RE: configuration for realm with prefix and suffix

2007-08-24 Thread Mike Cisar
> > well... so what we get is in the form  prefix/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how to configure our server
> > with these.
> >
> You'll need to use the hints file. The "realm" module won't run twice.
> e.g. one way to strip the prefix/ and drop it would be:
> DEFAULT   User-Name =~ ".*/([EMAIL PROTECTED])"
>   User-Name := "%{1}"

Thanks Phil, I'll give that a try and see if it does the trick.

> Mike <

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configuration for realm with prefix and suffix

2007-08-23 Thread Mike Cisar
Running FreeRADIUS 1.1.3, usernames are in 'username' format in a unix
passwd file.  Our dialup users are proxied to us in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
format and to this point everything has been working just fine.

Now the tougher part... We've gained access to some additional POPs and
although the suffix is the same, we are proxied these with a prefix as
well... so what we get is in the form  prefix/[EMAIL PROTECTED]   I'm
having trouble wrapping my head around how to configure our server to deal
with these.

Any thoughts or pointers are appreciated.

> Mike <  

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Configuration of users file

2005-12-23 Thread Mike Cisar
Hoping someone can give me some hints/ideas.  We have 2 modem pools
available to our users, the availability of which is controlled by the
user's unix group and the Radius Client IP.  We also offer dialup
accelleration which is available to members of either modem pool, and is
also controlled by a Unix group membership.  The accelleration is provided
by the providers of the "poola" services, and thus the authentication
requests for acceleration come from the "poola" radius servers.  This is
currently set up in our users file thusly...

DEFAULT Group == "slipstream"
Slipstream-Auth = "true",
Fall-Through = 1
DEFAULT Client-IP-Address ==, Group != "poola", Auth-Type
Reply-Message = "Your account is not authorized for this
modem pool."
DEFAULT Client-IP-Address ==, Group != "poola", Auth-Type
Reply-Message = "Your account is not authorized for this
modem pool."
<... more poola ...>
DEFAULT Client-IP-Address ==, Group != "poolb", Auth-Type
Reply-Message = "Your account is not authorized for this
modem pool."
DEFAULT Client-IP-Address ==, Group != "poolb", Auth-Type
Reply-Message = "Your account is not authorized for this
modem pool."
<... more poolb ...>


This is working just fine for users of "poola" either with or without
accelleration.  Dialup requests are working just fine for "poolb" users, but
they are being rejected accelleration because the accelleration request is
coming from the "poola" radius server, and they do not have "poola"
membership.  A temporary workaround has been made by simply adding them to
the "poola" group as well.  At that point they are able to dial in to a
"poolb" number and still have accelleration, however they could also dial in
to "poola" if they were so inclined, and this would cause them/us other

I have spoken to the provider and they have provided me with the NAS-IP's of
the accelleration servers so I should be able to use the NAS-IP-Address
attribute to identify when the radius requests coming from the "poola"
radius server is a dialup request or an authentication request.  I can't
quite figure out the best way to integrate this into the users file though.

So the first part I presume ends up looking like

DEFAULT NAS-IP-Address ==, Group == "slipstream"
Slipstream-Auth = "true",
Fall-Through = 1
DEFAULT NAS-IP-Address ==, Group == "slipstream"
Slipstream-Auth = "true",
Fall-Through = 1

But beyond that, how can I then skip over the 20 or so poola/poolb checks
which do not apply for accelleration requests?  Maybe there's a cleaner way
of doing this?  There is the possibility that down the road our provider
will be radius-authenticating our clients for permission to use their NNTP
server, so this will nessesitate a 3rd branch of processing.  So I'd like to
kind of be prepared for that when it happens.  

So essentially what I need to do is an initial determination of whether the
request is dialup, accelleration, or NNTP (well basically if it's
accelleration or nntp, with dialup being the default path if it's neither of
the former).  Go down a particular branch of processing depending on which
of the three flavors of request it is, and then drop back out of those
checks into a common branch where I'm checking for such things as their
account being over limits, time of day checks, expired account checks, etc,
etc processing through to the end of the file.

