[Gadis-Melayu] Untuk Wanita..Pakaian Pelansing Nano..

2007-02-04 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing


Pakaian Dalam Pembentukan Kontur Badan
Ber-FIR berjenama Nano Desquera direkacipa
hasil kepakaran teknologi Jepun.

Nano Desquera merupakan pakaian dalam
berteknologi tinggi yang ditenun dengan
fiber Cahaya Infra Merah Jarak Jauh (Far
Infra Red Ray - FIR) terbukti memberi nafas
baru dalam keanggunan, kesihatan, dan
keyakinan seseorang wanita masa kini.

Secara umumnya, Nano Desquera membantu
membentuk, memulih dan mengemas bentuk badan
tanpa pengambilan pil, diet atau bersenam.

Menurut kajian sains, molekul air dalam sel
pada organ dan tubuh badan bergetar dalam
lingkungan frekuensi yang sama.

Dengan pemakaian produk ini, tindakbalas
'resonans' akan berlaku dan secara automatik
molekul dalam badan akan bergetar dengan
lebih aktif dan kuat.

Tindakbalas ini menghasilkan lebih banyak
bahan yang menyebabkan saluran darah
mengembang, perjalanan darah lebih lancar,
penghantaran nutrien keseluruh badan menjadi
lebih sempurna, dan pengeluaran bahan
buangan dari sel-sel badan.

Tubuh badan akan menjadi lebih bertenaga,
cergas, sihat dan ceria.

Nano Desquera menekankan tiga perkara
penting kepada pengguna produk ini sekiranya
dipakai dengan penuh displin dan menurut
aturan ditetapkan, dan untuk menilai sejauh
manakah keberkesanannya.

PERTAMA, secara fizikalnya dengan memakai
pakaian dalam ini badan akan terbentuk serta
merta dan kemas.

KEDUA, berlakunya proses pemulihan,
perawatan atau pengekalan peringkat dalaman
badan iaitu kesihatan yang terhasil daripada
rekacipta produk ini. Proses ini berlangsung
dalam jangka masa pendek atau panjang
bergantung kepada kesihatan pengguna produk

KETIGA, dapat 'meningkatkan', 'memulihkan'
serta 'memperbaiki' hubungan suami isteri.

Keindahan akan terserlah dengan pembentukan
badan yang menarik dan seimbang.

Nano Desquera disulami dengan Cahaya Infra
Merah Jarak Jauh (Far Infrared Ray) yang
terbukti memberi nafas baru dalam kesihatan
diri keseluruhannya.

Produk hasil kepakaran teknologi Jepun ini
mampu mengembalikan bentuk badan yang
selama ini diidamkan oleh semua wanita.

Nano Desquera bukan pakaian dalam yang
biasa.. ianya:

Memberi kesan serta merta dengan selamat
tanpa memerlukan pengambilan ubat, melakukan
pembedahan atau senaman.

Kadar penyerapan peluh dan peredaran udara
adalah baik, selesa dan tidak terikat semasa

Direka secara saintifik untuk mendakap,
mengurut dan membentuk badan anda ke
potongan badan yang anda idamkan.

Halus dan selesa pada kulit anda.

Fabriknya nyaman dan alih udara.

Ditenun dan disulam dengan Far Infrared

Untuk pesanan dan keterangan lanjut sila ke
laman web berikut:


Terima kasih,

Norazizah Husain

Teknik Mengiklan di Yahoogroups
Dapatkan senarai group di sini..

Kredit Kad: Penting! Supaya anda tak

Baca di sini:


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Gadis-Melayu] Untuk Wanita Kembali Bergetah

2007-02-04 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing
-- Forwarded message --
From: Prima Ventures Marketing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Feb 4, 2007 5:28 PM
Subject: Untuk Wanita..Pakaian Pelansing Nano..



Pakaian Dalam Pembentukan Kontur Badan
Ber-FIR berjenama Nano Desquera direkacipa
hasil kepakaran teknologi Jepun.

Nano Desquera merupakan pakaian dalam
berteknologi tinggi yang ditenun dengan
fiber Cahaya Infra Merah Jarak Jauh (Far
Infra Red Ray - FIR) terbukti memberi nafas
baru dalam keanggunan, kesihatan, dan
keyakinan seseorang wanita masa kini.

Secara umumnya, Nano Desquera membantu
membentuk, memulih dan mengemas bentuk badan
tanpa pengambilan pil, diet atau bersenam.

Menurut kajian sains, molekul air dalam sel
pada organ dan tubuh badan bergetar dalam
lingkungan frekuensi yang sama.

Dengan pemakaian produk ini, tindakbalas
'resonans' akan berlaku dan secara automatik
molekul dalam badan akan bergetar dengan
lebih aktif dan kuat.

Tindakbalas ini menghasilkan lebih banyak
bahan yang menyebabkan saluran darah
mengembang, perjalanan darah lebih lancar,
penghantaran nutrien keseluruh badan menjadi
lebih sempurna, dan pengeluaran bahan
buangan dari sel-sel badan.

Tubuh badan akan menjadi lebih bertenaga,
cergas, sihat dan ceria.

