On 10/18/2013 11:00 AM, Alan DeKok wrote:
Bertalan Voros wrote:
I have one question, I would like to log a message in radius.log when a
device is rejected based on its mac address.
I would like to put a message saying that the device was unauthorised
and the Calling-Station-Id into the radius.log logfile.
   See the radiusd.conf, the "log" subsection.  There are limited
possibilities for customizing the log messages.

   Alan DeKok.
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I use a modified module for syslog based off "exec" for this type of thing (on a UNIX system):

exec syslog-portauth {
    wait = no

program = "/usr/bin/logger -p local3.info -t portauth switch %{NAS-IP-Address} port %{NAS-Port-Id} %{NAS-Port} - User %{sql_start2: select determineUserFromMac('%{User-Name}')} on MAC %{User-Name} assigned to %{reply:Tunnel-Private-Group-Id}"

    input_pairs = request
    packet_type = Access-Accept
    shell_escape = no


Granted, you might need to execute this on an Access-Reject but you can log anything you want with that. I even grab some values from my database (MySQL functions actually) to include in the log line.

- JohnD

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