Re: fvwm-menu-directory patch

2004-12-20 Thread Duke
lol, dang..

As it turns out I'm running 2.5.10 :P

oh well.

Thanks for the update!

 -- Matt.

> On 18 Dec 2004 18:29:13 -0500, Matt DeLuco wrote:
>> I use fvwm-menu-directory for a couple different directories (one for
playing music, the other for setting backgrounds.)  Recently I
organized my backgrounds in to alphabetical subdirectories which is
when I began to have problems.
>> I have two functions that use fvwm-menu-directory, as follows:
> [...]
>> It took me a while to figure out that fvwm-menu-directory only uses
"FuncFvwmMenuDirectory" as the fvwm function for all generated
>> submenus.  I had a look at the command's output in the shell then dug
through the perl script to figure this out.
>> So what I did was add another command line option to
>> fvwm-menu-directory.  You can actually see it in the above functions
"--fvwm-function".  It defaults to FuncFvwmMenuDirectory unless $reuse
is set.
> Accourding to NEWS file, fvwm-menu-directory --func-name option
> was added in 2.5.11. I may backport it to 2.4.x if you want.
> Regards,
> Mikhael.

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Re: fvwm-menu-directory patch

2004-12-19 Thread Mikhael Goikhman
On 18 Dec 2004 18:29:13 -0500, Matt DeLuco wrote:
> I use fvwm-menu-directory for a couple different directories (one for 
> playing music, the other for setting backgrounds.)  Recently I organized 
> my backgrounds in to alphabetical subdirectories which is when I began 
> to have problems.
> I have two functions that use fvwm-menu-directory, as follows:
> It took me a while to figure out that fvwm-menu-directory only uses 
> "FuncFvwmMenuDirectory" as the fvwm function for all generated 
> submenus.  I had a look at the command's output in the shell then dug 
> through the perl script to figure this out.
> So what I did was add another command line option to 
> fvwm-menu-directory.  You can actually see it in the above functions 
> "--fvwm-function".  It defaults to FuncFvwmMenuDirectory unless $reuse 
> is set.

Accourding to NEWS file, fvwm-menu-directory --func-name option
was added in 2.5.11. I may backport it to 2.4.x if you want.

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Re: fvwm-menu-directory patch

2004-02-27 Thread calmar
Mikhael Goikhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I didn't check the patch yet, but I probably prefer this syntax:
>   --exec-mime="xv -nolimits; jpg|jpeg, mplayer -fs %n; mov|mpg|mpeg"
> Or better yet instead of your option, add this one:
>   --use-mailcap
> that just parses and uses existing ~/.mailcap and ~/.mime.types.

Sorry, I didn't see your post. Anyway I'm glad you have some good
ideas how to make this command-line option. Because I didn't like
it myself.

Then I will try to make this then

> P.S. I would like you to keep the strict indentation (one TAB only, never
> spaces) in the code, otherwise I will need to change it manually.
I will try to set this up too.


   (o_ GNU/Linux is GREAT  

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Re: fvwm-menu-directory patch

2004-02-27 Thread calmar
calmar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm wondering if there is any interest in a little patch at the
> fvwm-menu-directory.
So I added `icon support'.
those new options would be
| --exec-gen=program1:ext1/ext2/ext3+program2:ext1:ext2 ...

then to those programs it's possible to assign a icon
| --icon-gen=program1:icon.xpm+program2:icon2.xmp

so here's the new patch (the hold had anyway a fault, because I
forgot to comment out a debug print .. line. Even so it worked

