  rlm_eap: Continuing tunnel setup.
++[eap] returns ok
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type EAP
+- entering group authenticate
  rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
  rlm_eap: EAP/peap
  rlm_eap: processing type peap
  rlm_eap_peap: Authenticate
  rlm_eap_tls: processing TLS
rlm_eap_tls: Received EAP-TLS ACK message
  rlm_eap_tls: ack handshake fragment handler
  eaptls_verify returned 1
  eaptls_process returned 13
  rlm_eap_peap: EAPTLS_HANDLED
++[eap] returns handled
EAP-Message = 
Message-Authenticator = 0x
State = 0x2e2e1d922a2804150913ca69285527e1
Finished request 46.
Going to the next request
Waking up in 4.8 seconds.
User-Name = john
NAS-IP-Address =
Framed-MTU = 1488
Called-Station-Id = 00:30:1a:29:03:66
Calling-Station-Id = 00:1c:f0:10:56:b8
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
NAS-Identifier =
Connect-Info = CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b
State = 0x2e2e1d922a2804150913ca69285527e1
EAP-Message = 
EAP-Message = 
Message-Authenticator = 0x7563893321cf7c546a720b6d7940d1bf
+- entering group authorize
++[preprocess] returns ok
++[chap] returns noop
++[mschap] returns noop
rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = john, looking up realm NULL
rlm_realm: No such realm NULL
++[suffix] returns noop
  rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 6 length 253
  rlm_eap: Continuing tunnel setup.
++[eap] returns ok
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type EAP
+- entering group authenticate
  rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
  rlm_eap: EAP/peap
  rlm_eap: processing type peap
  rlm_eap_peap: Authenticate
  rlm_eap_tls: processing TLS
  TLS Length 310
rlm_eap_tls:  Length Included
  eaptls_verify returned 11
  rlm_eap_tls:  TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0106], ClientKeyExchange
TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client key exchange A
  rlm_eap_tls:  TLS 1.0 ChangeCipherSpec [length 0001]
  rlm_eap_tls:  TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0010], Finished
TLS_accept: SSLv3 read finished A
  rlm_eap_tls: TLS 1.0 ChangeCipherSpec [length 0001]
TLS_accept: SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
  rlm_eap_tls: TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0010], Finished
TLS_accept: SSLv3 write finished A
TLS_accept: SSLv3 flush data
(other): SSL negotiation finished successfully
SSL Connection Established
  eaptls_process returned 13
  rlm_eap_peap: EAPTLS_HANDLED
++[eap] returns handled
EAP-Message = 
Message-Authenticator = 0x
State = 0x2e2e1d922b2904150913ca69285527e1
Finished request 47.
Going to the next request
Waking up in 4.8 seconds.
Cleaning up request 42 ID 86 with timestamp +565
Cleaning up request 43 ID 88 with timestamp +565
Cleaning up request 44 ID 90 with timestamp +565
Cleaning up request 45 ID 92 with timestamp +565
Cleaning up request 46 ID 94 with timestamp +565
Cleaning up request 47 ID 96 with timestamp +565
Ready to process requests.
User-Name = john
NAS-IP-Address =
Framed-MTU = 1488
Called-Station-Id = 00:30:1a:29:03:66

Re: radius web managment

2009-02-02 Thread Phil Meech
I doubt you've configured the database connection for daloradius.  In
it's management folder, I think there's a file called daloradius.conf
(if not search for it) edit it with your database login details and
radius DB name.  I think its all self explanatory in the file.

2009/2/2 Mr Little Crazzy
 did you could configure Daloradius ?? Because i have this error when i try
 to login

 Database connection error
 Error Message: DB Error: connect failed
 Debug: [nativecode=Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
 password: NO)] ** mysql://root:@

 Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 19:56:27 +0100
 Subject: Re: radius web managment

 for me daloradius , if you can spend some monety you may go with radmanager
 ( ~ 99eur )

 2009/2/2 Mr Little Crazzy

 Someone has installed dialup admin or daloradius ??
 I have installed diaul up admin , but my problem is that not list the user
 Which is the best ?? and someone has an install guide for install each of

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Re: invalid Message-Authenticator! (Shared secret is incorrect.)

