Re: Two Ldaps Authentication

2006-06-16 Thread Terry J Fike Jr

Message: 6
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 09:44:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: fvt3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Two Ldaps Authentication
To: FreeRadius users mailing list

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


This is what I have in my radius.conf

 Autz-Type LDAP1{

  Auth-Type LDAP1 {


users file

Fall-Through = No,
Reply-Message = "ldap login"

I'm forcing radius to lookup user in ldap1(ldap) and
ldap2(Active Directory).  The same user name can
reside on both db backend.  With this setup, radius
only works if the user name does not exist on both db.
 If user John is on both db, it would only
authenticate off LDAP1 and not in LDAP2.

Here is my log

correct...this is the way you have it configured.
as long as ONE ldap server answers the request (whether it be an 
authentication allowed or rejected) it still answered.  so it won't fail 
over to the next ldap server...

--- Alan DeKok

Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: limit upload and download speed for each user

2006-05-19 Thread Terry J Fike Jr

Message: 3
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 11:48:25 +0300
From: "Mordor Networks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: limit upload and download speed for each user
To: "FreeRadius users mailing list"

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

On 5/17/06, Terry J Fike Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

does anyone knows how to limit upload/download speed for each user in
"user" file ?

Rate_Limit_Rate = 137,
Rate_Limit_Burst = 15000,
Police_Rate = 137,
Police_Burst = 15000,

Rate_Limit aprox= download
Police_Rate aprox= upload
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

how this can  be done with mysql backend? i mean can we add the limit rate
to sql ?


okay, i'm not sure how it is done with mysql, but in ldap, and flatfile 
i've done it.  in flat file those attributes where associated with a 
user here's an example:

username  Password == "password"
Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-MTU = 1500,
Port-Limit = 1,
Idle-Timeout = 0,
Rate_Limit_Rate = 5000,
Rate_Limit_Burst = 15000,
Police_Rate = 5000,
Police_Burst = 15000,
Session-Timeout = 0

in ldap on my dsl tree the attributes for a user has defined a group 
which has the speed. and in that group it has all the attributes listed 

you can have these attributes tied directly to a user as well instead of 
a group but it does change how your default lines are at the end of your 
users file.

Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: limit upload and download speed for each user

2006-05-17 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
> does anyone knows how to limit upload/download speed for each user in 
> "user" file ?

Rate_Limit_Rate = 137,
Rate_Limit_Burst = 15000,
Police_Rate = 137,
Police_Burst = 15000,

Rate_Limit aprox= download
Police_Rate aprox= upload
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Freeradius and 2 ldap servers.

2006-05-17 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Okay, since this isn't easy to piece together from the docs. (and no one 
has posted this on the mailing list that i've seen, and i've gotten a 
few emails on this as well)

here is how i got freeradius running good failover with 2 ldap servers.
hopefully those who know the system better than me will let me/us (the 
list) know if i've done something wrong here.

in the ldap section you'll have:
ldap ldap1 {
 server = 
 identity = <>

 ldap ldap2 {

then in the instantiate section put

then in authorize you'll have:

redundant {

and in authenticate you'll have:

 Auth-Type LDAP {
   redundant {

that is what worked for me.
now one thing to consider/think about.  it appears whichever server is 
listed secondly (in instantiate, authorize, and authenticate, will be 
hit first)  not sure why this is...and it may not be important

Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: radius filters for ldap searching

2006-05-11 Thread Terry J Fike Jr

The only way i got this to work, was seperate trees in ldap for each 
group. and then in your default line in your users file put the tree you 
want it to search for the group and nas definition.

Message: 2
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 12:52:47 +0300
From: Mircea Harapu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: radius filters for ldap searching
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


I'm using freeradius 1.0.4 with openldap 2.2.24 to authenticate users on 
cisco switches.
Every switch belongs to a specific group and for every user I'm setting 
the groups he can access. I also use cisco avpairs for level privilege.

So far , so good!
The problems occured when I tried to make a user to have different level 
privileges on different switches .

This is the profile I'm using :

# test, radius,
dn: uid=test,ou=radius,dc=isp,dc=ro
uid: test
objectClass: radiusprofile
cn: test
userPassword:: xxx
radiusGroupName: bucuresti
radiusGroupName: valcea
radiusServiceType: NAS-Prompt-User

# bucuresti, test, radius,
dn: cn=bucuresti,uid=test,ou=radius,dc=isp,dc=ro
uid: test
objectClass: radiusprofile
userPassword:: xxx
radiusGroupName: bucuresti
radiusServiceType: NAS-Prompt-User
radiusCiscoLevel: "shell:priv-lvl=15"
cn: bucuresti

# valcea, test, radius,
dn: cn=valcea,uid=test,ou=radius,dc=isp,dc=ro
uid: test
objectClass: radiusprofile
userPassword:: xxx
radiusGroupName: valcea
radiusServiceType: NAS-Prompt-User
radiusCiscoLevel: "shell:priv-lvl=7"
cn: valcea

# Switch
# Descriere test
DEFAULT NAS-IP-Address ==, Ldap-Group == bucuresti
   Fall-Through = no
DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject

what I need is to filter the ldap search in authorize section based on 
GroupName and I don't know how.

Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

freeradius and 2 ldap servers

2006-04-27 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Okay, i'm probably being a little dense here but just wanted to check 
i'm understanding this correctly.

if i'm running 2 ldap servers; in the users file, do i need a default 
entry for each ldap server?

for example:
moving from a line like this with a single ldap server:

DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == People, Ldap-Group == dial, User-Profile := 
"uid=dial,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mtaonline,dc=net", Ldap-UserDN := 

Fall-Through = no

to two lines like this:

DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == People, Ldap_primary-Ldap-Group == dial, 
User-Profile := "uid=dial,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mtaonline,dc=net", 
Ldap-UserDN := `uid=%{User-Name},ou=People,dc=mtaonline,dc=net`

Fall-Through = no

DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == People, Ldap_secondary-Ldap-Group == dial, 
User-Profile := "uid=dial,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mtaonline,dc=net", 
Ldap-UserDN := `uid=%{User-Name},ou=People,dc=mtaonline,dc=net`

Fall-Through = no

assuming your ldap instatiations are ldap_primary and ldap_secondary 

thanks in advance

Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: freeradius & ldap with two trees

2006-04-25 Thread Terry J Fike Jr

> Try this in your radiusd.conf:
>  basedn = "ou=%{Huntgroup-Name},ou=radius,dc=mtaonline,dc=net"
> You will need to either rename your "dial" huntgroup to "people" to
> match your ldap structure or you can change the profile OU to be dial.
> Either way, this setup is working for me.
> Ben

this works!  thanks Ben


Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

freeradius & ldap with two trees

2006-04-25 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Okay, i want radius to look at two trees in ldap, one tree for dial-up 
one tree for dsl (so a user with a static ip in dsl gets a dynamic ip in 

my huntgroup is like this:

dialip on local box for testing

dsl ip3
dsl ip4
dsl ip on local box for testing

with the ip on local box commented out on the one i'm not testing.

my users file is like so (at least, the two lines i'm testing with):

DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == dial, Ldap-Group == dial, User-Profile := 
"uid=dial,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mtaonline,dc=net", Ldap-UserDN := 

Fall-Through = no

DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == dsl, Ldap-Group == dsl8m, User-Profile := 
"uid=dsl8m,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mtaonline,dc=net", Ldap-UserDN := 

Fall-Through = no

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject
Reply-Message = "Please call the help desk."

my ldap config in the radiusd.conf is as follows:

ldap {
server = "private ip"
identity = "cn=Manager,dc=mtaonline,dc=net"
password = somepassword
basedn = "ou=people,dc=mtaonline,dc=net"
#basedn = "dc=mtaonline,dc=net"

filter = "(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})"
base_filter = "(objectclass=radiusprofile)"
start_tls = no
tls_mode = no
#this maps ldap attributetypes to radius attributes
dictionary_mapping = ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap
ldap_cache_timeout = 120
ldap_cache_size = 0
ldap_connections_number = 10
#password_header = {clear}
password_attribute = userPassword
groupname_attribute = radiusGroupName
		groupmembership_filter = 

groupmembership_attribute = radiusGroupName
timeout = 3
timelimit = 5
net_timeout = 1
compare_check_items = no

if i test with a user on the tree listed in basedn, it works.  if i try 
to test with a user in a different tree, it fails.  if i try a basedn 
one level up (so i can try to go down both trees) both users receive an 
Auth-Reject please call the help desk.  in radiusd -X the reason is 
because ldap is finding multiple entries for the user (in two plus trees).

i've gone through the documentation multiple times (and feel like i'm 
missing something).  what am i doing wrong? or is there no way to do 
what i'm trying to do?

i suppose it comes down to; is there a way to re-define the basedn in 
either huntgroups, or on a default line in the users file so the search 
comes up with a single user.

thanks for your help

Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Freeradius and LDAP with static ips...