Best Greetings
marco candrian

--- /usr/local/bin/fvwm-menu-directory2	2004-02-15 19:45:48.0 +0100
+++ fvwm-menu-directory	2004-02-27 17:38:32.0 +0100
@@ -20,12 +20,18 @@
 my $iconD = "";
 my $iconF = "";
 my $iconA = "";
+### calmar hacked here ###
+my $iconGen = "xv:mini.xv.xpm+mplayer:mini.tetris.xpm"; # prog1:pixmap+prog2:pixmap2
 my $home  = $ENV{'HOME'} || '/tmp';
 my $dir   = $home;
 my $xterm = "xterm -e";  # the X terminal program to invoke
 my $execT = $ENV{'SHELL'} || '/bin/sh';
 my $execF = $ENV{'EDITOR'} || "vi";  # the command to execute on plain files
 my $execA = undef;
+### calmar hacked here ###
+my $extGen = "xv:jpg/jpeg+mplayer:mov/mpg/mpeg+xmms:mp3/wav"; # prog1:ext1/ext2/ext3+prog2:ext1/...
 my $commT = undef;
 my $commF = undef;
 my $commA = undef;
@@ -53,6 +59,9 @@
 	"icon-dir=s"   => \$iconD,
 	"icon-file=s"  => \$iconF,
 	"icon-app=s"   => \$iconA,
+### calmar hacked here ###
+"icon-gen=s"   => \$iconGen,
 	"dir=s"=> \$dir,
 	"order=i"  => \$order,
 	"all!" => \$all,
@@ -61,6 +70,9 @@
 	"exec-title=s" => \$execT,
 	"exec-file=s"  => \$execF,
 	"exec-app:s"   => \$execA,
+### calmar hacked here ###
+"exec-gen=s"   => \$extGen,
 	"command-title=s" => \$commT,
 	"command-file=s"  => \$commF,
 	"command-app=s"   => \$commA,
@@ -140,7 +152,6 @@
 $commT = defined $execT? qq(Exec cd "%d"; $execT): "Nop" if !defined $commT;
 $commF = defined $execF? qq(Exec $execF "%f"): "Nop" if !defined $commF;
 $commA = defined $execA? qq(Exec $execA "%f"):$commF if !defined $commA;
 # manage special directories if needed
 my ($specialDirLines, $specialDirPos, @specialDirs) = ("");
 $specialDirVal = "1,2" if defined $specialDirVal && $specialDirVal eq "";
@@ -195,6 +206,7 @@
 print qq(+ MissingSubmenuFunction FuncFvwmMenuDirectory\n) unless $reuse;
 # add a new title (item and separator, or real Title if no action)
 my $titleAct = $commT; $titleAct =~ s/%d/$dir/g;
 if ($title ne "") {
 	if ($titleAct eq "") {
@@ -207,6 +219,39 @@
 # add special dirs at the top if needed
 print qq($specialDirLines+ "" Nop\n) if $specialDirPos > 0;
+### calmar hacked here ###
+# puts strings like this: xv:jpg/jpeg+mplayer:mov/mpg/mpeg+xmms:mp3 
+# into an hash: --> may uncomment foreach loops below to see output
+	 my %extHash;
+	 my $prog;
+	 my $ext;
+	 my $rest;
+	 foreach (split (/\+/,$extGen)) {
+		 ($prog, $rest) = split ( /:/, $_ , 2);
+		 foreach $ext ( split (m|\/|, $rest)) { 
+		 $extHash{$ext} =  $prog ;
+		 }
+	 }
+# do about the same with the $iconGen string variable.
+	 my %iconHash;
+	 foreach (split (/\+/,$iconGen)) {
+		 ($prog, $rest) = split ( /:/, $_ , 2);
+		  $iconHash{$prog} =  $rest ;
+	 }
+#	 foreach $ext ( keys %extHash ) {
+#		 print "ext  $ext:  $extHash{$ext}\n";
+#	 }
+#	 foreach $ext ( keys %iconHash ) {
+#		 print "prog $ext:  $iconHash{$ext}\n";
+#	 }	 	 
 # add directory contents
 foreach (@files) {
 	next if $_ eq '.' or $_ eq '..';
@@ -222,6 +267,18 @@
 		my $isApp = -x && -f;
 		my $iconStr = $isApp && $iconAStr? $iconAStr: $iconFStr;
 		my $fileAct = $isApp? $commA: $commF;
+### calmar hacked here ### 
+# overwrite $fileAct when the file ending and the program are in @extHash
+	my $fileEnd = lc(); #lowercase $_ 
+$fileEnd =~ s|.*\.||; # get ending
+		if  ($extHash{$fileEnd}) {
+		$fileAct = qq(Exec $extHash{$fileEnd} "%f");
+		}
+# when there is a file ending assigned to a program, check for icon for program
+	if ($iconHash{$extHash{$fileEnd}}) {
+		$iconStr = qq(%$iconHash{$extHash{$fileEnd}}%);
+		}
 		$fileAct =~ s/%f/&escapeFileName($filePath)/ge;
 		print qq(+ "$iconStr$itemStr" $fileAct\n);

   (o_ GNU/Linux is GREAT  

Re: fvwm-menu-directory patch

2004-02-27 Thread Mikhael Goikhman
On 27 Feb 2004 11:33:18 +0100, calmar wrote:
> I'm wondering if there is any interest in a little patch at the
> fvwm-menu-directory.
> An additional command line what should define with what kind of a
> program files with specific endings should get opened.
> the additional command line option would look like this:
> exec-gen="xv=jpg|jpeg,mplayer=mov|mpg|mpeg,xmms=mp3"
> that would mean, xv should open all endings: jpg, jpeg, 
>  mplayer should open endings: mov, mpg, mpeg and
>  xmms should be used to open mp3 files.
> for personal use this would be already enough for me actually,
> but when this would be interesting to enhance ( icons ), i could
> do it as well.
> Actually a quick hack with special markings to see where i hacked
> around. I'm not really a perl programmer, but I hope it's all ok anyway.

I didn't check the patch yet, but I probably prefer this syntax:

  --exec-mime="xv -nolimits; jpg|jpeg, mplayer -fs %n; mov|mpg|mpeg"

Or better yet instead of your option, add this one:


that just parses and uses existing ~/.mailcap and ~/.mime.types.

P.S. I would like you to keep the strict indentation (one TAB only, never
spaces) in the code, otherwise I will need to change it manually.

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