GSoC Status Report

2021-08-08 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj
Hello Everyone,

This is the penultimate status update to my GSOC project.

What has been completed:

Most of the stuff mentioned in my proposal has been completed:

The latest website prototype can be found here:

Right now I am working on tidying up the code and implementing the
suggestions given by my mentors.
If you have any suggestions, please comment.


Re: Want suggestions regarding the user Interface of site pages.(GSoC)

2021-08-07 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj
> Here's my comment how to proceed:
> <>
> This is the latest iteration

 Please have a look and tell me if you have any feedback/suggestions.

Sarthak Bhardwaj

Want suggestions regarding the user Interface of site pages.(GSoC)

2021-08-03 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj
Hello Everyone.

I have added a feature for showing an image diff overlay on hover, on the
website. Here is a link to the screen record of the latest version:

Please check it out and tell me if you have any feedback/suggestions.

Sarthak Bhardwaj

GSoC Status Update - (Mid-term Evaluation)

2021-07-12 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj
Hello everyone,
Here is a status update on the GSoC project:
1. First version of the regression script is done from my side and
submitted for review.

2. The integration for the script in the CI is complete and submitted for

3. macOS builds for Autotools and meson have been added and submitted for

What I am currently working on:

1. Since the integration is complete, I will focus on improving the layout
of the generated web pages.

2. Adding image comparison functionality to the website.

(Note that due to worsening monsoon we are experiencing severe floods in
so that could cause a little delay to the project, I will try my best to
create a useful website within the first week of August.) down

2021-07-11 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj is down for more than 12 hours now

Re: Compile FreeType Demos with static linking

2021-07-02 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj
On running "make devel" in freetype source it says something like "make:
Nothing to be done for 'devel'". So, I presume static linking is not
working properly right now in autotools ...

On Thu, Jul 1, 2021, 15:37 Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> >> I just wanted to know if it is possible to compile the FreeType
> >> demos with static linking?
> >
> > Yes, for example with
> >
> >   cd freetype-demos
> >   meson subprojects update
> >   meson setup --default-library static build
> >   meson compile -C build
> Uh, oh, this doesn't work currently.  Working on it.
> Until then, try to compile FreeType with
>   make devel
>   make
> then follow the README of 'freetype-demos'
> Werner

Compile FreeType Demos with static linking

2021-07-01 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj
Hello Werner Alexei,

I just wanted to know if it is possible to compile the FreeType demos with
static linking?

GSoC Report

2021-06-30 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj
Hello Everyone,

 Here's a status update on the Regression Testing GSoC project:

*What I have done so far:*

1. Modified ftlint to output glyph md5 hashes for fast testing

2. Created a script for regression testing, that can be run locally or in CI

Almost finalized only a few things need to be improved.

*What I am working on:*

1. Finalizing the CI script

2. Integrating the script in Freetype's CI

3. Adding CI for macOS and iOS (Migrating azure to GitLab)

This stuff should be in MRs by the weekend. Since FreeType, now has CI for
windows and Linux, I believe I don't need to port their azure config

*What I will be working on soon:*

1. Beautifying the generated web pages and adding functionality (image
comparison, etc.)

2. Making the script more robust against unexpected inputs (font failing to
render, etc.)

This will be completed by the end of July.

Sarthak Bhardwaj

Re: [Freetype-devel] Difference in rendering

2021-05-23 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj
Hello Suzuki,

I believe you misunderstood me, I meant I have a program for highlighting
differences in images, I wanted to test what would happen in a regression
scenario, so wanted to know how to create a regression/difference in
freetype's rendering output.


On Sun, May 23, 2021, 16:23 suzuki toshiya 

> Dear Sarthak,
> Is it possible for you to write a small external program producing a
> difference from 2 images (rendered by FreeType)?
> Regards,
> mpsuzuki
> On 2021/05/23 19:44, Sarthak Bhardwaj wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I was a little confused about, What file should I modify in the FreeType
> source to produce a small but noticeable difference in rendering. Please
> share your suggestions
> >
> > thanks
> > Sarthak Bhardwaj
> >

Difference in rendering

2021-05-23 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj
I was a little confused about, What file should I modify in the FreeType
source to produce a small but noticeable difference in rendering. Please
share your suggestions

Sarthak Bhardwaj

Query regarding generating MD5 Hashes of rendered gyphs

2021-05-19 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj
Hello Werner,

While trying to generate MD5 hashes of rendered glyphs, I came across this

I tried compiling freetype with FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE defined and set the
env variable FT2_DEBUG to bitmap:3, but ftgrid doesn't seem to output any
hash. Can you please tell me what I am missing, will be glad if you sort
this query out for me.

