Re: Setting up EAP-TLS as the ONLY authentication mechanism?

2013-03-24 Thread Alan Buxey
All that stuff is on by default to ensure that people who want more than a 
really dumb and minimal server can get up and running without having to try to 
find what combination of stuff needs to be enabled.

So, eg proxying is enabled ..whats the issue? Unless you have actually edited 
proxy.conf to do something it won't do anything , there's no entry in 
clients.conf other than localhost too, so even if you had the required ports 
open to the world, nothing is going to happen.

If all you want is EAP-TLS auth then its very easy to minimise to that 
configmuch much easier than having to learn the server better and trying to 
get there from a minimal config that doesn't work out if the box (ask those who 
have tried doing it that way...look at mailing list history for those that 
stripped the config out before then trying to get things to work)

This isn't Apache, which does have a whole load of things on and can get you 
p0wned on port 80 if you have that open to the world


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Re: Setting up EAP-TLS as the ONLY authentication mechanism?

2013-03-24 Thread Alan DeKok
Thomas Hruska wrote:
 Nowhere in there does it explain why proxying is on by default.  It just
 says that it can be turned off.  I want to know why it is on by default
 in the first place.  From what I'm beginning to understand, based on
 your reply, FreeRADIUS opens a port that isn't necessary for basic
 functionality as part of its default installation.  That sort of
 behavior should at least raise an eyebrow if not a few red flags.

  You're unhappy that your questions got push-back.  So you're pushing
back in return.  However... you know little or nothing about RADIUS, and
I've been doing this for 20 years.

  I won't explain why there are no red flags in the default
configuration.  I *will* explain that it's unproductive for newbies to
second-guess experts.

 The default client secrets(s) should be different from the default proxy
 secret(s) to avoid confusion for first-time users.

  So as a first-time user, you know more about their needs than someone
who's done this for 20 years?

 I missed that it is there for testing.  And I see why:

  Don't quote the config files at me.  I wrote them.  This just comes
across as condescending, and lecturing me about the text I wrote.

 Again, defaults exist for a reason.  The reasons for the defaults are
 what I'm actually after here.

  The reasons are given in the documentation, web pages, man pages,
config files, etc.  The defaults enable the server to do the Right Thing
in the widest possible set of circumstances.

  i.e. so that newbies like you can get the server running with minimal

  Your response is to insult the developers, by claiming that the
defaults raise red flags.

  Stop it.  It's ignorant and annoying.

 All I was asking here was if commenting out those protocols in
 'eap.conf' was all I have to do to disable them?  A simple confirmation
 would suffice.

  I answered that.

   You're looking for reassurance that editing the config files won't
 cause the server to explode in flaming metal.  It won't.  Edit them.
 I admit that there is a little of that, but I'm just trying to save
 myself from breaking things too badly by understanding why the defaults
 are the defaults before I go and blow away large portions of config.

  The defaults are documented.  See the comments in the config files.

  The procedure for editing the defaults is documented.  See man radiusd.

  It's really not rocket science.  You're looking for emotional
reassurance that the server won't explode.  I'm not going to give it.
Instead, you should follow the documentation, and follow the documented
methods for editing the configuration.  If something goes wrong, it's
just text.  Put the old config back, and start again.

  And after doing this for 20 years, your message is typical of a
particular class of newbie.  The existing documentation is too
complicated.  Yet you don't ask a specific question.  Instead, you have
a long complicated post complaining about many things, and asking many
questions.  When I point this out, you start putting me down.

  I've had hundreds of conversations like this, and it's always annoying.

  Your entire approach is wrong.  Read man radiusd.  That documents
the correct approach.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: Setting up EAP-TLS as the ONLY authentication mechanism?

2013-03-24 Thread Thomas Hruska

On 3/24/2013 5:59 AM, Alan DeKok wrote:

Thomas Hruska wrote:

Nowhere in there does it explain why proxying is on by default.  It just
says that it can be turned off.  I want to know why it is on by default
in the first place.  From what I'm beginning to understand, based on
your reply, FreeRADIUS opens a port that isn't necessary for basic
functionality as part of its default installation.  That sort of
behavior should at least raise an eyebrow if not a few red flags.

