Re: MSCHAPv2 use_tunneling_reply problem

2013-10-11 Thread Alan Buxey
So what you're saying is that even though the users are using anonymous outerid 
and want anonymity you want to release their id to the site they are at?

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Re: 2.2.2 release date

2013-10-08 Thread Alan Buxey
Hash: SHA256

Why are you so keen for 2.2.2 release? The delay is down to an issue which 
needs identifying and testing.  people who download the HEAD of 2.2.x and test 
help at this point.

- --
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Version: APG v1.0.8


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Re: Freeradius issue : Active Directory Integration

2013-10-04 Thread Alan Buxey
Hash: SHA256


Wondering what authentication method you are using as maybe looking at wrong 
ntlm  check the mschap module for its ntlm_auth incantation.  Also, if you 
have doubts about the AD account used to bind them follow that up.  Get it 
bound in the same way. What does ntlm_auth do on the command line for you?

- --
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Version: APG v1.0.8


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Re: Cache for machine authentication

2013-10-04 Thread Alan Buxey
Using EAP? use the EAP cache and populate the entry with whatever is needed. 

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Re: What does FR 2.2.2 fix?

2013-10-04 Thread Alan Buxey
Hash: SHA256

Some things started acting differently in 2.2.1 compared to previous releases 
of 2.x

2.2.2 should revert that so things behave the same - so far that seems to be 
true but we are still seeing stalled module in core messages that we did not 
see with 2.2.0

- --
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Re: Running RADIUS in permanent debug mode with rotating log

2013-10-03 Thread Alan Buxey
Hash: SHA256

I really wouldn't recommend running in full debug mode on a production server 
full time... its only single threaded so if you have to service lots of 
requests you have an immediate bottleneck.

What sort of weird problems are you facing? You know you can run on debug mode 
for single users or clients via radmin/raddebug ??

If you really want to proceed then you can use eg crontab to run a script which 
kills all radiusd processes and then starts new debug session with the date in 
the logfile eg

radiusd -X  /var/log/debug-'date +args xxx'

Where + args xx is the date string format you require


Clement Ogedengbe wrote:

We have been having strange experiences with our RADIUS service
lately and we thought it would be a good idea to run RADIUS in debug
mode permanently to enable us effectively troubleshoot user

How can we run radiusd -x  logname such that we have different
logname for each day?

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- --
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RE: how to change the radius default testing123 password

2013-10-02 Thread Alan Buxey

pretty definitive. incorrect shared secret - are you SURE that you havent got 
any white spaces
etc lurking around? keep the shared secret in quotes if in doubt

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Re: Active Directory authentication question

2013-09-25 Thread Alan Buxey
Well.  There's no such thing as EAP-TLS/MSCHAPv2 . So I'd guess that your 
Android device is just doing PEAPv0/EAP-MSCHAPv2 or such and your config allows 
it to.  If you ran in full debug mode when connecting with the Android device 
you'd see exactly what's happening


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Re: empty preacct and accounting section

2013-09-25 Thread Alan Buxey
As the msg says.  Your preacct {} and accounting {} sections in your server are 
not configured to do anything. Add active modules to them eg a database call 
and things will be different. 

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Re: Active Directory authentication question

2013-09-24 Thread Alan Buxey
Or ask your distribution provider why they still provide wpa_supplicant package 
without eapol_test tool ;)


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Re: Get errors with radtest on ip address

2013-09-05 Thread Alan Buxey
No problem with radiusd at this point.  It's not received a single packet.  
You've got a problem with your local network environment on the host.  Care to 
share /etc/hosts?

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Re: FreeRADIUS Accounting Logging to Two Separate Locations Simultaneously

2013-09-05 Thread Alan Buxey
The default install comes with a few accounting virtual servers that you can 
use.  I'd strongly advise one of the or of band asynchronous ones.

If you use UDP syslog is not blocking. .. it is fire and forget. .. so if you 
might lose packets if you have congested links or a disruption between source 
and destination.  For security throw a VPN tunnel between the hosts.

At the end is whatever floats your boat and is maintainable. . you had a big 
list some of which seem prone to issues and overworked. And why not think of it 
the other way around? Let security have all the logs and then give ops access 
to the data via their system. ..ops then no longer need to worry about data 
retention, the legal issues, disk space etc. ..they just run a radius daemon ;)


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Re: Freeradius 2.2.0 - binaries not being installed ???

2013-09-05 Thread Alan Buxey
But if you'd installed the debian/Ubuntu package version then it is 
'freeradius' ;)

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Re: EAP logging

2013-08-28 Thread Alan Buxey
Your reference is wrong/unknown which means that there's a noop. This means no 
operation which means no fticks output


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Re: debian, wpa_supplicant, TTLS/TLS working, PEAP/TLS fails

2013-08-22 Thread Alan Buxey
TLS in PEAP.  Yes I've seen it. And EAP-MSCHAPV2 in PEAP

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Re: User Account Configuration

2013-08-20 Thread Alan Buxey
Think about the login time ... If you create an account for the future then if 
it has a start validity date. ..


