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(tl:dr - I have a few questions listed at the end of this message. most of
the message is just details about these questions).

I have a volumetric map of values for each subject, which you can think of
as a contrast (it is actually a contrast of distances from a
Representational Similarity Analysis (RSA) calculated in Matlab using the
RSA toolbox, but that’s irrelevant to my questions). I did my preprocessing
in FSL. These maps are currently in a downsampled (2x2x2) version of the
anatomical image (see next paragraph for details). I used FSL’s FLIRT to
move my functional images to that space, using the examplefunc2highres.mat
transformation matrix, highres (the anatomical image) as the reference
image, and the flag -applyisoxfm 2 to ensure the resolution stays 2x2x2.

(( **Less relevant to my Freesurfer questions so feel free to skip**:
the reason I chose to run my RSA analyses in this 2x2x2 anatomical space is
that I have 8 runs (EPI sequences), with a structural scan after 4 runs.
Since I need to align all my runs to one template image to do the RSA
analysis with conditions across runs, it seemed like a natural choice: I
first run FEAT preprocessing on each run separately, and use a the middle
image from run X as the motion correction template for run X (as is the
default). I then transform the filtered_func_data.nii.gz file of each run
to the 2x2x2 anatomical space. If this seems like a mistake to you, please
let me know! ))

I would like to project these contrast maps to a common surface, and to do
group analysis on the surface. I think I need to use the command
mris_preproc or mri_vol2surf (see next paragraph), but both need a
registration file which I’m not sure how to get. given that my contrast
images are already in the “correct” (anatomical space) orientation, I
thought the transformation matrix should just be the identity matrix.
I tried using bbregister with the brain extracted structural image as the
--mov template (the resolution in the resulting register.dat file will be
1x1x1, and not 2x2x2 like the transformed functional images, but the
resolution lines in the register.dat file are anyway being ignored. The
transformation matrix should be correct). I tried this and the
transformation matrix was not the identity matrix, but rather:
9.999998211860657e-01 5.568005726672709e-04 -6.800168921472505e-05
1.512142625870183e-04 -1.508450955152512e-01 9.885573387145996e-01
5.401717498898506e-04 -9.885571599006653e-01 -1.508451700210571e-01
when I look at this registration with tkregisterfv it looks fine (both for
the structural image and for the examplefunc after transformed to the 2x2x2
structural space) - so this seems to be working. If anybody has an
explanation why the transformation matrix between the skull-striped
anatomical image from FSL to orig.mgz is not the identity matrix I would
appreciate it.

I’m not sure how to get the maps into a common surface and not subject
surface. The register.dat file I will obtain will be the registration from
the functional space (in my case the downsampled anatomical space) to the
subject’s anatomical space. If I give that as input to mri_vol2surf, but
use "--trgsubject fsaverage", will Freesurfer automatically know to apply
the registration from the subject’s surface to fsaverage (if I'm correct it
uses the sphere registration - is that the right thing to do?)? If I only
want to do surface group analysis and I’m not interested in viewing the
individual subject’s contrasts on the surface, do I even need to use
mri_vol2surf? or is it enough to just use mris_preproc and use the --iv
flags to specify the volumetric contrast images and the register.dat files?

I would like to run a one-sided Wilcoxon sign-rank test on these contrasts
across subjects (and not a GLM - I want to know if my contrasts are
different from 0 across subjects, but the contrast maps are not
necessarily normally distributed) . so I can’t use mri_glmfit. Is there any
way of doing that in Freesurfer? If not, is there an easy way to export the
output of mris_preproc (stacked contrasts of different subjects, already
sampled to fsaverage) into Matlab? After doing the analysis in Matlab, can
i just write the result (a vector of p-values of size nNodes x 1) into a
csv file or something like that, and then load it in Freeview as an overlay
on the fsaverage surface? Is there a particular way in which this
conversion from freesurfer to Matlab and back to freesurfer should be done?

Finally, I will need to correct for multiple comparisons. Is there any way
for me to still do that with the Freesurfer machinery for cluster
correction, even though I am not running  mri_glmfit, but rather doing a
non-parametric statistical test?

To summarise, my questions are:

1) How to create a registration.dat file with registration from my weird
2x2x2 anatomical space, where my (functional) contrasts currently are, to
the anatomical space (same orientation, different resolution).
2) How to use those registration.dat files correctly to prepare the
contrasts for group analysis - do I need to use mri_vol2surf or should I
use mris_preproc?
3) Is there a way of running a one-sided Wilcoxon sign-rank test in
4) What is the best way to export .mgh files to Matlab, and save them
from Matlab in formats that are Freesurfer-compatible?
5) If I am not running a GLM, is it possible to still use Freesurfer for
multiple comparisons? If so, how?

Thanks very much for any help!
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