   You're unhappy that your questions got push-back.  So you're pushing
back in return.  However... you know little or nothing about RADIUS, and
I've been doing this for 20 years.

   And after doing this for 20 years, your message is typical of a
particular class of newbie.  The existing documentation is too
complicated.  Yet you don't ask a specific question.  Instead, you have
a long complicated post complaining about many things, and asking many
questions.  When I point this out, you start putting me down.

   I've had hundreds of conversations like this, and it's always annoying.

   Your entire approach is wrong.  Read man radiusd.  That documents
the correct approach.

The difference from your response to Arran's response to my questions is 
night and day.  He was moderately polite while you were and are 
downright rude.  I've met grizzled veteran developers before.  You are 
one of those.  As a developer myself, I know I've got two options:

1)  Fend off the newbies constantly.
2)  Write better documentation.  With a dash of humor in the mix.  If it 
isn't fun, then it isn't worth reading (or writing) it.

I've found that the latter creates a MUCH better experience for everyone 
(i.e. the nuisances go away - hey, I've been where you are at as 
well).  I've also found that *I* have to actually write the 
documentation because no one else will do it for me (e.g. Wikis don't 
really work for software).  And it isn't a FAQ, it is real documentation 
naturally covering a wide range of common (and even uncommon) topics.  I 
always include a documentation cycle in my software releases - and it 
takes about a week to two weeks to complete, but it is so worth it. 
Whenever a user asks a question, I check the documentation to make sure 
I wrote something about it, write a quick paragraph in a polite 
response, and link to the right place, knowing someone else will find 
the post + reply via a Google search later and won't ask the same 
question as a result.  That's the other key factor - making sure stuff 
can be found via Google as a top result on the official site.  Google is 
your first line of defense against newbies and, when you host the 
content yourself, you control that line of defense.

On a different note, I've also found that telling people how long I've 
been writing software does nothing beneficial.  You just get into a 
yelling match with those who have been writing software longer.

Anyway, just a few things I've picked up over the years.

I can tell when I'm not wanted, so I'll just drop off this list.  Later.

   Alan DeKok.
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Thomas Hruska
CubicleSoft President

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Re: Setting up EAP-TLS as the ONLY authentication mechanism?

2013-03-24 Thread Alan DeKok
Thomas Hruska wrote:
 The difference from your response to Arran's response to my questions is
 night and day.  He was moderately polite while you were and are
 downright rude.

  As always, my first response is polite and answers your questions.  I
only get blunt when people argue with me.

  I'll also note that you've conveniently deleted all of my other
points.  I'll take that as evidence you agree with them.

  That's the other key factor - making sure stuff
 can be found via Google as a top result on the official site.  Google is
 your first line of defense against newbies and, when you host the
 content yourself, you control that line of defense.

  Another lecture about how superior you are.

 On a different note, I've also found that telling people how long I've
 been writing software does nothing beneficial.  You just get into a
 yelling match with those who have been writing software longer.

  If you've been writing software for a long time, you should have been
able to figure out how to edit the default config.

 I can tell when I'm not wanted, so I'll just drop off this list.  Later.

  I have no patience for people who are ignorant about a subject, and
lecture me on it.

  This list is for people who want to solve RADIUS problems.  If you
focus on that, you're OK.  If you complain about red flags because of
your RADIUS ignorance, you will get told off, and rightly so.  It's rude
to be condescending to experts, and I won't have it.

  Alan DeKok.
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Setting up EAP-TLS as the ONLY authentication mechanism?

2013-03-24 Thread Alan Buxey
Blah blah. But you don't say what the issue is with the fact 
your issue was with the default config and your requirements...which are 
actually both fully documented in the config. I don't see why you've dropped in 
from nowhere, thrown your ego around and then claim to be leaving. Expect 
help/advice in the future? Because if so, you've gone about it the wrong way 


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Setting up EAP-TLS as the ONLY authentication mechanism?

