Last login time in LDAP?

2012-02-08 Thread John Doppke
Does someone know if freeradius can update an LDAP user attribute as part of 
post processing?  

Would it be via xlat or unlang?



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Testing LDAP server return code?

2011-12-12 Thread John Doppke
Is there a way to test the return code or message from the LDAP server so a 
different reply-message can be sent on server is unwilling to perform?


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NAS type with NAS defined in SQL (FR 2.1.6)

2010-09-15 Thread John Doppke
I've tried dozens of ways but I can't figure out how to get the NAS type for 
clients defined in MySQL.

The column is populated, the query has the correct fields matching the source 
code for the module.  The module appears to populate the address, shortname, 
nastype, secret and virtual server.  Yet when I expand ${client:nastype} I 
only get a value for clients defined in the clients file.  SQL clients are 
always blank.

I know I could do a special SQL query on each request, but I shouldn't have to. 
 The data should already be in a variable.


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Using unlang to control ldap module

2010-08-19 Thread John Doppke
Is there a way I can conditionally change the config items in the ldap module, 
so that

if NAS-Port-Type = Wireless then access_attr = X


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Re: EAP-TLS and MAC Authentication

2010-05-17 Thread John Doppke
I've been told that Cisco APs won't do WPA with MAC auth in recent versions of 


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NAS type when NAS is stored in SQL?

2010-03-19 Thread John Doppke
I'm using the nas table in mysql to store my clients.  I've found that if I try 
to test for client:nastype, a value is returned only for entries from 
clients.conf.  Is there a way to get the nas type for clients in SQL?  

John Doppke

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Re: NAS type when NAS is stored in SQL?

2010-03-19 Thread John Doppke
 On 3/19/2010 at  1:40 PM,
  Do an SQL query.
   %{sql: SELECT ...}
   Alan DeKok.

I was afraid of that.  
I looked through the code and it appears as if rlm_sql should populate nastype 
along with shortname, secret, etc.
Anyone know why it's not?


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Re: NAS type when NAS is stored in SQL?

2010-03-19 Thread John Doppke

 On 3/19/2010 at  4:21 PM,
 t does if the info is there:
 SELECT id, nasname, shortname, type, secret FROM ${nas_table}
 (in fact, it can also populate the 'server' too - add that as last
 option in the SELECT - latest version of FreeRADIUS only!)
 what does the server say when you start - ie radiusd -X

I think this is the relevent part:

   radius_db = radius
read_groups = yes
sqltrace = yes
sqltracefile = /var/log/radius/sqltrace.sql
readclients = yes
deletestalesessions = yes
num_sql_socks = 5
lifetime = 0
max_queries = 0
sql_user_name = %{User-Name}
default_user_profile = sqldefault
nas_query = SELECT id, nasname, shortname, type, secret FROM nas
authorize_check_query = SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op  
 FROM radcheck
 WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}'   ORDER BY id
authorize_reply_query = SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op  
 FROM radreply
 WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}'   ORDER BY id
authorize_group_check_query = SELECT id, groupname, attribute, 
  Value, op
  FROM radgroupcheck   WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}'   ORDER 
BY id
authorize_group_reply_query = SELECT id, groupname, attribute, 
  value, op


rlm_sql (sql): Processing generate_sql_clients
rlm_sql (sql) in generate_sql_clients: query is SELECT id, nasname, shortname, 
type, secret FROM nas
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 4
rlm_sql_mysql: query:  SELECT id, nasname, shortname, type, secret FROM nas
rlm_sql (sql): Read entry nasname=,shortname= 
rlm_sql (sql): Adding client ( LAFAYETTE-IN-WAP10, 
server=none) to clients list
rlm_sql (sql): Read entry nasname=,shortname= WAP16,secret=xxx
rlm_sql (sql): Adding client ( WAP16, server=none) to clients 

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Status server python example

2009-10-06 Thread John Doppke
Does anyone have an example of getting stats from freeRadius via status-server 
using python and pyrad?  To me it looks like I'm sending the correct packet, 
but the server complains about the message authenticator or shared secret.  I'm 
pretty sure I'm calculating it per RFC.  

An authentication request with the same secret works, so I don't think it's 

-John Doppke

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Hiding passwords

2009-06-03 Thread John Doppke
Is there a way to tell freeradius not to include passwords in the log when 


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redundant/failover modules

2009-06-02 Thread John Doppke
I've been reading the docs regarding failover and I'm not sure if the following 
is correct.  It seems to process an extra query.

group {
 redundant {
 fail = 1
 ok = return
 redundant {

The intent is that if the user is not found in ldap1, then ldap2 is tried.  
Ldap2 should be skipped if ldap1 returns ok.  In each block the failover should 
be tried if the primary doesnt respond.

The failover works, but it seems that the ldap2 is tried even if ldap1 finds 
the user.  Am I missing something?

-John Doppke

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Preventing outer EAP id from going through auth

2009-05-26 Thread John Doppke
I have a fairly standard config, using EAP/TTLS and an LDAP back end.  Both EAP 
and non-EAP requests need to do LDAP lookups.  

It's working well (I did very little customizing), except I see a lot of the 
anonymous outer id's getting sent to the LDAP servers.  I moved EAP above LDAP 
in the config, and it seems to have eliminated those when EAP returns 'ok', but 
I'm still seeing some.  It looks like when EAP returns 'updated' it still runs 
anonymous through LDAP.

I noticed the eap def has ok = return, should I add updated = return to avoid 
the anonymous LDAP lookups?


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