Nano Desquera menekankan tiga perkara
penting kepada pengguna produk ini sekiranya
dipakai dengan penuh displin dan menurut
aturan ditetapkan, dan untuk menilai sejauh
manakah keberkesanannya.

PERTAMA, secara fizikalnya dengan memakai
pakaian dalam ini badan akan terbentuk serta
merta dan kemas.

KEDUA, berlakunya proses pemulihan,
perawatan atau pengekalan peringkat dalaman
badan iaitu kesihatan yang terhasil daripada
rekacipta produk ini. Proses ini berlangsung
dalam jangka masa pendek atau panjang
bergantung kepada kesihatan pengguna produk

KETIGA, dapat 'meningkatkan', 'memulihkan'
serta 'memperbaiki' hubungan suami isteri.

Keindahan akan terserlah dengan pembentukan
badan yang menarik dan seimbang.

Nano Desquera disulami dengan Cahaya Infra
Merah Jarak Jauh (Far Infrared Ray) yang
terbukti memberi nafas baru dalam kesihatan
diri keseluruhannya.

Produk hasil kepakaran teknologi Jepun ini
mampu mengembalikan bentuk badan yang
selama ini diidamkan oleh semua wanita.

Nano Desquera bukan pakaian dalam yang
biasa.. ianya:

Memberi kesan serta merta dengan selamat
tanpa memerlukan pengambilan ubat, melakukan
pembedahan atau senaman.

Kadar penyerapan peluh dan peredaran udara
adalah baik, selesa dan tidak terikat semasa

Direka secara saintifik untuk mendakap,
mengurut dan membentuk badan anda ke
potongan badan yang anda idamkan.

Halus dan selesa pada kulit anda.

Fabriknya nyaman dan alih udara.

Ditenun dan disulam dengan Far Infrared

Untuk pesanan dan keterangan lanjut sila ke
laman web berikut:


Terima kasih,

Norazizah Husain

Teknik Mengiklan di Yahoogroups
Dapatkan senarai group di sini..

Kredit Kad: Penting! Supaya anda tak

Baca di sini:


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Gadis-Melayu] Ada cara lain untuk berhenti merokok....

2007-02-01 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Anda dah lama nak berhenti merokok tapi tak tahu macamana

Anda dah berhenti merokok untuk beberapa ketika tapi oleh
kerana hati anda tidak kuat atau desakan kawan-kawan anda merokok
kembali, anda gagal lagi!

Anda tahu bahaya merokok dan cuba bermacam cara untuk berhenti
tapi tak berjaya.

Semakin anda kata nak berhenti maka semakin kuatlah rakan anda

Ada cara lain..

Lihat sini:

== http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?38683

Semoga berjaya,

Florence Adam

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Gadis-Melayu] RM200 sehari dengan Forex -Tawaran berakhir lagi 2 hari!

2007-01-29 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing
  Hi.. Salam Sejahtera..!


* TANPA menyertai sebarang skim MLM atau Piramid.

* TANPA menyertai program affiliate yang perlu mempromosi.

* TANPA ada upline, downline, superline atau apa-apa yang memeningkan

* TANPA perlu pejabat atau apa-apa.

* TANPA perlu stok barangan atau apa-apa.

* TANPA perlu menghantar apa-apa barangan kepada sesiapa.

* TANPA perlu membina halaman web dan cuba jana wang melalui Adsense,
Clickbank atau Paypal!

* TANPA perlu email ke Yahoogroups, kepada kawan-kawan atau apa-apa.

* TANPA perlu melabur wang ke dalam HYIP ponzi atau apa-apa.

Inilah dunia FOREX.. dengan penerangan cara mudah dalam bahasa Melayu...

Tawaran harga RM50 terhad hingga 31 Januari 2007 sahaja..


62 daripada 80 orang tentera di Kem Pahlawan berjaya berhenti rokok
cecair ini Lihat

Khas untuk wanita: Guna untuk menghilangkan bau badan, keputihan, hormon
tak seimbang, kurang bersenam, membuang lemak berlebihan...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Gadis-Melayu] RM200 sehari dengan Forex -Tawaran berakhir lagi 2 hari!

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing
   Hi.. Salam Sejahtera..!


* TANPA menyertai sebarang skim MLM atau Piramid.

* TANPA menyertai program affiliate yang perlu mempromosi.

* TANPA ada upline, downline, superline atau apa-apa yang memeningkan

* TANPA perlu pejabat atau apa-apa.

* TANPA perlu stok barangan atau apa-apa.

* TANPA perlu menghantar apa-apa barangan kepada sesiapa.

* TANPA perlu membina halaman web dan cuba jana wang melalui Adsense,
Clickbank atau Paypal!

* TANPA perlu email ke Yahoogroups, kepada kawan-kawan atau apa-apa.

* TANPA perlu melabur wang ke dalam HYIP ponzi atau apa-apa.

Inilah dunia FOREX.. dengan penerangan cara mudah dalam bahasa Melayu...

Tawaran harga RM50 terhad hingga 31 Januari 2007 sahaja..


62 daripada 80 orang tentera di Kem Pahlawan berjaya berhenti rokok
cecair ini Lihat

Khas untuk wanita: Guna untuk menghilangkan bau badan, keputihan, hormon
tak seimbang, kurang bersenam, membuang lemak berlebihan...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Gadis-Melayu] RM200 sehari dengan Forex -31hb last date!

