Re: [Freesurfer] freesurfer for MEG/EEG source imaging

2005-08-10 Thread Bruce Fischl

Hi Zhongming,

we always generate models of the hemispheres separately. We do generate BEM 
surfaces, and can downsample. I'll cc Matti Hamalainen who can instruct you 
on how this can be done.


On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Zhongming Liu wrote:

I am a new user of Freesurfer. My questions are related to the head modeling
and MEG/EEG source modeling.

1.  Can freesurfer generate the 3-shell boundary element model (BEM): 3
triangulated interfaces of air-scalp, scalp-skull, skull-brain?
2.  Is it possible to generate a closed and folded cortical surface
after the segmentation on MR images? Freesurfer seems to output two splitted
hemispheres of cortex. I am particularly concerning this, because I will use
the cortical surface to constrain the MEG/EEG source location and direction.
3.  Is it possible to evenly (or nearly evenly) down-sample the vertices
of a fine cortical surface into around 6,000 points, onto which the
elementary dipole will be placed? Freesurfer generates the cortical surface
with a huge number of triangles, which makes it impossible for MEG-based
source imaging.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Zhongming Liu

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] freesurfer for MEG/EEG source imaging

2005-08-10 Thread Daniel Goldenholz

Hello Zhongming

1. Freesurfer can do this, though it is not perfect. It is my 
understanding that the best (at least here at the NMR center) BEM 
segmentations can be obtained when running special pulse sequences 
called FLASH5 in the MRI to better visualize the skull boundaries. Matti 
can probably provide additional details.

2. The BEMs outputted are in the appropriate form for EEG/MEG source 

3. The downsampling is a very serious issue that many people have 
brought up. If you are looking for a first approximation, you will have 
no problem at all. The freesurfer surfaces can simply be downsampled. 
However, the spacing between vertices is not uniform. Therefore, 
downsampling a non-uniformly spaced surface will result in another 
similarly non-uniformly spaced surface. If you downsample by a large 
number, you will become acutely aware of the problem. Conversely, if you 
downsample by a small number, the surface will still look very much like 
a surface, so perhaps you won't mind.

Another possible solution to this problem, which is still not correct 
but may be closer, would be to establish a set of points that are 
uniformly distributed around a sphere, and then pick those points from 
the cortical surface in spherical coordinates. This solution will suffer 
from distortions inherent in the spherical morph.

I have been in touch with the makers of SUMA, who are considering 
developing an option to prepare correctly down-sampled surface vertices 
based on surfaces Euclidean distances, and our own Doug Greve (also 
CCed) has also be considering options within the freesurfer environment.

If you consider this issue important enough to solve, and are able to 
solve it, I encourage you to share it with others, because I have found 
that a number of people would like the correct solution available to 
them (myself included).


On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Zhongming Liu wrote:

I am a new user of Freesurfer. My questions are related to the head 

and MEG/EEG source modeling.

1.Can freesurfer generate the 3-shell boundary element model 
(BEM): 3

triangulated interfaces of air-scalp, scalp-skull, skull-brain?
2.Is it possible to generate a closed and folded cortical surface
after the segmentation on MR images? Freesurfer seems to output two 
hemispheres of cortex. I am particularly concerning this, because I 
will use
the cortical surface to constrain the MEG/EEG source location and 
3.Is it possible to evenly (or nearly evenly) down-sample the 

of a fine cortical surface into around 6,000 points, onto which the
elementary dipole will be placed? Freesurfer generates the cortical 

with a huge number of triangles, which makes it impossible for MEG-based
source imaging.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Zhongming Liu

Freesurfer mailing list

Daniel Goldenholz
Cell: 617-935-9421

Mavet v'chaim b'yad halashon
Life and death are in the hands of language
   - Proverbs 18:21

fn:Daniel Goldenholz
org:Mass General Hospital;MGH/MIT/HMS Martinos Center
adr;dom:;;149 13th St.;Charlestown;MA;02129
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Editing labels

2005-08-10 Thread Kevin Teich
I've been trying to edit some labels in tkmedit and have noticed that if 
I save a label in tkmedit and then project it back onto the surface in 
tksurfer, it appears fragmented (ie., speckled). This happens even if I 
save a label that was created in tksurfer in tkmedit without even 
editing it (ie., create label in tksurfer, load it in tkmedit, save it 
in tkmedit (without editing), and then load it back in tksurfer). I 
don't understand why this should happen, particulalry in the latter 
case, as the label should remain unchanged. Can anyone explain why this 
might happen? Thanks, Alex

Does your data have a voxel resolution different than 1mm squared?