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Re: sql_counter module doesn't count

2013-08-13 Thread Alan Buxey
If your NAS can't send accounting then there's nothing you can do at the 
freeradius end to make it do accounting


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Re: sql_counter module doesn't count

2013-08-12 Thread Alan Buxey

That's just an authentication request accounting packets is what you need.  
Is your kit configured to send accounting to this RADIUS server?


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Re: Problems setting up a freeradius server with PEAP

2013-08-08 Thread Alan Buxey

How are you generating the certs and what format are they in?

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Re: Auth by NAS-Identifier using unlang

2013-08-06 Thread Alan Buxey
I assume that's the freeradius2 package rather than freeradius as 1.x doesn't 
have unlang

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Re: Authorization failed in cisco switch

2013-07-23 Thread Alan Buxey

now i can logon into the switch but i can with all USERS.

Yes.  Because that's how you have configured it.  You've set the DEFAULT to 
have those abilities.  I would recommend reading freeradius resources and buy a 
book to discover/understand policies, groups etc

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Re: Ubuntu FreeRadius does not recoginize some symbols and does not compile from source and is also outdated (Why is there no new version in SID? Is the package still maintained?)

2013-07-21 Thread Alan Buxey

 Freeradius does not build from source.

Yes.  It does.  But you are compiling some random external flavour.  Download 
the source from and report what happens

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Re: Dynamic vlan assignment

2013-07-19 Thread Alan Buxey
I'm sure there was some late in the day ios updates for 1130 series AP this 
stuff works with capwap/lwapp 1131 anyway, if MBSSID is not supported with 
dynamic vlan assignment so don't use mbssid, use guest mode instead.

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Re: [ANN] Version 3.0.0-rc0

2013-07-17 Thread Alan Buxey

Don't you have freeradius-utils already. .. which contains radtest etc which is 
very useful for admins


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Re: FreeRadius Authentication against AD or AD LDS (LDAP)

2013-07-16 Thread Alan Buxey

Store the passwords in nt-hash format.  Use guest usernames with a particular 
format so that you can use some simple unlang to select the right type of 
authentication rather than hitting each method and causing unnecessary load and 


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Re: LDAP authentication filter based on source SSID

2013-07-12 Thread Alan Buxey
Look at the requests coming from your AP in debug mode.  You should see 
information there that can be used eg called station id with SSID appended or a 
VSA with the SSID name or number in it.  Use that with your policy


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Re: PEAP using different CA?

2013-07-10 Thread Alan Buxey
User a deployment tool as then things like CN checks are done


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Re: freeradius using linux user passwd

2013-07-09 Thread Alan Buxey
Read the compatability matrix.  Check what EAP method your clients are using 
versus the password storage method you are using.


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Re: 3.0

2013-07-09 Thread Alan Buxey
What the hurry? Are you actually using the pre release? I ask because we may 
find some other hitherto unknown bug


 Original message 
From: David Peterson
Date: 09/07/2013 16:33 (GMT+00:00)
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: 3.0

Any ETA on 3.0 being released?


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Re: Re[2]: acct_users

2013-07-08 Thread Alan Buxey
Yes, issues can appear in new code as well as get fixed.  Known problems in 
2.2.0 will be solved in 2.2.1 which is near/ready for release


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Re: Problem with CISCO WIRELESS CONTROLLER and RADIUS Authentication

2013-07-04 Thread Alan Buxey
Those are VSA that you are getting from the NAS. You're WiFi kit is centrally 
managed so config is pushed from the controller


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Re: something like huntgroups?

2013-07-02 Thread Alan Buxey

I'll see if I can send through some dictionary file entries later today


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Re: freeradius outer identity

2013-06-27 Thread Alan Buxey
Don't do such authorization checks on the outer id

if EAP dont run ldap in the outer the current default config is set up in 
such a way


 Original message 
From: val john
Date: 27/06/2013 04:58 (GMT+00:00)
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: freeradius outer identity

Hi guys ,

i have freeradius server that authenticate with LDAP and set up was working 
fine ,

but when the client specifies the outer identity (some dummy user name ) Radius 
server taking that dummy user name as actual username , because of that LDAP 
authentication fails .

(Authentication proceeds working file  if the client not specifying any outer 

Can you guys please advice , how to fix this issue

Thank You
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Re: ldap

2013-06-22 Thread Alan Buxey

Always start simple.  Run radtest on the RADIUS server box using ... 
THEN move to running against it from other systems once you've verified all 
authentication etc is working

Note that it is port 1812 UDP

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Re: EAP-TTLS security level

2013-06-10 Thread Alan Buxey
The security depends on the configuration of your clients and the certificate 
chosen for your radius server


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Re: Accounting: visualize login, logout and commands

2013-06-03 Thread Alan Buxey
For switches, ensure that your are sending accounting and ensure on the radius 
server that you are recording sick packets. ... but what switches are you 
running as eg Cisco switches use Tacacs+ for sending details of all commands 
run. ..