2007-01-26 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing
Hi.. Salam Sejahtera..!


* TANPA menyertai sebarang skim MLM atau

* TANPA menyertai program affiliate yang
perlu mempromosi.

* TANPA ada upline, downline, superline
atau apa-apa yang memeningkan kepala.

* TANPA perlu pejabat atau apa-apa.

* TANPA perlu stok barangan atau apa-apa.

* TANPA perlu menghantar apa-apa barangan
kepada sesiapa.

* TANPA perlu membina halaman web dan cuba
jana wang melalui Adsense, Clickbank atau

* TANPA perlu email ke Yahoogroups, kepada
kawan-kawan atau apa-apa.

* TANPA perlu melabur wang ke dalam HYIP
ponzi atau apa-apa.

Inilah dunia FOREX.. dengan penerangan cara mudah
dalam bahasa Melayu...

Tawaran harga RM50 terhad hingga 31 Januari 2007


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Gadis-Melayu] This email is for smokers only

2007-01-22 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

This email is for smokers only.  If you're not a smoker, 
forward it to one you love before you delete it.

And let me warn you.  

Some of what you read may be disturbing.

As a smoker, I know how you feel.  I used to feel the 
same way. I know how hard it is to have a habit that one 
part of you desperately wants to give up while the other 
side of you seems to enjoy.

I know how miserable it can feel to quit because I quit 
more times than I care to remember.

I know how you feel.  But I also know that it's time 
--- if you're reading this email --- it's time for you 
to become a non-smoker.

The principle of the Law of Attraction is that whatever 
you are seeking in the Universe is also seeking you.  
I believe that you have a desire to quit smoking, and this 
email can help you manifest that desire.

Now, if you've read this far, you're ready to become a
non-smoker.  But you've also probably still got quite a 
few excuses that you're holding on to as justifications 
for continuing to smoke your way to an early grave.

So let's get those excuses out of the way right now!

This is a popular one with the ladies, but I even hear 
it from men:  If I quit, I'll gain weight.

Okay, here are the facts:  you gain weight when you take 
in more calories than your body burns.  That has nothing 
to do with smoking or not smoking.  While the idea that 
quitting tobacco causes food to taste better may be true, 
it's also true that people who've never used tobacco will 
gain weight this year.

There are separate programs to deal with that issue.  
Don't use that as a cop-out.

Besides, the idea that tobacco is a weight control 
solution doesn't address the reason why there seems to 
be a ton of fat smokers!

Now I also suspect that some people don't want to gain 
weight because they think they won't be attractive anymore.  
Well, let me clue you into something.  There is a very 
real possibility that..

...your sex life will improve if you quit smoking.

Did I get your attention with that one?  It's true.
Physically, it's a known medical fact that smoking 
lowers testosterone in men and interferes with a woman's
orgiastic ability.  But even more importantly --- there 
is nothing at all sexy about a smoker.  Who wants to get 
into bed and kiss an ashtray?  And don't fool yourself.  
Breath mints don't do it.

If you ever kiss a smoker after you've become a non-smoker
you'll probably gag with the thought of that's how it was 
to kiss you for so many years.

Another excuse:  I'm under a lot of stress and smoking 
relaxes me.  It's not the smoking that relaxes you.  It's
the THOUGHT that smoking relaxes you that provides the 
actual relaxation. 

Smoking actually increases your heart rate and raises 
your blood pressure.  And, as in all other things in life, 
change your thoughts and you change your life.

A widely used excuse:  I switched to a safe, low-tar,
low-nicotine cigarette.  Excuse me for being so blunt, 
but that's B.S.!  There are NO SAFE cigarettes.  You were 
not designed to ingest smoke, period.  You ain't kiddin me
or anybody else, so quit kiddin yourself.

Here's an excuse a lot of people won't share but a lot of 
people have:  It's too hard to quit - I don't have the

One half of all the people who have ever smoked have become
non-smokers.  That's many millions of people and we all 
lack will power to one degree or another.  The question is 
not about will power.  It's about motivation.  And I prove 
the point with this:  Do you get up and go to work every 
day because of will power or because of motivation (like if 
you don't go, you won't have a roof over your head!)?

And, finally, one of the emptiest but most used excuses of 
all: I'm such a grouch to be around when I quit smoking.  
Well, let me share something with you brothers and sisters.   

I would bet my house that every person in your life would 
rather be around a live grouch than a DEAD smoker.  And if 
you are a grouch while you're adjusting to becoming a 
non-smoker, it won't last your whole life.  But I know 
something that will. 

Once they remove that lung it ain't growing back.

Now if you're ready --- and you wouldn't have read this far
if it's not something that's been on your mind for a while 
--- to join the big, beautiful, incredible universe of 
non-smokers, then you need to check out a great product 
that we've been recommending for several months.

I've received testimonials for the product we offer.  I 
value every single one of them, but this one has to rank 
near the top:

I used to be very addicted to smoking. Everyday I would 
force myself to buy smaller packs, and sometimes I buy 
only one cigarette. Reducing was achievable, but completely
stopping was impossible at the time. The best I have done 
was 3 months. My first spoon of Super Detox was a weird 
experience. I stayed away from smoking immediately. I 
think it will be able to help me to smoke in the future 
to come

Thanks again :-)

A happy 

[Gadis-Melayu] Put Your Free Ads on Google Top Ranking Free Classified Site

2007-01-21 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

You want your free classified ads been ranked by Google
right? So that more and more people will see it.