Kevin Teich

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] skull strip

2005-08-10 Thread Xiao Han
Yes, skull-stripping is pretty robust. 
You can definitely try that on your data.


On Wed, 10 Aug 2005, Sasha Wolosin wrote:

Is it possible to do skull stripping without motion correction or intensity 

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Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

RE: [Freesurfer] Editing labels

2005-08-10 Thread Fornito, Alexander
Hi Kevin,
It shouldn't.
I created the labels by the doing the following:
1 - manully raced an ROI using another program (Analyze) in volume space and 
saved the ROI as a greyscale mask in analyze format
2 - used mri_convert to convert both the original T1 and ROI to COR format.
3 - Generated the surface of the T1 and loaded the ROI as an overlay in tksurfer
4 - Filled the overlay using custom fill and saved it as a label.

I'm not sure how I would check the image dimensions of the label, but I assume 
step 2 would have put it into 1mm3, which would then convert to 1mm2 when 
projected onto the surface (?).

-Original Message-
From:   Kevin Teich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Thu 8/11/2005 5:18 AM
To: Fornito, Alexander
Subject:Re: [Freesurfer] Editing labels
 I've been trying to edit some labels in tkmedit and have noticed that if 
 I save a label in tkmedit and then project it back onto the surface in 
 tksurfer, it appears fragmented (ie., speckled). This happens even if I 
 save a label that was created in tksurfer in tkmedit without even 
 editing it (ie., create label in tksurfer, load it in tkmedit, save it 
 in tkmedit (without editing), and then load it back in tksurfer). I 
 don't understand why this should happen, particulalry in the latter 
 case, as the label should remain unchanged. Can anyone explain why this 
 might happen? Thanks, Alex

Does your data have a voxel resolution different than 1mm squared?

Kevin Teich

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf help

2005-08-10 Thread Fornito, Alexander
I'm trying to resample a volume (representing a subregion of the subjects T1) 
onto the surface using mri_vol2surf. When I try to load the output as an 
overlay in tksurfer, nothing appears. The output is below. Any help would be 
appreciated (note, I;ve also tried to output in analyze format with no success)

mri_vol2surf --src 
127/mri/orig/001/reg_objects/127_lh_cog_limbic_surfreg --src_type 
analyze --srcreg register.dat --fwhm 3 --trgsubject 127 --hemi lh --surf 
white --surfreg 127/surf/lh.white --out test/test --out_type cor
srcvol = 127/mri/orig/001/reg_objects/127_lh_cog_limbic_surfreg
srctype = analyze
srcreg = register.dat
srcregold = 0
srcwarp unspecified
surf = white
hemi = lh
trgsubject = 127
surfreg = 127/surf/lh.white
interp = nearest
float2int = round
INFO: float2int code = 0
INFO: analyzeRead(): found 1 files for 
INFO: could not find 
127/mri/orig/001/reg_objects/127_lh_cog_limbic_surfreg.mat file for 
direction cosine info.
INFO: use Analyze 7.5 hdr-hist.orient value: 0, transverse unflipped (default).
INFO: if not valid, please provide the information in 
127/mri/orig/001/reg_objects/127_lh_cog_limbic_surfreg.mat file
INFO: analyzeRead(): min = 0, max = 63
INFO: chaning type to float
Done loading volume
INFO: smoothing volume at fwhm = 3 mm (std = 1.27398)
Reading surface 
Done reading source surface
Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface
vol2surf_linear: nhits = 148018/148018
Done mapping volume to surface
Number of source voxels hit = 92960
Reshaping 2 (nvertices = 148018)
non-standard value for imnr1 (2, usually 256) in volume structure
non-standard value for type (3, usually 0) in volume structure
non-standard value for width (74009, usually 256) in volume structure
non-standard value for height (1, usually 256) in volume structure

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf help

2005-08-10 Thread Doug Greve

Definitely do not use cor as the output. Use paint format (also
known as .w). See the examples.


On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Fornito, Alexander wrote:

I'm trying to resample a volume (representing a subregion of the subjects T1) 
onto the surface using mri_vol2surf. When I try to load the output as an 
overlay in tksurfer, nothing appears. The output is below. Any help would be 
appreciated (note, I;ve also tried to output in analyze format with no success)

