Hi Kevin,
It shouldn't.
I created the labels by the doing the following:
1 - manully raced an ROI using another program (Analyze) in volume space and 
saved the ROI as a greyscale mask in analyze format
2 - used mri_convert to convert both the original T1 and ROI to COR format.
3 - Generated the surface of the T1 and loaded the ROI as an overlay in tksurfer
4 - Filled the overlay using custom fill and saved it as a label.

I'm not sure how I would check the image dimensions of the label, but I assume 
step 2 would have put it into 1mm3, which would then convert to 1mm2 when 
projected onto the surface (?).

-----Original Message-----
From:   Kevin Teich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Thu 8/11/2005 5:18 AM
To:     Fornito, Alexander
Cc:     freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject:        Re: [Freesurfer] Editing labels
> I've been trying to edit some labels in tkmedit and have noticed that if 
> I save a label in tkmedit and then project it back onto the surface in 
> tksurfer, it appears fragmented (ie., speckled). This happens even if I 
> save a label that was created in tksurfer in tkmedit without even 
> editing it (ie., create label in tksurfer, load it in tkmedit, save it 
> in tkmedit (without editing), and then load it back in tksurfer). I 
> don't understand why this should happen, particulalry in the latter 
> case, as the label should remain unchanged. Can anyone explain why this 
> might happen? Thanks, Alex

Does your data have a voxel resolution different than 1mm squared?

Kevin Teich

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