2013-03-23 Thread Thomas Hruska
I want to set up FreeRADIUS using EAP-TLS only.  I'm running Ubuntu 
Server 12.04.2 LTS here with the packaged build of FreeRADIUS from the 
default Ubuntu/Debian apt-get package repository.  I'm finding junk 
scattered all over the place for configuring this thing (typical), so my 
first objective is to get FreeRADIUS into a locked-down state so that 
'freeradius -X' doesn't return things that bother me (i.e. pared back to 
minimal functionality first).

Since I only want EAP-TLS, output lines like the following bother me 
(I've inlined my concerns):

FreeRADIUS Version 2.1.10, for host x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, built on Sep 24 
2012 at 17:58:57

Copyright (C) 1999-2009 The FreeRADIUS server project and contributors.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
You may redistribute copies of FreeRADIUS under the terms of the
GNU General Public License v2.
Starting - reading configuration files ...
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/pam
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/modules/chap

Does FreeRADIUS really need to load all of those config files to 
function?  That is, does it hurt in any way to load all of the module 
config files?  From what I can tell, they don't seem to be relevant 
until they are instantiated later on, but I would appreciate confirmation.

radiusd:  Loading Realms and Home Servers 
 proxy server {
retry_delay = 5
retry_count = 3
default_fallback = no
dead_time = 120
wake_all_if_all_dead = no

What does this do?  I don't think I need a proxy server.  My setup is 
just a consumer router plus a single Ubuntu box with FreeRADIUS on it.

 home_server localhost {
ipaddr =
port = 1812
type = auth
secret = testing123
response_window = 20
max_outstanding = 65536
require_message_authenticator = yes
zombie_period = 40
status_check = status-server
ping_interval = 30
check_interval = 30
num_answers_to_alive = 3
num_pings_to_alive = 3
revive_interval = 120
status_check_timeout = 4
irt = 2
mrt = 16
mrc = 5
mrd = 30
 home_server_pool my_auth_failover {
type = fail-over
home_server = localhost
 realm {
auth_pool = my_auth_failover
 realm LOCAL {

All of this seems to be in proxy.conf.  It doesn't look like I need any 
of it but I'm not sure if it is safe to get rid of it/comment it out. 
Again, this will be the only RADIUS server in the network and my 
understanding is that proxies are for forwarding requests to other 
RADIUS servers.  Given my setup, can I safely comment out the '$INCLUDE 
proxy.conf' line in 'radiusd.conf'?

radiusd:  Loading Clients 
 client localhost {
ipaddr =
require_message_authenticator = no
secret = testing123
nastype = other

Not sure why I would need this either.  Based on the 'secret' string's 
value, I'm wagering it has to do with the 'proxy.conf' settings, but I'm 
not 100% confident about that.

radiusd:  Instantiating modules 
 instantiate {
 Module: Linked to module rlm_exec
 Module: Instantiating module exec from file /etc/freeradius/modules/exec
  exec {
wait = no
input_pairs = request
shell_escape = yes
 Module: Linked to module rlm_expr
 Module: Instantiating module expr from file /etc/freeradius/modules/expr
 Module: Linked to module rlm_expiration
 Module: Instantiating module expiration from file 

  expiration {
reply-message = Password Has Expired  
 Module: Linked to module rlm_logintime
 Module: Instantiating module logintime from file 

  logintime {
reply-message = You are calling outside your allowed timespan  
minimum-timeout = 60

Most of that seems irrelevant to EAP-TLS.  A certificate isn't exactly a 
password - it can expire, but the message Password Has Expired seems 
like it will never appear (or, if it does, it'll be confusing to a 
user).  I'm probably not going to use the 'logintime' features.  'exec' 
might be useful since I probably will use the external 'openssl' based 
'verify' method in 'eap.conf' (unless someone can suggest a better 

radiusd:  Loading Virtual Servers 

Even when 'default' was the only thing in 'sites-enabled', it loaded a 
bunch of stuff other than EAP-TLS.  I currently have nothing in 
'sites-enabled' right now, but would like insight into what the 
configuration file should be to just do EAP-TLS.

radiusd:  Opening IP addresses and Ports 
listen {
type = auth
ipaddr = *
port = 0
listen {
type = acct
ipaddr = *
port = 0
Listening on authentication address * port 

Re: Setting up EAP-TLS as the ONLY authentication mechanism?