To do that you MUST put your ads on a huge traffic free
classified site such as this one:


You can test! Try add a few ads and within 5 minutes 
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Another reason to use this site is because since it is 
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posting product reviews on there and getting listed in 
the top 10 in google in a few days or LESS

Put yours there too...




[Gadis-Melayu] Miliki Tubuh Yang Langsing dan Bertenaga!

2007-01-21 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Manfaat daripada pemakaian Korset Pelangsing yang dibuat
menggunakan fabrik disulam bahan nano far infrared (FIR)

 *melancarkan peredaran darah

 *menghilangkan bau badan

 *membuang angin dalam badan

 *membuang toksik melalui peluh

 *mengempiskan perut yang buncit

 *mengecilkan pinggang dari 2 cm hingga 4 cm

Keistimewaan :

*Tidak panas, menyerap peluh dan selesa dipakai

*mengangkat payudara ke tempat asal

*mengangkat pinggul ke tempat asal

*menyokong bahagian tulang belakang

*getah pinggang yang tidak mudah bergulung dan selesa dipakai

*taburan FIR di bahagian perut membantu mengempiskan perut.

*free size.. sesuai untuk semua bentuk badan

*harga murah. Cuma RM188 sahaja untuk 3 pieces. 

Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut sila klik:

Terima kasih.

Nor Azizah Husain


2007-01-21 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Gian boleh didefinisikan sekiranya bekalan rokok terputus dan seseorang akan 
merasa tidak selesa serta merasa terdesak untuk menghisap rokok. Rasa gian 
timbul kerana bahan nikotin yang terserap di dalam darah menjadi semakin rendah 
dan akhirnya menjejaskan keselesaan seseorang itu. Berasaskan ini, Pertubuhan 
Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) telah mendefinisikan merokok sebagai satu tabiat 
ketagihan. Mengikut WHO, ketagihan ialah keperluan untuk mengambil dadah 
(nikotin) pada kadar yang berterusan dalam usaha untuk menikmati kesannya atau 
menghindar dari sebarang rasa tidak selesa di atas ketiadaannya (seperti rasa 
cemas, menggeletar dan kerengsaan).

Baca selanjutnya artikel penuh di sini:



Mahadzir Jaafar

[Gadis-Melayu] How To Easily Send Email Ads to 2214 Yahoogroups at One Click?

2007-01-20 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Discover how To Easily Send Email Ads So Fast And So Easily
And So Profitably That It’ll Make Your Head Spin (Starting 
From Scratch)…

These 2214 Yahoogroups have been selected for you because
of their huge subscribers and their terms of sending emails.

See for yourself how your ads will be exposed to 2214 x 1000
members just at one click and at the cheapest price!

The more your expose the more money you will make. That is 
the first rule for online marketing!

Right here:




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* To visit your group on the web, go to:

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* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

[Gadis-Melayu] $960,799.00 E-GOLD INCOME-GENERATOR!

2007-01-19 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing
Hello friend,

I am going to show you the most EXCITING INCOME-GENERATOR
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If you MAKE $7 In Your E-GOLD Account, NOW You Can Turn it
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All You Have TO DO IS Follow 3 Simple Steps Below:

1.) Sign up to open an account.
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And You Will Watch Your E-Gold Account Grow TODAY, Everyday!!!





[Gadis-Melayu] The eGold Magic might be even better...

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Dear friend,

This is something that might even be better--a 'done for 
you' way to profit from the internet even if you're 
totally confused by it.

For details on this remarkable 'done for you' system, 
go to:  http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?25162

You are smart enough to not to miss out this opportunity 
to profit!



[Gadis-Melayu] Miliki Tubuh Yang Langsing dan Bertenaga!

2007-01-18 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Manfaat daripada pemakaian Korset Pelangsing yang dibuat
menggunakan fabrik disulam bahan nano far infrared (FIR)

 *melancarkan peredaran darah

 *menghilangkan bau badan

 *membuang angin dalam badan

 *membuang toksik melalui peluh

 *mengempiskan perut yang buncit

 *mengecilkan pinggang dari 2 cm hingga 4 cm

Keistimewaan :

*Tidak panas, menyerap peluh dan selesa dipakai

*mengangkat payudara ke tempat asal

*mengangkat pinggul ke tempat asal

*menyokong bahagian tulang belakang

*getah pinggang yang tidak mudah bergulung dan selesa dipakai

*taburan FIR di bahagian perut membantu mengempiskan perut.

*free size.. sesuai untuk semua bentuk badan

*harga murah. Cuma RM188 sahaja untuk 3 pieces. 

Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut sila klik:

Terima kasih.

Nor Azizah Husain

[Gadis-Melayu] The eGold Magic - just relax and see the returns..

2007-01-15 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Hi friend,

Want to make $960,799.00? Yes!

But first, take a minute to close your eyes, put 
your head back and take a deep breath. Now roll your 
shoulders a couple of times and slowly turn your head 
from side to side. Take another deep breath and let 
it out slowly.

