
Mkanalysis-sess  does not accept -per-run and It looks like mkcontrast-sess
cannot initiate Matlab in the terminal.

I have installed octave and addpath and save path both



I will appreciate in advance if you possibly could help me to solve the

Best Regards,


Windows 7 and vmware10

Linux version:

------- freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.1.0 --------

Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)

FREESURFER_HOME   /home/fsl/Desktop/freesurfer

FSFAST_HOME       /home/fsl/Desktop/freesurfer/fsfast


SUBJECTS_DIR      /home/fsl/Desktop/freesurfer/subjects

MNI_DIR           /home/fsl/Desktop/freesurfer/mni

FSL_DIR           /usr/local/fsl

Current working directory:



*which freesurfer*


*which mkanalysis-sess*


*which mkcontrast-sess*


Command lines:

*mkdir FIVA*

*cd FIVA*

*mkdir MT_Localizer*

*cd MT_Localizer*

*mkdir subj1sess1 *

*cd subj1sess1*

*unpacksdcmdir -src /home/fsl/Desktop/MTLocalizer/IMAGES -targ . -run 2
bold nii f.nii -run 3 bold nii f.nii -run 4 bold nii f.nii -run 5 bold nii
f.nii -run 6 bold nii f.nii -run 7 bold nii f.nii -run 8 bold nii f.nii
-run 9 bold nii f.nii -run 10 bold nii f.nii -run 11 bold nii f.nii*

Within subj1sess1, made a text file named subjectname, and wrote subj001
(the name of my anatomical subject).

*cd ..*

*preproc-sess -s subj1sess1 -fsd bold -surface self lhrh -mni305 -fwhm 5

*plot-twf-sess -s subj1sess1 -fsd bold -mc*

*tkregister-sess -s subj1sess1 -fsd bold -per-run -bbr-sum*

*tkregister-sess -s subj1sess1 -fsd bold -per-run*

 For each run, a paradigm file (paradigm.par) is included.

*mkanalysis-sess -a MT.lh -surface self lh -fsd bold -fwhm 5 -event-related
-paradigm paradigm.par -nconditions 2 -refeventdur 16 -TR 2 **-nskip 4
2 -spmhrf 0 -mcextreg -per-run*

*'ERROR flag -per-run unrecognized'*

It does not accept -per-run so I omitted that.

*mkanalysis-sess -a MT.lh -surface self lh -fsd bold -fwhm 5 -event-related
-paradigm paradigm.par -nconditions 2 -refeventdur 16 -TR 2 -nskip 4
-polyfit 2 -spmhrf 0 -mcextreg*

*mkanalysis-sess -a MT.rh -surface self rh -fsd bold -fwhm 5 -event-related
-paradigm paradigm.par -nconditions 2 -refeventdur 16 -TR 2 -nskip 4
-polyfit 2 -spmhrf 0 -mcextreg *

*mkcontrast-sess -analysis MT.lh -contrast M_S -a 2 -c 1           *

Non-Null Conditions

INFO: Found 1 Delays

Condition Weights: -1.00000000000000000000 1.00000000000000000000

mkcontrast -anadir MT.lh -wcond -1.00000000000000000000
1.00000000000000000000 -sumconds -o MT.lh/12.mat -wdelay 1 -no-octave

  $Id: mkcontrast,v 1.10 2010/07/16 16:20:10 greve Exp $

cmtxfile  MT.lh/12.mat

nconds    2,  wcond  -1.00000000000000000000 1.00000000000000000000

ndelays   1, wdelay 1

ndelays   1, wpsa

sumconds  1

sumdelays 0

nircorr   0

TER       0.050000



ERROR running mkcontrast

mkcontrast -anadir MT.lh -wcond -1.00000000000000000000
1.00000000000000000000 -sumconds -o MT.lh/12.mat -wdelay 1 -no-octave
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