2013-03-23 Thread Alan DeKok
Thomas Hruska wrote:
 Since I only want EAP-TLS, output lines like the following bother me
 (I've inlined my concerns):
 Does FreeRADIUS really need to load all of those config files to

  No.  That's why they config files are editable.  So you can edit them.

  That is, does it hurt in any way to load all of the module
 config files?

  I don't understand the question.  What can hurt about loading config

 What does this do?

  Read raddb/proxy.conf.  This is documented.  Extensively.

 All of this seems to be in proxy.conf.  It doesn't look like I need any
 of it but I'm not sure if it is safe to get rid of it/comment it out.

  Read proxy.conf.

 Again, this will be the only RADIUS server in the network and my
 understanding is that proxies are for forwarding requests to other
 RADIUS servers.  Given my setup, can I safely comment out the '$INCLUDE
 proxy.conf' line in 'radiusd.conf'?

  This is documented.  The comments above the line $INCLUDE proxy.conf
tell you.  And again, the reason the config files are text is so that
you can edit them.

  What's the worst that can happen?  If something goes wrong... just put
the text back.

 Not sure why I would need this either.  Based on the 'secret' string's
 value, I'm wagering it has to do with the 'proxy.conf' settings, but I'm
 not 100% confident about that.

  No.  Clients have nothing to do with proxies.

  Do you plan on testing your server?  If so, that entry can be useful.

 Most of that seems irrelevant to EAP-TLS.  A certificate isn't exactly a
 password - it can expire, but the message Password Has Expired seems
 like it will never appear (or, if it does, it'll be confusing to a
 user).  I'm probably not going to use the 'logintime' features.  'exec'
 might be useful since I probably will use the external 'openssl' based
 'verify' method in 'eap.conf' (unless someone can suggest a better

  So... delete the things you're not using.  That's why there are
comments explaining what those modules do.  So you can learn, and think
for yourself.

 Even when 'default' was the only thing in 'sites-enabled', it loaded a
 bunch of stuff other than EAP-TLS.  I currently have nothing in
 'sites-enabled' right now, but would like insight into what the
 configuration file should be to just do EAP-TLS.

  Read raddb/sites-enabled/default.

  Honestly, there is a *lot* of documentation on this included with the
config files.  I see no reason to cut  paste it here.  Instead, you
should find the time to readit.

 What do I need to do to set up FreeRADIUS so that it only supports

  Configure only EAP, and EAP-TLS.

  Some of the stuff in 'eap.conf' is confusing.  I've commented
 out 'md5', 'leap', 'mschapv2', etc. with only the 'tls' section left
 uncommented and set 'default_eap_type = tls', but I'm not sure if that
 is all I need to do.  Documentation on setting up an EAP-TLS only
 RADIUS server is limited.

  Nonsense.  I don't mean that there's lots of documentation on setting
up your exact desired configuration.  I mean it's nonsense to *expect*
that there will be lots of documentation on setting up your exact
desired configuration.

 What is the best method of setting it up so that only the router can
 communicate with the RADIUS server on port 1812?

  Firewalls.  Then, making sure that the server is only listening on
port 1812

  Most of these questions are The server does A and B, but I only want
it to do A.  What do I do?  And the answer is edit the config files so
that it doesn't do B.

 You're looking for reassurance that editing the config files won't
cause the server to explode in flaming metal.  It won't.  Edit them.

  Alan DeKok.
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Setting up EAP-TLS as the ONLY authentication mechanism?

2013-03-23 Thread Thomas Hruska

On 3/23/2013 3:54 PM, Alan DeKok wrote:

Thomas Hruska wrote:


   Read proxy.conf.

