Re: FVWM: fvwm3? [on Wayland]

2024-02-05 Thread John McCue

On Sun, Feb 04, 2024 at 07:30:05PM +0100, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:

Anno domini 2024 Sun, 4 Feb 01:14:21 +0100
Martin Cermak scripsit:

On  Sun  2024-02-04  09:51 , Stuart Longland wrote:

IMHO for FVWM to survive, the FVWM community needs to focus on
wayland.  And start from scratch...  I wish this happens.

How many here have grey beards? I hope "somebody" (without grey
beard but with a lot of time) makes a sane X11 emulation layer. On
the other hand, OpenBSD is alive and has it's own heavily patched
Xorg called Xenocara and they most likely won't let that go. So
maybe porting Xenocara to linux is a better way to go.


Actually I am hoping all the BSDs get together and maintain
Xenocara.  IIRC, Xenocara is maintained by taking patches from
Xorg and making adjustments.  So once/if those Xorg patches stop,
Xenocara will be on its own.

If the BSDs do this, then it may be possible to port to Linux :)


Re: FVWM: fvwm3?

2024-02-02 Thread John McCue

On Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 06:11:01PM -0600, Jason Tibbitts wrote:

Robert Heller  writes:

I believe Wayland does not support that sort of thing.

It does, actually, but not exactly the same way.  Look up "waypipe".
One does get the impression that it's all an afterthought, though.

I heard of waypipe, but from what I understand is for it to work,
the remote system needs to have wayland too.  So if for example
you want to run a remote X application on a BSD (or AIX), it will
not work.


waypipeAUR (or waypipe-gitAUR) is a transparent proxy
for Wayland applications, with a wrapper command to run
over SSH

To me, this indicates it is Linux (or maybe Wayland) specific.

FVWM: fvwm3 1.0.5 FvwmButtons issue ?

2022-10-20 Thread John McCue


I noticed an issue with fvwm3 1.0.5 vs 1.0.4.

I paired down my fvwm2rc to what is here and 
it shows the problem:

The issue occurs when you press a button from FvwmButtons 
or you switch desktops using the keyboard.  The button 
mapped to the current Desktop does not stay depressed.

This occurs on Slackware v15.0.

Please let me know if you need more information.


Re: FVWM: window swallowing

2022-04-17 Thread John McCue

On Sun, Apr 17, 2022 at 02:06:49PM -0400, Paul Fox wrote:

I've been using fvwm pretty much exclusively for so long, that I'm
not sure anymore whether some features are unique to fvwm, or might
be available elsewhere with different names.

In particular -- the notion of FvwmButtons "swallowing" a child window --
is that a feature available in other window managers?  It's pretty

The closest I thing I can think of is slit and dock in the
*boxs and Windowmaker.

But neither comes anywhere near as close to what fvwm has.
Seems FvwmButtons can swallow just about application.


Re: FVWM: Changing mouse cursor size

2020-02-15 Thread John McCue

On Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 12:57:20AM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:

Debian based distros seem to have some kind of scalable "cursor
themes".  Has anybody (i) tried to use them with fvwm and (ii)
managed to actually define a custom scaling factor without using
some config dialog from the distro?

(Other suggestions to get larger cursors welcome.)

For me, I downloaded some cursor themes and uncompressed
under ~/.icons/

I then did a symbolic link to directory ~/.icons/default

The theme I use is PolarCursorTheme which provides a nice
size mouse pointer.  I forgot where I got it from, but it
works with fvwm2.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

Re: FVWM: Session management.

2017-10-01 Thread John McCue

On Sun, Oct 01, 2017 at 12:52:22AM +0200, Didier Spaier wrote:



I like very much FVWM, especially the ability it gives the user to
easily manage individually a big number of windows.

But I would like that the users of the Slint Linux distribution that
I maintain be able to save and restore their sessions.

Seeing in the man page:

Fvwm supports session management according to the X Session Management
Protocol.  It saves and restores window position, size, stacking order,
desk, stickiness, shadiness, maximizedness, iconifiedness for all
windows.  Furthermore, some global state is saved.

and the associated Session Management Commands, I understand that in the
most recent version at least, (2.6.7) these features are provided only
in association with an external session manager.

Is this correct or do I miss something?

This is an issue for Slint that ships FVWM standalone (with lxpanel) and
also inside a LXDE desktop, because:
1) lxsession, component of LXDE is not able to manage sessions despite
its name, and the less "light" session managers that I am aware of are
tightly associated  with a desktop that we don't ship.
2) I wish that users have the choice to use FVWM in a full desktop as
well as standalone.

So my dream would be that FVWM act as its own session manager, as does
WindowMaker. As a reminder, even when used standalone it the latter can
manage its own sessions (example of saved session attached).

Or maybe I miss something and that's already possible also with FVWM?

have you see this ?

But not sure how helpful that would be
since IIRC slint is taylored for accessibility

Also, as a fallback are you aware of a an external window manager able
to cooperate with FVWM and having very few dependencies?

This I do not know

Best regards,



Re: FVWM: Placement of QT5 app

2017-09-28 Thread John McCue

On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 09:14:17PM +0100, Klaus Ethgen wrote:

Hi folks,

I have some placement troubles with psi+ compiled with QT5. (Debian

When I start the application or open a window, it is always placed with
an placement error of -1-10 (-10 y, -1 x). I have no idea why that
happens. With QT4 the placement was always correct.

I have no special placement policy for qt5 or psi.

My placement relevant styles are:
  Style * MinOverlapPercentPlacement, MinOverlapPlacementPenalties 1 5 0.05 1 
0.05 50

Any Idea, why that happens or how to fix that from fvwm side even if the
bug is qt5?

Maybe something like this will work until
you can find a better option ?

Style  PositionPlacement w+75 w+10

Klaus Ethgen
pub  4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16Klaus Ethgen 
Fingerprint: 85D4 CA42 952C 949B 1753  62B3 79D0 B06F 4E20 AF1C