Any hints, tips, suggestions, and brainstorms are greatly appreciated.  

> Mike <

P.S. Is there a syntax by which I can specify something like...

DEFAULT Client-IP-Address == ( or or, Group != "poolb", Auth-Type :=Reject

or somehow pre-define a group of NAS' to use in place such as...

clientpoola =,,
DEFAULT Client-IP-Address == clientpoola, Group != "poolb", Auth-Type

rather than specifiying a separate stanza for each Client-IP-Address as I
have in my existing config?

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Accounting replies missing

2005-04-25 Thread Mike Cisar
I have been trying to troubleshoot a RADIUS issue with my upstream provider.
We've recently started seeing places in our accounting logs where we are
receiving 5 start and 5 stop packets for each caller.  

They have told us... "...  This proves, at least now, we are not receiving
multiple accounting packets from the NAS.  We checked our radius logs for
any clues, and saw that we have multiple "missedaccounting" to your server.
This happens when we never receive a response from your radius when sending
multiple instances of an accounting record.  It seems that you do not reply
to incoming accounting data.  By doing this, it should resolve the issue."

Since my configuration has not changed, and the problem has been on and off
during the course of the past week or two... I am assuming that I am indeed
sending responses to accounting packets, but they are getting lost in
transit since if I weren't sending at all, then the problem should be
consistant all of the time rather than just having popped up.

Could their be any other cause of them not seeing a response?

Any suggestions/hints/tips on troubleshooting are appreciated as always.

> Mike <

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RE: Anyone using radzap?

2005-04-13 Thread Mike Cisar
>   The latest CVS snapshot should contain fixed radwho & 
> radzap.  They should work if you copy them to a 1.0.2 
> distribution, and re-build.

Thanks Alan, I'll grab them and give it a try.

> Mike <

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RE: Anyone using radzap?

2005-04-10 Thread Mike Cisar
Hi Alan,

>   So far as I can tell, radzap hasn't worked for a while.  If 
> so, I'll poke it, and see if I can't get it to work.  This 
> may, however, involve changing the command-line options...

Can't say as I've been using it, for the obvious reasons... but I've wanted
to several times in the past couple months :-)

> Mike <

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counter by group

2005-03-23 Thread Mike Cisar
Just wondering if there's a way to set up a counter based on a user's (unix)
group rather than their username?  

Essentially I have a user currently under the control of a counter based on
which I limit him to 100 hours of connect time during the month.  There are
times when the user might be connected simultaneously from two locations,
previously this has not been a problem... however due to provider changes,
our new provider enforces a single ("soft") concurrent login, and based on
automated policies can end up locking the user out for 8 hours if they
connect concurrently too many times.  Unfortunately we can't exempt the user
from that concurrency nor lockout policy.

The solution to the first problem is easy, 2 separate logins.  However it
gets complicated in that the total time limit must be only 100 hours per
month (long story... a solution for a good customer in a bad divorce with
his kids stuck in the middle, go figure :-).  I can't do two 50 hour
accounts, because we might run out of time on one or the other before the
total reaches 100. 

Sooo, long story short... if I could set up a group based counter, assign
the two users to that group, and configure that group for a maximum of 100
hours per month.  Each user could dial in as much as required up to the
cumulative total hours configured.

Can this be done?

> Mike <

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RE: MTU Settings

2005-02-07 Thread Mike Cisar
Hi Kirti,

I experienced a similar problem a month or so ago, and talked to 4 or 5
people at the time who had all just fixed the problem.  It seems that the
default users file shipped with FreeRADIUS includes a "Framed-MTU=576"
setting in one of the default sections.  Simply removing that line was
enough to get me up and running (I suppose I could have set it to 1514 or
whatever, but not explicitly setting it seems to let it float with what the
NAS is happy with anyway).  

Note to Alan... just a thought but given that MTU can be such a tricky
problem to track down... might it be better to ship FreeRADIUS without a
forced MTU setting in the sample config file... or at least have it
commented out instead of active by default?  