2006-04-05 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Okay, i have freeradius and ldap talking together quite fine. it doesn't 
matter if the nas is a dsl or dial-up it work correctly (huntgroups, 
defaults in the users file...etc)

what i am wondering is there a way that if i have a user with a static 
ip for dsl, that i can not pull the static ip on the same account with 

i have group attributes for dsl and dialup, the static ip is associated 
with the user in ldap.

below is an example dsl group from ldap and my dial-up group. also, the 
user i'm testing with (these are in ldif format).

before moving to ldap all our dsl users were flatfiled in the users file 
(yea, i know how bad that is, and it is why i am pushing the move to 
ldap). order to make this work we just added 
NAS-Identifier to the username/password line for authentication on users 
with static ips.  this forced the system to authentice via unix 
authentication for dial-up.  is there a way to do this in ldap without 
two trees (one for dsl one for dialup or one for statics, one for normal 
users? or ??)

oh...yea...and i'll also put my defaults in from the users file.
the huntgroups just list the NAS-IP-Address (for testing, which i move to whichever group i want to work with as 
i'm running radtest locally on the radius server)

thanks in advance

DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == dial, Ldap-Group == dial, User-Profile := 

Fall-Through = no

DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == dsl, Ldap-Group == dsl8m, User-Profile := 

Fall-Through = no

version: 1

# LDIF Export for: uid=dial,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mtaonline,dc=net
# Generated by phpLDAPadmin ( ) on 
April 5, 2006 2:00 pm

# Server: My LDAP Server (
# Search Scope: base
# Search Filter: (objectClass=*)
# Total Entries: 1

# Entry 1: uid=dial,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mtaonline,dc=net
dn: uid=dial,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mtaonline,dc=net
radiusFramedCompression: Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
radiusPortLimit: 1
radiusFramedMTU: 1500
objectClass: radiusprofile
radiusRateLimitRate: 0
radiusPoliceRate: 0
uid: dial
radiusPoliceBurst: 15000
radiusIdleTimeout: 900
radiusFramedProtocol: PPP
radiusSessionTimeout: 18000
radiusRateLimitBurst: 0

version: 1

# LDIF Export for: uid=dsl8m,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mtaonline,dc=net
# Generated by phpLDAPadmin ( ) on 
April 5, 2006 2:00 pm

# Server: My LDAP Server (
# Search Scope: base
# Search Filter: (objectClass=*)
# Total Entries: 1

# Entry 1: uid=dsl8m,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mtaonline,dc=net
dn: uid=dsl8m,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=mtaonline,dc=net
radiusPortLimit: 1
radiusFramedMTU: 1500
objectClass: radiusprofile
radiusRateLimitRate: 8192
radiusPoliceRate: 8192
uid: dsl8m
radiusPoliceBurst: 15000
radiusIdleTimeout: 0
radiusSessionTimeout: 0
radiusFramedRouting: None
radiusRateLimitBurst: 15000
radiusServiceType: Framed-User

version: 1

# LDIF Export for: uid=ftptest99,ou=People,dc=mtaonline,dc=net
# Generated by phpLDAPadmin ( ) on 
April 5, 2006 2:01 pm

# Server: My LDAP Server (
# Search Scope: base
# Search Filter: (objectClass=*)
# Total Entries: 1

# Entry 1: uid=ftptest99,ou=People,dc=mtaonline,dc=net
dn: uid=ftptest99,ou=People,dc=mtaonline,dc=net
mailLocalAddress: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sn: Tester
userPassword: {CRYPT}XuO3ko3FEXkV6
loginShell: /bin/sh
uidNumber: 2001
gidNumber: 2001
objectClass: OpenLDAPperson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: radiusprofile
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: account
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: shadowAccount
uid: ftptest99
shadowLastChange: 13014
mailRoutingAddress: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cn: Ftp99 Tester
homeDirectory: /export/home/ftptest99
radiusGroupName: dsl8m
radiusGroupName: dial
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Freeradius, Ldap, and static IPs for users.

2005-10-07 Thread Terry J Fike Jr

Hello All,

I'm trying to figure out how to get a static ip to only show up on a DSL 
login, and not a Dial-up.  I'm using Freeradius 1.0.1 and OpenLdap 
2.1.30.  The only changes in the radiusd.conf is to bind to an ip and 
port and turn off radutmp and radwtmp

I have a huntgroup for the dial-up that allows me to differentiate 
between the dial and dsl based on the radiusGroupName without any 
problems.  But now i need to be able to let a DSL user with a static ip 
be able to log in via dial-up and pull a dynamic ip.  Is this possible 
and how do i do it (or for that matter, what docs might even point me in 
the right direction)  i'm not seeing much on this in my searches.

my huntgroups.conf is like this:
dialup NAS-IP-Address == ip of nas device

in my users file i have this:
DEFAULT Ldap-Group == disabled, Auth-Type := Reject
Reply-Message = "Account disabled.  Please call the helpdesk."

DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == dialup, Ldap-Group == dial, User-Profile := 

Fall-Through = no

DEFAULT Ldap-Group == dsl128, User-Profile 

Fall-Through = no

DEFAULT Ldap-Group == dsl256, User-Profile 

Fall-Through = no

DEFAULT Ldap-Group == dsl512, User-Profile 

Fall-Through = no

DEFAULT Ldap-Group == dsl768, User-Profile 

Fall-Through = no

DEFAULT Ldap-Group == dsl4m, User-Profile 

Fall-Through = no

DEFAULT Ldap-Group == dsl8m, User-Profile 

Fall-Through = no

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject
Reply-Message = "Please call the helpdesk."

the ldap user i'm testing this all with looks like this:
dn: uid=tfike,ou=People,dc=mtaonline,dc=net
cn: Terry
gecos: Terry,,Fike
gidNumber: 14
homeDirectory: /export/home/tfike
loginShell: /bin/csh
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: radiusprofile
objectClass: shadowAccount
radiusGroupName: dial
radiusGroupName: dsl4m
shadowLastChange: 13062
uid: tfike
uidNumber: 130
userPassword: temppass

thanks in advance.
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Freeradius install problem

2005-05-09 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
when you set up the client in the clients.conf
did you put all the client info inside {} ?
client ip {
  secret = nosecret
  shortname = mycomputer
it didn't look that way in the message, but that may have just been for 
ease of writing...
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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Re: question about ippools

2005-03-10 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
> It all depends on how you get the Pool-Name attribute added to the
> user's configuration attribute list. If it's added for one user when
> that user comes from a specific NAS, then only that user on that
> specific NAS will get an IP from the relevant pool.
Okay, i see in the radiusd.conf where to set the pools, but where do 
define them as a per NAS? (ie: pool to NAS1 and to 
then in the user's info just add Pool-name :=  right?
what is the Group ==  part for in the DEFAULT??
would that be for the fallthroughs?
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

question about ippools

2005-03-10 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
I'm wondering if it is possible to set up an ippool for a single user? 
Right now our users are flatfiled in the users file.  anyone with a 
static has the info with their username, all the rest of the users get 
their ip assigned by the NAS device they are logging in through.  From 
what i've read of the documentation, it seems the ippool set up is for 
all users in all NAS devices (or did i read this wrong?)  At this point 
i believe the pool will be for us by the user no matter what NAS device 
they are coming from (which i think is how it is supposed to work 
anyways right?)

Thanks for your help
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Re: Radrealay and coredumps...

2005-03-02 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Arg...okay, yea, it has got to be something funky with the machine i've 
been compiling on...

As per some advice you gave earlier, i compiled this on a different sol9 
box (never had freeradius on it before)
copied the detail file from current radius server, and used the radrelay 
on the new box...sent just fine.

i guess it is time to build me a new radius box...
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
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Re: Re: Radrealay and coredumps...

2005-03-02 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
>  I'm not sure what else to suggest.  It really looks like the
>compiler tools on your system don't produce usable binaries.
>  I've *never* seen this problem on Solaris, but I've always used GCC.
>  Alan DeKok
Yea, i've used gcc to compile pretty much everything, and the wierd 
thing is that this only breaks for the one NAS device.  For everything 
else, radrelay works just fine.  It goes through and reads all the 
dictionary files, and at the time it opens the detail file for relaying 
is the point it cores.  And it only does it from the PDSN  *shrug*

Everything else works just fine...all my users authenticate just like 
normal...even from the pdsn, i get my accounting data just fine...even 
from the pdsn...*shrug*  this just is not making any sense...
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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Re: Radrealay and coredumps...

2005-03-02 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Okay, i'm about 90% certain i've blown away everthing before rebuilding. 
(i guess this is what i get for having four different versions on the 
machine in the last couple years...)

both were built with the environment variables
CC "opt/csw/gcc3/bin/gcc -m64"
the first one (without --disable-shared) also had:
the second one (with --disable-shared) didn't link in a required library 
from oracle so i rebuilt it without the oracle info. (it was just 
quicker that way)

gcc version 3.3.2
make is gmake 3.80
rebuilt once with
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-rlm--dbm=/opt/csw/bdb4 
make install

run radrelay on the data from the pdsn, still cores with:
warning: Couldn't find general-purpose registers in core file.
blow everything away and build with
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-rlm-dbm=/opt/csw/bdb4 
--disable-shared --enable-developer
make install

run radrelay on the data from the pdsn and still cores with
warning: Couldn't find general-purpose registers in core file.
(this is from inside gdb)
p.s.  i took a couple days to do this to ensure the data i was getting 
off the pdsn would be from the "current" build without the extra modules
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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Re: Re: Raadrelay and coredumps...