mri_vol2surf --src 
127/mri/orig/001/reg_objects/127_lh_cog_limbic_surfreg --src_type 
analyze --srcreg register.dat --fwhm 3 --trgsubject 127 --hemi lh --surf 
white --surfreg 127/surf/lh.white --out test/test --out_type cor
srcvol = 127/mri/orig/001/reg_objects/127_lh_cog_limbic_surfreg
srctype = analyze
srcreg = register.dat
srcregold = 0
srcwarp unspecified
surf = white
hemi = lh
trgsubject = 127
surfreg = 127/surf/lh.white
interp = nearest
float2int = round
INFO: float2int code = 0
INFO: analyzeRead(): found 1 files for 
INFO: could not find 
127/mri/orig/001/reg_objects/127_lh_cog_limbic_surfreg.mat file for 
direction cosine info.
INFO: use Analyze 7.5 hdr-hist.orient value: 0, transverse unflipped (default).
INFO: if not valid, please provide the information in 
127/mri/orig/001/reg_objects/127_lh_cog_limbic_surfreg.mat file
INFO: analyzeRead(): min = 0, max = 63
INFO: chaning type to float
Done loading volume
INFO: smoothing volume at fwhm = 3 mm (std = 1.27398)
Reading surface 
Done reading source surface
Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface
vol2surf_linear: nhits = 148018/148018
Done mapping volume to surface
Number of source voxels hit = 92960
Reshaping 2 (nvertices = 148018)
non-standard value for imnr1 (2, usually 256) in volume structure
non-standard value for type (3, usually 0) in volume structure
non-standard value for width (74009, usually 256) in volume structure
non-standard value for height (1, usually 256) in volume structure

Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

Freesurfer mailing list

RE: [Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf help

2005-08-10 Thread Fornito, Alexander
That worked thanks.
Wandering if I could get your advice on the best way to proceed. I'm resampling 
manually traced ROIs onto the surface and using custom fill to convert them to 
labels to obtain regional thickness. As I see it, I can do this in 2 ways:
1 - convert the ROI (which is saved as a greyscale mask in analyze format) to 
cor format (which puts the ROI in the same space as the orig, and therefor the 
surface), and load it as an overlay in tksurfer 
2 - use mri_vol2surf to resample the mask to the surface

Both approaches produce a pretty good result (ie., the ROI is where it should 
be), but there appears to be slight differences in the exact locations of the 
marked vertices around the ROI borders. I was wandering if there's any reason 
why I should prefer on approach over the other?

Also, the borders of the labels are somewhat jagged when overlaid on the 
surface, which I presume is because the overlays are at voxel resolution, 
whereas the surface is smoothed at subvoxel resolution. Is there any way to 
correct the overlays for this discrepancy? Would it be a sin not to?

Thanks for your help,

-Original Message-
From:   Doug Greve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Thu 8/11/2005 1:42 PM
To: Fornito, Alexander
Subject:Re: [Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf help

Definitely do not use cor as the output. Use paint format (also
known as .w). See the examples.


On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Fornito, Alexander wrote:

 I'm trying to resample a volume (representing a subregion of the subjects T1) 
 onto the surface using mri_vol2surf. When I try to load the output as an 
 overlay in tksurfer, nothing appears. The output is below. Any help would be 
 appreciated (note, I;ve also tried to output in analyze format with no 

 mri_vol2surf --src 
 127/mri/orig/001/reg_objects/127_lh_cog_limbic_surfreg --src_type 
 analyze --srcreg register.dat --fwhm 3 --trgsubject 127 --hemi lh --surf 
 white --surfreg 127/surf/lh.white --out test/test --out_type cor
 srcvol = 127/mri/orig/001/reg_objects/127_lh_cog_limbic_surfreg
 srctype = analyze
 srcreg = register.dat
 srcregold = 0
 srcwarp unspecified
 surf = white
 hemi = lh
 trgsubject = 127
 surfreg = 127/surf/lh.white
 interp = nearest
 float2int = round
 INFO: float2int code = 0
 INFO: analyzeRead(): found 1 files for 
 INFO: could not find 
 127/mri/orig/001/reg_objects/127_lh_cog_limbic_surfreg.mat file for 
 direction cosine info.
 INFO: use Analyze 7.5 hdr-hist.orient value: 0, transverse unflipped 
 INFO: if not valid, please provide the information in 
 127/mri/orig/001/reg_objects/127_lh_cog_limbic_surfreg.mat file
 INFO: analyzeRead(): min = 0, max = 63
 INFO: chaning type to float
 Done loading volume
 INFO: smoothing volume at fwhm = 3 mm (std = 1.27398)
 Reading surface 
 Done reading source surface
 Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface
 vol2surf_linear: nhits = 148018/148018
 Done mapping volume to surface
 Number of source voxels hit = 92960
 Reshaping 2 (nvertices = 148018)
 non-standard value for imnr1 (2, usually 256) in volume structure
 non-standard value for type (3, usually 0) in volume structure
 non-standard value for width (74009, usually 256) in volume structure
 non-standard value for height (1, usually 256) in volume structure

 Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

Freesurfer mailing list