Sarthak Bhardwaj

Re: GSoC

2021-05-18 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj
> Hello Werner,

> As you might have noticed, Anurag is recently working on some issues
that exactly belong to your GSoC project.
> Please chime in!
Yes I have seen his work and  we have also discussed the various parts and
aims for this project that need to be accomplished. I have also done some
work on that but was little confused that whether it is allowed or kind of
legal to send MR before the coding period or not. But I think now there is
no such issue with that. We will try our best to have this project's
discussion in a constructive way, will for the best:)

Sarthak Bhardwaj



2021-05-17 Thread Sarthak Bhardwaj
*Hello Everyone,*
I have recently received my GSoC selection mail. I would like to thank my
mentor @Werner LEMBERG   and other Freetype community members
for their
constant support and guidance.

It will be my privilege to work with such a wonderful organization, will
try my best for this project's completion on time.

Thanks again
Sarthak Bhardwaj

Re: Testing framework

2021-04-10 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
> Hi Alexei,
> Extremely sorry for replying very late,  actually was traveling back from
college, as in our country once again school and colleges are closed due to
the second wave of COVID-19.

Do you have ftview and ftgrid working, either installed from your
> distribution package or compiled? I want to make sure that you tried
> it and know how they work.

Yes, actually I have done it yesterday itself, sorry for not informing you
as I have stated the reason I was very busy, and it is working fine for me,
capturing ss from [P] and aborting the process with [esc] key or [q]
and.., and the snapshot is getting saved in the freetype-demos folder
itself naming ftview.png and ftgrid.png in parallel to the command that has
executed, and every time these are updating whenever I run ftview or ftgrid
I am sharing the generated pngs...
[image: ftgrid.png]

[image: ftview.png]

Re: Testing framework

2021-04-10 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
> > but still confused over the thing that whether we have to follow the
> > traditional method all the time i.e. xvfbRunAndScreenShot, and check
> > some enhancement in it itself, or we have to do it manually all the
> > time or student need to figure it out by themselves a suitable
> > substitute of it?
> I don't understand what you want to say.  What do you mean with
> 'manually'?  What is the 'traditional method'?  Note that my
> misunderstanding might be caused by language barriers, so please
> elaborate.
I am sorry for the confusion, I mean to say that as Alexei have suggested
us to run it directly ,by not using Xvfb and capturing the screenshot by
pressing simply [P], that is giving us the .png file saved in same
 I think this is what you use to test it in a manual way.

my question is that as the goal is to have a CI script for the gitlab
instance of '' thats gets called automatically and will process
the whole thing of checking graphical difference.
So do we need to follow up with the same technique that is by running it
directly and capturing screenshots manually all the time or we need to have
some changes in xvfbRunAndScreenShot itself to make it more efficient, or
do we need to swap out the xvfb commands with some other taking xvfb out of
the way..


Re: Testing framework

2021-04-10 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
Hi Werner and Alexei,

> It's a good starting point to have a working setup.  To improve it
> is already part of GSoC :-)
Ok got it, but still confused over the thing that whether we have to follow
the traditional method all the time i.e.  xvfbRunAndScreenShot, and check
some enhancement  in it itself,
or we have to do it manually all the time or student need to figure it out
by themselves a suitable substitute of it?
Because I think this project is all about automating all the process
therefore it seems more likely to me that we should not use manual aspect
all the time, rather will find a way that will work well...
please correct of I am getting it wrong, and do share your valuable
   Thanks in advance