2005-02-28 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
> Terry J Fike Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I did amake distclean   before ./configure each time
>   The *installed* files may be causing problems.
even if i'm telling a different prefix each time?
(i ask because i have 1.0.2 in /usr/local and 1.0.0 in /opt)
as i make new versions i just change the prefix so i can leave the old 
version running.  1.0.0-pre3 used to be in /usr/local but i deleted all 
those files before compiling 1.0.2
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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Re: Re: Raadrelay and coredumps..

2005-02-28 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Okay, quick (and possible moot) question...
could there be issues on this because of compiling it 64bit instead of 
32 bit?  Most of my older versions were 32 bit, but since getting oracle 
installed 64 bit finally, i installed the newer (1.0.0 and 1.0.2) 64bit?
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Re: Raadrelay and coredumps...

2005-02-28 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
I did amake distclean   before ./configure each time
and i ran the radrelay from inside src/main (i didn't do make install on 
any of these runs)

with the exception of the radiusd.conf file, i've been using pretty much 
the same config files since 0.8.3 (though i think i changed to the new 
clients.conf in 1.0.0 and copied that into 1.0.2)

the radiusd.conf i edit from scratch with each new version based on the 
conf file from the previous version.

unfortunetly, i'm doing this in a production environment, so swapping 
servers isn't going to be easy, but i'll see what i can do.  (i have a 
lot of things :( tied into the same ip as radius)
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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Re: Raadrelay and coredumps...

2005-02-28 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
*sigh*  okay, first off, shoot me...i didn't read /doc/bugs right and i 
hadn't recompiled with the --enable-developer

so, i did that...same output from the core
(Couldn't find general-purpose registers in core file)
recompiled it a couple times...
once with just --disable-shared
still cores...
once with --enable-developer (without --disable-shared)
still cores, no change in output inside gdb
once with --enable-developer with --disable-shared
still cores, no change in output inside gdb
one thing though, while in the "make" process with --enable-developer
i received lots of warnings (mostly from md4.c) but no errors.  is this 
normal when compiling with --enable-developer?

also...any other ideas?
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Radrelay and coredumps...

2005-02-25 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Thanks Alan for all your help!
anyone know of any other good paid for radius servers??
cause unfortunetly...with this not working...i'm going to have to come 
up with something new :(

and i really like this one...very easy to install, very user friendly 
(with configs and with errors) and VERY stable (pretty much takes a user 
fubar to break it) you guys have done great work

i'll be sad to see it go...
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Radrelay and coredumps...

2005-02-24 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
argh...i pulled the package down from and this is my 

this is on a sol 9 box, runing 1.0.2 radrelay
# ./gdb ./radrelay /opt/var/log/radius/radacct/
GNU gdb 6.0
Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain 
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "sparc-sun-solaris2.9"...

warning: Couldn't find general-purpose registers in core file.
warning: Couldn't find general-purpose registers in core file.
0x in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x in ?? ()
#0  0x in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x in ?? ()
(gdb) quit
Is there something else i can do/try to dig the info you need out of 
this file?
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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Re: Radrelay and coredumps...

2005-02-24 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
What is gdb?  (and what sort of package could i find it in)  we don't 
have it on our boxes so i'll need to find it and install it then get you 
the info you need.
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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Re: Restart Radius

2005-02-23 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
if your on unix world in your $prefix/sbin should be a script called 
rc.radiusd  call this like so:

/prefix/sbin/rc.radiusd restart
that is a quick clean way of restarting radius
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
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Re: Radrelay and coredumps...

2005-02-23 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Okay, here comes a bit of an update.
just in case of compatability issues between 1.0.0 files and the 1.0.2 
radrelay app i moved everything into 1.0.2 and started fresh my detail 
file of all data for the individual NAS devices.

