Re: pppoe ntp attribute

2010-11-30 Thread Michele Petrazzo

27/11/2010 12:47, wrote:

Does the NAS documentation say that it accepts such an option?

Good question.
I could try and see if it'll accept. But... which one try?

Sorry, but do I wrote something wrong that no one reply to me?

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rlm_sql_postgresql and plus sign

2010-11-30 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Hi list,
today I discover a strange behaviour with FR and the PG backend: if the 
authorize_group_check_query query returns a value that has a plus sign 
(+) inside the groupname, FR thread that value as unicode. I think this 
because into the next authorize_group_reply_query query, it use the 
'=2B' chars.

The log:

[sql]   expand: SELECT id, GroupName, Attribute, Value, op FROM 
pppoe_group_check('%{SQL-User-Name}') - SELECT id, GroupName,

Attribute, Value, op FROM pppoe_group_check('VALUE')
rlm_sql_postgresql: Status: PGRES_TUPLES_OK
rlm_sql_postgresql: query affected rows = 1 , fields = 5
[sql] User found in group G1+
[sql]   expand: SELECT id, GroupName, Attribute, Value, op FROM
pppoe_group_reply() WHERE GroupName = '%{Sql-Group}' ORDER BY id -
SELECT id, GroupName, Attribute, Value, op FROM pppoe_group_reply()
WHERE GroupName = 'G1=2B' ORDER BY id
rlm_sql_postgresql: Status: PGRES_TUPLES_OK
rlm_sql_postgresql: query affected rows = 0 , fields = 5

Like you can see I modify the queries, but I can't believe that is this 
the problem

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Re: rlm_sql_postgresql and plus sign

2010-11-30 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Bjørn Mork wrote:

look near the top of raddb/sql/postgresql/dialup.conf :

# Safe characters list for sql queries. Everything else is replaced
# with their mime-encoded equivalents.
# The default list should be ok
# safe-characters = 
@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.-_: /

My fault.
Only for curiosity, these chars are hard-coded inside the sources or in 
other place and loaded at startup?

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pppoe ntp attribute

2010-11-27 Thread Michele Petrazzo - Unipex

Hi list,
I'm looking if there is the possibility to send an ntp server
attribute to a pppoe-client (through nas, of course)
googleing I didn't found this option, or better, I found only like
dhcp-, but not for pppoe.

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Re: pppoe ntp attribute

2010-11-27 Thread Michele Petrazzo - Unipex

Alan DeKok ha scritto:

Michele Petrazzo - Unipex wrote:

Hi list,
I'm looking if there is the possibility to send an ntp server
attribute to a pppoe-client (through nas, of course)

   Does the NAS documentation say that it accepts such an option?

Good question.
I could try and see if it'll accept. But... which one try?

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ippool and disconnection

2010-10-28 Thread Michele Petrazzo - Unipex

Hi list,
I have an installation with freeradius 2.1.9, postgresql like db and
pppoe server more than one mikrotik routerboards.
Like now I'm making some test and, a part that all seem to work well
(users can connected to the chain pppoe-server mikrotik - freeradius -
db), I see a strange thing inside the radacct table: I have a session
that aren't closed (acctstoptime field are NULL) and I have another
session, with the _same_ framedipaddress, opened after the previous one.
The nas value are different.
Looking into both nas, the first that as into the db the session opened,
haven't the pppoe session active and radwho say me that there is no
session for that framedipaddress.
I thought that someone, before open a session with a specific
framedipaddress see if it's already assigned, but it's not the truth.
I think that I'm in wrong in somewhere, but I don't know.

The question: who forgot to close the session? Or better, do I have to
say to freeradius to close it after a timeout or something other?

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Re: Installation on debian with postgresql

2010-08-28 Thread Michele Petrazzo - Unipex

Alan DeKok ha scritto:

Michele Petrazzo - Unipex wrote:

Hi list, I'm trying to install freeradius 2.0.4

Why?  That's a very old version.

Because debian lenny use it. But I just replace it with a new version
(2.1.8) found on lenny-backports.

on debian lenny and, after some googling, I'm arrived at the
freeradius wiki ( that create me some

sigh   Could you suggest *more* places for us to add
documentation? The main web page (, and the other
documentation that is included with the server mentions the Wiki. Why
search the net for information when you can read the documentation
included with the software?

It's the normal procedure when install a new program. Install with
apt-get install and go with google for look at docs.
Normal I don't find complete docs and example directly on the program's
web pages.

Starting from say that I don't know if this can be wiki or debian
problems (since, like all known, debian make modifies into all
sources), I report here some consideration about that wiki page.
Starting saying that on my default configuration, I haven't found
the authorise {} section, but only the authorize ones,

What does that mean?

On the SQL_HOWTO page:

Your radiusd.conf should then look something like this:

authorise {

and on my server:

srv:/etc/freeradius# grep -D skip -R authorise *
srv:/etc/freeradius# echo $?

Mean that, unless I'm completely wrong, that the word authorise have to
be authorize.

the other chapter  Populating SQL, refer a table that doesn't
exist on the schema.sql. I'm speaking about usergroup.

The schemas are in raddb/sql/*/dialup.conf.  This is documented in

On the various dialup or schema.sql I found references for
radusergroup and not for usergroup

A part of ask someone if can modify that page, my question is if
there is a guide to the parameters that I can set to the various
sql tables present on the same page. (for example like that fro the

The Wiki page you found has exactly this documentation.  It explains
how the tables are used.

looking better and reading all the page carefully, all the informations
that I was looking for are there.

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Installation on debian with postgresql

2010-08-27 Thread Michele Petrazzo - Unipex

Hi list,
I'm trying to install freeradius 2.0.4 on debian lenny and, after some
googling, I'm arrived at the freeradius wiki
( that create me some headache...

Starting from say that I don't know if this can be wiki or debian
problems (since, like all known, debian make modifies into all sources),
I report here some consideration about that wiki page.
Starting saying that on my default configuration, I haven't found the 
authorise {} section, but only the authorize ones, the other chapter  
Populating SQL, refer a table that doesn't exist on the schema.sql. I'm 
speaking about usergroup.

A part of ask someone if can modify that page, my question is if there 
is a guide to the parameters that I can set to the various sql tables 
present on the same page. (for example like that fro the operators)

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