[Sigh]  I have.  It doesn't make sense to me.  Why enable it as a 
default if it isn't necessary for basic functionality?  Hopefully you 
can see how the average user might be confused, Hey the authors enabled 
this by default.  Maybe there is a very important reason for that.  I'll 
go ahead and leave it alone because they know better.  But I see an 
open port and wonder if it is actually necessary.  So I figured I would 
ask to obtain some knowledge of why it is enabled by default, hence the 
original questions.  Here's the text from 'radiusd.conf':

#  proxy_requests: Turns proxying of RADIUS requests on or off.
#  The server has proxying turned on by default.  If your system is NOT
#  set up to proxy requests to another server, then you can turn proxying
#  off here.  This will save a small amount of resources on the server.
#  If you have proxying turned off, and your configuration files say
#  to proxy a request, then an error message will be logged.
#  To disable proxying, change the yes to no, and comment the
#  $INCLUDE line.
#  allowed values: {no, yes}

Nowhere in there does it explain why proxying is on by default.  It just 
says that it can be turned off.  I want to know why it is on by default 
in the first place.  From what I'm beginning to understand, based on 
your reply, FreeRADIUS opens a port that isn't necessary for basic 
functionality as part of its default installation.  That sort of 
behavior should at least raise an eyebrow if not a few red flags.

Not sure why I would need this either.  Based on the 'secret' string's
value, I'm wagering it has to do with the 'proxy.conf' settings, but I'm
not 100% confident about that.

   No.  Clients have nothing to do with proxies.

   Do you plan on testing your server?  If so, that entry can be useful.

The default client secrets(s) should be different from the default proxy 
secret(s) to avoid confusion for first-time users.

I missed that it is there for testing.  And I see why:

#  Define RADIUS clients (usually a NAS, Access Point, etc.).

#  Defines a RADIUS client.
#  '' is another name for 'localhost'.  It is enabled by default,
#  to allow testing of the server after an initial installation.  If you
#  are not going to be permitting RADIUS queries from localhost, we suggest
#  that you delete, or comment out, this entry.

#  Each client has a short name that is used to distinguish it from
#  other clients.
#  In version 1.x, the string after the word client was the IP
#  address of the client.  In 2.0, the IP address is configured via
#  the ipaddr or ipv6addr fields.  For compatibility, the 1.x
#  format is still accepted.

Most of that seems irrelevant to EAP-TLS.  A certificate isn't exactly a
password - it can expire, but the message Password Has Expired seems
like it will never appear (or, if it does, it'll be confusing to a
user).  I'm probably not going to use the 'logintime' features.  'exec'
might be useful since I probably will use the external 'openssl' based
'verify' method in 'eap.conf' (unless someone can suggest a better

   So... delete the things you're not using.  That's why there are
comments explaining what those modules do.  So you can learn, and think
for yourself.

Again, defaults exist for a reason.  The reasons for the defaults are 
what I'm actually after here.

  Some of the stuff in 'eap.conf' is confusing.  I've commented
out 'md5', 'leap', 'mschapv2', etc. with only the 'tls' section left
uncommented and set 'default_eap_type = tls', but I'm not sure if that
is all I need to do.  Documentation on setting up an EAP-TLS only
RADIUS server is limited.

I mean it's nonsense to *expect*
that there will be lots of documentation on setting up your exact
desired configuration.

All I was asking here was if commenting out those protocols in 
'eap.conf' was all I have to do to disable them?  A simple confirmation 
would suffice.

  You're looking for reassurance that editing the config files won't
cause the server to explode in flaming metal.  It won't.  Edit them.

I admit that there is a little of that, but I'm just trying to save 
myself from breaking things too badly by understanding why the defaults 
are the defaults before I go and blow away large portions of config.

Thomas Hruska
CubicleSoft President

I've got great, time saving software that you might find useful.
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Setting up EAP-TLS as the ONLY authentication mechanism?