here is the command i used to run radrelay (v 1.0.2)
/usr/local/bin/radrelay -a /opt/var/log/radius/radacct/ -d 
/usr/local/etc/raddb -r -S /path/to/secretfile detail-NAS

it still cores.
here is from the top of the core file:
/usr/local/bin/radrelay -a /opt/var/log/radius/radacct/ -d 
/usr/local/bin/radrelay -a /opt/var/log/radius/radacct/ -d 
ing "%s"
failed to parse IPv6 address string "%s"
unknown attribute type %d
Unknown attribute "%s"
Attribute has invalid length
Illegal regular expression in attribute: %s: %s
Duplicate tag %s for attribute %s
Duplicate tag %s for attribute %s
Invalid tag for attribute %s
No token read where we expected an attribute name
Expected end of line or comma
failed to get value
expecting '='
Read a comment instead of a token
$Id: token.c,v 1.17 2003/09/12 19:25:29 phampson Exp $
$Id: misc.c,v 2004/10/04 15:26:46 aland Exp $
$Id: log.c,v 1.7 2003/09/12 19:25:29 phampson Exp $
$Id: filters.c,v 1.36 2004/02/26 19:04:20 aland Exp $

here is the end of a truss of this (starting from reading the last of 
the dictionary files):

open("/usr/local/share/freeradius/dictionary.xedia", O_RDONLY) = 5
fstat(5, 0x7FFFE540)= 0
fstat(5, 0x7FFFE410)= 0
ioctl(5, TCGETA, 0x7FFFE47C)Err#25 ENOTTY
read(5, " # # # # # # # # # # # #".., 8192) = 766
read(5, 0x1001290A4, 8192)  = 0
lseek(5, 0, SEEK_CUR)   = 766
close(5)= 0
brk(0x10023D830)= 0
brk(0x100241830)= 0
read(4, " i n t e g e r\n A T T R".., 8192) = 8192
brk(0x100241830)= 0
brk(0x100245830)= 0
brk(0x100245830)= 0
brk(0x100249830)= 0
read(4, " i r e l e s s - 1 X - E".., 8192) = 8192
brk(0x100249830)= 0
brk(0x10024D830)= 0
brk(0x10024D830)= 0
brk(0x100251830)= 0
read(4, "\n", 8192) = 1
read(4, 0x100127084, 8192)  = 0
lseek(4, 0, SEEK_CUR)   = 24577
close(4)= 0
read(3, 0x100125064, 8192)  = 0
lseek(3, 0, SEEK_CUR)   = 935
close(3)= 0
so_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP, "", 1) = 3
sigaction(SIGTERM, 0x7070, 0x7230) = 0
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0x7DD1D4C0, 0x7190) = 0
fork1() = 882
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0x7190, 0x) = 0
lwp_schedctl(SC_STATE|SC_PREEMPT, 0, 0x7FFFEF68) = 0
munmap(0x7DA0, 8192)= 0

I can send the whole core file and truss file if need be.  I'm still a 
little surprised this works for all but one of my NAS devices...

Thanks for your help on this so far :)
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Radrelay and coredumps...

2005-02-22 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Okay, Per Alan i compiled up 1.0.2 and moved the radrelay binary.
(i didn't move everything into version 1.0.2 just the 1.0.2 binary into 
my 1.0.0 install).  Modified all the dictionary files to the way they 
are in 1.0.2 and it still cores.  with pretty much the same output in a 
strings of the core.  would there be differences in the CVS that might help?

my config string was as follows:
CC=/path/to/gcc3 -m64 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local 
then a make

no errors in either configure or make... i'm also willing to post/send 
the data from the core if need be.
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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Radrelay and coredumps...

2005-02-18 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
3GPP2-PCF-IP-Address =
3GPP2-Compulsory-Tunnel-Indicator = 0
3GPP2-Begin-Session = 1
Client-IP-Address =
Acct-Unique-Session-Id = "cee384ac39a4612c"
Timestamp = 1108755020
Fri Feb 18 10:31:44 2005
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
User-Name = "wap"
Event-Timestamp = "Feb 18 2005 10:33:22 AKST"
Service-Type = Framed-User
NAS-IP-Address =
Shasta-Attr-4 = 
Acct-Session-Id = "0b000d74"
3GPP2-Correlation-Id = "0b000d73"
Calling-Station-Id = "09073559993"
NAS-Port = 184552819
NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
Framed-IP-Netmask =
3GPP2-IP-Technology = 1
3GPP2-BSID = "07FA0001012D"
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Framed-IP-Address =
Acct-Input-Octets = 88
Acct-Output-Octets = 88
Acct-Input-Packets = 2
Acct-Output-Packets = 2
Acct-Terminate-Cause = User-Request
3GPP2-Release-Indicator = 3
3GPP2-Session-Continue = 0

... and continues like that for a while ...
... some more stuff that i'm not sure if i need to add or not ...
Anyone got any ideas what i might be doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance for your help
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
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Question about radrelay and file deletion/rotation

2005-02-18 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Okay, hopefully this is a pretty easy question; if i want to go through 
my large file (accounting packets from all NAS devices) about once a 
month so it doesn't grow too large,  do i have to shutdown both radius 
and radrelay or can i just shutdown radius, do my housecleaning, and 
start it back up?  (In the radius.conf file i'm setting locking=yes for 
this detail file)

Thanks in advance.
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
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Re: Copying accounting packets

2005-02-17 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
> Never let more than 1 radrelay process the same logfile!
> For each radrelay, you should configure a seperate rlm_detail instance,
> which logs the needed packets to a different logfile which radrelay 
can read
> from.