> Mike < 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Kirti S. Bajwa

> Messenger,, and many many other web sites. 
> One the 3COM user site, I am told that MTU setting should be 
> 1514 both on 3COM & freeRADIUS. I am a newbie to freeRADIUS 
> so I need help. Please help with following:
> (1) How do I change the MTU settings in freeRADIUS to 1514?

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Freeradius w/ Cisco AP

2005-02-05 Thread Mike Cisar
Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with or has a link to a good
FAQ on setting up a Cisco (AP352) access point with Freeradius (doing other
than MAC authentication, ie. EAP)? 

I've been "playing" and googling around a bit also but have not been able to
accomplish anything concrete except a pure MAC authentication against
Freeradius (which works just great).  My knowledge of EAP is about -1 which
is hindering my progress significantly.  And as would naturally be the case
when I try enabling EAP I get "rlm_eap: UserIdentity Unknown" errors, to
which I have found a couple of mentions on the list in the past but no
solutions.  The eap.conf file recommends against using against EAP-MD5 for
wireless connections, what would be preferred instead that would be
compatible with the Cisco (Windows XP clients I would assume primarily, but
if someone walks in with a mac or some sort of PDA I'd be real happy to have
it just work also).

Specifically against the Cisco AP is the question of what is the difference
between "Open authentication, with EAP" and "Network EAP", and which should
I be using here?

The AP is in a shared-office environment and what we'd like to accomplish is
essentially providing wireless Internet connectivity to the other tenants.
Prior to this point we have been using just a cheap (and flakey) old linksys
router, but since it is on death's door, and since we use radius for our
dialup user authentication it made sense to pick up a "true" access point
and to integrate our wireless clients into the radius as well.  Because of
"skill levels" of these users (they are used to username/password and not
much more) I would prefer any approach that is zero/minimal configuration on
the client side... poke the mouse at the "wireless connection is available"
dialog when it pops up is just perfect :-)  

If we can get this working smoothly then the next plan is to "hotspot" to
those people who are visiting in the building, and just coincidentally
 our wireless coverage is great at the restaurant across the street...
obviously zero-config is even more important in those hotspot scenarios.  

As usual thanks in advance for any hints, tips and pointers.

> Mike <

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RE: Custom attributes in dictionary...

2005-01-19 Thread Mike Cisar
> > DEFAULT Group == "slipstream"
> > Slipstream-Auth = true,
> > Fall-Through = 1
>   You have to define what "true" is.  Or, just do 
> "Slipstream-Auth = 1"

Thanks Alan, seems to be sending the attributes as I expect, have to wait
for them to get the service turned on for me at the back end to check 100%.

Since they've defined the attribute to be a string I have to figure out
whether 1/0 (ie. binary true/false) is what they are looking for or if they
want an actual "true"/"false" (ie. a string)... but that will be easy enough
to determine once they get the service turned up for me.

> Mike <

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Custom attributes in dictionary...

2005-01-18 Thread Mike Cisar
This one is a bit above my head, trying to set up accelleration and our
vendor has advised that I need to do the following... 

"your radius must be setup with the custom authentication reply. Defining
this attribute in your dictionary may vary depending on your radius
software. The attribute is: VENDORATTR 7000 Slipstream-Auth 1 string
The value must be set as true"

How would I set that up in Freeradius... would I create a
dictionary.slipstream containing the following???

VENDOR  slipstream7000
BEGIN-VENDOR slipstream
ATTRIBUTESlipstream-Auth 1   string
END-VENDOR slipstream

then add a "Slipstream-Auth = false" in the main "default" section of users
so it is off by default, and then turn it on thusly in the users file for
the users in the slipstream group?

DEFAULT Group == "slipstream"
Slipstream-Auth = true,
Fall-Through = 1

Thanks much for any pointers!

> Mike <

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RE: Exec-Program

2004-12-28 Thread Mike Cisar
> Try putting those exact 2 lines in acct_users file instead.  
> That should make them work as intended. =)

ooo you mean that little config file there hidden right at the start of
the ls

DOH!!!   :-)

Thanks to both you and Thor for that solution.  The scripts seem to be
triggering ok now, but am getting the following in radius.log... appears to
be once for each time the script gets called... 