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Re: SSL error

2013-05-31 Thread Alan Buxey
Compiled without required ssl environment being present? The debug output will 
have printed or more information regarding the error

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Re: EAP error

2013-05-31 Thread Alan Buxey
Looks like a client with incorrect settings.  Why would you want to add that ca 
to your server? Your radius server isn't signed by it.


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2013-05-24 Thread Alan Buxey
Show us the radius server debug


This smartphone uses eduroam for free WiFi access around the world.  Now that's 
what I call smart.

 Original message 
From: Matthew Melbourne
Date: 24/05/2013 17:10 (GMT+00:00)


I have an interesting scenario where a broadband user has
Auth-Type=Reject configured as an attribute in the back-end database
of FreeRADIUS, and this sppears to be working, as radtest and
radclient confirm (the Access-Reject packet is received):

[root@radius-one radius]# echo
User-Name=mmelbourne@realm,Password=mypassword,Framed-Protocol=PPP |
radclient -x -s auth radius_secret
Sending Access-Request of id 45 to port 1812
User-Name = mmelbourne@realm
Password = mypassword
Framed-Protocol = PPP
rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host, id=45, length=73
Reply-Message = Your account has been disabled, please call support

   Total approved auths:  0
 Total denied auths:  1
   Total lost auths:  0

However, on the NAS (LNS), a radius debug shows that the
authentication succeeds with an Access-Accept, even though the
account disabled Reply-Message is received:

May 23 14:12:28.076: RADIUS(00011A84): Send Access-Request to
213.x.x.x:1812 id 21793/12, len 107
May 23 14:12:28.076: RADIUS:  authenticator 70 A9 8C A5 A8 79 A8 61 -
4D F6 99 37 F7 63 FE A5
May 23 14:12:28.076: RADIUS:  Framed-Protocol [7]   6   PPP
May 23 14:12:28.076: RADIUS:  User-Name   [1]   21  mmelbourne@realm
May 23 14:12:28.076: RADIUS:  CHAP-Password   [3]   19  *
May 23 14:12:28.076: RADIUS:  NAS-Port-Type   [61]  6   Virtual
May 23 14:12:28.076: RADIUS:  NAS-Port[5]   6   826
May 23 14:12:28.076: RADIUS:  NAS-Port-Id [87]  17  Uniq-Sess-ID826
May 23 14:12:28.076: RADIUS:  Service-Type[6]   6   Framed
May 23 14:12:28.076: RADIUS:  NAS-IP-Address  [4]   6   88.x.x.x
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS: Received from id 21793/12 213.x.x.x:1812,
Access-Accept, len 157
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:  authenticator 79 6C DA EB 1A CC AD CA -
BB E3 C9 CE D1 C3 AC 47
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:  Reply-Message   [18]  53
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:   59 6F 75 72 20 61 63 63 6F 75 6E 74 20
68 61 73  [Your account has]
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:   20 62 65 65 6E 20 64 69 73 61 62 6C 65
64 2C 20  [ been disabled, ]
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:   70 6C 65 61 73 65 20 63 61 6C 6C 20 73
75 70 70  [please call supp]
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:   6F 72 74   [ ort]
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:  Framed-IP-Address   [8]   6   77.x.x.x
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:  Framed-IP-Netmask   [9]   6
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:  Framed-Protocol [7]   6   PPP
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:  Service-Type[6]   6   Framed
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:  Vendor, Cisco   [26]  54
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:   Cisco AVpair   [1]   48
ip:dns-servers=213.x.x.x 213.x.x.x
May 23 14:12:28.084: RADIUS:  Idle-Timeout[28]  6   28800

The only difference I can see is that the first example uses a
plain-text password, and the RADIUS on the LNS is using CHAP?

The backend database has = in the 'op' field (and not :=), so the
returned attribute is Auth-Type = Reject and not Auth-Type :=
Reject, but it is correctly rejected using radtest/radclient, and I
believe the = operand to be correct.

Has anyone seen anything similar; the NAS is a 7206VXR running
12.2(31)SB2 and the backend is FreeRADIUS 1.1?
Matthew Melbourne
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Re: [Help] How to control the authentication session timeout

2013-04-23 Thread Alan Buxey
Controlled by the NAS and/or the RADIUS server depending on NAS settings. ie 
you should be able to set session-timeout on the NAS and then override/update 
the value on the RADIUS server depending on your chosen for 
particular users/clients etc...and if proxying you may have agreements or 
filtering in place to set/agree the value


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Re: Procautions on upgrading FR from 2.1.10 to 2.2.0

2013-04-23 Thread Alan Buxey
...have a little test/dev server. Copy your current config onto it and run the 
new version in full debug mode, see what it might complain about

Alternatively, compare your config against vanilla config and then just start 
from vanilla making required changes...this can really help to clean up old 
legacy configs and also helps you learn the server and how it works..I note 
this method as its going to be crucial for 2.x to 3.x upgrades

This smartphone uses free WiFi around the world with eduroam, now that's what I 
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Re: Connect-Info attribute

2013-04-21 Thread Alan Buxey
Do your NAS send connect-info? Do tour other RADIUS servers even note or use 
it? Freeradius is more verbose so you will notice this and the provided sql 
schemas are very generic , one size won't fit all, you may find that you have 
to edit the config files your purpose.