> So for your situation, you need 3 rlm_detail instances:
> - 1 to log all requests to seperate logfiles based on source ip and time
> - 1 to log all requests to a single logfile
> - 1 to log requests from a particular NAS to a single logfile
> --
> Groeten, Regards, Salutations,
Okay, sounds like what i was thinking.  Thanks very much!
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
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Copying accounting packets

2005-02-17 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Hello All,
I'm looking for information on what others have done in similar 
situations.  What i have to do is copy the accounting packets from one 
particular NAS device to another radius server.  I know i can use 
radrelay for this if i copy all the accounting packets from that NAS 
device into one file but here is my dilemma.

I am flat filing all accounting packets from the different NAS devices 
by IP then by date.  Then once a day, i copy all these into a database 
for accounting/billing purposes.  (yes i realize this is a little clunky 
but i lose almost no data this way, and the overall system runs faster, 
and i have a guaranteed backup if my database takes a major nosedive for 
the trashcan and the normal database backups fail as well)

To add to the fun, I'm about to have to start forwarding all (from all 
NAS devices) accounting packets to a web content filtering system.  So I 
suppose the question is, will there be a problem running two sets of 
radrelay (one on all accounting packets, and one on accounting packets 
from just one NAS)? or is there a better way to do this and I'm just 
being blind?
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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Re: Install Solaris9 - ver 1.0.1 and 1.0.2

2005-02-17 Thread Terry J Fike Jr

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 16:40:30 -0700 (MST)
From: Data Processing Fone Net <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Install Solaris9 - ver 1.0.1 and 1.0.2
I can not get the 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 versions to compile on may Solaris 9 server.
I went to the FAQ's and archive to research past recommendations.  I have 
installed all the recommended packages, updated the CPAN modules, installed all 
new gcc, make, ld and the like.  I put on the newest patches for sol9.  I have 
tried the standard ./configure, I tried on teh recommended ./configure in the 
archives and I am not able to get a build.

I remove the freeradius dir and untar the tar ball for each time I attempt to 
get a build completed.

Here is what I do get on the make and make install.  configure seems to be ok.
I am not the best or most knowledgeable when it comes to this so I do expect it 
is a simple problem that I have missed.

End of the make process:
make[6]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/freeradius-1.0.2/src/modules/rlm_unix'
Making static dynamic in rlm_x99_token...
make[6]: Entering directory 
-D_GNU_SOURCE -DNDEBUG  -I../../include -DX99_MODULE_NAME=\"rlm_x99_token\"  
-DFREERADIUS -c x99_rlm.c -o x99_rlm.o
In file included from x99_rlm.c:54:
x99.h:26:42: openssl/des.h: No such file or directory
In file included from x99_rlm.c:54:
msg trunkated.
on my Sol 9 box, i removed all references to x99 in the makefile and 
then it compiled just fine.  But then, i didn't need that stuff so i was 
okay with that.

Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
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Re: Freeradius hangs after a HUP

2005-01-19 Thread Terry J Fike Jr

Message: 8
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 12:17:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Freeradius hangs after a HUP
We have two seemingly identical freeradius servers, for this email lets
call them radius-1 and radius-2.  Both are FreeBSD 4.9 systems running
freeradius 1.0.1 with an Openldap 2.2.18 authentication method.  Both
machines run freeradius without a problem.  When I send a HUP to reload
the config files on radius-1, the radiusd process hangs and needs to be
killed and started.  If I do the same process on radius-2, it reloads
fine.  I have diffed all the configs and the only thing that is different
in them is the listen statements in the radiusd.conf, as they should be.
My question is, has anyone seen this before and if so, how was it fixed?
Troubleshooting already done:
Checked configs for errors.
reinstalled freeradius
We had this problem with two different versions (pre 1) to the point 
were we just gave up on HUP.  we just force a restart each time.  the 30 
second reload time doesn't affect the users as far as we can see and we 
ensure we get a clean load each time.  BTW, we are/were running this on 
Sol 8 and now Sol 9.
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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Re: 8e6 technologies and radius