2009-02-02 Thread Hegedus Gabor

Alan DeKok wrote:

Hegedus Gabor wrote:

Hi I have a problem:

I get this message
*invalid Message-Authenticator! (Shared secret is incorrect.) *

But I checked the key and it equals.

  The shared secret is wrong.


What is the problem?

client {
   secret = test 


  Why are you putting two configurations on the same line?  This isn't C
programming, where statements are separated by ';'

  Alan DeKok.
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

sorry there is enter but i just wrote it wrong...

client {
	secret = test 


Could it be the problem?:
radius server is in and the nas is in the 
the packets bridged, the nas can ping the radius server... can the 
different mask be a problem?

and when I try authenticate for NAS(consol), the radius reject because

ad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1645, id=43, 

NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port-Type = Async
User-Name = test
User-Password = \335\333TmZî Łx\273\367G\241\350\263\026
NAS-Identifier = *** 
+- entering group authorize {...}
++[preprocess] returns ok
++[chap] returns noop
++[mschap] returns noop
[suffix] No '@' in User-Name = test, looking up realm NULL
[suffix] No such realm NULL
++[suffix] returns noop
[eap] No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
++[eap] returns noop
++[unix] returns notfound
++[files] returns noop

Failed to authenticate the user.
Login incorrect: [test/\335\333TmZî?Łx\273\367G\241\350\263\026] (from 
client AP_wireless port 0)
WARNING: Unprintable characters in the password. Double-check the shared 
secret on the server and the NAS!

Using Post-Auth-Type Reject

what is this password \335\333TmZî Łx\273\367G\241\350\263\026 I don't 
understand, ti tells chack the shared secret but it is good

thank you
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Re: IP-Assignment with sqlippool based on nas-ip-address

2009-02-02 Thread tnt
 That should happen only if IP allocation has expired (see lease-duration
 in sqlippool.conf). There is another allocate-find query that issues
 random IPs.

Hmmm, maybe there is another problem in my config. I tried two requests within 
ten seconds. Attached you'll find the debug. During the second request the 
first ip-address is freed and can be used again. The lease-duration has the 
standard value of 3600, so this can't be the reason.

This is the table radippool after the second request:

| pool_name | framedipaddress | nasipaddress | expiry_time | username 
| pool_key |
| poolUK| |   | 2009-02-02 10:14:32 | peter2   
|  |
| poolUK| |  | 2009-02-02 09:14:31 |  
| 0|

You don't have a pool_key because you are doing radtest requests. Proper
request will have NAS-Port or Calling-Station-Id as pool_key. With
updated queries user, nas *and* pool_key need to match for IP to be
released. Queries in the distribution don't have pool_key so double
login will release the older IP.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Cannot get value of config item with \\

2009-02-02 Thread Alan DeKok
Matej Vadnjal wrote:
 On Monday 02.02.2009 10:37:59 Alan DeKok wrote:
 I'd like to check if a request that I received from a radius server will be 
 proxied back to that same server resulting in a proxy loop.

  Hmm... if a server proxies requests to you that it *should* have
handled itself, it is seriously broken.

 The way I see things there is no other way to find out to which server the 
 request will be proxied to.

 Put this in pre-proxy:

if (Realm 
(%{home_server:ipaddr} == %{client:ipaddr})) {

  That should work.  And no, this isn't well documented.

 My idea is that if I keep the names of servers in clients.conf and server 
 pools in proxy.conf similar enough, I could compare them with a regexp and if 
 they match reject the request, preventing a loop.

  Just check IP's.

  Alan DeKok.
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: radmanager

2009-02-02 Thread Gunza
Anybody have Radius Manager copy of download link. If you have please send me.


