Re: Mailplane and kaput

2012-06-10 Thread dan auerbach

On 06-Jun-12, at 4:34 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

What happens if you try to open Google? What web browser are you  
using? Have you tried using a different browser? Have you cleared  
all your browser caches?

Does anyone know if Google just upgraded like Facebook recently did
and thus close us out?


Do this: Create a new test user in the System Preferences Accounts  

Don't use this account for anything but troubleshooting issues.

Log in as this user and see if you can open Google. If you can, the  
issue is somewhere within your user prefs or caches. If the problem  
persists, then the issue is either systemic or the third party is no  
longer compatible with your stuff. I seriously doubt the latter.

As I said in  my post, I was using Safari (5.0.6) and Firefox  
(3.6.28). Sea Monkey 2.0 worked to go to gmail website but very  
slowly. Any other website that I go to gives no problem in any and all  
of the above browsers. I created a new user as suggested and Safari  
still did not go to google, gmail but did work for other sites. The  
other suggestion, download TenFourFox latest version did work! I can  
navagate to gmail and search with google, this in my regular user  
file. I did a safe restart and also used DiskWarrior. No help for  
Safari or Firefox so I made TenFourFox my default browser. I think  
that it must be something with Google because 3 different apps are  
affected: Mailplane, Safari and Firefox. Thanks for the help, it is  
much appreciated. If there are any other thoughts on this...

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Re: How to make external drive bootable

2012-03-18 Thread dan auerbach
Thank you for your fast reply and help Wayne. I've done this several  
times in the past but just had a memory lapse. Really do appreciate  
your help.


On 18-Mar-12, at 12:59 PM, Wayne Stewart wrote:

When formatting with Disk Utility, instead of selecting Erase instead
select Partition
Under Volume Scheme it'll say Currant, change that to 1 partition
Now click on the options button and you will be able to select Apple
Partition Map

On Mar 18, 9:26 am, Dan A wrote:

Hello all...
I have an external disk for backup which I've been using for some
time, both for TM and CCC backups. It is connected to my 17 G4 1.33
GHz Powerbook using FW. I see that it is not bootable. Disk Utility
shows that it has a GUID Partition Table, while other external drives
that I have use the Apple Partition Map. I'm assuming that is why the
disk is not showing as bootable. I'm willing to wipe out the disk in
order to set it up to be bootable but I don't see any choice in Disk
Utility to do this. I believe that CCC is set to clone and make the
drive bootable but either didn't or if it did... then is the FW
connection the problem? Or what??? I'd appreciate any help on this
one. Thank you.


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Re: How to make external drive bootable

2012-03-18 Thread dan auerbach

On 18-Mar-12, at 9:50 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:

I'm 99% certain that a GUID partition HD with Leopard 10.5 will boot  
a PPC Mac, but I can't seem to find any confirmation of this. I  
thought there was an official Apple KBA that confirms this, but I  
couldn't find it?

I forgot to include the OS in my original post. I am using 10.5.8 on  
this PB and the drive is not seen in DU or with the option key held  
during boot. The drive is a 1 TB Newertech ministack V2.5. I had  
originally been backing up to it with SuperDuper and I thought that  
something was wrong with that because I had set it to make this drive  
bootable in the prefs, which never happened. I hoped that changing  
over to CCC might accomplish that.


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Re: Help restoring contents of drive to newer computer

2011-06-22 Thread dan auerbach

On 22-Jun-11, at 6:42 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:

On Jun 22, 2011, at 4:28 PM, Dan A wrote:

Here is the situation that I’m working with:
I have been doing daily backups of the 800MHz using SuperDuper to  
an external 1TB firewire drive. Even though SuperDuper has been  
finishing each backup making the TB drive bootable, it actually  
isn’t. I have to use another way to get SuperDuper to restore the  
backed-up data to the 1.67 book. I cannot find, at this time, the  
SuperDuper disk to install into the 1.67. But I do have SuperDuper  
on a working 17” 1.33 MHz G4 PB which also happens to be connected  
to the same 1 TB firewire drive. Can I just add/connect the new 15  
PB directly to the same I TB drive via a FW cable, theres an open  
port on the TB drive, and ask Super Duper on the 17 to restore the  
back-up on TB to the new 15?