2005-01-10 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
They use the Class attribute to tell their box what users are being 
filtered and how (which filtering ruleset).  but it means that either 
the nas device has to send the data to it, or i can radrelay it to the 
8e6 box (which is what i'm using for testing at the moment).  it also 
has the ability (i think) to recieve data like an accounting server and 
then forward it to the actual accounting server.

how do i modify the Access-Accept to send it to the NAS so it can add 
this attribute in the accounting packet?  I don't remember seeing 
anything like that in the readmes or comments in the conf files?  (not 
to say i couldn't be blind and have totally missed it though)
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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8e6 technologies and radius

2005-01-10 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Has anyone out there used these boxes with freeradius?
We are trying to set up a demo (to see if it work/if we can get it 
working) and what i have gotten from the 8e6 is that an attribute needs 
to be added to the user, the attribute is Class (value 25?) and it does 
show up in the base dictionary file (but as requiring an octet value not 
a string which the 8e6 box wants).  This may be a stupid question (since 
i haven't read through the RFCs for radius) but would/could it cause 
some major problems if i changed the dictionary file so it expected a 
string instead of an octet?  Right now, as far as i can see, none of our 
NAS devices are using the Class attribute (as it doesn't show up in any 
of the accounting packets from the different NAS devices), but i thought 
i would check with those who know more than me before i go trying to 
break things.

thanks in advance.
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
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Orinoco AP-2500 authentication rejects

2005-01-07 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Are you sure it is actually rejecting them (in the radius log) and not 
just not sending anything back to the ap-2500.  that was a problem i had 
for a while.  we have three ap-2500's up and running against freeradius 
1.0.0 and working pretty well at that.

also, make sure you have the right info in the clients.conf file.
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
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Re: difference in columns/names

2004-09-29 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
  The "Acct_Output_Octets_64" isn't a standard RADIUS attribute.  It's
a Redback attribute.  (see dictionary.redback)
  I suggest asking Redback what it means, and why it's zero.
  Alan DeKok.
Okay, will do.  Thank you very much!
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: difference in columns/names

2004-09-29 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Terry J Fike Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
/ Okay, i'm not sure if this is the right place, to ask, but since it is /
/ more or less radius accounting i thought i'd try here.  Does anyone know /
/ the difference in the data in the columns inputoctets/outputoctets and /
/ inputoctets64/outputoctets64 and why there would always be data in the /
/ i/o columns, but not always in the i/o64 columns?/
 Are those columns in the standard FreeRADIUS SQL schema?
 Alan DeKok
<>Umm...not sure, much of this was originally set up by someone else and 
i just copied
the sql queries into the sql.conf file from our original version 
(0.8.3). Here is an example of one of the queries

accounting_update_query = "INSERT into interim_updates (AcctSessionId, 
AcctUniqueId, UserName, NASIPAddress, NASPortId, AcctUpdateTime, 
AcctSessionTime, AcctAuthentic, ConnectInfo_Update, AcctInputOctets, 
AcctInputOctets64, AcctOutputOctets, AcctOutputOctets64, 
AcctTerminateCause, ServiceType, FramedProtocol, FramedIPAddress) values 

and just in case this was an inhouse written java function, here is 
hex2dec from in oracle

function hex2dec (
hex_in varchar2) return NUMBER as
language java name 'Hex2Dec.getInt(java.lang.String) return int';
public class Hex2Dec {
   public static long getInt(String hex) {
   if(hex!=null && hex.startsWith("0x")) {
   String cleanHex = hex.substring(2, hex.length());
           return Long.parseLong(cleanHex, 16);
   } else if(hex!=null) {
   return Long.parseLong(hex, 16);
   } else {
   return 0;
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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difference in columns/names

2004-09-29 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Okay, i'm not sure if this is the right place, to ask, but since it is 
more or less radius accounting i thought i'd try here.  Does anyone know 
the difference in the data in the columns inputoctets/outputoctets and 
inputoctets64/outputoctets64 and why there would always be data in the 
i/o columns, but not always in the i/o64 columns?  And it doesn't appear 
to matter which NAS device the data is coming from.  I'm using FR1.0.0 
on Sol8.  All the data i'm finding in google/books just deals with 
input/outputoctets in general.  Any help/pointers is appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
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AP Orinoco 2500

2004-09-22 Thread Terry J Fike Jr
Okay, i know for the most part these things have been done to death, but 
mostly just with logging.  Has anyone else had issues with the orinoco 
allowing multiple sessions for a user. (ie: they are loged in via 
another NAS device and their port limit=1 they are still allowed to log 
into the AP normally)

thanks in advance
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions
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