2000-03-24 Thread Johnny Holiday/John A. Taube


In Parade Magazine, March 19, 2000, Joan Tarshis’ article “Celebrities
Reveal Their Secrets,” has the following:

Debbie Reynolds, 67, actress-singer

"I was asked to be a spokesperson for osteoporosis but didn't quite
understand it. Then I took the bone density test and found that I do
have osteoporosis! I was shocked, having been a dancer, an athlete, a
swimmer my whole life. If the osteoporosis people hadn't come to me, I
probably would have broken a hip. So I tell women, ‘You must take this
test!’  It's so easy. You just lie on a table, they roll this thing over
the top of you, and in five minutes you're out of there – you don't even
take your clothes off. And if you test for it early enough, you need not
get osteoporosis in the first place. It absolutely can be prevented. I
have to be on extra calcium and medicine, because my osteoporosis cannot
be cured, though I do keep exercising to maintain my bone density."

I’m sharing this with all of you because I also have osteoporosis. I’m
87 and about 10 years ago, because of a  back problem, I took the bone
density test. Low and behold, even though, for many years, I had an avid
exercise program and kept a high fiber and low fat diet, I had

I differ with Debbie Reynolds. After 10 years of proper medication my
doctor tells me that I have gone from having full-blown osteoporosis, to
now I’m a border line case.

My purpose in sharing this piece is to encourage those getting up in
years to have a bone density test.

RE: Blaming the victors

2000-03-24 Thread Brian McAndrews

I believe this captures a great deal:

"It is not necessary to construct a theory of intentional cultural
control. In truth, the strength of the control process rests in its
apparent absence. The desired systemic result is achieved ordinarily by a
loose though effective institutional process. It utilizes the education of
journalists and other media professionals, built-in penalties and rewards
for doing what is expected, norms presented as objective rules, and the
occasional but telling direct intrusion from above. The main lever is the
internalization of values."

[P.8, Herbert I. Schiller, CULTURE INC;
Oxford, 1989. ISBN 0-19-506783-5]

  Brian McAndrews


2000-03-24 Thread Christoph Reuss

The medico-industrial complex peddled osteoporosis tests/pills by writing
 In Parade Magazine, March 19, 2000,

 Debbie Reynolds, 67, actress-singer

 "I was asked to be a spokesperson for osteoporosis but didn't quite
 understand it. Then I took the bone density test and found that I do
 have osteoporosis! I was shocked, having been a dancer, an athlete, a
 swimmer my whole life.

No big surprise, since osteoporosis is mainly caused by wrong nutrition.
A Swiss consumer health magazine recently reported that the high consumption
of phosphoric acid, in soft-drinks such as Coke, has caused a true epidemic
of osteoporosis (the phosphoric acid leaks calcium out of bones).  Another
factor is meat consumption, leading to chronic acidosis with a similar effect.
A study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found a dose-response
relationship between Coca-Cola consumption and the likelihood of breaking
bones.  There are kids who break bones from simple falls, because they have
consumed 3 litres of Coke per day.


 you need not
 get osteoporosis in the first place. It absolutely can be prevented.