The best way to accomplish your goal is to forget about Tiger 10.4  
on the new 1.67 and instead do a clean install of Leopard 10.5, then  
during the installation process use the Migration Assistant to move  
everything over from the old TiBook. The way you do this is to  
select the option Transfer my information from another Mac and  
then boot the TiBook into Firewire Target Disk mode by holding the  
T key at startup and connect it to the new 1.67 with a Firewire  
cable and let the Migration Assistant transfer everything. You could  
also possibly transfer from the external 1TB drive if you wanted,  
but why use a copy when the original is available?

Kris, thank you for your help, it is much appreciated. Very clear and  
simple. Thanks to Charles as well. You've both prevented me from  
expanding a disaster. I''m looking forward to receiving the 1.67 PB so  
I can get all my data from the last 7 or so years back on hand.


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Re: Tracing hot keys

2010-04-29 Thread Dan Auerbach

On Apr 29, 2010, at 11:28 PM, Cliff Rediger wrote:

Anyway, for the life of me I cannot remember or locate this app
(even though it works).

Is there a way to trace the hot keys to the app. ?

It is one of a set of built in to the OS hot keys that executes code  
and I don't think that there is an application icon that you can find  
for them. I could be wrong and perhaps some more experienced people  
can give you the right answer.


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Blackscreen no chime

2010-03-21 Thread Dan Auerbach

Hi all,
I tried to get my daughter's PB G4 1.67GHz Al book to start up...

Here's what she told me: recently, every time she used the pb with  
the power cord, any slight movement and the of the cord would cause  
the pb to go off and she had to anchor it so that she could charge  
the pb. I thought that she might have a short. The cord wasn't the  
original... it looks like the cheaper one you can get from OWC. She  
bought a similar cord on ebay and when she plugged it in, nothing  
happened. This replacement cord has a green light on it, which didn't  
light up. She then took the black extension cord from the cord set  
that was failing and tried to use it with the new cord. She still got  
a black screen but now a whine came along with it. I wasn't sure if  
there was a HD failure so I inserted a 10.1.4 startup CD, the only  
one I have besides 10.5 and it's probably the wrong one to have  
tried. Now the pb has a CD stuck in it. PITA!

I thought that the PRAM might have gotten corrupt. I took one of my  
working original equipment power cords and connected. Black screen  
with whine. I zapped the PRAM... same result. I looked up how to  
reset the PMU for this model, reset PMU... and got a black screen  
with whine. I can also hear the whistle of the CD spinning up each  
time I try to start up... but can't eject it. The whine doesn't seem  
to sound like a HD problem. If it were the HD, wouldn't we get a  
bong, and eventually a question mark because a HD couldn't be found?  
I don't know where to go from here except to Apple... I hope that I  
can get this solved with your help. Thanks in advance.


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Re: SMTP suddenly stopped working

2009-11-12 Thread Dan Auerbach

On Nov 12, 2009, at 6:51 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

 I know that I
 can kill
 the problem accounts and re-create them... what I don't know is if
 I'll lose
 any of the email sitting in those accounts.

 Try deleting all the smtp accounts and re-creating them. You won't
 mess up the incoming mail or anything saved on your Mac; smtp is
 outgoing only.

Hi Bruce, thanks for your response. I opened Mail prefs and in the
Accounts Pane, chose one of the non outgoing accounts, went down to  
the Outgoing Mail Server scroll box, scrolled down to Edit Server  
List, near the bottom of the listed smtp servers. I killed the  
server and then hit Add new Server in that same list and added back  
the deleted info by typing it into the required panels. Still not  
working. If I delete the account itself, when I recreate it, will I  
have lost the mail in the mailbox... or lost access to them. Or will  
the recreated account automatically pick them up again? I'm using a  
different server and hope this goes through.


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OT? Cosmopod

2009-08-18 Thread Dan Auerbach

Hi all. This question may be OT... forgive me if it is, but I know I  
get an answer here...

During the last few hours, whenever I open Safari, I get a dialog box  
asking if I want to download Cosmopod. The box has the Safari logo  
but I'm doubting that it's an Apple item. I looked it up and it's a  
remote desktop app. I'm wondering if this is legit in how it was  
enabled as a popup box. When I open Safari, my default page is a  
custom webmail page I created with out any advertising or outside  
feeds except certain email.
Anyone know about this app?