Are you using the filters? If so, you will need to ensure eg connect-info is 
added to the relevant filter file eg 'attrs'


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Re: Setting different IDLE-TIMEOUTS based on IP Address

2013-04-17 Thread Alan Buxey
Use any one of the clients.conf methods that were mentioned yesterday with some 
unlang and this would be working already. I seem to recall that huntgroups 
might be going the way if the dodo(?) It doesn't do regex methods because its 
older... pre 1.0 code


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Re: Setting different IDLE-TIMEOUTS based on IP Address

2013-04-16 Thread Alan Buxey
If your NAS can take such a value then it can be assigned. Either via eg users 
file and huntgroup or via eg unlang

if(%{NAS-Ip-Address} == {
 update reply {
  Attribute = XYZ

..'man unlang' for more info


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Re: Real server certificate for PEAP

2013-04-02 Thread Alan Buxey
A self-signed is real. It's just that you are the CA...which actually gives you 
greater security and keeps your authentication under your own destiny control.

If you believe that having a RADIUS server signed by a CA that is in the OS of 
your clients is the way you want to go, then simply go and buy a cert from eg 
thawte, verisign etc.


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Re: Auth-Type krb5 not recognized by v2.1.12

2013-03-27 Thread Alan Buxey
What you are doing is actually okay (its one of those exceptions where 
auth-type needs to be present as the server has no idea to use krb5). I wonder 
if your server has been built with kerberos support?


This smartphone uses free WiFi around the world with eduroam, now that's what I 
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Re: Setting up EAP-TLS as the ONLY authentication mechanism?

2013-03-24 Thread Alan Buxey
All that stuff is on by default to ensure that people who want more than a 
really dumb and minimal server can get up and running without having to try to 
find what combination of stuff needs to be enabled.

So, eg proxying is enabled ..whats the issue? Unless you have actually edited 
proxy.conf to do something it won't do anything , there's no entry in 
clients.conf other than localhost too, so even if you had the required ports 
open to the world, nothing is going to happen.

If all you want is EAP-TLS auth then its very easy to minimise to that 
configmuch much easier than having to learn the server better and trying to 
get there from a minimal config that doesn't work out if the box (ask those who 
have tried doing it that way...look at mailing list history for those that 
stripped the config out before then trying to get things to work)

This isn't Apache, which does have a whole load of things on and can get you 
p0wned on port 80 if you have that open to the world


This smartphone uses free WiFi around the world with eduroam, now that's what I 
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Re: Setting up EAP-TLS as the ONLY authentication mechanism?

2013-03-24 Thread Alan Buxey
Blah blah. But you don't say what the issue is with the fact 
your issue was with the default config and your requirements...which are 
actually both fully documented in the config. I don't see why you've dropped in 
from nowhere, thrown your ego around and then claim to be leaving. Expect 
help/advice in the future? Because if so, you've gone about it the wrong way 


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Re: How to use checkval

2013-03-15 Thread Alan Buxey
Do you need RPM? Can you not just build and install from the source?


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Re: Failed to load module jradius freeradius server

2013-03-08 Thread Alan Buxey
This is the freeradius list, not the jradius list. If you want help and advice 
then use the appropriate list

Many thanks


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Re: Freeradius with either LDAP or Mysql Error lib not found

2013-03-08 Thread Alan Buxey
As Fajar says, some distros split up the functions into separate packages (so 
you don't need to install loads of things just to have a basic server) use your 
package manager to find/install the sub packages


This smartphone uses free WiFi around the world with eduroam, now that's what I 
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Re: Failed to load module jradius freeradius server

2013-03-08 Thread Alan Buxey

This is the freeradius list, not the jradius list. If you want help and advice 
then use the appropriate list

Which bit wasn't clear?

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Re: Freeradius 2.2.0 memory leak issue.

2013-03-06 Thread Alan Buxey
Have you tried the latest 2.2 GIT release?  Many code updates


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Re: [Help] How to eliminate client certificate popup

2013-03-06 Thread Alan Buxey

2. Check fig.9 and fig-10 .. looks like there is an option to cache user

information and to 'not prompt user to ...' that I think (cmiiw) will give

proper solution.

It will stop pop-ups for future connections but not remove pop-ups for initial 
connection...which is what the requester wants.


This smartphone uses free WiFi around the world with eduroam, now that's what I 
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Re: schema.sql for postgresql problem in raduser group table

2013-03-06 Thread Alan Buxey
Do YOU need a primary key?


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Re: overlapping cisco avpairs (UCS+IOS)

2013-03-06 Thread Alan Buxey
If request is from UCS then reply with the required UCS reply attribute, else 
send back your old reply attribute.

This can be done by either using the client-identifier attribute and unlang, or 
by using a new virtual-server instance... well, it can actually be done by at 
least another 3 ways but they are the 2 methods I'd choose from


This smartphone uses free WiFi around the world with eduroam, now that's what I 
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Re: Problem with quoting (Version 2.2.0)

2013-02-25 Thread Alan Buxey
Escape quotes around the CA path?  \


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Re: Problem with quoting (Version 2.2.0)

2013-02-25 Thread Alan Buxey
or use a local symlink that doesn't have spaces in it ;)


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Re: radiusd starts but rejects test user

2013-02-15 Thread Alan Buxey
Read the docs. Really, start from the beginning! In this case, this is the 
second hurdle ..getting another device to talk to your server.

