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I have a question regarding interpreting results from QDEC. I am
investigating lGI in individuals with ASD and controls (which I will refer
to as 'TD' here).

I understand from the archives that when "TD" is listed first and "ASD" is
listed second in my "diagnosis.levels" file, when I select the question
"Does average lGI, accounting for sex, differ between TD and ASD?" results
would be interpreted as: Yellow regions = greater lGI in TD; blue regions =
reduced lGI in TD.

Assuming the same order, I thought that since I listed "females" first and
"males" second on my "sex.levels" file, then results from selecting
question "Does average lGI, accounting for diagnosis, differ between
females and males?" would be interpreted as: Yellow regions= greater lGI in
females; blue regions = reduced lGI in females. Is this correct?

The reason I'm asking is that when I extract mean lGI values of significant
clusters (between females and males in the latter case above) and plot the
mean lGIs for males and females separately, I see that the yellow regions
show greater lGI in males instead of females!

Will you please clarify for me how I have to interpret these results

Thanks so much

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