Tue Dec 28 16:14:12 2004 : Error: Thread 2 failed waiting for semaphore:
Interrupted system call: Exiting

However, I've found an old message in the archives from Thor which I believe
addresses that particular issue.

>>>>> Mike <<<<<

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Nate M
> Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Exec-Program
> Importance: Low
> - Nathan Miller
> > -Original Message-
> [mailto:freeradius- 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Cisar
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:49 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Exec-Program
> > 
> > Another simple one (hopefully)... this server is running on 
> FreeRadius 
> > 0.9.0 (new server coming in 3 weeks will have newest version of 
> > FreeRadius, for now this version is what I have to work with).
> > 
> > To summarize what I am trying to accomplish...
> > - When an accounting start packet is received I need to pass that 
> > username and user's IP address to the "startscript"
> > - When an accounting stop packet is received I need to pass that 
> > username and user's IP address to the "stopscript"
> > 
> > With the goal of allowing the IP address (and user) access 
> to certain 
> > resources only when they are logged in (so I will have to pass that 
> > info to the script eventually... baby steps... get 
> freeradius to call 
> > the scripts first, then worry about perfecting them :-) ...
> > 
> > for testing purposes, based on some vague examples I found whilst 
> > Googling, I have tried the following in the users file (below my 
> > outright deny access lines but above everything else of 
> substance in 
> > the file).  Users are able to log on and off as normal, but the 
> > scripts don't seem to trigger (running with -xx I get no 
> errors, nor 
> > any reference to either script mentioned).
> > 
> > DEFAULT Acct-Status-Type == "Start"
> > Exec-Program = "/usr/local/bin/stopscript"
> > DEFAULT Acct-Status-Type == "Stop"
> > Exec-Program = "/usr/local/bin/startscript"
> > 
> > The scripts are both owner/group to the radius user, have 
> read/execute 
> > permissions, and otherwise work when executed manually when su'd to 
> > the radius user.
> > 
> > Is there something that needs to be configured in radiusd.conf in 
> > addition for this to work, perhaps some compile-time option?
> > 
> > I get the impression that the above method may have been 
> superceded by 
> > doing such things via exec stanzas in radiusd.conf, but I 
> wasn't able 
> > to Google up any examples of that particular scenario that were a 
> > close enough fit to what I am trying to do.
> > 
> > Any examples, pointers to docs, hints or other means to 
> that end, in 
> > whatever manner is currently accepted as being preferred 
> are appreciated.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > >>>>> Mike <<<<<
> > 
> > 
> > -
> > List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
> >
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See 

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2004-12-28 Thread Mike Cisar
Another simple one (hopefully)... this server is running on FreeRadius 0.9.0
(new server coming in 3 weeks will have newest version of FreeRadius, for
now this version is what I have to work with).

To summarize what I am trying to accomplish...
- When an accounting start packet is received I need to pass that username
and user's IP address to the "startscript"
- When an accounting stop packet is received I need to pass that username
and user's IP address to the "stopscript"

With the goal of allowing the IP address (and user) access to certain
resources only when they are logged in (so I will have to pass that info to
the script eventually... baby steps... get freeradius to call the scripts
first, then worry about perfecting them :-) ...

for testing purposes, based on some vague examples I found whilst Googling,
I have tried the following in the users file (below my outright deny access
lines but above everything else of substance in the file).  Users are able
to log on and off as normal, but the scripts don't seem to trigger (running
with -xx I get no errors, nor any reference to either script mentioned).

DEFAULT Acct-Status-Type == "Start"
Exec-Program = "/usr/local/bin/stopscript"
DEFAULT Acct-Status-Type == "Stop"
Exec-Program = "/usr/local/bin/startscript"

The scripts are both owner/group to the radius user, have read/execute
permissions, and otherwise work when executed manually when su'd to the
radius user.

Is there something that needs to be configured in radiusd.conf in addition
for this to work, perhaps some compile-time option?