Add that system to your clients.conf file with a correct/matching shared 
secret. This isn't rocket science but you must read the documentation in the 
first place!


This smartphone uses free WiFi around the world with eduroam, now that's what I 
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Re: Upgrading from FR 2.1.10 to 2.2.x

2013-02-13 Thread Alan Buxey
First, check that centos doesn't have the security issue backported

For upgrade, backup your current configuration directory eg

cp -R /etc/raddb /etc/raddb.backup

Then install the new version

2.1.10 and 2.2.0 are config compatible apart from one single option which isn't 
set by default (check the release notes). Freeradius install will not touch 
files that already you won't get any new options/comments in your 
config files so may lose visibility of any new features in that regard...but 
new config files and modules and virtual servers will appear in your config.

So, radiusd -X of your current server , capture the startup output, then do the 
same again after the upgrade and compare the difference.


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Re: [EAP/TLS] Authenfication through a certificate

2013-02-08 Thread Alan Buxey
As already said, post output of radiusd -X
(that will clearly show the logic taken)


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Re: FTP Error when Radius is UP

2013-02-07 Thread Alan Buxey
Huh? How are the 2 related? What have you done to get onto thus state?


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Re: radiusd running config - is it possible to display

2013-02-05 Thread Alan Buxey
? It's all on disk.

And if that's changed since the server was run then radiusd -X won't help. You 
know you can run a check/verify instance...? And that using radmin you can 
check the configuration of particular modules in the current running instance?


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Re: Quick question about RFC 3579 2.6.5

2013-01-26 Thread Alan Buxey
Really? Hmm, the rest of eduroam are using operator-name. Will check about 
prevalence if the wispr attribute


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Re: Freeradius and EAP_TLS Problem:

2013-01-23 Thread Alan Buxey
So you went from a working system and then changed everything for the switch 
authentication. Why? Why didn't you just keep the same AAA backend?

Either way, if you want to use 2 different certs and CAs then you'll need 2 
instances or proxy the other ones off to eg microsd NPS server..but again, 


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Re: Session-Timeout

2013-01-18 Thread Alan Buxey
Yes. You could do it simply with users file, use unlang in post-auth or add it 
to LDAP as 3 places to start with (just one way is enough!) And you'll need to 
ensure tour NAS kit follow/honours the value you provide. If you are proxying a 
la eduroam then the remote site providing the service will decide what to do. 
They may honour your value, they may filter it out or they may override it with 
their chosen value


This smartphone uses free WiFi around the world with eduroam, now that's what I 
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Re: Chap/Pap Authentication

2013-01-18 Thread Alan Buxey
Forget the user-password. You are not using it, you are trying to kludge it. 
Just use the variable you have, or the facsimile you are making.

This is freeradius, there are at least a dozen ways of doing what you want, 
Alan has given you a fine method


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Re: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) found for the request

2013-01-18 Thread Alan Buxey
...and then you did comment . And added more. It's open source and the 
documentation and Wikipedia is there for everyone.e to contribute.  Don't like 
it? Feel free to show the world how you think it should look, or add the 
missing  bits you have discovered.

Unfortunately , what we get is people saying the docs are poor...that they 
found out how to do what they want...and never tell us. The next person who 
comes along then faces the same issue as the initial person was selfish. It's 
not a developer problem.


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Re: LDAP Reply Attributes

2013-01-11 Thread Alan Buxey
Switch config issue? Ensure your switch is configured to authorize over RADIUS 
as well as to authenticate over RADIUS.
(sounds like its doing the latter but not the former)


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Re: Failure with TLS authentication and Freeradius on Fefora-17

2013-01-09 Thread Alan Buxey
The certs resulting from a make install and initial run of 'radiusd -X' are 
valid and will work.


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Re: Instantiation failed for module sql Errors initializing modules

2013-01-09 Thread Alan Buxey

Are you running as root?


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Re: Failure with TLS authentication and Freeradius on Fefora-17

2013-01-07 Thread Alan Buxey
Ummm, if you are using those scripts then you have local certs which are 
different on each server...and thus the client wouldnt match. If you require 
both servers to be used by the same client then you need to use the same CA on 
both server installs. Likewise, only one server/CA should be making your client 


This smartphone uses free WiFi around the world with eduroam, now that's what I 
call smart.

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Re: rlm_ippool does not create DB and IDX files

2013-01-02 Thread Alan Buxey
That's just your/redhat view of the structure. Some might also say /opt is the 
place for things  if only there was a standard that wasn't LSB ;)


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Re: freeradius down every Sun Dec 30 06:50:40 2012 : Error: ASSERT FAILED modcall.c[106]: (p-type MOD_SINGLE) (p-type = MOD_POLICY)

2012-12-30 Thread Alan Buxey
This fails without fail every Sunday? In that case check what happens... eg if 
that HUP'ING of the freeradius is a weekly crontab then investigate what else 
is going on at that time there appear to be mysql errors - ate you using 
mysql? If so, its not good having errors with that module (and can be the cause 
if the problem...) I wouldn't say just stop that jobit has a purpose...but 
see if you are also eg dealing with mysql logrotating at the same time and if 
you are, don't.