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Re: OT? Cosmopod

2009-08-18 Thread Dan Auerbach

On Aug 18, 2009, at 3:37 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

 As I said, it's an excellent plug-in; it was a key bit letting me move
 to Safari entirely from Firefox. well worht the 17 or so it cost me at
 the time (It's priced in euros, I don't remember what the exchange
 rate was at the time)

Thanks Bruce... I guess I'm just old. I did buy and use this not too  
long ago and it is great. I just used it without paying attention to  
its name and ...


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Re: I forgot....

2009-07-24 Thread Dan Auerbach

On Jul 23, 2009, at 7:43 PM, Al Poulin wrote:

 But will this make the browser, Safari or whatever, also default to
 Preview for the .pdf files not being saved locally while Adobe Reader
 still has itself set to be the default?

When I download a pdf file and click on it, it opens in preview.  
After you do what I previously described, try it out.


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Re: I forgot....

2009-07-22 Thread Dan Auerbach

On Jul 22, 2009, at 4:07 PM, Al Poulin wrote:

 On Jul 18, 7:50 am, Lawrence David Eden wrote:
 Where in OS X (10.4.11) can I set my helper applications?

 For example:  My Mac is defaulting to Adobe Reader instead of
 Preview.  How do I change it?

Single click on on of the files that you want Preview to open by  
default... don't open it. While the file is highlit, do a Command  
I. You'll get an info window. Look down the info window and you'll  
see an arrow next to the header: Open with, which you may have to  
click to expose what's below. In the window it will probably say that  
Adobe Reader is the chosen app. Click on this scroll box and you'll  
see other choices. Choose Preview. Then, go to the next scroll box  
underneath, which says: Change All and click on it. Now all of that  
type of file should open in Preview.


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Re: The need, the need for (browser) speed

2009-02-18 Thread Dan Auerbach

On Feb 18, 2009, at 2:28 PM, Dan wrote:

 Magic Menu?   This is the one that's part of StuffIt

 What an embarrassingly bad Mac product StuffIt has become!

Yes, I was surprised to find it in the Input Managers folder. I  
haven't used the full package of Stuffit Deluxe since v9 which is  
several years old. I thought that I had done a thorough search and  
destroy. But that item couldn't have been the culprit since its been  
there for a long time and never prevented my earlier use of Webkit.  
It had to be the other guy, Ecamm.


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Re: The need, the need for (browser) speed

2009-02-17 Thread Dan Auerbach

On Feb 13, 2009, at 11:25 PM, Dan wrote:

 I used to use Webkit and now I can't, unless I can figure out what
 specific plug-in(s) is bothering it. When I try to open it, I get a
 warning about Safari 3.2.1 having plug-ins installed.
 I have about 11 plug-ins. Does anyone know if there's a particular  
 or more that could be the culprit?

 Start with the InputManagers - move 'em out of
 ~/Library/InputManagers, to your desktop, then try Safari.  Then do
 the same with your Internet-Plugins/.

As usual, you were right on. I had two input managers, magic menu and  
Ecamm which I removed and then started WebKit... no problem! I then  
updated it with the latest nightly build and now I fly.

Dan, thank you again for sharing your knowledge.


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Re: The need, the need for (browser) speed

2009-02-13 Thread Dan Auerbach

On Feb 13, 2009, at 8:37 PM, Dan wrote:

 The problem is that Apple is so far behind updates,,, the version
 they've given you in OS X is old old old.  The latest WebKit is MUCH
 faster and more web-standards compliant.

I used to use Webkit and now I can't, unless I can figure out what  
specific plug-in(s) is bothering it. When I try to open it, I get a  
warning about Safari 3.2.1 having plug-ins installed. If I continue  
opening WebKit, it quits. I've had plug-ins installed while I was  
using Webkit in the past but must have added something negative... I  
have about 11 plug-ins. Does anyone know if there's a particular one  
or more that could be the culprit?

I created a pdf file of the plug-ins, 10 pages worth. I'm running  
Safari on a 800 MHz 15 Ti-book with 1 GB of RAM and using a 3 MB  
broadband network.


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