I get the impression that the above method may have been superceded by doing
such things via exec stanzas in radiusd.conf, but I wasn't able to Google up
any examples of that particular scenario that were a close enough fit to
what I am trying to do.

Any examples, pointers to docs, hints or other means to that end, in
whatever manner is currently accepted as being preferred are appreciated.

> Mike <

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RE: Using groups to configure access based on particular requesting radius server.

2004-12-26 Thread Mike Cisar
Thanks Alan

> > Denying from a group I can do... but how to deny from a group 
> > conditionally on which radius server the request is coming from is 
> > what I can't quite figure.
> DEFAULT   Group == "poola", Client-IP-Address == ip.of.pool.a.,
Auth-Type := Reject

I was sure it'd be something simple like that :-)  

If I'm understanding the syntax (if group and client-ip match, then
reject)... shouldn't it be "ip.of.pool.b" in the example above... since I
want to deny "poola" users from accessing if they dial in on a "poolb"
number and vice versa?  So the users file would get a stanza like below...

DEFAULT Group == "poola", Client-IP-Address == ip1.of.pool.b., Auth-Type :=
DEFAULT Group == "poola", Client-IP-Address == ip2.of.pool.b., Auth-Type :=
DEFAULT Group == "poolb", Client-IP-Address == ip1.of.pool.a., Auth-Type :=
DEFAULT Group == "poolb", Client-IP-Address == ip2.of.pool.a., Auth-Type :=
DEFAULT Group == "poolb", Client-IP-Address == ip3.of.pool.a., Auth-Type :=

Likewise is != valid here?  Such that the following would be a valid

DEFAULT Client-IP-Address == ip1.of.pool.a., Group != "poola", Auth-Type :=
DEFAULT Client-IP-Address == ip2.of.pool.a., Group != "poola", Auth-Type :=
DEFAULT Client-IP-Address == ip1.of.pool.b., Group != "poolb", Auth-Type :=
DEFAULT Client-IP-Address == ip2.of.pool.b., Group != "poolb", Auth-Type :=
DEFAULT Client-IP-Address == ip3.of.pool.b., Group != "poolb", Auth-Type :=

With only two pools I suppose it wouldn't really make much difference, but
if a 3rd or more were added the latter would result in fewer configuration
lines required, correct?

Thanks again!

> Mike <

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Using groups to configure access based on particular requesting radius server.

2004-12-24 Thread Mike Cisar
I'm hoping someone may be able to give me some pointers or thoughts.  I have
a scenario where we have two separate external organizations who provide
service to our dialup customers.  Each of these companies has their own
RADIUS servers which accept the request from whichever of the 1000's of NAS'
is handling the customer and they proxy the request to our RADIUS server for
authentication.  One of these providers provides coverage in additional
regions not covered by the other, but it's an additional cost to us when our
customer uses it.   

My problem/question is this... is it possible to set up somehow so that I
can create a couple of Unix groups (call them poola and poolb) and then
control whether the login is denied partially on the RADIUS server that is
asking.  So if I set all users to have a membership in poola by default, and
then only added users to the poolb group if they've paid the upcharge on
their account... if an authentication request came from the poolb provider's
RADIUS server but the user were not a member of the poolb group, the request
would be denied.

This may be insanely simple, but I've been staring at the problem for a
couple of days and it's not sinking in (maybe I need more... or less
eggnog).  Denying from a group I can do... but how to deny from a group
conditionally on which radius server the request is coming from is what I
can't quite figure.

Any tips, hints, pointers or workarounds gratefully accepted.

Seasons greetings to all!

> Mike <

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Radwho questions

2004-12-03 Thread Mike Cisar
I have a couple of radwho questions...

First, I seem to remember seeing a patch somewhere for radwho that expanded
the width of the "from" field but now that I want it, can't find it anywhere
:-)  Anybody have it floating around?

And second, regarding the "name" field... my system is configured using the
passwd, shadow and group parameters in radiusd.conf to use files other than
the system password files... is there any way to get radwho to use those
same files to populate the name field in the radwho output instead of the

> Mike <

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