I would advise doing a restart of the daemon rather than a HUP and contact your 
distro maintainers to get latest version. 2.1.10 is really really old.


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Re: Freeradius Attribute For HotSpot Users

2012-12-30 Thread Alan Buxey
Use expiration . Once a user has logged in for the first time then set the 
expiration for that account to the required valueor set it when the counter 
is reached. Et voila, next time they try to login they can't (then you can do 
fancy extra stuff like telling them that their account has expired on the login 
window etc)


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Re: Kerberos - Radius does not get password

2012-12-28 Thread Alan Buxey
Hmm, having run FR with AD authentication using winbindd and samba for many 
many years I am interested in what problems with those daemons you were having 
... why need the frequent restarts etc.  eduroam certainly wouldn't have had 
the high take-up we've seen in eg Europe if all sites had to reengineer their 
backend authentication and couldn't use PEAP/MSCHAPv2


This smartphone uses free WiFi around the world with eduroam, now that's what I 
call smart.

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Re: how to read db files?

2012-12-26 Thread Alan Buxey

Seems that the first thing you need to fix is your routing and access ACLs to 
Google ;)

how to read Berkeley DB files

Is pretty much a Google-whack. Might want to check out the db-utils package eg


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Re: freeradius query on password encryption and decryption

2012-12-21 Thread Alan Buxey
Yes. All clients will have a place where the shared secret is configured EVEN 
if the target is the locahost (that doesn't change the spec!) Check the seagull 
docs and XML profile


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Re: Issue with Kerberos

2012-12-21 Thread Alan Buxey
You can sort out the host key file if you want. PAP gives a warning because it 
hasnt been given a plain text password to test/verifythat's okay as you 
don't need it...and it does tell you things MAY fail.


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Re: share information between authorize and authenticate sections (rlm_perl rlm_python)

2012-12-13 Thread Alan Buxey

 in perl, i could write some new attributes in RAD_CHECK ??, then 
 authenticate() will access them.
 in python, attributes are read only, so i cannot use them to pass information 
 to authenticate().
 A simple database, like redis, could be a solution by adding info with the id 
 of the request (with Message-Authenticator as key)?

we use and update private internal FreeRADIUS attributes

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2012-12-13 Thread Alan Buxey
I wanted to ping the Eduroam people about EAP over WAN links.  Are there
considerations that can cause connectivity issues that I should be

depends on how fast your authentication backend is and what your NAS timers are 
set to.

if your backend takes around 1 second to auth and your NAS has a 2s timeout, 
then the
EAP roundtrip time etc could cause that to fail if you have yoru NAS set to 
eg 5s RADIUS
timeout instead then things should be okay... in eduroam we deal with/prpxy EAP 
from the other side of the world...sites with too low timers on the NAS kit or 
with slow
backend authentication soon find the problems. 


PS I know of a couple of APs that sit on the end of remote ISP links and can 
happily do EAP
authentication remotely proxied by a tier of RADIUS servers
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Re: computer authentication

2012-12-10 Thread Alan Buxey
I am using all of the defaults from a freeradius install.  [1]

Phils point was that a computer/machine authentication wont be sent with a 
it will be of the form host/name.domain  - where name is the hostname of the 
and domain will be its AD domain...

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Re: computer authentication

2012-12-09 Thread Alan Buxey

[eap] Identity does not match User-Name, setting from EAP Identity.

EAP doesnt like the user-name being played around withensure that you 
in your proxy.conf for the realm you are handlingor use 'stripped-user-name'
for the checks/handlers.

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Re: computer authentication

2012-12-09 Thread Alan Buxey

I have added 'nostrip' to the realm [1] and it looks like it
has problems with that.  Possibly some sort of loop?

looks like it, just

realm {

should do - ie take this request locally/directly 

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Re: Eduroam FreeRadius not working so well

2012-12-09 Thread Alan Buxey

 This looks like something I should be doing but I have no idea where
 to insert this section. Is it in proxy.conf or somewhere else? And

in the authorize section of your virtual server, straight after the 
module calls (ie before any real authorization action)

 With this configuration, I guess I don't need realm's LOCAL or NULL?

correct - you will deal with your LOCAL realm by handling your defined realm,
with eduroam you dont want to EVER authenticate a user you hasnt provided
a realm - because , for your own users, they may work finewhen they are at 
sitethey then think/believe their configuration works...and then find it
doesnt work when they go to another eduroam site...and then they'll blame
that site, your site or eduroam.   best policy for eduroam is ALWAYS ensure
a realm is defined on the client 

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Re: computer authentication

2012-12-09 Thread Alan Buxey
SOLVED.  Modified my proxy.conf file as per another list post.  You cannot
just add the 'nostrip' option to the realm.  You must remove the
home_server  and home_server_pool, but keep the options from the
home_server and put them under the realm.

or do as I said in my post tonight. you can keep the default home_server values 
then...and your realm staements stay tidy.  if you define auth_pools etc for 
your homesever
then things get loopy  (I'd have replied earlier but you pasted your test onto 
docs and my phone didnt have decent enough connectivity at the time to go web 

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Re: computer authentication

2012-12-07 Thread Alan Buxey

you probably want to set peap as your default EAP type in eap.conf to save s 
couple of packets and a NAK.