Testing framework

2021-04-08 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
hello mentors,
I had found the same problem as Aman is facing some days before actually, I
forgot to intimate about this thing earlier,
inside, there is a function written xvfbRunAndScreenShot, it
will show error and only blank png's will be generated, as far as there is
no  ../freetype2-demos/bin/ftgrid directory found in our demos program, and
there is no branch in demos for GSoC's Gregs works. It will only work when
ftgrid file will get merge to the demos repo.
I have found the solution and is running that way but if it is working
without the ftgrid file please let me know the way.


testing framework GSoC

2021-04-06 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
I just want to comment on Aman's query regarding running the framework
locally, for running it locally

   1.  firstly you need to follow some instructions which are given on this
   page -
   2. one thing that I was also missing at first that you have to change
   the name of the cloned file from 'freeType' to 'freetype2'.
   3. make sure to install all required stuff and you should have
   test-fonts that contain .ttf files inside your home.

I think this will sort your problem as far as i have understood it :)


Re: GSoC

2021-04-03 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
Alright! thanks for clearing that up :)

On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 5:05 PM Alexei Podtelezhnikov 

> Dear applicants,
> GSoC is a competition.
> We'll select the best and the most realistic proposal for 6 weeks of
> work. Do not try to boil the ocean or start from scratch! I guess you
> are allowed to coordinate right now to make sure that your proposals
> do not overlap, but you do not have to. The rules are straightforward
> and we do not intend to bend them.
> Right now you are competing by writing the best proposal you can.
> Alexei
> On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 2:42 AM Werner LEMBERG  wrote:
> >
> >
> > > Do share your remark over this or can I proceed according to what he
> > > have suggested or what, accordingly i will see the things, and the
> > > most ambiguous thing in current is - whether i have to make proposal
> > > for the entire thing, or just for the subproject he suggested me to
> > > do so.?
> >
> > As discussed in a previous e-mail: Prepare a draft proposal of what
> > *you* want to do!  This might be a only a subset of what we have on
> > our GSoC page.  It should be complete in itself, but it doesn't have
> > to cover everything in case you feel that time is not sufficient.
> >
> > Really, guys: Don't worry too much about those things – we simply want
> > to see good and sound proposals!
> >
> >
> > Werner
> --
> Alexei A. Podtelezhnikov, PhD

Re: GSoC

2021-04-03 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
Hello mentors,

Do share your remark over this or can I proceed according to what he have
suggested or what, accordingly i will see the things,
and the most ambiguous thing in current is -  whether i have to make
proposal for the entire thing, or just for the subproject he suggested me
to do so.?

> On Fri, Apr 2, 2021, 16:47 Werner LEMBERG  wrote:
>> >> [...]  Thanks to the similar GSoC project last year, there should
>> >> only be incremental improvements necessary and not the need to
>> >> start from scratch.  As far as I can see, the migration of the CI
>> >> to the gitlab instance at is 100 to 200 lines of
>> >> code, improving the UI is basically a few hundred lines of CSS.
>> >> This can be done over a weekend.
> agreed

> >
>> > Adding a frontend framework or using bootstrap will definitely take
>> > some more time
> ya, it will but will try to make it as fast as I can, as I have a little
bit of experience, let me clear one thing it's not a dynamic frontend
framework like react.js or vue.js it's quite simple and is static FEF.

>> Of course.  Multiple solutions are possible!
>> >> Basically I don't mind if there are two students who want to split
>> >> a suggested project into two subprojects.  Note, however, that GSoC
>> >> doesn't allow real collaboration: The students must write separate
>> >> proposals that must *not* refer to each other, must code by
>> >> themselves, etc., etc.  It is a non-trivial task to cleanly define
>> >> such non-interfering subprojects.
> yup