With that simple little exercise you should feel 
yourself relax, feel the tension drain out of your 
neck and shoulders, and feel your mind relax and clear 
a bit. 

You'll want to be relaxed and clear-minded as you read 
this, because if it's right for you you'll want to jump 
on it right away. 

And here I'll tell you how to get it:

* A program so simple the newest newbie can do well 
  with it
* A program that will bring in returns for some time 
  to come from just a bit of effort right now

For details on this remarkable 'done for you' system, 
go to:



[Gadis-Melayu] Be ready for these two things...

2007-01-10 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Fellow marketer,

Forget all those 'I'll spill all my secrets' sites that want 
you to pay. I don't want your money and I don't want to sell 
you secrets that are actually not secrets at all. 

In fact, my only aim here is to tell you the truth - You only 
need two things to create wealth! It's common sense, but I'll 
list them anyway:

1. You need a product or service that just about everyone in 
   the world will want to purchase because they NEED it.

2. You need a way to get this product or service in front of 
   as many of those people as possible.

As I mentioned before, I don't want your money. All I would 
like you to do is to view the following with what I have 
told you in mind. 

You're intelligent enough to make up your own mind!!

Be ready to receive a significant amount of money in only 
weeks. Still a skeptic? Read entirely the website for 
further clarification:


(The program's efficiency should be logical if you have the business sense).

Internet business keeps growing and growing!

Again, you need to get at least 7 people to join after you 
(the more the better). You'll like the results! Please give 
it an honest effort. You will not be disappointed and will
be very glad you participated when it starts to work. 

Remember, the only thing out of your pocket is about the 
cost of a few beers with the easy opportunity of banking
thousands of dollars into your e-gold account!

To your Success,


[Gadis-Melayu] The eGold Magic might be even better...

2007-01-04 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Dear friend,

This is something that might even be better--a 'done for 
you' way to profit from the internet even if you're 
totally confused by it.

For details on this remarkable 'done for you' system, 
go to: 

You are smart enough to not to miss out this opportunity 
to profit!




7DollarsMagic ( http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?24496)

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Register here:

Game of Gold's Multiply system (http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?26756)

Similar matrix system with different goal. Just $5 to start 
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Register here:

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Also similar matrix system that really make me interested to join
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Register here:

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fully backed by real gold. E-gold is an electronic currency, 
issued by e-gold Ltd., a Nevis corporation, 100% backed at all 
times by gold bullion in allocated storage. e-gold is   
integrated into an account based payment system that empowers 
people to use gold as money.  Specifically, the e-gold payment 
system enables people to spend specified weights of gold to other
e-gold accounts. Only the ownership changes - the gold in the 
treasury grade vault stays put.

E-gold, operational since 1996, has users in over 165 countries 
and has settled over 45 million payments. There is over $30 
million worth of e-gold in circulation supporting an annual 
transaction volume exceeding $1 billion (USD-equivalent).
To sign up with e-gold, go here:

After you signed up e-gold account, in order to use it as your 
payment and investment tool, you have to add fund (you buy or 
sell a specific amount of gold) into your account using the 
independent services listed below:
Goldage (Direct cash deposit for USA, India, Malaysia, 
Philippines, Singapore. Other countries use cheques or credit 


Places to Advertise Effectively

To send emails to many with no cost, go here:

To send emails to 2520 Yahoogroups at once:

To send your classified ads, go here :

To create your mailing list:


If you know the secrets, no matter how you look like, you can be
successful with women. Know about What Women Want here:
You get this message because we subscribe to the same mailing 
group. You can refer to the groups' terms and conditions in the 
website link below.

Thank you.



[Gadis-Melayu] Be Careful with Guaranteed Traffic Scams

2007-01-01 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing


Here’s some Exciting Information we found recently that you will benefit from:

We discovered the Secret behind some of the “Guaranteed Traffic” Scams that are 
floating around on the Net!

You’ve seen the ads that state that you can receive 100,000 HITS to your 
website that will “Make Your Counter Spin”.

I’m sure at least 25% of you have even purchased one of these traffic packages 
before from these sneaky, slimy traffic hustlers.

Read more here:



Mahadzir Jaafar

Yahoo! Groups Links

* To visit your group on the web, go to:

* Your email settings:
Individual Email | Traditional

* To change settings online go to:
(Yahoo! ID required)

* To change settings via email:

* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

[Gadis-Melayu] The eGold Magic - just relax and see the returns..

2006-12-31 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Hi friend,

Want to make $960,799.00? Yes!

But first, take a minute to close your eyes, put 
your head back and take a deep breath. Now roll your 
shoulders a couple of times and slowly turn your head 
from side to side. Take another deep breath and let 
it out slowly.

With that simple little exercise you should feel 
yourself relax, feel the tension drain out of your 
neck and shoulders, and feel your mind relax and clear 
a bit. 

You'll want to be relaxed and clear-minded as you read 
this, because if it's right for you you'll want to jump 
on it right away. 

And here I'll tell you how to get it:

* A program so simple the newest newbie can do well 
  with it
* A program that will bring in returns for some time 
  to come from just a bit of effort right now

For details on this remarkable 'done for you' system, 
go to:




7DollarsMagic ( http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?24496)

Gives members opportunity to be honest for himself and for 
others. There will be no time frame, no expired unit, no request 
or pending withdrawal. So don't wait. make a first step and 
moving forward together. 