I don't see the ntlm_auth being called, have you edited the mschap module?

The host name is rather shortare you sure this host is bound into an AD?


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Re: Eduroam FreeRadius not working so well

2012-12-06 Thread Alan Buxey

 I have a valid current subscription and yum reports no updates for
 my freeradius install, so I'm assuming it's okay. I didn't want to
 dwell on the version though as I just upgraded from a much older
 release which didn't help with my problem.

2.1.12-4 appears to have the required TLS fix - however, not sure why 2.2.0 isnt
provided now anyway - this backporting of random things doesnt help in diagnosis

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Re: Eduroam FreeRadius not working so well

2012-12-06 Thread Alan Buxey

 home_server_pool EDUROAM-FTLR {
 type= fail-over
 home_server = proxy1
 home_server = proxy2

I would use:  

type = client-port-balance

to balance between the 2. (that method ensures the EAP goes to one remote 

 realm DEFAULT {

h, this isnt best practice if thats all you have for throwing stuff 
upstream. woulf
strongly recommend using unlang to validate that the user has valid realm etc 
and then
update the request to use a realm identifier (eg eduroam) and use that in 
proxy.conf instead -
thus you are only sending valid users upstream (and not all the random typos 
and junk)
as the upstream servers will like you more for that - and wont be dropping 
requests and messing
you up.

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Re: Eduroam FreeRadius not working so well

2012-12-05 Thread Alan Buxey
In the first instance, upgrade. There is a major security problem with 2.1.x 
release. Get 2.2.x onto your system asap.

What are your NAS (cisco controllers) timeouts? Is this box a pure proxy or 
does it do authentication too? Have you enabled ciscos status-check system so 
it knows the RADIUS server isn't dead but just hasn't had a remote response yet?

Around 67% of eduroam sites in the UK use freeradius


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Re: Python access to attribute lists

2012-12-05 Thread Alan Buxey

 I wonder if a better option wouldn't be something like
 rlm_unixsocket which passes the request down a unix socket in a
 standard format, and takes the reply in the same way. Then the
 various interpreters could run out-of-process.

I was thinking about the same thing the other day after the mumblings
about removing rlm_perl from FreeRADIUS.we dotn need that much really.
just a way of passing some details into external code and passing some details
back (the external code in our case is PERL as its just so darn flexible
and extensible...). i was thinking of having the PERL code running
as a background process like our other PERL code (which removes a lot
of issues and means everything can be nicely threaded etc) with some
'exec'd code to throw the values to it and get an answer back.. rlm_rest
might be an alternative as you say.  

whilst I like our case, we've been simmering a slow-cook stew
with our RADIUS configurations/adjustments/changes over the years so a few new 
eggs for a quick snack might not be to everyones taste (basically all our local
scripts for various servers would have to be rewritten from almost scratch
(the joys of PERL being our local modules/subroutines which can just be dropped
into the new handler/code) 

but a unix socket approach would be far more efficient I feel  (cue the
screams from people with other ideas! )

likewise too busy with other projects/work/issues 

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Re: Eduroam FreeRadius not working so well

2012-12-05 Thread Alan Buxey

 This is the RedHat RPM which I believe are maintained by RedHat.
 Hopefully they've back ported any major security issues!

got the changelog for the 2.1.12 RPM release you are running?

 It does both autentication and proxy and I do have status-check
 enabled. On the contraller I increased the default timeout from 2
 seconds up to 8 seconds. At the same time I lowered the

2 seconds is very low for international RADIUS proxying...the traffic
needs to get to the end site...and then be dealt with by the end site
(which may take 1 - many seconds to actually authenticate the user
once the tunnel is created). somewhere around 10 seconds is the maximum
I would expect for global roaming authentication via multple proxy peers

the RADIUS server is at the mercy of the controller and the remote sites...
who might not be answering at all...they could just reject.

I havent seen a sanity error message like that since the troublesome 2.1.7 - 
days when the proxy code got some rewrites in places.

I wonder if your proxy.conf for the home server stuff is correct and not 
flipping requests between remote proxys?

what does the server show/say in full debug mode with a test remote account?

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Re: Radius Code set to 2??