> >
>> > If i am not getting it wrong you mean to say that we should make
>> > different different proposals mentioning separate jobs but related
>> > to the same framework improvement, like we have to divide the tasks
>> > in such primary level and will give it to our proposal, that means
>> > that this project can be divided and we have to mention only those
>> > things in our proposal that is earlier assigned to us to do under
>> > this project, half-half.
>> Yes.  However, I don't say you *should* do this.  What I say is that
>> two students *might* share a project in a 'friendly' way as two
>> completely separate subprojects, with no official collaboration
>> between them.
> Ok I got your point, so as per the thing we should write the proposal for
> some separate sub-project from this whole project for the betterment of
> this framework, as i don't know about his opinion so i don't want to him
> edit or omit the thing he wanted to do earlier if he will be ok with my
> idea that the niche of migration of CI tool , improving UI and betterment
> of comparison tool and other testing parts will be all his area of work,
> while as Alexei suggested working on image generation and then improvement
> of the documetation and adding test case collection and other things which
> are to be needed should be mine.
> If he is  ok with that we can do this type of thing it will be like doing
> different different subproject under same projects name , and no
> collaboration to be done like this as you have mentioned earlier.
> Is this alright , or should we have to write proposal for the whole
> project covering each and every aspect individually.
> Ps i have not confirmed the thing from his side till now but i think i
> would be good for both of us, i am also expecting his opinion on the list.
See I have no issue with it, either way, I just want to work, whether it
will be on a full project or any subproject from this project itself, I
agree that the engagement (so far seen) in other projects are likely to be
less and it can be an option.
and if this is the case what you want me to do to separate our working
domains will totally be decided after the mentor's remark over this,
whatever they will say I am ok with that thing.
Well commenting about the motive of GSoC, it's more about getting students
engagement towards the OSS so that the number of contributors can be
increased, and can get some experience in OS development on a good level.

Sarthak Bhardwaj

Re: Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output

2021-03-31 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
Hi Alexei,
Thanks for the feedback, TBVH I have not gone so far researching about
image generation though i got only basics, as  I was more and more focusing
on migrating the integration tool servers and came across many different
stuffs for setting up the roadmap for migration as well as improving UI,
But again thanks for your useful feedback, I have marked your words and
will surely update the draft ASAP, and if you find any more improvements
please give intimation.

Sarthak Bhardwaj

On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 10:51 PM Alexei Podtelezhnikov 

> Hi Sarthak
> In your proposal, I see a lot about infrastructure, but not so much
> about the image generation. Are you familiar with FreeType Demos
> (, which can
> output PNG directly. Can they be used or modified to be useful?
> Thank you,
> Alexei
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 7:51 AM sarthak bhardwaj
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello mentors,
> >
> > I have uploaded my initial draft proposal at GSoC under the title:- "Re:
> Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output", It is
> an initial draft and there must be many shortcomings in it, do share your
> reviews or suggestions. I will be very thankful to you.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > Sarthak Bhardwaj
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 12:59 PM Werner LEMBERG  wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Hello Sarthak,
> >>
> >>
> >> > I want suggestions regarding generating HTML pages depicting the
> >> > comparison, as this project wants to add some good UI, or can say we
> >> > need something more functional and reflexive than the current one.
> >>
> >> I don't have suggestions, since I'm not acquainted with those issues.
> >> Actually, it's part of the GSoC project to do this research, testing
> >> the various possibilities, producing test HTML pages that can be
> >> visited, maybe producing snapshots too, etc., etc.
> >>
> >> > I think using something like Jekyll or HUGO will be a plus, [...]
> >>
> >> Maybe :-)
> >>
> >> > And for the proposal, do FreeType demand any specific questions to
> >> > be answered in the proposal, as some other orgs do, or it should be
> >> > kept general i.e. as mentioned in GSoC guidelines
> >> > <>.
> >>
> >> We don't have specific questions to be answered.  A good description
> >> of the problem and your planned activities to solve it together with a
> >> timetable should do.  If you want comments, submit a draft proposal at
> >> GSoC (and tell us), and we will have a look.
> >>
> >>
> >> Werner
> --
> Alexei A. Podtelezhnikov, PhD

Re: Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output

2021-03-31 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
Hello mentors,

I have uploaded my initial draft proposal at GSoC under the title:- "Re:
Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output", It is
an initial draft and there must be many shortcomings in it, do share your
reviews or suggestions. I will be very thankful to you.