Register here:

Game of Gold's Multiply system (http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?26756)

Similar matrix system with different goal. Just $5 to start 
pouring money into your egold account with or without promotion.

Register here:

USD1 Matrix ( http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?27820)

Also similar matrix system that really make me interested to join
because of low startup fee. Just $1 to start making money.

Register here:

About E-Gold

E-gold is the world's premier digital payment system which is 
fully backed by real gold. E-gold is an electronic currency, 
issued by e-gold Ltd., a Nevis corporation, 100% backed at all 
times by gold bullion in allocated storage. e-gold is   
integrated into an account based payment system that empowers 
people to use gold as money.  Specifically, the e-gold payment 
system enables people to spend specified weights of gold to other
e-gold accounts. Only the ownership changes - the gold in the 
treasury grade vault stays put.

E-gold, operational since 1996, has users in over 165 countries 
and has settled over 45 million payments. There is over $30 
million worth of e-gold in circulation supporting an annual 
transaction volume exceeding $1 billion (USD-equivalent).
To sign up with e-gold, go here:

After you signed up e-gold account, in order to use it as your 
payment and investment tool, you have to add fund (you buy or 
sell a specific amount of gold) into your account using the 
independent services listed below:
Goldage (Direct cash deposit for USA, India, Malaysia, 
Philippines, Singapore. Other countries use cheques or credit 


Places to Advertise Effectively

To send emails to many with no cost, go here:

To send emails to 2520 Yahoogroups at once:

To send your classified ads, go here :

To create your mailing list:


If you know the secrets, no matter how you look like, you can be
successful with women. Know about What Women Want here:
You get this message because we subscribe to the same mailing 
group. You can refer to the groups' terms and conditions in the 
website link below.

Thank you.



[Gadis-Melayu] Could you answer all these questions?

2006-12-30 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Take a moment to ponder on these questions that could
make your future changes...

  * How to avoid the life-killing power of negative
self-fulfilling prophesies
  * Self-Esteem is at the center of it all (he is a
true Master in this area)
  * Mastering the magic of self-discipline
  * Leadership when it hurts — and when it helps
  * Why calculated risk takers always win
  * Problem solving from the workplace to the
  * Prime Time Living at any age
  * Why Every Champion practices Stewardship 

Read here : http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?32696



Yahoo! Groups Links

* To visit your group on the web, go to:

* Your email settings:
Individual Email | Traditional

* To change settings online go to:
(Yahoo! ID required)

* To change settings via email:

* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

[Gadis-Melayu] The eGold Magic... Do you believe in magic?

2006-12-29 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Hey friend,

Wouldn't it be great if you had a magic wand you could 
wave anytime you wanted money, and presto, a pot of it 
would appear?

Unfortunately, there's no such thing. 

There's also no such thing as a magic money chant, or a 
magic money dance you can do to bring you rivers of cash, 
anytime you want.  Strangely enough however, there may be 
such a thing as a '7DollarsMagic' an unusual program that 
can bring you $960,799.00 through egold account.  

Is such a thing even possible?  

To find out, go to

7DollarsMagic is about:

* A program so simple the newest newbie can do well with it
* A program that will bring in returns for some time to come
  from just a bit of effort right now




7DollarsMagic ( http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?24496)

Gives members opportunity to be honest for himself and for 
others. There will be no time frame, no expired unit, no request 
or pending withdrawal. So don't wait. make a first step and 
moving forward together. 

Register here:

Game of Gold's Multiply system (http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?26756)

Similar matrix system with different goal. Just $5 to start 
pouring money into your egold account with or without promotion.

Register here:

USD1 Matrix ( http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?27820)

Also similar matrix system that really make me interested to join
because of low startup fee. Just $1 to start making money.

Register here:

About E-Gold

E-gold is the world's premier digital payment system which is 
fully backed by real gold. E-gold is an electronic currency, 
issued by e-gold Ltd., a Nevis corporation, 100% backed at all 
times by gold bullion in allocated storage. e-gold is   
integrated into an account based payment system that empowers 
people to use gold as money.  Specifically, the e-gold payment 
system enables people to spend specified weights of gold to other
e-gold accounts. Only the ownership changes - the gold in the 
treasury grade vault stays put.

E-gold, operational since 1996, has users in over 165 countries 
and has settled over 45 million payments. There is over $30 
million worth of e-gold in circulation supporting an annual 
transaction volume exceeding $1 billion (USD-equivalent).
To sign up with e-gold, go here:

After you signed up e-gold account, in order to use it as your 
payment and investment tool, you have to add fund (you buy or 
sell a specific amount of gold) into your account using the 
independent services listed below:
Goldage (Direct cash deposit for USA, India, Malaysia, 
Philippines, Singapore. Other countries use cheques or credit 


Places to Advertise Effectively

To send emails to many with no cost, go here:

To send emails to 2520 Yahoogroups at once:

To send your classified ads, go here :

To create your mailing list:


If you know the secrets, no matter how you look like, you can be
successful with women. Know about What Women Want here:
You get this message because we subscribe to the same mailing 
group. You can refer to the groups' terms and conditions in the 
website link below.