2013-03-23 Thread Arran Cudbard-Bell

On 23 Mar 2013, at 23:32, Thomas Hruska wrote:

 On 3/23/2013 3:54 PM, Alan DeKok wrote:
 Thomas Hruska wrote:
   Read proxy.conf.
 [Sigh]  I have.  It doesn't make sense to me.  Why enable it as a default if 
 it isn't necessary for basic functionality?  Hopefully you can see how the 
 average user might be confused, Hey the authors enabled this by default.  
 Maybe there is a very important reason for that.

Nope, just means more things work with less tweaking.

  I'll go ahead and leave it alone because they know better.  But I see an 
 open port and wonder if it is actually necessary.  So I figured I would ask 
 to obtain some knowledge of why it is enabled by default, hence the original 
 questions.  Here's the text from 'radiusd.conf':
 #  proxy_requests: Turns proxying of RADIUS requests on or off.
 #  The server has proxying turned on by default.  If your system is NOT
 #  set up to proxy requests to another server, then you can turn proxying
 #  off here.  This will save a small amount of resources on the server.
 #  If you have proxying turned off, and your configuration files say
 #  to proxy a request, then an error message will be logged.
 #  To disable proxying, change the yes to no, and comment the
 #  $INCLUDE line.
 #  allowed values: {no, yes}
 Nowhere in there does it explain why proxying is on by default.  It just says 
 that it can be turned off.  I want to know why it is on by default in the 
 first place.  From what I'm beginning to understand, based on your reply, 
 FreeRADIUS opens a port that isn't necessary for basic functionality as part 
 of its default installation.  That sort of behavior should at least raise an 
 eyebrow if not a few red flags.

Why is authentication on by default, you might just want to do accounting? why 
is accounting on by default, you might just want to do authentication? It's on 
by default because it does no harm having it on by default, and makes it easier 
for people with no knowledge of the server to use the server.

You just add a realm, and it works, instead of having to toggle different bits 
of config to make it work.

I think the configs could probably do with trimming a bit, but it does not make 
sense to disable these things by default, as there are no security 
implications, just a slight increase in memory usage.

 Not sure why I would need this either.  Based on the 'secret' string's
 value, I'm wagering it has to do with the 'proxy.conf' settings, but I'm
 not 100% confident about that.
   No.  Clients have nothing to do with proxies.
   Do you plan on testing your server?  If so, that entry can be useful.
 The default client secrets(s) should be different from the default proxy 
 secret(s) to avoid confusion for first-time users.
 I missed that it is there for testing.  And I see why:

That sentence is ambiguous.

 Most of that seems irrelevant to EAP-TLS.  A certificate isn't exactly a
 password - it can expire, but the message Password Has Expired seems
 like it will never appear (or, if it does, it'll be confusing to a
 user).  I'm probably not going to use the 'logintime' features.  'exec'
 might be useful since I probably will use the external 'openssl' based
 'verify' method in 'eap.conf' (unless someone can suggest a better
   So... delete the things you're not using.  That's why there are
 comments explaining what those modules do.  So you can learn, and think
 for yourself.
 Again, defaults exist for a reason.  The reasons for the defaults are what 
 I'm actually after here.

Again it's so things just work. For rlm_logintime, if you read the code:

If there's no Login-Time attribute in the request it does nothing. If there is 
a Login-Time attribute in the request it ensures the user can only login before 
that time.

It means you can add Login-Time in a users file, and it'll just work, instead 
if hunting through the server to figure out where to turn on the Login-Time 

  Some of the stuff in 'eap.conf' is confusing.  I've commented
 out 'md5', 'leap', 'mschapv2', etc. with only the 'tls' section left
 uncommented and set 'default_eap_type = tls', but I'm not sure if that
 is all I need to do.  Documentation on setting up an EAP-TLS only
 RADIUS server is limited.
 I mean it's nonsense to *expect*
 that there will be lots of documentation on setting up your exact
 desired configuration.
 All I was asking here was if commenting out those protocols in 'eap.conf' was 
 all I have to do to disable them?  A simple confirmation would suffice.

Yes. It's all you have to do to disable them.

  You're looking for reassurance that editing the config files won't
 cause the server to explode in flaming metal.  It won't.  Edit them.
 I admit that there is a little of that, but I'm just trying to save