2012-12-04 Thread Alan Buxey
You were already given an answer. AP shouldn't be sending a RADIUS 
access-accept to the server. Either a misconfiguration, software bug or 
misreading of the issue


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Re: FreeRadius authentication problems

2012-12-03 Thread Alan Buxey

Found Auth-Type = Accept
Auth-Type = Accept, accepting the user

RADIUS all okay

I followed the plain mac auth guide to get this far, and the system sort
of works, but not quite. So the configs must be out of whack somehow, but
since radius doesn't give any debug info when I get booted out of the
network I'm at loss here. Any help?

why would it (give you any info) - its done its job, authenticating your system
as required. your problem is on your controller - what else o you have to send
to the Ruckus along with the access-aceppt. do you also need to send other 

is the problem some nice L2/L3 network issue - such as the network you are 
the client onto doesnt exist in the controller...or there is no routing for it
or no DHCP available to the client?

not a RADIUS problem

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Re: I wanna post

2012-12-03 Thread Alan Buxey

 I want a pony, and a cessna and to eat sushi off a cute mexican girl dressed 
 in a combination pikachu/nurses outfit.

...I want a way of wiping that reply from my memory...the images, the images!  

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Re: 802.1x Issue

2012-12-03 Thread Alan Buxey
Have you guys hear about SecureW2 ?
People from Cloudpath Networks said they can make it work MD5 hash
passwords on 802.1x with TTLS-PAP.
They said i can make it work aswell with EAP-TLS via certificates and PKI.
Is that correct ? Have anyone tested that before ?

i'll repeat what was already said in this thread:

Old Windows systems need an extra supplicant to do other forms of EAP such as 
EAP-TTLS/PAP   - eg open1X or SecureW2 - 
Windows 8 now natively supports such EAP methods 

so...yes, if you have a backend constraint then you can get around this 
by making your customers install a 3rd party program to allow eg EAP-TTLS/PAP
to be used - which means you can use eg MD5 passwords in the backend.

your level of success with such 3rd party supplicants will be mixed and 
it wont install, sometimes it has issues with the wireless drivers.

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Re: 802.1x Issue

2012-12-03 Thread Alan Buxey

So would you recommend ? Your opinion above looks like you wouldnt do
that, since it may not work. Kinda complicated, since we are an
university, and need to work with everyone.

we are a university and we avoid using any extra programs/utils to perform such 
(especially as the OSes now have 802.1X support natively.  we were involved in 
OpenSEA alliance a while back and helped evolve the open1x tool but until 
theres a
must-have and compelling reason to go for such a tool (eg perhaps integrated 
sign-on with applications via moonshot) then take the basic default OS 802.1X 
you can. I believe that SecureW2 was popular in many european countries for 
but that has receeded too (and older pre-licence change version is what is used)

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Re: 802.1x Issue

2012-12-03 Thread Alan Buxey

 Most times you will be able to get the native supplicant working given enough 
 prodding, but prodding on a large scale is unfeasable without some kind of 
 automated tool, because students are really really bad at following 

oh yes, I agree with that - configuration deployment tool = big yes!  - 3rd 
party suppliance = big no  ;-)

 What ever happened to Open1X anyway, last update in 2011, is it pretty much 
 dead now?

ISTR that they got bogged down with the whole TNC/posture vaidation 
thing.the initial
product coming from a company that got divided into the wind (Identity Engines 
IIRC) - with
the opensea alliance just pretty much gone save for some google cached pages 
and wayback engine
storage space. back in 2007 the 802.1X space was a different beast.

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Re: About Radius security

2012-12-01 Thread Alan Buxey

 But when using this method through a proxy way, wher eis data encryption ?

the TLS tunnel is set up with the remote server - the traffic being passed
through all the interim proxies. so the client only trusts the remote server (ie
the server they authenticate against) - all the traffic is encapsulated within 
TLS tunnel (which is transferred in RADIUS packets). so long as the client is 
to trust only the CA of the remote RADIUS server and the CommonName of the 
RADIUS server, you have the PKI assurance.

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Re: 802.1x Issue

2012-11-30 Thread Alan Buxey

Well, lets say its not possible... since we are an university, with
something about 600 conections every night, with lots of O.S working (70%

we are a university with around 6500 concurrent wireless users and 5000 
wired connections in the student residential network. 

windows), it would be kinda hard to configure every single computer with a
Its better to make a new DB with new passwords on EAP and use a .bat + xml
profile to configure windows notebooks.

we use a profile deployment tool - our current choice is cloudpath 
- which does its job. our Windows clients are configured to use standard 
microsoft PEAP
PEAPv0/MSCHAPv2 - our backend authentication is Microsoft ActiveDirectory - our
FreeRADIUS servers authenticate the users via the AD - and we have a post-auth
PERL script which does some checks and then, if eg a student - puts them onto a
student VLAN.  all basic 802.1X and AAA stuff.

we are also a member of eduroam - so visitors to our campus who are also from 
sites just get online - most without even realising as they have en eduroam 
on their smartphone or tablet. zero config 'open laptop and be online' - all
done by the same FreeRADIUS architecture.

Old Windows systems need an extra supplicant to do other forms of EAP such as 
- eg open1X or SecureW2 - Windows 8 now natively supports such EAP methods - so 
new surface tablets should make life easier. Just ensure that your settings are 
secure on the clients - ie ensure that the clients are set to trust the CA of 
RADIUS server and are set to have the CN of your RADIUS server.

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