Thanks in advance
Sarthak Bhardwaj

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 12:59 PM Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> Hello Sarthak,
> > I want suggestions regarding generating HTML pages depicting the
> > comparison, as this project wants to add some good UI, or can say we
> > need something more functional and reflexive than the current one.
> I don't have suggestions, since I'm not acquainted with those issues.
> Actually, it's part of the GSoC project to do this research, testing
> the various possibilities, producing test HTML pages that can be
> visited, maybe producing snapshots too, etc., etc.
> > I think using something like Jekyll or HUGO will be a plus, [...]
> Maybe :-)
> > And for the proposal, do FreeType demand any specific questions to
> > be answered in the proposal, as some other orgs do, or it should be
> > kept general i.e. as mentioned in GSoC guidelines
> > <>.
> We don't have specific questions to be answered.  A good description
> of the problem and your planned activities to solve it together with a
> timetable should do.  If you want comments, submit a draft proposal at
> GSoC (and tell us), and we will have a look.
> Werner

Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output

2021-03-28 Thread sarthak bhardwaj

I want suggestions regarding generating HTML pages depicting the
comparison, as this project wants to add some good UI, or can say we need
something more functional and reflexive than the current one.

I think using something like Jekyll or HUGO will be a plus, as the Jekyll
plugin is a static website generator with great support for GitLab Pages
and makes the build process simpler. Jekyll. Plugins Support takes HTML
files and Markdown and creates a completely static site based on your
preference of layouts. One can easily configure most Jekyll settings, for
example, your website’s plugins and theme, by editing your _config.yml
file. The same goes for HUGO. So can it be an option or not?

 If it will work it can definitely resolve the problem of having a
sophisticated UI, otherwise bootstrap and materialize CSS should be another
approach and they will work for sure...

And for the proposal, do FreeType demand any specific questions to be
answered in the proposal, as some other orgs do, or it should be kept
general i.e. as mentioned in GSoC guidelines

Sarthak Bhardwaj

Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output - GSoC Project

2021-03-22 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
Ok , i got it :)
Thanks for the feedback, earlier I was a little bit confused about the
domain of testing aspect i wil mark your instructions, and will try to
focus more on the betterment of testing framework.

On Mon, Mar 22, 2021, 06:14 suzuki toshiya 

> Dear Sarthak,
> It seems that you think as - the FreeType is a huge software which the
> compiler generates so many warnings, like uninitialized variable, passing
> the inappropriate typed values, etc etc, and some of them are related with
> the rasterization results. It is not. Even if you try to extract something
> from the compiler warning messages, most of them are not related with the
> difference in the rasterization results between version X and version Y,
> although some of them can be related with the software vulnerabilities.
> The assumed testing framework is basically for the minimization of the
> regression of the rasterized image, not the "code quality" or "secure
> coding" itself. If the "code quality" or "secure coding" is at the highest
> priority, what we need is more generic inspector, instead of the
> FreeType-specific framework. The assumed "testing" in the GSoC theme is
> basically the rasterization results.
> Regards,
> mpsuzuki
> On 2021/03/22 4:22, sarthak bhardwaj wrote:
> > hello werner,
> > I think I could be explained earlier in detail from my side, sorry for
> that if I am not getting it wrong, In this project( as far I have observed)
> the sequence should be like that -
> >
> >
> >*   firstly we need to set up continuous integration services
> compatible with GitLab.
> >*   After setting up we need to add compilation and some desired
> functionality tests to our code, along with these services we can use a
> custom test harness(It is a collection of software and test data configured
> to test a program unit by running it under varying conditions and
> monitoring its behavior and outputs. ... Test harnesses allow for the
> automation of tests.) to check for compile errors.
> >
> >
> > This is my opinion about it, I might be wrong, Please correct me if I
> have misunderstood the thing, and do suggest your opinion about this
> >
> > Thanks in advance :)
> > Sarthak Bhardwaj
> >
> >

Re: Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output - GSoC Project

2021-03-21 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
> hello werner,
I think I could be explained earlier in detail from my side, sorry for that
if I am not getting it wrong, In this project( as far I have observed) the
sequence should be like that -

   - firstly we need to set up continuous integration services compatible
   with GitLab.
   - After setting up we need to add compilation and some desired
   functionality tests to our code, along with these services we can use a
   custom test harness(It is a collection of software and test data
   configured to test a program unit by running it under varying conditions
   and monitoring its behavior and outputs. ... Test harnesses allow for
   the automation of tests.) to check for compile errors.