Thank you.



[Gadis-Melayu] The Magic of eGold.. it's too good to be true!

2006-12-28 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Hi friend,

I found a new interesting program called 7Dollarsmagic.
Here you don't have to wait until your name reaches 7th 
level position to be paid. 

You'll get the money even if you are still in the first 
level because the payment from downlines will go straight 
to your e gold account. 

In this program you can turn $7 into $906,799.00!!!

There will be no time frame, no expired unit, no request
or pending withdrawal.

Invest $7.00 and do nothing except wait for moneys 
pouring into your e-gold account. 

Register under me for a quicker build up downlines.

You help 1 person to achieve his/her dream Thousand 
will come to help you to achieve yours 

Hence any feedback about 7dollarsmagic by experienced 
HYIP/MLM investors would be appreciated.

Have a nice day,


Moving Foward Together and invest now.


7DollarsMagic ( http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?24496)

Gives members opportunity to be honest for himself and for 
others. There will be no time frame, no expired unit, no request 
or pending withdrawal. So don't wait. make a first step and 
moving forward together. 

Register here:

Game of Gold's Multiply system (http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?26756)

Similar matrix system with different goal. Just $5 to start 
pouring money into your egold account with or without promotion.

Register here:

USD1 Matrix ( http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?27820)

Also similar matrix system that really make me interested to join
because of low startup fee. Just $1 to start making money.

Register here:

About E-Gold

E-gold is the world's premier digital payment system which is 
fully backed by real gold. E-gold is an electronic currency, 
issued by e-gold Ltd., a Nevis corporation, 100% backed at all 
times by gold bullion in allocated storage. e-gold is   
integrated into an account based payment system that empowers 
people to use gold as money.  Specifically, the e-gold payment 
system enables people to spend specified weights of gold to other
e-gold accounts. Only the ownership changes - the gold in the 
treasury grade vault stays put.

E-gold, operational since 1996, has users in over 165 countries 
and has settled over 45 million payments. There is over $30 
million worth of e-gold in circulation supporting an annual 
transaction volume exceeding $1 billion (USD-equivalent).
To sign up with e-gold, go here:

After you signed up e-gold account, in order to use it as your 
payment and investment tool, you have to add fund (you buy or 
sell a specific amount of gold) into your account using the 
independent services listed below:
Goldage (Direct cash deposit for USA, India, Malaysia, 
Philippines, Singapore. Other countries use cheques or credit 


Places to Advertise Effectively

To send emails to many with no cost, go here:

To send emails to 2520 Yahoogroups at once:

To send your classified ads, go here :

To create your mailing list:


If you know the secrets, no matter how you look like, you can be
successful with women. Know about What Women Want here:
You get this message because we subscribe to the same mailing 
group. You can refer to the groups' terms and conditions in the 
website link below.

Thank you.



[Gadis-Melayu] The eGold Magic - just relax and see the returns..

2006-12-24 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing
Hi friend,

Want to make $960,799.00? 


But first, take a minute to close your eyes,
put your head back and take a deep breath. Now roll your
shoulders a couple of times and slowly turn your head from
side to side. Take another deep breath and let it out slowly.

With that simple little exercise you should feel yourself
relax, feel the tension drain out of your neck and shoulders,
and feel your mind relax and clear a bit. You'll want to be
relaxed and clear-minded as you read this, because if it's
right for you you'll want to jump on it right away. 

And here I'll tell you how to get it:

* A program so simple the newest newbie can do well with it

* A program that will bring in returns for some time to come
 from just a bit of effort right now

For details on this remarkable 'done for you' system, 
go to:


Prima Ventures Marketing


7DollarsMagic ( http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?24496)

Gives members opportunity to be honest for himself and for 
others. There will be no time frame, no expired unit, no request 
or pending withdrawal. So don't wait. make a first step and 
moving forward together. 

Register here:

Game of Gold's Multiply system (http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?26756)

Similar matrix system with different goal. Just $5 to start 
pouring money into your egold account with or without promotion.

Register here:

USD1 Matrix ( http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?27820)

Also similar matrix system that really make me interested to join
because of low startup fee. Just $1 to start making money.

Register here:

About E-Gold

E-gold is the world's premier digital payment system which is 
fully backed by real gold. E-gold is an electronic currency, 
issued by e-gold Ltd., a Nevis corporation, 100% backed at all 
times by gold bullion in allocated storage. e-gold is   
integrated into an account based payment system that empowers 
people to use gold as money.  Specifically, the e-gold payment 
system enables people to spend specified weights of gold to other
e-gold accounts. Only the ownership changes - the gold in the 
treasury grade vault stays put.

E-gold, operational since 1996, has users in over 165 countries 
and has settled over 45 million payments. There is over $30 
million worth of e-gold in circulation supporting an annual 
transaction volume exceeding $1 billion (USD-equivalent).
To sign up with e-gold, go here:

After you signed up e-gold account, in order to use it as your 
payment and investment tool, you have to add fund (you buy or 
sell a specific amount of gold) into your account using the 
independent services listed below:
Goldage (Direct cash deposit for USA, India, Malaysia, 
Philippines, Singapore. Other countries use cheques or credit 


Places to Advertise Effectively

To send emails to many with no cost, go here:

To send emails to 2520 Yahoogroups at once:

To send your classified ads, go here :

To create your mailing list:


If you know the secrets, no matter how you look like, you can be
successful with women. Know about What Women Want here:
You get this message because we subscribe to the same mailing 
group. You can refer to the groups' terms and conditions in the 
website link below.