--- On Mon, 2/2/09, Mike Strider wrote:
From: Mike Strider
Subject: radmanager
To: 'FreeRadius users mailing list'
Date: Monday, February 2, 2009, 11:30 AM


Orion, do you have a link to radmanager? 


.. Mike 


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Re: Cannot get value of config item with \\

2009-02-02 Thread Matej Vadnjal
On Monday 02.02.2009 12:37:09 Alan DeKok wrote:
   Hmm... if a server proxies requests to you that it *should* have
 handled itself, it is seriously broken.

It also happens when users mistype their user names. Suppose you have a user: 
u...@a.orga.tld. orgA has a radius server that proxies requests for realm 
a.orgA.tld to another server, but all other requests go to upstream server 

If our user mistypes their user name as u...@b.orga.tld radius at orgA 
forwards that request to our server but we see this as realm *.orgA.tld (orgA 
has a lot of sub-domains - we don't want to define all of them separately) so 
we send the request back to them.

  Put this in pre-proxy:

   if (Realm 
   (%{home_server:ipaddr} == %{client:ipaddr})) {

   That should work.  And no, this isn't well documented.

Great. I did not know about %{home_server:ipaddr}. However there are still two 

- %{client:ipaddr} does not expand to anything on my end but Client-IP-Address 

- If I reject in pre-proxy my server crashes. No error message or anything, it 
just exits (see attached debug). Is this a bug? I'm using version 2.1.0.


Matej Vadnjal

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1814, id=200, 
User-Name =
Message-Authenticator = 0xc683a697de2b17b81dbad41e7c5bb471  
EAP-Message = 0x0202000f01407072696d65722e7369  
NAS-IP-Address = 
NAS-Identifier =  
Proxy-State = 0x3134
+- entering group authorize {...}   
++[preprocess] returns ok   
[suffix] Looking up realm for User-Name =  
[suffix] Found realm ~^(idp\.primer\.si|.*\.idp\.primer\.si|primer\.si)$  
[suffix] Adding Realm = ~^(idp\.primer\.si|.*\.idp\.primer\.si|primer\.si)$   
[suffix] Proxying request from user  to realm 
[suffix] Preparing to proxy authentication request to realm 
++[suffix] returns updated
expand: %{User-Name} -
[files] users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 10
++[files] returns ok
+- entering group pre-proxy {...}
++? if (Realm  (%{home_server:ipaddr} == %{Client-IP-Address}))
? Evaluating (Realm ) - TRUE
expand: %{home_server:ipaddr} -
expand: %{Client-IP-Address} -
? Evaluating (%{home_server:ipaddr} == %{Client-IP-Address}) - TRUE
++? if (Realm  (%{home_server:ipaddr} == %{Client-IP-Address})) - TRUE
++- entering if (Realm  (%{home_server:ipaddr} == %{Client-IP-Address})) 
+++[reject] returns reject
++- if (Realm  (%{home_server:ipaddr} == %{Client-IP-Address})) returns 
There was no response configured: rejecting request 0
Using Post-Auth-Type Reject
+- entering group REJECT {...}
expand: %{User-Name} -
 attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
++[attr_filter.access_reject] returns updated
Delaying reject of request 0 for 1 seconds
Going to the next request
Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
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Re: Certificate Provisioning for EAP-TLS Networks

2009-02-02 Thread Anders Holm
There are other solutions around as well to distribute and manage client 
side certificates. Not cheap, but they do exist.

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Re: Cannot get value of config item with \\

2009-02-02 Thread Alan DeKok
Matej Vadnjal wrote:
 Great. I did not know about %{home_server:ipaddr}. However there are still 
 - %{client:ipaddr} does not expand to anything on my end but 

  If %{client:ipaddr} doesn't work, it's because there's no ipaddr
entry in the relevant client section.

 - If I reject in pre-proxy my server crashes. No error message or anything, 
 just exits (see attached debug). Is this a bug? I'm using version 2.1.0.

  That would be a bug.  My first suggestion would be to upgrade rather
than trying to track down what's going wrong.

  Alan DeKok.
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