This is my opinion about it, I might be wrong, Please correct me if I have
misunderstood the thing, and do suggest your opinion about this

Thanks in advance :)
Sarthak Bhardwaj

Re: Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output - GSoC Project

2021-03-20 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
> > - There should be some custom test harness in concurrence with
> >   checks for more accurate results.
> What exactly do you mean with 'more accurate results'?
> I have used in context  to check for
compile errors more precisely.

> > - We can switch to some better comparison tools as bmpcmp clips
> >   generate layers of mouse-over action
> Maybe it makes even sense to provide more than a single comparison
> tool.
ok got it! thanks
will try to find some

> Werner

Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output - GSoC Project

2021-03-19 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
hey Werner,

In the last few days, I have come across Freetype's Documentation and
previous contributions on this project(GSoC), what I have observed is-

   - Most of the things are already implemented in it, which means we don't
   need to start anything from scratch we just need to do some quick additions
   and omissions to the code

   - Coming to the CI segment as I read Greg's work
   and I can
   see the azure checks running on Github, we just need to port azure configs
   he wrote to be compatible with GitLab's CI, as it is commented very well
   it's not gonna be very hard to do so.

   - There should be some custom test harness in concurrence with checks
   for more accurate results.

   - We can add some better User Interface by using some javascript,
   Bootstrap(mainly CSS part), and can add some more functionalities or can
   say features in it.

   - We can switch to some better comparison tools as bmpcmp clips generate
   layers of mouse-over action

this is what I have observed as the primary goals or can say what is
expected from this years' projects is, as this is what I think is imp,
please correct me if I have mistaken somewhere, and kindly share your views.

Re: Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output - GSoC Project

2021-03-16 Thread sarthak bhardwaj

As directed by you i have tried all the things and i think I have gathered
some good amount of info,

As far as CI part is concerned which was earlier not compatible with
Savannah, but as whole codes moved to gitlab, now we have probably multiple
ways to implement that, either we can use repo mirroring by using Azure
pipeline for CI (as it provides marketplace of plugins for integrations
into pipelines and allows caching proxy of external repos)
 or we should simply write what is compatible with gitlab's CI.

So suggest me what should be better approach so that i will make my mind
accordingly and will start reading about the same.

Thanks in advance

On Sun, Mar 14, 2021, 23:59 Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> Hello Sarthak,
> > I am interested to work on this year's GSoC Project - "Develop a
> > test framework for checking Freetype's rendering output".
> Great!
> > So I have done some googling from my side and it helped me to make
> > many things clear, I have also read some of last year commits and
> > mailing list archives of Greg Williamson, who was engaged in last
> > year's Project which was on "Add/Improve Freetype Testing
> > Framework", I found it very useful and it helped me to get a very
> > basic overview about this project.
> This is definitely a good start.
> > Please guide me on whether my learning approach is correct or what
> > should be my roadmap for getting some good knowledge on these things
> > related to this idea and the codebase also.
> The next thing is probably playing around with FreeType, this is,
> using its API, trying to compile the library by yourself, testing the
> FreeType demo programs, etc., etc.
> After that, you should try to make Greg's stuff work for you, then
> having a look how to integrate it into the gitlab instance on
> ''.
> It might be also helpful to find projects that need similar graphical
> testing, and check the solutions they have found for graphical
> comparisons.  (Greg was working on something similar, IIRC.)
> Finally, we await your educated questions on this list :-)
> Werner

Develop a test framework for checking FreeType's rendering output - GSoC Project

2021-03-13 Thread sarthak bhardwaj
I am Sarthak Bhardwaj, a junior-year student currently pursuing my B.Tech
In Computer Science from National Institute Of Technology Hamirpur, India.

I am interested to work on this year's GSoC Project - "Develop a test
framework for checking Freetype's rendering output".

 So I have done some googling from my side and it helped me to make many
things clear, I have also read some of last year commits and mailing list
archives of Greg Williamson, who was engaged in last year's Project which
was on  "Add/Improve Freetype Testing Framework", I found it very useful
and it helped me to get a very basic overview about this project.

Please guide me on whether my learning approach is correct or what should
be my roadmap for getting some good knowledge on these things related to
this idea and the codebase also.