Thank you.



[Gadis-Melayu] The eGold Magic: Do you believe in magic?

2006-12-22 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Hey friend,

Wouldn't it be great if you had a magic wand you could wave 
anytime you wanted money, and presto, a pot of it would appear?

Unfortunately, there's no such thing.  There's also no such 
thing as a magic money chant, or a magic money dance you can 
do to bring you rivers of cash, anytime you want.  Strangely 
enough however, there may be such a thing as a '7DollarsMagic' 
an unusual program that can bring you $960,799.00 through egold 

Is such a thing even possible?  

To find out, go to

7DollarsMagic is about:

* A program so simple the newest newbie can do well with it

* A program that will bring in returns for some time to come
  from just a bit of effort right now


Prima Ventures Marketing


7DollarsMagic ( http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?24496)

Gives members opportunity to be honest for himself and for 
others. There will be no time frame, no expired unit, no request 
or pending withdrawal. So don't wait. make a first step and 
moving forward together. 

Register here:

Game of Gold's Multiply system (http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?26756)

Similar matrix system with different goal. Just $5 to start 
pouring money into your egold account with or without promotion.

Register here:

USD1 Matrix ( http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?27820)

Also similar matrix system that really make me interested to join
because of low startup fee. Just $1 to start making money.

Register here:

About E-Gold

E-gold is the world's premier digital payment system which is 
fully backed by real gold. E-gold is an electronic currency, 
issued by e-gold Ltd., a Nevis corporation, 100% backed at all 
times by gold bullion in allocated storage. e-gold is   
integrated into an account based payment system that empowers 
people to use gold as money.  Specifically, the e-gold payment 
system enables people to spend specified weights of gold to other
e-gold accounts. Only the ownership changes - the gold in the 
treasury grade vault stays put.

E-gold, operational since 1996, has users in over 165 countries 
and has settled over 45 million payments. There is over $30 
million worth of e-gold in circulation supporting an annual 
transaction volume exceeding $1 billion (USD-equivalent).
To sign up with e-gold, go here:

After you signed up e-gold account, in order to use it as your 
payment and investment tool, you have to add fund (you buy or 
sell a specific amount of gold) into your account using the 
independent services listed below:
Goldage (Direct cash deposit for USA, India, Malaysia, 
Philippines, Singapore. Other countries use cheques or credit 


Places to Advertise Effectively

To send emails to many with no cost, go here:

To send emails to 2520 Yahoogroups at once:

To send your classified ads, go here :

To create your mailing list:


If you know the secrets, no matter how you look like, you can be
successful with women. Know about What Women Want here:
You get this message because we subscribe to the same mailing 
group. You can refer to the groups' terms and conditions in the 
website link below.

Thank you.



[Gadis-Melayu] Article: Defining Leadership

2006-12-22 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

What is your own definition of leadership?

By just thinking about this question will put your life in the direction of 

Read the rest of the article here:



Mahadzir Jaafar

[Gadis-Melayu] Interesting article: What you should NOT do on your first date?

2006-12-19 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Do you often feels that you did something wrong or worries that the guy/girl 
didn’t seem to be too interested in you?

Until you understand the purpose of a first date, you will no longer 
concentrate on such things has compatibility, attraction and past relationship 

All of these things are important but not for a first encounter. They are too 
in-depth for a casual get-to-know-you conversation.

Read the entire article to get to know what's work in first date.



Mahadzir Jaafar

Yahoo! Groups Links

* To visit your group on the web, go to:

* Your email settings:
Individual Email | Traditional

* To change settings online go to:
(Yahoo! ID required)

* To change settings via email:

* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

[Gadis-Melayu] The Right Way to Submit Your Site

2006-12-18 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing
Dear friend,

In building  an effective mailing list, or generating
traffic to your website, Search Engine is one of the
best tools available to help you out.

Read the simple but effective tipe here:



Mailing List Builder

[Gadis-Melayu] Learn how World Champions master self-esteem

2006-12-15 Terurut Topik Prima Ventures Marketing

Learn how World Champions master self-esteem and 
self-discipline to live healthy and wealthy lives.

Want to be a Champion Olympic Athlete? With Denis 
Waitley’s training you could be — he’s taught his 
techniques to thousands of Olympians, including 
the 2004 Athens U.S. team.

Want to be an Astronaut? Denis Waitley could help 
your chances — he trained the Apollo Astronauts.

Want to build a World-Class company? Better get 
Denis Waitley — his dynamic teaching has influenced 
hundreds of companies including Dell, Bank of 
America, Coca-Cola, Disney, Microsoft and on, 
and on.

Read more:  http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?32696


Mahadzir Jaafar

Yahoo! Groups Links

* To visit your group on the web, go to:

* Your email settings:
Individual Email | Traditional

* To change settings online go to:
(Yahoo! ID required)

* To change settings via email:

* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: